WINTER 2009 Issue No.68 CommuniquéCommunique The Newsletter of LA SOCIÉTÉ GUERNESIAISE The Newsletter of LA SOCIÉTÉ GUERNESIAISE Autumn 2010 Issue No.73 Guernsey’s Local Research, Natural History and Conservation Society Guernse y's Local Res ty earch, Natural History and Conservation Socie Christmas Luncheon ....................................................................................................... Collection of Annual Sunday 12 December Transactions We have arranged our Christmas lunch this year at the Hotel de Havelet, at 12.45 pm at a cost of £15.50 Saturday 4 December per person, including tip to staff, but excluding drinks. TheAnnual menu is on theGeneral enclosed sheet. Meeting TransactionsThe Annual Transactions 2007for 2009 will be available for Please send your cheque, payable to collection on or after Saturday 4 December, for those who elected to have a printed version. They can be TheLa Société AGM will Guernesiaise, be held at 7.30 along pm with on Tuesday 24 March at Every member of La Société is entitled to a copy of the Report Lathe Trelade names Hotel of those for the attending purpose and of transacting the following and collectedTransactions, from which La Société is the society’sHQ at Candie annual between journal. 10.00The business:their menu choices, 2007am Transactions and 12.30 werepm, or published from Les in Sablons November Interpretation and many to the Secretary by 1 December. membersCentre have between already 10.00 collected am and their 5.00 copies pm. from Please the a.There To hear will thebe noreport seating of the plan. President, Mrs Pat Costen. Headquartersnote that theyat Candie. will remain Some athave these also locations been delivered until to b. To receive the annual statement of accounts. members’28 February. homes Anyby volunteer not collected members by that of Ladate Société. will be c. To elect the officers and members of the council. Unfortunatelydelivered itin hasdue not course. been possible to deliver all the There will be 3 vacancies for Council members as uncollected 2007 Transactions. Mrs J. Grange, L. Curtis and J. Nicolle retire after serving Electronic copy of Annual Transactions their term of office. Nominations for these, supported by a ThereforeMembers if you who have elected not received to receive your an 2007 electronic copy of copy the seconder, should be sent to the Secretary to reach her by Transactionsof the Transactions it is available will for be collectionsent a password at the headquarters and Monday 9 March. at Candieinstructions when theon howoffice to is access open on the Saturday, file on the Tuesday internet. and e. To appoint auditors. Thursday mornings. f. To award Honorary Membership. g. To approve raising the corporate subscription rate to £200. The journal contains the reports of the various study sections. h. To consider any other matters or propositions affecting For example,New the Ornithology Christmas Section report containsCard five La Société. Any member who wishes to make a proposal at pages recording the changing status of birds in Guernsey and the AGM should submit it in writing, supported by a specialLa Sociéténotes on has the printed rarities a sighted new Christmas during the card year. of The Herons seconder,Important to reach the Secretary Newsby Monday 9 March. in the snow and this will be available from Candie HQ Archaeology Section report contains reports of three i. To receive the annual report and accounts from Guernsey excavations,and Les Sablonincluding from the the first beginning one on Jethou, of November. which is RegardingEnvironmental Services SubscriptionsLimited. illustrated with colour photographs. A full agenda together with minutes of the last AGM and a There are articles on individual topics written mainly by local At the AGM last March, it was decided that the copy of the 2008 accounts will be available to all members authors. Mr. Geoffrey Rowland, the Bailiff of Guernsey, has subscriptions would be raised from 1 January 2011. who attend the AGM. Details of nominations for members of written a fascinating account of two of his predecessor Bailiffs The overseas single and double/family rates are to Publication Council and all proposals for discussion will be displayed on who served as Presidents of La Société: Sir Edgar be merged to one new rate of £20. Anyone paying Richard Hocart’s book “Guernsey’s Countryside: an the noticeboard at Candie from Saturday 7 March. MacCulloch, our first president, and Sir Havilland de by cash, cheque or Standing Order should make the Introduction to the History of the Rural Landscape” will Sausmarez, who had a distinguished career as a judge in the appropriate change. Members paying by Direct Debit be available from 2 October from La Société at Candie Far East before he returned to Guernsey. Mr Rowland, as our need to nothing as the correct subscription will be and Les Sablons (price £9.50; £8.75 for members) and presentvia the Bailiff, website. brings to his article a unique insight into the collected.Subscriptions The rates will be: responsibilities and influential roles of his predecessors. Local single - £22 Tim Sparks, from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology at MembersLocal double/family are reminded - £30 that subscriptions were due on Monks Wood,Old has analysed mobile the impact telephones of climate change on 1Overseas January. (single,Your membership double/family) card - is£20 enclosed whether you Guernsey’sLa Société wildlife is now and able cultivated to recycle flowers, mobile much phones. of the data haveStudents paid -your £5 subscription or not. The changeover from comingThis frominitiative Nigel helps Jee’s protect detailed the records. environment Many flowers and are standingCorporate order - £200 to direct debit has not been easy and we are floweringreduces earlier the useas average of limited spring resources. temperatures Any money increase. Single Life - £300 aware that some banks have made duplicate payments, which raised will be used for local conservation purposes. willDouble involve Life a - great£400 deal of work in making repayments where RichardIf you Hocart have hasan old written phone an you account no longer of the use, management you can of appropriate. Please ensure your subscription has been paid the popestate it throughof St. George the letterbox in the Castel at Candie, parish, or based take itmainly along on for 2009 in the correct amount, which is as follows: the todaily Les journal Sablons kept Interpretation by Jean Guille Centre. between 1714 and 1721. Guernsey, Sark Jersey, UK Guille was not a farmer who worked his own land in the and Alderney and overseas traditional Guernsey way. He cultivated a small area around Single £19 £16 his house, but most of the land was leased to tenants and the Double / family £26 £19 terms of some of the tenancies are quite unusual and of Student (junior) £5 £5 considerable historical interest. Corporate £100 £100 Continued on p.3 Page 2 President’s Report ................................................................................................................................... Marie de Garis MBE Diary Dates Past-President of La Société Marie de Garis died on 10 August aged 100. I, Bill and Doreen Gallienne and Wednesday 20 October at 8.00 pm at the Frossard many other members joined her family and friends at Centre, Candie Gardens her funeral which was a celebration of a truly wonderful What’s the point of the Royal Society? A modern Guernsey life. perspective – a lecture by Professor Nicholas Day, CBE, FRS this, the third and final lecture in the Bill had been working with her on a revision of her Guernsey Heroes of the Royal Society programme, will Dictounnaire Angllais-Guernesiais until a very short be given by Guernsey’s only living Fellow of the Royal time before her death and while there is regret that she Society. Professor Day will describe the structure, didn’t live to see its publication we do know how very function, and work of Britain’s national academy of pleased she was to advise Bill and to know that her science in supporting scientific disciplines, applying native language for which she worked so hard would scientific knowledge to business, promoting informed be continued through the dictionary. Her son Jean also debate, and influencing public policy with evidence- worked with Bill and will continue to do so. based advice. Through a series of publications and workshops, often in conjunction with its international My own fondest memory of Marie was manning La counterparts, the Society provides authoritative Société stall with her at the West Show and listening syntheses of the current state of knowledge for many to her speak in Guernsey French to her many friends. of the pressing issues of the day, ranging from climate She told me that the Guernsey French of St Pierre du change to the storage of radioactive waste. These Bois and Torteval was the purest because the people of make an important contribution to the scientific basis those parishes had been almost all farmers and fisher- for government action. men and were less likely to mix with the English and Professor Day is distinguished for his wide-ranging French coming into St Peter Port and St Sampsons. and influential work in quantitative epidemiology, Her family generously requested that donations in lieu especially of cancer. He was for many years Professor of flowers be given to La Société towards publication of Epidemiology at Cambridge, Director of the Institute of her dictionary. A sum of more than £2,000 has been of Public Health, and Director of the Medical Research received to-date and is still rising. Council Unit of Biostatistics. He has authored or edited eleven books, and published some 500 papers We send her family our condolences and very best in the scientific literature. He was elected as a Fellow wishes. A full obituary will appear in the Transactions.
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