Pacific Manuscripts Bureau Newsletter Room 4201, Coombs Building (9) College of Asia and the Pacific The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200 Australia Ph: (612) 6125 2521; Fax: (612) 6125 0198; Email: [email protected] http://rspas.anu.edu.au/pambu/ Series 5, No. 28 August 2010 Pambu News p.1 New National Archives building in Vanuatu p.4 Ok Tedi Case Files p.5 Adrian Cunningham, PARBICA - PMB’s Newest member p.5 Tukul Kaiku. International Council on Archives, Archivist of the Month, June 2010 p.6 Anthony G. Flude, South Pacific Traders, William (George) Ellis p.7 Karina Taylor, The Pacific Research Archives, Australian National University p.9 Zachery Per, Sounds of Chimbu Destroyed p.10 New Book! “Not a Poor Man’s Field. The New Guinea Goldfields to 1942” p.11 Latest PMB Manuscripts & Printed Document Series Titles p.12 PAMBU NEWS One hundred and one reels in the PMB Manuscript and Printed Document Series Microfilms were The Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies was distributed to PMB member libraries in January. formally wound-up on 1st January. The Bureau is now Detailed listings are accessible on the PMB on-line located in the College of Asia and the Pacific (CAP) database catalogue. and is responsible through the PMB Chair to the Dean On 14 March, at the invitation of Rebecca Walker, of the College. of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs, Brij Lal, the PMB Chairperson, has noted that PMB Professor Brij Lal and I had lunch with Hon. Charlot work has not been affected by the RSPAS re-structure. Salwai, the Vanuatu Minister for Education. Among Professor Lal is now the Deputy Director of the School other things, Mr Salwai advised the PMB to try to of Culture, History and Language, a division of the document the career of Vincent Boulekone leading up College, giving the Bureau a strong supporter in the to and since independence. College context at ANU. The Bureau retains its close On fieldwork in Vanuatu, 15-30 March, there was relationship to Pacific historians and other Pacific no time to contact Mr Boulekone. However copies of scholars throughout the College. newspapers Nakamal and Tan-Union, published by Kylie Moloney, the PMB Archivist, has returned to ‘moderate’ movement in Vanuatu politics and the Bureau after taking maternity leave following the including articles by and about Vincent Boulekone, birth of her baby, Josephine. Kylie is undertaking PMB were microfilmed at the USP Library in Port Vila: fieldwork in Rarotonga this month (August). Having returned from travels in the USA and Tonga, Sioana PMB Doc 522 Nakamal Le Néo-Hébridais (edited by Jean- Eudes Barbier, Société de Presse et d’Editions néo- Faupula is translating Tongan documents and hébridais, Port Vila), Nos.10-13, 15-60, Nov 1972-May undertaking in-house microfilming. John Harris, the 1974. 1 reel. Visiting Fellow located at the Bureau, has been making PMB Doc 522 Tan Union (edited by G. Leymang and V. a detailed list of parts of the papers of Geoffrey Luck, Boulekone, for Union Communautés des Nouvelles- formerly an ABC Radio journalist in PNG. Hébrides, Kapiel, John Frum and Tabwemassana, Port Pambu, August 2010 Vila), Nos.1-2, 4-7 and one un-numbered issue, Apr-22 worldview: the case of James Chalmers, 1984. 1 reel. Nov 1977. 1 reel. (Available for reference.) If any reader has issues of Nakamal or Tan Union, PMB 1352 TSCHAUDER, Fr John (1908-1996): missing from the above microfilms, it would be greatly Translations into English and Tok Pisin of articles in appreciated if you would contact the Bureau. German on PNG and the South Pacific in serials published by the Society of the Divine Word and other Christian The main aim of the fieldwork in Vanuatu was missions, 1882-1940. Reels 1-3. (Available for reference.) continuing identification, organisation and PMB 1353 NOSER ARCHIVES, Files on the history of the microfilming of Diocese of Vanuatu (DOV) archives Society of the Divine Word mission in New Guinea. Reels held at Luganville in Espiritu Santo, working again 1-2. (Available for reference.) with Bishop Terry Brown, under the auspices of The last phase of microfilming of the Bishop James Ligo, Bishop of Vanuatu. Work on the administrative archives of the Unevangelized Fields DOV archives was not completed: about 44 cartons of Mission / Asia-Pacific Christian Mission (PMB records, mainly from the 1990s, are still partially 1299/Reels 12-34) has finished. The records were sorted or unsorted. The following microfilms were returned to the Bible College of Victoria (BCV) made: Library at Lilydale outside Melbourne in April. The PMB 1333 CHURCH OF MELANESIA, Diocese of Bureau has retained part of the UFM/APCM archives, Vanuatu, Bishop Derek Rawcliffe Papers, Santo, 1949-1980. consisting of pamphlets, serials, photographs and Reels 3-8. (Restricted access.) movie film. Several of the UFM/ APCM, Australia, NZ PMB 1334 CHURCH OF MELANESIA, Diocese of and PNG, newsletters have been arranged and Vanuatu, Diocesan Papers, Santo, 1909-1995. Reels 1-3. despatched to W & F Pascoe P/L for microfilming (Restricted access.) (with funding from the Latourette Initiative at Yale PMB 1344 CHURCH OF MELANESIA, Diocese of Divinity Library), as follows: Vanuatu, Bishop Harry Tevi Papers, Santo, 1979-1986. 1 reel. (Restricted access.) PMB Doc 524 NEWS LETTER, later AUSTRALASIAN PMB Doc 521 REO PASIFIKA. VOICE OF THE NEWS LETTER (Unevangelized Fields Mission, PACIFIC. LA VOIX DU PACIFIQUE, (Journal of the Melbourne), 1932-1941 (gaps), together with Pacific Churches Research Centre, Port Vila; edited by Rev. Unevangelized Fields Mission, Australia and New Zealand Brian Macdonald-Milne), No.1, 1980. 1 reel. (Available for Branch, Annual Report, 1943-1946. (Available for reference.) reference.) The PMB also undertook fieldwork in PNG, 15 PMB Doc 525 LIGHT AND LIFE (Unevangelized Fields Mission, Australian and New Zealand Edition, Melbourne), July to 2 August this year. The main reason for the Dec 1946-Mar 1989. (Available for reference.) fieldwork was to work with the Divine Word PMB Doc 526 LIGHT AND LIFE NEWS-LINE (Asia- University Librarian, Monica Rothlisberger, before she Pacific Christian Mission, Melbourne and Auckland), Apr retired from the University, following-up on PMB 1989-Dec 1997. (Available for reference.) projects at DWU carried out over three visits in 1999- PMB Doc 527 PRAYER AND PRAISE POINTS (Asia 2001. Pacific Christian Mission; Evangelical Church of Papua, The fieldwork also included a visit to the Christian Tari, Southern Highlands Province, PNG), Jan 1976-Jan Leaders’ Training College in Banz, Western Highlands 1995. (Available for reference.) Province, to microfilm Bachelor of Theology theses PMB Doc 528 E.C.P. NEWS LETTER (Evangelical Church and other staff and student papers and to survey of Papua, Tari, Southern Highlands Province, PNG), Feb archives held in the CLTC Library. 1985-Dec 1990. (Available for reference.) In addition I carried out a follow-up inspection of The BCV and its Library will be moving to new the Lands Commissions’ records in Port Moresby and premises in the new year. The Bureau will aim to took part in a discussion about their disposition and return all the remaining UFM/APCM archives to the possible re-formatting. Library before the end of 2010 so that the records do not get mis-placed as a result of the move. There may 14 reels of microfilm negative were exposed be an opportunity to survey and list the UFM/APCM producing the following PMB titles: photographs with a view to making digital copies of PMB 1348 CHRISTIAN LEADERS’ TRAINING them before returning the records. COLLEGE OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA, Theses for the degree of Bachelor of Theology and other staff and student The final deadline for the Tuvalu National Archives papers held in the CLTC Library, Banz, 1980-2003. Reels Major Project (EAP110), funded by the Endangered 1-7. (Available for reference.) Archives Programme (EAP) was 30 June 2010. In PMB 1349 WEYMOUTH, Ross Malcolm, The Gogodala January, with the assistance of Alan Clarke of Pascoes, Society in Papua and the Unevangelized Fields Mission the digital copies of the archival documents (64,239 1890-1977, 1978. 1 reel. (Available for reference.) image files) were converted to PDF format, each PDF PMB 1350 BATLEY, Graeme Robert, A Study of the Emic matching a document in the archives. Microfilm Christian Theologising taking place among the Samban masters of the Tuvalu newspapers have been edited, People of Papua New Guinea, 1998. 1 reel. (Available for including splicing-in copies of missing issues held at reference.) the National Archives of Fiji, the University of PMB 1351 HITCHEN, John Mason, Training ‘Tamate’. Hawai’i Library and the National Library of Australia, Formation of the Nineteenth Century missionary and sent to Pascoes for digital conversion (producing 2 Pambu, August 2010 about 9,000 image files in TIF and PDF format). From PNG Constituent Assembly debates leading up to late April until early June, Holly Trengove-Jones was independence, 1974-1975, collated by staff of Sir employed for one day each week on a casual basis, Barry Holloway, gathered with the assistance of Bill with remaining EAP110 funds, to check the PDF Standish, have been transferred to the Bureau for documents and arrange them in order. Packages of the microfilming and digitization. digital material will be sent to the Tuvalu National Annual Reports of the Division of Pacific and Library and Archives and the British Library. Asian History, Research School of Pacific and Asian In addition to the EAP110 microfilms already Studies, ANU, 1952-2007, gathered with the assistance supplied to PMB members (49 reels), the following of Dorothy MacIntosh, have been transferred to the microfilms are now ready for the 2010 distribution: Bureau for microfilming.
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