A GREATER MEDIA NEWSPAPER R i .i l B a to 1ATAWAN FREE PUB LIBRARY Bulk Rate 6 5 MAIN ST US Postage Pait,ATAWANj N J 0 7 7 4 7 Eatontown, N.J. P e rm it # 6 6 BAYSHORE SERVING ABERDEEN, HAZLET, KEYPORT, MATAWAN, UNION BEACH AND KEANSBURG VOLUME 105 NUMBER 2 i JANUARY 6, 1993 2 5 C E N T S Pedersen, Graham join council P a g e 4 A.berdeei plans to build war emorial Page 4 ichramm N.J. fire chiefs P ag e 10 Photograph by Rich Schultz JANUARY1993,-THE INDEPENDENT The Bar/Bat M tovah E v e n t o f T h e Y e a r ! presents Its ... M,TZVAHSpectacular BAR/BAT Old Bridge, NJ CO (908)679-5700^ At G R A N D ® ® JANUARY 13,1993 630] ^ c /> WEDNESDAY m Admit AH D oor Prizes BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY, AND THE NEIGHBORS TOO!! PREVIEW THE HOTTEST BANDS, DJ’S & PARTY OPTIONS • VALUABLE DOOR PRIZES • FUN FOR ALL! Monthly Showcases Private Viewings By Appointment (908) 946-2424 I 11 11 TMPlNDfiPBNDERT; JAM0ARY6, 1&S3 3 D ay C are. D ry C leaning. D eadlines. AsA n x i%»<-• e t vW ss J If you’re a working mom, you’re either reading this in 30 seconds on your way out the door in the morning, or in 30 seconds on your way off to sleep at night. You’re doing it all. The only problem is that you feel like you’re at the end of your rope. Fortunately, there’s a place where you can get help dealing with all the pressure you and • i n g your family face today— The Carrier n- 1 Centers for Counseling and 5 Put up WMI; Outpatient Treatment. They’re of chi^1 part of Carrier Foundation, a private, nonprofit hospital that has been providing specialized I care for over four generations. — Located in Somerset, Middlesex and Monmouth counties, The Carrier Centers offer special * * * * # m m m programs designed to help . , :: . *■- with everything from : stress to depression, eating disorders, addiction and anxiety. Programs are offered in a relaxed environment on a convenient outpatient basis with day or evening sessions available to suit your schedule. All sessions are completely confidential. For information or an appointment, call The Carrier Centers for Counseling and Outpatient Treatment at 1-800-933-3579 or 1-908-281-1000. The Carrier Centers for Counseling (^Carrier Foundation ^ 4 * / Where it all ends. Where it all begins. and Outpatient Treatment 4 JANUARY 6, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT Addition of two Democrats balances Borough Council due to this same situation. R epublican m ayor If Merla does not make an appointment in 30 days for council to vote on, the posi­ to decide split votes tion will automatically go tp council for a vote, said borough officials. By Christine Menapace Other positions within the borough re­ mained the same. Richard M. Maser was KEYPORT — A major change in bor­ named borough engineer, Bernard M. ough government took place last week Reilly was named borough prosecutor and when two Democrats joined the Borough William Antonides was named borough Council, creating a balance of Democrats auditor. and Republicans. Merla said he has always been a very Wade Pedersen, 28 Main St., and Kevin “hands-on” mayor but that now with a bal­ Graham, 25 Myrtle Ave., were sworn in at anced council he will expect more re­ the reorganization meeting Jan. 1.. sponsibility from both sides. They replaced Republican) council “It’s going to be good,” he said. members Wilbur “Bill” Hansen dnd Frank Graham said he is looking forward to Currier. Hansen had run for re-election in joining council and sees it as the culmina­ November. Currier did not seek re-elec­ tion of a lot of hard work. After the elec­ tion. tion, Graham and Pedersen said a first pri­ Hansen has been appointed to the ority would be to take a close look at the Planning Board and Currier has been ap­ budget. pointed to the Board of Adjustment. “I’m sure we’re both going to be paying Previously, Republicans had the ma­ a lot of attention to it,” Graham said. jority on the council. Councilman Robert Pedersen agreed and said that with the Bergen, whose term started in 1992, was 1.5 percent state-mandated cap restricting the only Democrat. how much can be spent in certain areas, the In the case of split votes on council, budget will be tough this year. He said he Republican Mayor John J. Merla will have will “be stepping into a very tough situa­ the deciding vote. tion.” At the reorganization meeting, however, Bergen said, “I think this year will bring the absence of Republican Councilman some changes.” David Hammond, who is on vacation, tem­ The addition of two Democrats, he porarily gave Democrats the majority and added, should have an effect on policy and led to the appointment of Bergen as council make the council more independent of the PHOTOGRAPH BY RICH SCHULTZ president. mayor. He said the approach to government TWO LATEST ADDITIONS — Kathy Graham (I) and Jane Pederson (r) stand by as Judy The reappointment of Borough Attorney and how it operates in some areas will be Poling, borough clerk, swears in their husbands, Kevin Graham (l-r) and Wade Brian J. Mullen was deferred for 30 days different. Pederson. Memorial to help commemorate war veterans of township sent out to 1,100 homes. Estim ated $50,000 The fund raising so far has been suc­ cessful, he added. By passing around an needed to pay empty water cooler at a high school game, the memorial collected $150, and yet construction costs another $75 was collected at the Matawan Aberdeen Soccer banQuet. By Lauren Jaeger “No donation is too small,” Ifantis said. “If you send $1, $5 or $500, it will all be ABERDEEN — The township is get­ accepted.” ting set for its own war memorial — but And every business that wants to donate the process will be a difficult one. Roughly $1,000 will have its name engraved on a $50,000 in donations is needed, along with nearby plaQue, according to Ifantis. all of the names of residents who served in Some Matawan residents who were war. left out of the new Matawan memorial will “This memorial is 99 percent for Ab­ be included in the Aberdeen memorial, erdeen Township residents,” said Steve Ifantis said. Also, there will be room left Ifantis, a Cliffwood Avenue 'resident who over on the surface to include more names spearheaded the project. “Wfe need help. if needed in the future. It’s not that easy. Financially, it’s a tough, In fact, the war memorial committee long haul.” includes two Matawan residents, Les The memorial, which will be located Gillman and Dennis Gargan. It also in­ within the vicinity of Town Hall on Church cludes Jack Hausman, an Aberdeen resi­ Street, might be erected by Memorial Day dent. — 1994. If people can’t donate money, IfaYltis The memorial, measuring 8 feet by 12 said, they will accept materials or anything feet, will display names of'war veterans, else related to the war memorial. > ■ engraved on black marble. The preliminary designs were donated There will be brickwork surrounding by Daniel Bach of Freehold, and the final the marble and a patio-like setting before plans were executed by Greg Ploussas of the names. the Chester Partnership, Matawan. The Township Council granted Ifantis “We’re covering veterans from World $1,500 in seed money for the project. He Wars I and II, the Korean War, Vietnam was expected to get the check Monday and the Persian Gulf,” Ifantis said. “I want afternoon. to include the Civil War also, but I haven’t Ifantis said the memorial means a lot to been able to find names going back that far. him, especially because he lost a few If we can, we’ll put them on the memorial, friends in the Vietnam War and his own too. father was a prisoner of war during World “This is something long overdue,” he War II. added. “It’s 15 years overdue. The money In order to be included on the memorial, will come, but we need veterans to come the veteran had to have served in war and forward. be a resident of Aberdeen for at least three “This is the town’s way of saying, years. ‘Welcome home!,’ ” he said. “We don’t want to leave anyone out,” For donations, checks should be made Photograph by Rich Schultz Ifantis said. out to the Aberdeen Township Veterans VETERANS MEMORIAL TO BE — Steve Ifantis of Cliffwood Beach shows the plans and site for the future Aberdeen Township Veterans Memorial. Ifantis, a member of the Memorial The reQuest for veteran's’ names will be Monument Committee Inc., and sent to sent out with the township newsletter as Committee, is trying to help raise $50,000 to make it a reality. Last week, the Aberdeen P.O. Box 72, Cliffwood, NJ 07735, or call Township Council voted to grant the committee $1,500 to get the fund-raising off to a posi­ well as an individual flier which will be 290-0396. tive start. THE INDEPENDENT, JANUARY 6, 1993 5 Time for things to heat up in the tanning industry By Mark Rondeau ning customers that day were women going wear protective eyewear or stay in the units COVER STORY out to New Year’s Eve parties. longer than recommended by the manufac­ “The tanning bed is perfectly safe when One comes out of the tanning bed feel­ if they are taking any medication which turer, Fabiszewski said.
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