\f I l • • . • ~ • () • -t-L., ,..1 -~ .,. .. .._, .. 1 - b 1 i -.- l , - ... ~ - ,., .. \.. ¥ ~ ~ ,' , _ t'\. o<iqO . OF t:,;pL..,: ...,,,__ ___-i e- .. ~e.'ci\\ ·..:. , fl-'- -te~9'\.8 o. t-.~e • ()1'.~~~t ~· \..• 10 · ~c:;e-• it'o~\~e Polish· Jewish Co:mmu.nit.y .Bewildered By'Purg-e WARSAW - "Recently it's anti-Semitic tradition, so does · better to be called Radziwill than most of Eastern Europe. Indeed, Rabinowicz,'' remarked a Pole ln the Warsaw regime ls on solid comrpenttng on the offfclal "antl­ ground in pointing out that Jews Zlonist" campaign, which tbe from the rest of Europe fie4 to THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. regime has conceded ls getting Poland as a haven of tolerance in - out of hand• past centurie~ The remark was not without a The current cam patgn has its VOL. LIi, NO. 10 FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1968 15¢ PER COPY 24 PAGES p e c u 11 a r for m of Polish roots as much in recent history compassion for, in an earlier as in ancient history. Many • period, the regime had also Polish Jews fied to the Soviet SAM:LEVENSON: at t a c k e d form er landowning Union as the Germans advanced, familles like the Radziwills, and returned with the liberating some of whom remained in Red Army to high posltlons in the Poland under Communist rule. new Communist regime here a 'We Were Brought Up All Wrong. • • Love of country had been as quarter of a century ago. much a deciding factor in their A substantial number of them staying as it was for the Jewish held important posts in the much­ survivors of Hitler's "final bated secret police in the But It Worked Out All Right' solution." s ta 11 n i st period and were regarded by Poles more as Soviet By CELIA ZUCKERBERG bad had the misfortune of losing That love, and often a long A return -to basic ethics, such one a brother a short while ago, commitment to Communism, have Stalinlsts than as fellow Polish as the Ten Commandments, ls the but that the rest of the family was prompted questioning by some of citizens. only hope Sam Levenson sees for doing all right, and were still to­ the Jewish victims of the current U 1 ad y s Ia. w Gomulka, the - the future of. the world. He keeps gether (as a matter of fact, it was purge that is strangely similar to C o m m uni st pa rt y' s . First in touch with youth, he says, con­ his brother, Al Levenson, who that Arthur Hoestler described in Secretary, has offered Poland's stantly - he has to - they originally had answered the tele­ 'Darkness at Noon." That novel remaining 30,000 Jews passports constitute the majority of the phone at his office and set up the described the Stalinist purge for Israel and has tried to population in the country. "When interview). "We were raised all trials of the nineteen thirties in moderate the "anti-Zionist" you•re out-numbered and out­ wrong,'' he chuckled, "but it , the Soviet Union. campaign, the popularity of which voted ... " worked out al\ right . All you "What went wrong?'! one constitutes a threat to his need is a Ii nle loving . , it purged Jew asked. His dismay leadership. Statistics show, said Mr. Le­ But for many Polish Jews the venson in a telephone interview works." was genuine, for if Poland has an harm has been done. They had a this week, that juvenile delin­ chance to emigrate earlier and } ' ~ quency is increasing (the question remained. \' 'i was whether it was increasing or .Black$Jone Valley UJA Merges 1'~ 4 After telling themselves for '() ( whether there was simply more years that Poland was their publicity now) and it is becoming o ' homeland, they are now being tpld 1, l more varied and more sophis­ With General Jewish Committee that their loyalty is suspect. l 'l icated, but when he was asked The Blackstone Valley United agency for the Greater A recently purged Jew - one what he would suggest as a solu­ Jewish Appeal has merged With Providence Jewish community. of hundreds dismissed from job ' tion, he commented, "The whole ation. The fear that has been ex­ pressed over the past few years, the General Jewish Committee of Mrs. David Horvitz has been or from t.he party in the last ' world ls delinquent. All a kid has Providence in a first major step named co-chairman in the GJC I\ ' seven weeks - bewailed his • to do is imitate his elders." ·The people who insist that mixed in what is planned to eventually Women's Division phase of the fat e : "Fifty years in the ,,, j return to basic ethics "may be marriages and assimilation are result in a combined statewide campaign. · decimating the Jews in America, movement, kicked out of the the only solution." annual campaign for Jewish Mr. Sinel said that now with party, lost my job and my son in he feels is greatly exaggerated. )1, • At present, he continued, all causc-s w.r'afi' 'IQi\ajor Rhode Island the merger completed, Pawtucket jail." one can do with youth is to try to · Statistics of identification and at­ comr:nunkles, Id •vas announcerl - lelJ..d~rs are working closely with ~ ~ trition, Mr. Levenson says, show Even tho&e who have been ?-1 convince them, to reason with tod.-'Y by Ju~ge'~ Frank Lich1. thefr' Providence neighbors in that there are now more mem­ p e n s i o-n e d off, rather than • them. Asked about the present t,resident <:Ii wM·JJC. organizing for the 1968 fund­ bers of Jewish congregations than dismissed, find little solace ' in 1 /,. 1 difficulty at the universities, spe­ Judge Ucht said the merger raising drive which will be the pensions. "They won't tiave to cifically at €:olumbia University, before. As an entertainer, he has been under discussion for conducted.during May and June. ,. -comments, he has traveled all pay those pensions for long," ' • he said the tragedy is that the several years and be feels that Robert A. Riesman, Rhode I over the CO\llltry, and he is said a man who knows many students "start· with a noble this combined effort wUI result in Island industrallst, is general important Jewish party members. premise, but it ends in violence .. pleased to find that no matter great benefit to Jewis.h people chairman for the 1968 campaign. where he may stop, there is al- - •" A lot of them are going to die ot . I do not believe in the destruc­ everywhere. He said that Judge Licht said provisions broken hearts." tion of lives, or of propery." The way.-s a Jewish temple or syna­ solidification of these two major are being made for the naming of first group of students, in this in­ gogue, not always a big one, but communities in Rhode Island a GJC vice president from the Just how far the "anti­ stance, he feels, had a proper always at l~ast one. Pawtucket area together with Zionist" campaign has taken root comes at a time whe~ the :5 I cause for complaint, but there The anti-Semitism of the Ne­ emergency in Israel is great and represent at i on from the i n the Polish people was groe, he feels, is partly an ex­ are always some who will make demands t~e ;fu_!I' ~~p-p6ri Qf_ every Pawtucket area on the GJC Board i 11 us t r at e d recently in a sure the ~nd is violent. He feels tension _of hls anti-white fe.eling, Jewish commo:filty in Arqerica. of Director s , All o ca t l on s conversation between a ttiat they do this to discredit the bbt be· insists there should ·be no The GJC prestaen~ ,also Committe~ and other important Westerner and a customs official. quite proper motives and actions ''pussyfooting around . ., When the annotmced that Ben Sinel has committees. "You Westerners dgn!t of the original idealists. - Negro says something against agreed to serve as an associate Mr. Sinel was chairman of the understand because your pi:ess The first sound of the voice, 'tha white tailor,"it is anti-White: c h a i rm a n of the combined 1967 UJA campaign in Pawtucket lies about Poland,'' the customs and immediately after, of Mr. but if ~e says something against campaign and as chairman of the and is • active in communal and official said. "Of the 30,000 Jews Levenson's unmistakable chuckle "that Jewish tailor," it is anti- . Blackstone Valley Area. The civic activities in that city. He is in Poland, many occupy important _\ I were all the identifica.tlon neces­ Semitic and should be treated -and annual fund-r.aisigg drive, which president of the Blackstone p o s t s , e s p e c i a 11 y in the fougJtt as such. Much of this feel­ sary. Hearing the same around supports 55 overseas, national . Valley Jewish Civic Center, a m1nistries, and it's quite natural ) I the corner in Timbuctoo, you ing against the Jew, he says, is and local beneficiary agencies, member of the board of directors that we want to get rid of them - would know who it was. Serious because the Negro has had direct will be launched this month. The of the Jewish Home for the Aged, because they don't work, they contact with Jewish businessmen, as he may be about many mat­ General Jewish Committee also and a.
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