
The Pillar New Testament Commentary General Editor D. A. CARSON The Letters to the THESSALONIANS GENE L. GREEN William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company Grand Rapids, Michigan / Cambridge, U.K. Color profile: Disabled Composite 140 lpi at 45 degrees ©2002Wm.B.EerdmansPublishingCo. 2140 Oak Industrial Drive N.E., Grand Rapids, Michigan 49505 / P.O. Box 163, Cambridge CB3 9PU U.K. All rights reserved www.eerdmans.com First published 2002 in the United States of America by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. and in the United Kingdom by APOLLOS 38 De Montfort Street, Leicester, England LE1 7GP Printed in the United States of America 14 13 12 11 10 09 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Green, Gene L. The letters to the Thessalonians / Gene L. Green. p. cm. (The Pillar New Testament commentary) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-8028-3738-7 (alk. paper) 1. Bible. N.T. Thessalonians — Commentaries. I. Title. II. Series. BS2725.53.G74 2002 227¢.81077 — dc21 2002019444 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. Green, Pillar Thessalonians 3rd printing Wednesday, January 07, 2009 8:56:54 AM 4 ADeborah mi corazón y aGillianyChristiana mi sangre Contents Series Preface xi Author’s Preface xiii Abbreviations xvi Bibliography xix INTRODUCTION I.RIVERS, ROADS, ROLLING MOUNTAINS, AND THESEA: GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL THROUGH MACEDONIAANDTHESSALONICA 1 II.ASUMMARYHISTORY OFMACEDONIAAND THESSALONICA 8 III. THEGOVERNMENT OFTHESSALONICA 20 IV. THESOCIAL AND ECONOMIC WORLDS OF THESSALONICA 25 V.RELIGION IN THESSALONICA 31 VI. THEGOSPEL AND THE THESSALONIANS 47 VII. THEAUTHORSHIP OF1AND 2 THESSALONIANS 54 A. 1Thessalonians 54 B.2Thessalonians 59 1. Literary Arguments 60 2. The Argument from Form 61 3. The Theological Argument 62 VIII. THEORDEROFTHEEPISTLES 64 IX. THESTRUCTURE OF1AND 2 THESSALONIANS 69 vii CONTENTS 1THESSALONIANS I.“PAUL, SILAS AND TIMOTHY, TO THECHURCH OFTHE THESSALONIANS” — THEEPISTOLARY GREETING (1.1)81 II.“WEALWAYS THANK GOD FOR ALL OFYOU”—THE COMING OFTHEGOSPEL AND ITSRECEPTION (1.2-10) 86 III.“YOUKNOW ...”—THE BODY OFTHELETTER (2.1–5.22) 111 A. “Our visittoyou was not a failure” — TheGospel Arrives in Thessalonica(2.1–3.13) 111 1. “Our visit” — The Apostolic Entrance (2.1-12) 111 2. “We also thank God...youreceived the word of God” — The Reception of the Gospel (2.13-16) 138 3. “We were torn away from you” — The Exit of the Apostles and the Attempts to Return (2.17-20) 150 4. “We sent Timothy” — The Mission of Timothy (3.1-5) 156 5. “But Timothy has just now come to us” — Thanksgiving to God for the Thessalonians (3.6-10) 165 6. “Now may our God...clear the way for us to come to you” — The Prayer to Return to Thessalonica (3.11-13) 175 B.“Youknow what instructionswegaveyou”— TheLife That Pleases God (4.1–5.22) 181 1. “We instructed you how to live in order to please God” — The Introduction (4.1-2) 182 2. “You should avoid sexual immorality” — Sanctification (4.3-8) 187 3. “Now about...”—Responses to Questions (4.9–5.11) 202 a. Fraternal “love” (4.9-12) 202 b. “Those who fall asleep”(4.13-18) 213 c.“Times and dates” (5.1-11)229 4. “Respect those who work hard among you” — The Community and Its Leadership (5.12-13) 246 5. “Warn . encourage...help . be patient” — Life in Community (5.14) 252 6. “Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong” — The Life of Nonretaliation (5.15) 255 7. “Be joyful...pray . give thanks” — Communion with God (5.16-18) 257 viii CONTENTS 8. “Do not put out the Spirit’s fire” — Prophecy in the Community (5.19-22) 260 IV.“MAY GOD HIMSELF”—THE FINAL PRAYER, GREETINGS, AND BLESSING (5.23-28) 266 A. “May God ...sanctifyyou through and through” (5.23-25)266 B.“Greet all thebrothersand sisters” (5.26-27)270 C. “Thegraceof our Lord JesusChrist be with you”(5.28) 272 2THESSALONIANS I.“PAUL, SILVANUS, AND TIMOTHY, TO THECHURCH OFTHE THESSALONIANS” — THEEPISTOLARY SALUTATION (1.1-2) 277 II.“YOUR FAITH ISGROWING AND YOURLOVE IS INCREASING” — THANKSGIVING AND PRAYERS FOR THE FAITH,LOVE, AND STEADFASTNESS OFTHE PERSECUTED THESSALONIANS (1.3-12) 278 A. “We must always give thankstoGodfor you”— The First Thanksgiving(1.3-5)279 B.“It is indeed just of God to repay with affliction those whoafflictyou”—TheDestinyof the Persecutors (1.6-10) 286 C. “Tothisend we will always pray for you”— TheRemembranceofPrayerstoBe Worthyof God’s Call (1.11-12) 296 III.“ASTO...”—THE BODY OFTHELETTER (2.1–3.15)300 A. “As to the comingof our Lord JesusChrist” — The Timeof theDayof theLord (2.1-17)300 1. Do not “be quickly shaken” — False Teaching about the Day of the Lord (2.1-12) 300 2. “But we must always give thanks to God for you” — The Second Thanksgiving (2.13-14) 325 3. “Stand firm and hold fast to the traditions” — Exhortation to Steadfastness — 2.15 329 4. “Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father” — The First Prayer (2.16-17) 330 ix CONTENTS B.“Finally, brothersand sisters” — FinalInstructions(3.1-15)334 1. “Pray for us” — Mutual Prayers (3.1-5) 334 a. “So that theword of theLord may spread rapidly” — The Prayer Request of theApostles (3.1-2) 334 b. “ButtheLord is faithful; hewill strengthen you”—Confidence in theLord (3.3-4)337 c.“May theLord directyour hearts to the love of God”—TheSecond Prayer (3.5)339 2. “Now we command you” — The Problem of the Disorderly (3.6-15) 341 a. “Keep away from believerswhoare living in idleness” — The First Exhortation (to theCommunity) (3.6) 343 b. “Wewere not idlewhen we werewith you”— TheExampleof theApostles (3.7-10) 345 c.“Work quietlyand earn your ownliving” — TheSecond Exhortation (to theDisorderly) (3.11-12) 350 d.“Donot be weary in doingwhat is right” — The Third Exhortation (to theCommunity) (3.13) 353 e. “Take note of those who do not obey” — Discipline in theCommunity (3.14-15)354 IV.“NOWMAYTHELORDOFPEACE HIMSELF GIVE YOU PEACE” — THE THIRD PRAYER AND FINAL GREETINGS (3.16-18) 357 A. “Now may theLord ofpeace himself give youpeace” — The First Benediction (3.16) 357 B.“I, Paul,write thisgreeting” — TheApostolic Greetingand Guarantee (3.17)358 C. “Thegraceof our Lord JesusChrist be with you all”— The FinalBenediction (3.18) 359 INDEXES MODERN AUTHORS 361 SUBJECTS365 SCRIPTURE REFERENCES 367 EXTRABIBLICAL LITERATURE 391 x Series Preface Commentaries have specific aims, and thisseries is noexception.De- signedforpastorsand teachersof the Bible, the Pillarcommentaries seek above all to make clear thetextof Scriptureaswehave it. Thescholars writingthese volumes interactwith the most important informedcon- temporary debate, butavoid getting miredinunduetechnicaldetail. Their idealisablend ofrigorousexegesisand exposition,with an eye alertboth to biblical theology and the contemporary relevanceof the Bi- ble, without confusingthe commentaryand thesermon. The rationale for thisapproach isthat thevision of “objective schol- arship”(avain chimera) may actuallybeprofane. God standsover against us; we do not stand in judgmentofhim. When God speakstous throughhis Word,those who profess to know him must respond in an appropriate way, and that is certainly different from astance in which the scholarprojects animage of autonomous distance. Yet this is nosurrepti- tiousappealforuncontrolled subjectivity. Thewritersof thisseries aim for an evenhanded openness to thetextthat isthebestkind of “objectiv- ity” of all. If thetext isGod’s Word, it isappropriate that we respond withrev- erence, a certain fear,aholyjoy,aquestingobedience. These values should be reflectedinthewayChristianswrite. With these values in place, the Pillarcommentaries will be warmlywelcomednot onlybypas- tors, teachers, and students, butbygeneralreadersaswell. ∗∗∗∗∗ This commentarybyGeneGreenisawelcomeaddition to theseries. In addition to histechnicalcompetence, especially in helping ustounder- xi SERIES PREFACE stand theGreco-Roman background ofThessalonicaand its bearingon these letters, Dr.Green brings yearsof teachingexperiencetohiswriting, bothinLatin Americaand, more recently, at Wheaton College. Thetwo commentaries he has writteninSpanish are highly regarded.Nowread- ers in theAngloworld, not least pastorsand missionaries, will be grate- ful for the clarity and vitality hebrings to hisexegesisand exposition. Thesanity and even-handedness that characterize his interpretation of someof the most hotly disputedpassages in theNewTestamentwill be recognized as oneof thegreat strengthsof thework. D. A. CARSON xii Author’s Preface The modern city ofThessaloniki,thesecond largest metropolitancenter in modern Greece, standsatop the ruinsof theancient city founded by Cassanderinthe fourthcentury bc. WhenPaul,Silvanus, and Timothy arrived thereover three and a half centuries later,they entered athriving metropolisthat was trulythe“mother ofMacedonia.” Whilearchaeolo- gists have unearthednumerous important finds from around that period, recently includingastructurethat may be thetempleof the imperialcult referencedinnumerous inscriptions, our understandingof the city re- mains ratherlimited,atleast in comparison to that of other ancient cities such as Corinth,Athens, Ephesus, and Rome. Yet with theevidencethat has survived,weareabletopiecetogether a coherent pictureof the char- acter of this provincialcapitalfrominscriptions, archaeological excava- tions, numismatic evidence, and textualreferences. Also available isa wealth ofinformation
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