Bibliography THE following bibliography lists those sources which have been most helpful to the author in the preparation of this volume. Many of the items vary in quality considerably and the reader wishing to pursue his studies further will find those sources marked with an asterisk the most helpful. All works are published in the United Kingdom unless other­ wise stated. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS W. M. AcwoRTH, The Elements ifRailway Economics ( Igo5) *- The Elements ifRailway Economics (I g24 ed.) C. J. ALLEN, Locomotive Practice and Performance in the Twentieth Century (I g4g) - The Great Eastern Railway (Ig55) *G. F. ALLEN, British Rail After Beeching ( Ig66) T. C. BARKER and M. RoBBINS, A History if London Trans­ port, vol. I, The Nineteenth Century (I g63) B. BAYLiss, European Transport (Ig65) R. BELL, History if the British Railways During the War, I93!}­ I945 (Ig46) W. BoLLAND, The Railways and the Nation (I gog) R. BRADY, Crisis in Britain (Ig5o, University of California Press) BRITISH ELECTRICAL DEVELOPMENT AssociATION, The Case for Electrification ifthe Railways (I g35) A. BROWN, The Future ifthe Railways (Ig28) - The Railway Problem (I g32) P. BuRTT, Railway Rates, Principles and Problems ( Ig26) - Railway Electrification and Traffic Problems (I g2g) R. CALVERT, TheFutureifBritishRailways (Ig65) BIBLIOGRAPHY 227 C. D. CAMPBELL, British Railways in Boom and Depression: An Essay in Trade Fluctuations and their Effects, 1878-1930 (I932) D. N. CHESTER, Public Control ofRoad Passenger Transport (I 936) H. A. CLEGG and T. E. CHESTER, The Future of Nationalisa­ tion (I953) E. S. Cox, British Railways' Experience with Diesel and Electric Traction (I 96 I) E. DAVIES, British Transport (I945) F. H. DixoN andJ. M. PARMELEE, War Administration of the Railways in the United States and Great Britain ( I9I8) E. B. DoRSEY, English and American Railroads Compared (I887) G. Dow, Great Central, vol. 2, Dominion of Watkin, 1864- 1899 (I962) J. A. DUNNAGE, Transport and the Public (I935) C. H. ELLIS, British Railway History, 1887-1947 (I959) M. F. FARRAR, How to Make the Railways Pay (I 93 I) C. H. FEINSTEIN, Domestic Capital Formation in the United Kingdom, 1920-1938 (I965) K. G. FENELON, Transport Co-ordination (I929) - Railway Economics (I 932) *-British Railways Today (I939) G. F. FmNNES, I Tried to Run a Railway (I 967) G. FINDLAY, The Working and Management of an English Railway (I 89 I) *C. D. FosTER, The Transport Problem (I963) P. E. GARBUTT, A Survey of Railway Development and Practice (I938) H. W. GREENLEAF, Britain's Big Four (I948) C. H. GRINLING, The History of the Great Northern Railway, 1845-1902 (I903 ed.) *K. M. GWILLIAM, Transport and Public Policy (I 964) J. HIBBs, Transport for Passengers (Hobart Paper 23, I963) T. HuLTGREN, Transport and the State of Trade in Britain (I 953, occasional paper 40, National Bureau of Economic Research, New York) INTERNATIONAL UNION OF RAILWAYS, The Main Line Railways of Great Britain, 1923-1930 (I93I) - The Position of the European Railways: Difficulties, Causes and Remedies (I951) 228 BRITISH RAILWAYS IN TRANSITION K. H. JoHNSTON, British Railways and Economic Recovery ( I949) *H. C. KmD, A New Erafor British Railways (I929) A. W. KIRKALDY and A. D. EvANS, The History and Economics of Transport (I927 ed.) LABOUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT, Labour and Capital on the Railways (I923) - Ten rears of Railway Finance (I 932) W. R. LAwsoN, British Railways: A Financial and Commercial Survey (I9I3) H. OsBORNE MANCE, The Road and Rail Problem (I 940) A. MARSHALL, Industry and Trade (I 9 I9) C. F. DENDY MARSHALL, A History of the Southern Railway (I963) J. R. MEYER, The Economics of Competition in the Transportation Industries (Harvard University Press, I959) A. M. MILNE, The Economics of Inland Transport (2nd ed., I963) *-and A. LAING, The Obligation to Carry (I 956) G. T. MooDY, Southern Electric (3rd ed., I96o) NATIONAL CouNCIL oN INLAND TRANSPORT, A Future Policy for Britain's Transport (I964) H. NEWLANDS, The British Railways (I 936) 0. S. NocK, The London and North Western Railway (I 960) - The South Eastern and Chatham Railway (I 96 I) G. PAISH, The British Railway Position (I 902) A.J. PEARSON, Railways and the Nation (I964) E. A. PRATT, Railways and Their Rates (I 906) - Railways and the Nation (I 908) - A History of Inland Transport and Communication in England (I9I2) - The Rise of Rail Power in War and Conquest, 1833-19I4 (I9I5) *-British Railways and the Great War (2 vols., I92I) RAILWAY CLEARING HousE, Tables of Statistical Returns Relating to the Railways of Great Britain, 1938-1946 (I947) Railway Gazette, 'The Jubilee of the Railway News: 50 Years ofRailway Progress, I864-I9I4' (I9I4) C. L. RAPER, Railway Transportation (I 9 I2) BIBLIOGRAPHY 229 *W. A. RoBERTSON, Combination Among Railway Companies (I912) W. A. RoBSON (ed.), Problems qf Nationalised Industry (1952) -Nationalised Industry and Public Ownership (1960) *J. R. SARGENT, British Transport Policy (I 958) *C. I. SAVAGE, Inland Transport (1957) *-An Economic History qf Transport (rev. ed., 1966) C. SHARP, The Problem if Transport ( I965) *C. E. R. SHERRINGTON, The Economics qf Rail Transport in Great Britain (2 vols. I928) *-A Hundred rears qfInland Transport, 183o-1933 (I934) J. SIMMONS, The Railways qfBritain (I 96 I ; 2nd ed., I 968) W. E. SIMNETT, Railway Amalgamation in Great Britain ( I923) J. SLEEMAN, British Public Utilities ( I953) W. SMITH, An Economic Geography of Great Britain (2nd ed., I953) J. B. SNELL, Britain's Railways under Steam (I965) H. C. SPARKE, An Outline qf State Control of English Railway RatesandFacilities (Calcutta, I930) STEPHENSON LocoMOTIVE SoCIETY, Railway Progress, 1909- 1959 (n.d.) W. J. STEVENS, The Future of British Railways (I 938) R. STONE and D. A. RowE, The Measurement qf Consumers' Expenditure and Behaviour in the United Kingdom, 192o-1938 (vol. 2, I966) C. STUART-WILLIAMS and E. SHORT, Railways, Roads and the Public (I939) DAVID ST.jOHN THOMAS, The Rural Transport Problem (I963) H. F. TREWMAN, Railway Electrification ( I924) *G. WALKER, Road and Rail (2nd ed., I947) R. L. WEDGEWOOD and J. E. WHEELER, International Rail Transport (I946) H. P. WHITE, A Regional History qf the Railways qf Great Britain: vol. 2, Southern England ( I96I) G. WILSON, Britain's Transport Crisis (I96o) H. WILSON, TheFinancialProblemqfBritish Transport (I95I) R. WILSON, Technical Modernisation and New Freight Charges on British Railways (I 958) W. V. WooD andJ. STAMP, Railways (I928) 230 BRITISH RAILWAYS IN TRANSITION ARTICLES W. M. AcwoRTH, 'English Railway Statistics', Journal of Royal Statistical Society, 65 ( I902) -'The Problem of Railway Reconstruction', .National Review (Oct. I9I9) - 'Grouping under the Railways Act, I 92 I', Economic Journal, 33 (1923) -and G. PAisH, 'British Railways: Their Accounts and Statistics', Journal of Royal Statistical Society, 75 (I 9 I 2) D. H. ALDCROFT, 'The Decontrol of British Shipping and Railways After the First World War', Journal of Transport History, 5 (196I) *- 'The Efficiency and Enterprise of British Railways, 187o-I9I4', Explorations in Entrepreneurial History, 5 (I968) G. F. ALLEN, 'What Dr Beeching Ordered', The Listener, 15]une 1967 M. BAILY, 'Seeking Higher Speeds for Britain's Trains', The Times, 12 Sept. I967 M. E. BEESLEY, 'Financial Criteria for Investment in Railways', Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Statistics, 24 (I962) -and A. A. WALTERS, 'Investment in British Railways', Westminster Bank Review (May 1955) E. J. BROSTER, 'Railway Passenger Receipts and Fares Policy', Economic Journal, 47 (1937) -'Variability of Railway Operating Costs', Economic Journal, 48 (I 938) C. D. CAMPBELL, 'Cyclical Fluctuations in the Railway Industry', Transactions of the Manchester Statistical Society (1929-30) D. N. CHESTER, 'Notes on the Price Policy Indicated by the Nationalisation Acts', Oxford Economic Papers, 2 (I 950) J. H. CoNSDALE, 'The Economics of Railway Electrifica­ tion', Railway Gazette, Electric Traction Supplement, I 8 Aug. 1939 E. C. Cox, 'The Progress of the Southern Railway Electrifi- cation',Journal of the Institute of Transport, 18 (Jan. 1937) A. DAY, 'Social Profit and Loss of Beeching Plan', The Observer, 12 May 1963 BIBLIOGRAPHY 23I D. M. DEER, 'Thoughts on Comparative Costs of Road and Rail Transport', Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Statistics, 24 (1962) A. R. DuNBAR, 'British Railways- the Next Stage', Journal of the Institute of Transport, 30 (May I 964) J. ELLIOT, 'Efficiency Versus Cost in Public Transport', Journal of the Institute of Transport, 27 (I 958) *K. G. FENELON, 'British Railways Since the War', Journal ofRoyal Statistical Society, 96 (I 933) - 'The Present Economic Position of British Railways', Journal of the Institute of Transport, I 4 (July I 933) P. FERRIS, 'Beeching's Revolution', The Observer, 24 Mar. I963 . G. F. FmNNES, 'Running a Region: WR and ER', Modem Railways, Oct. I967 S. H. FISHER, 'Acceleration of Railway Services', Journal of the Institute of Transport, 20 (Feb. I 939) C. FosTER, 'Beeching and Beyond', The Listener, 23 May I963 C. D. FosTER, 'Surplus Criteria for Investment,' Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Statistics, 22 (I96o) - 'The Social Effect of Beeching', The Guardian, 29 Apr. I963 *A. A. HARRISON, 'Railway Freight Charges', Journal of the Institute of Transport, 27 (July I957) A. J. HARRISON, 'Investment in Liner Trains', Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Economics and Statistics, 26 ( I964) M. HoWE and G. MILLS, 'The Withdrawal of Railway Services', Economic Journal, 70 (I96o) C. HuRCOMB, 'The Co-ordination of Transport in Great Britain During theYears I 935-I 944', Journal of the Institute of Transport, 22 (May-June I945) -'An Integrated Transport System', Transactions of the Manchester Statistical Society (I 950) E. jACOBs, 'What the Doctor Ordered', The Guardian, I7 May I965 H. J. jENNINGs, 'Our Insolvent Railways', Fortnightly Review, 108 (I92o) 232 BRITISH RAILWAYS IN TRANSITION C. JoNEs, 'In Search of a Transport Policy', The Statist, I5 Mar.
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