
ƒÓÓ„Ë ‰ÛÁ¸ˇ! Dear friends! ŒÚ ËÏÂÌË ÃËÌËÒÚÂÒÚ‚‡ ÍÛθÚÛ˚ Ë Ï‡ÒÒÓ‚˚ı On behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Mass ÍÓÏÏÛÌË͇ˆËÈ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰‡ˆËË Communications of the Russian Federation I ÔË‚ÂÚÒÚ‚Û˛ ‚ÒÂı Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍÓ‚ Ë „ÓÒÚÂÈ XVIII welcome all participants and visitors of the 18th ŒÚÍ˚ÚÓ„Ó ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ Open Russian Film Festival ´Kinotavrª! ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª! This annual event is an integral part of our ≈„Ó ÂÊ„ӉÌÓ Ôӂ‰ÂÌË ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ ÌÂÓÚ˙ÂÏÎÂÏÓÈ State policy on the support of the national ˜‡ÒÚ¸˛ „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ ÔÓÎËÚËÍË ÔÓ ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊÍ cinema. ´Kinotavrª can, without exaggeration, ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù‡. ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª be called the most anticipated event in the ÏÓÊÌÓ ·ÂÁ ÔÂÛ‚Â΢ÂÌˡ ̇Á‚‡Ú¸ Ò‡Ï˚Ï Russian film-season. For the 17 years of its ÓÊˉ‡ÂÏ˚Ï ÒÓ·˚ÚËÂÏ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓÒÂÁÓ̇. «‡ existence this main national cinema event has ÒÂÏ̇‰ˆ‡Ú¸ ÎÂÚ Ò‚ÓÂ„Ó ÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ìˡ „·‚Ì˚È gained a strong position, both in the Russian ̇ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚È ÍËÌÓÒÏÓÚ Á‡‚Ó‚‡Î ÔÓ˜Ì˚È film world and abroad. ‡‚ÚÓËÚÂÚ, Í‡Í ‚ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ The festival is developing fast, becoming more ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù˘ÂÒÍÓÈ Ò‰Â, Ú‡Í Ë ‚ Á‡Û·ÂÊÌÓÈ. dynamic and alive, saturated and informative. ‘ÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ÒÚÂÏËÚÂθÌÓ ‡Á‚Ë‚‡ÂÚÒˇ, ÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ˇÒ¸ The success of festival films among Russian ·ÓΠ‰Ë̇Ï˘Ì˚Ï Ë ÊË‚˚Ï, ̇Ò˚˘ÂÌÌ˚Ï Ë audiences once again confirms that there is a ËÌÙÓχÚË‚Ì˚Ï. ”ÒÔÂı ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ Û ´noncommercialª spectator in the country who ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ÔÛ·ÎËÍË Î˯ÌËÈ ‡Á ÔÓ‰Ú‚Âʉ‡ÂÚ desperately needs good cinema. Wholeheartedly, ÚÓÚ Ù‡ÍÚ, ˜ÚÓ ‚ Òڇ̠ÂÒÚ¸ ´ÌÂÍÓÏϘÂÒÍËȪ I wish all the visitors and participants of the 1 ÁËÚÂθ, ÍÓÚÓ˚È ÓÒÚÓ ÌÛʉ‡ÂÚÒˇ ‚ ıÓÓ¯ÂÏ festival new creative and professional ÍËÌÓ. » ˇ ÓÚ ‚ÒÂÈ ‰Û¯Ë Ê·˛ „ÓÒÚˇÏ Ë discoveries. I wish the competition films a Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍ‡Ï ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ ÌÓ‚˚ı ÓÚÍ˚ÚËÈ, sparkling and long life on the screens of the Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÍËı Ë ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌ˚ı, ÍÓÌÍÛÒÌ˚Ï country. And I wish the organizers success and ͇ÚËÌ‡Ï ñ ˇÍÓÈ Ë ÔÓ‰ÓÎÊËÚÂθÌÓÈ ÊËÁÌË recognition during the festival. ̇ ˝Í‡Ì‡ı ÒÚ‡Ì˚, ‡ Ëı ÒÓÁ‰‡ÚÂÎˇÏ ñ Û‰‡˜Ë Ë ÔËÁ̇Ìˡ ̇ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂ. With best regards, Minister of Culture and Mass Communications — ̇ËÎÛ˜¯ËÏË ÔÓÊ·ÌˡÏË, of the Russian Federation ÃËÌËÒÚ ÍÛθÚÛ˚ Ë Ï‡ÒÒÓ‚˚ı A. S. Sokolov ÍÓÏÏÛÌË͇ˆËÈ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰‡ˆËË ¿. —. —ÓÍÓÎÓ‚. ƒÓÓ„Ë ‰ÛÁ¸ˇ! Dear friends! ŒÚ ËÏÂÌË ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛ On behalf of the Federal Agency of Culture and Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË ÔÓÁ‰‡‚Ρ˛ ‚ÒÂı Ò Ì‡˜‡ÎÓÏ Cinematography I congratulate you on the start ‡·ÓÚ˚ XVIII ŒÚÍ˚ÚÓ„Ó ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó of the 18th Open Russian Film Festival ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª. ´Kinotavrª. »Á „Ó‰‡ ‚ „Ó‰ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ‡‰ÛÂÚ ÁËÚÂÎÂÈ Ë Year after year the festival delights audiences ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù˘ÂÒÍÛ˛ Ó·˘ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÒÚ¸ ÌÓ‚˚ÏË and the cinematic community with new ÓÚÍ˚ÚˡÏË. ¬ Ôӯ‰¯ÂÏ „Ó‰Û Î‡Û‡Ú˚ discoveries. The winners of last yearís ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚‡ª ÚËÛÏهθÌÓ ‚˚ÒÚÛÔËÎË Ì‡ ´Kinotavrª triumphed at the biggest ÍÛÔÌÂȯËı ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ı ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇı, international film festivals, garnering numerous Á‡‚Ó‚‡‚ ÏÌÓÊÂÒÚ‚Ó ÔÂÒÚËÊÌ˚ı ̇„‡‰ Ë prestigious awards and prizes. This bears ÔÂÏËÈ. ›ÚÓ Ò‚Ë‰ÂÚÂθÒÚ‚ÛÂÚ Ó ÚÓÏ, ˜ÚÓ evidence to the fact that ´Kinotavrª shows films ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª ‰ÂÏÓÌÒÚËÛÂÚ Ò‡ÏÓ ͇˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÂ Ë of great quality and talent; it defines trends in ڇ·ÌÚÎË‚Ó ÍËÌÓ, ÓÔ‰ÂΡÂÚ ÚẨÂ̈ËË the cinematic developments, opens urgent issues ‡Á‚ËÚˡ ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù‡, ‚˚ÌÓÒËÚ Ì‡ of creativity and industry to professional ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌÓ ӷÒÛʉÂÌË ̇˷ÓΠdiscussion, and helps in building a favorable ‡ÍÚۇθÌ˚ ‚ÓÔÓÒ˚ Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÚ‚‡ Ë Ë̉ÛÒÚËË, climate for the development of Russian film art. ÒÔÓÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÛÂÚ ÛÍÂÔÎÂÌ˲ ·Î‡„ÓÔˡÚÌÓ„Ó ÍÎËχڇ Wholeheartedly, I wish the organizers of ‰Îˇ ‡Á‚ËÚˡ ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚‡. ´Kinotavrª continuing success in their fruitful ŒÚ ‚ÒÂÈ ‰Û¯Ë Ê·˛ Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ÚÓ‡Ï activity. I wish victories to the participants of ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚‡ª ‰‡Î¸ÌÂȯÂÈ ÔÎÓ‰ÓÚ‚ÓÌÓÈ the festival, and a good mood through the ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚË, Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍ‡Ï ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ ñ Ôӷ‰, ‡ encounters with good cinema to the spectators. ÁËÚÂÎˇÏ ñ ÔÂ͇ÒÌÓ„Ó Ì‡ÒÚÓÂÌˡ ÓÚ ‚ÒÚ˜ Ò ıÓÓ¯ËÏË ÙËθχÏË. M.E. Shvydkoi Head of the Federal Agency for Culture and Ã.≈. ÿ‚˚‰ÍÓÈ Cinematography –ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË ƒÓÓ„Ë ‰ÛÁ¸ˇ! Dear friends! ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª ñ ˝ÚÓ Ì ÚÓθÍÓ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸, ÌÓ Ë ´Kinotavrª is not only a festival, but also sea, ÏÓÂ, ÒÓÎ̈Â, üÛ·‡Ì¸! ŒÚ‡‰ÌÓ, ˜ÚÓ ‚ÓÚ ÛÊ sun, and Kuban! It is a pleasure that for 18 ‚ÓÒÂÏ̇‰ˆ‡Ú¸ ÎÂÚ Ï˚ „Ó‚ÓËÏ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª ñ years that we mean Sochi when we say ÔÓ‰‡ÁÛÏ‚‡ÂÏ —Ó˜Ë! »ÏÂÌÌÓ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ÓϪ ‚ ´Kinotavrª! ´Kinotavrª in Russiaís prime ÍÛÓÚÌÓÈ ÒÚÓÎˈ –ÓÒÒËË ÓÚÍ˚‚‡ÂÚÒˇ holiday resort opens the real southern summer! ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘Â ˛ÊÌÓ ÎÂÚÓ! On the Kuban the attitude to national cinema Õ‡ üÛ·‡ÌË ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌËÂ Í ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙÛ Ë Â„Ó and its best examples has always been a special ÎÛ˜¯ËÏ ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚Ï Ó·‡Áˆ‡Ï ‚Ò„‰‡ ·˚ÎÓ one. The people from the Kuban loved and ÓÒÓ·ÓÂ. üÛ·‡Ìˆ˚ β·ËÎË Ë ÔÓ‰ÓÎʇ˛Ú β·ËÚ¸ continue to love our cinema. Going by the ̇¯Â ÍËÌÓ. » Ò‡Ï Í‡È ÔÓ ÍÓ΢ÂÒÚ‚Û number of films shot here, the region risks t ÓÚÒÌˇÚ˚ı Á‰ÂÒ¸ ÎÂÌÚ ËÒÍÛÂÚ Ô‚‡ÚËÚ¸Òˇ ‚ become one big film set. Ó‰ÌÛ ·Óθ¯Û˛ Ò˙ÂÏÓ˜ÌÛ˛ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰ÍÛ. Our festival is deservedly recognized as one of Õ‡¯ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ Á‡ÒÎÛÊÂÌÌÓ ÔËÁÌ‡Ì Ó‰ÌËÏ ËÁ the most popular and representative ìcinema Ò‡Ï˚ı ÔÓÔÛΡÌ˚ı Ë Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂθÌ˚ı reviewsî in the country. It not only prides itself ´ÒÏÓÚÓ‚ ÍËÌÓËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚‡ª ‚ ÒÚ‡ÌÂ. ŒÌ Ì ÚÓθÍÓ with an inexpressible atmosphere of creativity, Ò·‚ËÚÒˇ ÌÂÔ‰‡‚‡ÂÏÓÈ ‡ÚÏÓÒÙÂÓÈ Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÚ‚‡, remarkable premieres, meetings with the masters Á‡Ï˜‡ÚÂθÌ˚ÏË ÔÂϸ‡ÏË, ‚ÒÚ˜‡ÏË Ò of cinema and young ´starsª, but it also sets in χÒÚ‡ÏË ÍËÌÓ Ë ÏÓÎÓ‰˚ÏË ´Á‚ÂÁ‰‡Ï˪, ÌÓ Ë ‚Ó many respects the tone for other film festivals. ÏÌÓ„ÓÏ Á‡‰‡ÂÚ ÚÓÌ ‰Û„ËÏ ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎˇÏ. However, most importantly ´Kinotavrª is Œ‰Ì‡ÍÓ Ò‡ÏÓ „·‚ÌÓ ñ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª ÔÓ- genuinely interesting and vital for the ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘ÂÏÛ ËÌÚÂÂÒÂÌ Ë ÌÛÊÂÌ ÁËÚÂΡÏ! spectators! ¬Â˛, ˜ÚÓ Ì˚̯ÌËÈ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ÔÓȉÂÚ Ì ÏÂÌ I believe that the present festival will be no less ÛÒÔ¯ÌÓ, ˜ÂÏ ‚Ò Ô‰˚‰Û˘Ë ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚˚ª Ë successful than all the previous ´Kinotavrsª and 2 ÓÚÍÓÂÚ Ì‡ Ì·ÓÒÍÎÓÌ ÍËÌÓ ÌÓ‚˚ Á‚ÂÁ‰˚. will discover new stars in the cinematic skies. ŒÚ ‚ÒÂÈ ‰Û¯Ë Ê·˛ Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍ‡Ï XVIII From the bottom of my heart I wish the ŒÚÍ˚ÚÓ„Ó ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª participants of the 18th Open Russian Festival Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÍÓÈ Ë ÔÎÓ‰ÓÚ‚ÓÌÓÈ ‡·ÓÚ˚, ‰ÂÎÓ‚˚ı ´Kinotavrª creative and fruitful work, good ‚ÒÚ˜ Ë ÔˡÚÌÓ„Ó ÓÚ‰˚ı‡! business meetings and a pleasant rest! ¿.Õ. “͇˜Â‚ ¿.N. Tkachiov √·‚‡ ‡‰ÏËÌËÒÚ‡ˆËË ü‡ÒÌÓ‰‡ÒÍÓ„Ó Í‡ˇ Head of Administration of the Krasnodar Region ¬ 2006 „Ó‰Û ‚ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏÛ ü»ÕŒ“¿¬–¿ Û‰‡ÎÓÒ¸ In 2006 we could include in the programme of ÓÚÓ·‡Ú¸ ̇ ۉ˂ÎÂÌË ÏÌÓ„Ó ÔÂϸÂÌ˚ı ÙËθÏÓ‚. KINOTAVR surprisingly many film premieres. ‘ËθÏÓ‚, ‡ÒÒ˜ËÚ‡ÌÌ˚ı ̇ β·ËÚÂÎÂÈ Ë ˆÂÌËÚÂÎÂÈ Films made for film fans and for those who appreciate ÍËÌÓˇÁ˚͇. film language. ‘ËθÏÓ‚ ‡ÁÌ˚ı ʇÌÓ‚ Ë ‰Ë‡ÏÂڇθÌÓ Films of different genres and contrasting styles. ÔÓÚË‚ÓÔÓÎÓÊÌ˚ı ÒÚËÎÂÈ. It was possible to compile a competition program ”‰‡ÎÓÒ¸ ÒÓ·‡Ú¸ ÍÓÌÍÛÒÌÛ˛ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏÛ ·ÂÁ ÌÓ‚˚ı without new Russian ìblockbustersî. They were shown ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı ´·ÎÓÍ·‡ÒÚÂÓ‚ª. ŒÌË ·˚ÎË ÔÓ͇Á‡Ì˚ to thousands of spectators on the square in front of Ú˚Òˇ˜‡Ï ÁËÚÂÎÂÈ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë Ô‰ «ËÏÌËÏ the Winter Theatre, probably very much how Ú‡ÚÓÏ. ü‡Í, ‚ÂÓˇÚÌÓ, Ë ıÓÚÂÎÓÒ¸ Ëı ÒÓÁ‰‡ÚÂΡÏ. producers and creators would have wanted it. »Á ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ü»ÕŒ“¿¬–¿ Ô‡ÍÚ˘ÂÒÍË ‚Ò Practically all the winners from KINOTAVR have been ÙËθÏ˚-Ôӷ‰ËÚÂÎË ·˚ÎË ÓÚÓ·‡Ì˚ ÍÛÔÌÂȯËÏË selected by the big international film festivals: ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ÏË ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎˇÏË: ´œÂ„Ó̪ Ë ìTransitî and ìThe Spotî by Karlovy Vary, ´“Ә͇ª ñ ü‡ÎÓ‚˚ÏË ¬‡‡ÏË, ´›ÈÙÓˡª, ìEuphoriaî, ìFree Floatingî, ìThe Islandî by Venice, ´—‚Ó·Ó‰ÌÓ Ô·‚‡Ì˪, ´ŒÒÚÓ‚ª ñ ¬Â̈ËÂÈ, ìPlaying the Victimî by Rome, ìThe Man without ´»ÁÓ·‡Ê‡ˇ ÊÂÚ‚Ûª ñ –ËÏÓÏ, ´◊ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ Returnî by Rotterdam. ·ÂÁ‚ÓÁ‚‡ÚÌ˚Ȫ ñ –ÓÚÚ‰‡ÏÓÏ. During the festival there were many press conferences, Õ‡ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î ·˚ÎÓ ÏÌÓ„Ó ÔÂÒÒ-ÍÓÌÙÂÂ̈ËÈ, discussions and disputes. ‰ËÒÍÛÒÒËÈ Ë ÒÔÓÓ‚.
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