(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,969,595 B2 Brzostowicz Et Al

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,969,595 B2 Brzostowicz Et Al

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F G. 5B U.S. Patent Nov. 29, 2005 Sheet 10 of 14 US 6,969,595 B2 ECORI ( 1)- - Crit O Nne (1631) - Phmps ECOR 187 ) PCO region F.G. 6A U.S. Patent Nov. 29, 2005 Sheet 11 of 14 US 6,969,595 B2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 20 Minutes 474 nm Bond E 4 nm F. G. 6B U.S. Patent Nov. 29, 2005 Sheet 12 of 14 US 6,969,595 B2 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 n FIG. 60 U.S. Patent Nov. 29, 2005 Sheet 13 of 14 US 6,969,595 B2 DXP-5-PReduct OSe dxS dxr OCZ Tn5Kn 14994 bp U.S. Patent Nov. 29, 2005 Sheet 14 of 14 US 6,969,595 B2 d NNNNNNNNNNNSNSSSSSSSSSSSNSSNSZZZZZZZ -g NSSSSSSS-gYZZY ? V SSNSSSNSSNSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSNSNSZZZZZZZZZ Sk ZZZZZZZZY e ?h NSNSN g ? N SSSSSSSNSNSSSSSSSSNSSNSSO k - ed . C-d 8. e-r at s ZZZZZZZZZ 9 ---a stby N-9. A CD A- f : / - ZZZZZZZZ - a gig R OO ll N w n is a 2ZYZZYZZ k - A nar Perror-rr A all - C-9 (C. O seas ZZZZYZZYA - 4 ZZZZZY O T sers an C O C C Cd O C C C O s N C O t s N s r - - "4M Ku bu IO 4M Kud 6/43 fin US 6,969,595 B2 1 2 CAROTENOID PRODUCTION FROM A Although more than 600 different carotenoids have been SINGLE CARBON SUBSTRATE identified in nature, only a few are used industrially for food colors, animal feeding, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Presently, most of the carotenoids used for industrial pur poses are produced by chemical Synthesis, however, these Application No. 60/229,907, filed Sep. 1, 2000 and the compounds are very difficult to make chemically (Nelis and benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/229,858 filed Leenheer, Appl. Bacteriol. 70:181-191 (1991)). Natural Sep. 1, 2000. carotenoids can either be obtained by extraction of plant FIELD OF THE INVENTION material or by microbial Synthesis. At the present time, only a few plants are widely used for commercial carotenoid The invention relates to the field of molecular biology and production.

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