:lrventh Series, Vol. I, No. 4 Monday, May 27, 1096 Jyaistha 6, 1918 (.S'~kn) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) First Session (Eleventh Lok Sabha) fVoL I contains Nos. I to 5) LOK SAB~ASECRETARIAT NEW DELE1 Price : Rs. 50.00 EDITORIAL BOARD Shri Surendra Mishra Secretary-General Lok Sabha Shrirnatl Reva Nayyar Joint Secretary Lok Sabha Secretariat Shri P.C. Bhan Chiel Editor Lok Sabha Secretadat Shri A.P Chakravarti Senior Editor Smt Kamla Sharma Shri P.K. Sharma Edflor Editor Shr: FL Bamrara Shri Rakesh Kurnar Shri J.B.S. Rawat Ass~s!an: Editor Assistant Editor Assistant Edkor (Ohd,ilh~l.ENOLISH PROrkEDIWS l'~''LU061, Ih. E~'jllSH VERSIO(JAND ORIGINALHINDI PRWEEDINW INCLUDED IN HINDI V~KSIOKWILL 86 TREATED AS ALTH~JR~TA~II\'L.Ah3 NO1 TM TkANSLATlON THEREOF) CONTENTS [Eleventh Series, Vol. I, First Session, l996/1918 (Saka)] No 4, Monday, May 27, 1996/Jyaishtha 6, 1918 (Saka) C;C&I~IIS EE ON GOVERNMENT ASSURANCES (TENTH LOK SABHA) Th~r~y-NmthRepor, - La~d RE INCIDENTS OF ETHNIC VIOLENCE IN ASSAM MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 (I) Need for ar aerodrome at Ajmer Prof Rasa Smgh Rawat (11) Need to reconstruct budge at Kuzh~thura~on the Tr~vandrum-Kanyakumar~Nat~onal H~ghway Shrl N Denn~s (111) Neeti to Implement the 15 polnt programme to protect the Interests of Musllms SIIII Pr~yaRanjan Dasmuns~ ~IVJNeed to take steps to protect Revalr dam In Bahralch d~strctof Uttar Pradesh Shr~Ben1 Prasad Verma rv) Need to construct a ra~lwayoverbr~dge In Fatehpur town of Uttar Pradesh Shr~V~shambhar Prasad N~shad (VI) Need to gwe compensatlori to vlctlms of pol~cefwng In Uttarakhand movement 1 Shr~Satpal Maharal (VII) Need to probe Inlo the alrdroppmg of arms ~n Purulla Shr~Blr Smgh Mahato MOTION C i CONFIDENCE IN THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS Shrl Atal B~har~Vajpayee Shrl Sharad Pawar Shr~Ram Vdas Paswan Shr~George Fernandes Shr~Chandra Shekhar Shrl Sanat Mehta Shr~Somnath Chatterlee Shr~P Ch~dambaram Shr~Madhukar Sarpotdar Shrl Murasol~Maran ANNOUNCEMENT RE PANEL OF CHAIRMEN LOK SABHA kindly intervene in the matter and to contact the State Governments concerned to facilitate the release Monday, May 27, 19961 Jyaistha 6, 7918 (Saka! of these vessels in order to overcome the problems that have arisen Fortunately, I have received a call (The Lok Sabha met at Thrrty Two yesterday that the Unions have withdrawn thelr strike. Minutes past Ten of the Clock) However. I would like to say that this is a regular [MR. SPEAKERin the Charr] problem. The Government should take up this issue and see that some permanent solutions are arrived at... (Interruptions) COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT MR. SPEAKER . We have recelved notlces All ASSURANCES(TENTH LOKSAHHA) the notices that have been given have been admitted and those Members will be allowed, No other Thirty-Ninth Report Member IS allowed [English] [Translation] SECRETARY-GENERAL : I beg to lay on the Table SHRl DEVENDRA PRASAD YADAV the Thirty-Ninth Report (Hlndl and English versions) (Jhanjharpur) Only matters under Rule 377 have of the Committee on Government Assurances (Tenth beer1 in the prlnted List of Business and Lok Sabha) under the direction 71A sub-direction 6 mentioned of the Directions by the Speaker The Report was not zero hour. presented to the Speaker of the preceding Lok Sabha [Englrsh] before its dissoultion MR SPEAKER I will come to Matters under Rule 377 later on. Matters under Rule 377 is very MR. SPEAKER . I have received a number of much there notices for Zero Hour. All the notlces that have been (Interruptions) received have been admitted. So, you do not have SHRl PC. THOMAS (Muvattupuzha) . Slr lndla IS to worry. I will call the Members one by one Mr a forerunner in the export of splces and especrally Priya Ranjan Das Munsl. Please restrict to two minutes. so In the export of pepper. There is a problem being faced in this field A cess was imposed on pepper SIiRI PRlYA RANJAN DAS MUNSI (Howrah) and some other spices .; !nterruptions) ... The earlier Mr. Speaker, Sir, I raise a very Important matter In Government has given a stay for a certain period on $pile of having an excess In the export market the the imposition of this cess and that perlod would be reputed typewriter manufacturing unit Remlngton over by 31st March. Now. I request the Governmen! Rand India remained closed for the last two years to ~clndly intervene immed~atelybecause unless the because of fraudulent change over of the cess of two per cent IS stopped forthwith for sorce management. I deslre the Central Government to more months, our exports are golng to be in great immediately Instruct the State Government of West Bengal through the Labour Minlstry to find per11and the farmers dealing wlth cardamom pepper and other splces are going tc be in great difficulties possibilities of reopening the u~iitirnmedlately It IS causing 1500 people salaries and wages, PF and In the days to come. Gratuity. I apprehend a serlous unrest In the city of I request the hon Government and the Howrah in West Bengal wlthln two weeks wh~chcan Commerce Mln~ster- I do not know whether the be avoided if immediate intervention of the Union Commerce Minster has been appointed - that IS why Government takes place I am sure the Prlme Mln~ster will take note of 11 SHRl MANORANJAN BHAKTA (Andaman and because it IS a matter ot great pu~l~:Importance Nicobar Islands) . Mr. Speaker. Sir, a serlous problem But tor an lmmedlate actlon our exports are gomg lo is being faced by the people 1n.the Unlon Terrltory suffer to a great extent of Andaman and Nlcobar Islands because of MR SPEAKER . If you d~dnot know that there detention of two shlps, one at Calcutta ana the other was a scope tor Zero Hour you knew very well that one at Vizag, by the Forward Seamen Unlon i h,eve there was a scope br:der iiille 377 Whoever has Written a letter to the hon. Pr~rne Mlnlster In this given notice under Rule ?77 I have admitted ~t.So regard. These shlps are the llfelmes to Andarnan you cannot claln~~t nobj and Nicobar Islands where essential commodltles are scare. People stranded on the Islands are no! in [Translatrvnj a Position to come out and those who are on the mainland are not ih a position to go back That 1s SHRl SATYAL2EV SlNGH (Balrampur) . Mr why I requested the Pr~meMmster In the lettel to Speaker. Str I mculd !:kc tc, draw, through you, the 3 MAY 27, 1996 4 attention of the House as well as the Government SHRl GlRDHARl LAL BHARGAVA (Jaipur) : Mr. towards the difficulties of sugarcane farmers of Uttar Speaker, Sir, I would like to state that Rajasthan is Pradesh. The present condition of Uttar Pradesh is most peaceful State where people from every nook such that the sugar mills in large number are being and corner of lndia like to set up industries and closed there now. Around 20 lakh quintal of reside there. There IS full peace in the state ruled sugarcane of farmers is likely to remain idle in the by hon. Bhairon Singh Shekhawat but a bomb blast fields itself in my parliamentary constituency took place on January 26,1996 and after that, as my Balrampur. Sugarcane farmers are baffled today and precedent Speaker was stating, another bomb blast facing difficulties. I, through you, would like to request took place on 22.5.96. A bus of Rajasthan transport the Government to issue instructions tn Uttar Pradesh corporation, started from Agra at 11 A.M. and when to ensure that the crushing work of sugar mills is not it was only 4 kms. away from Dausa, a bomb stopped until and unless the sugarcane crop is there exploded in the bus at 2.10 P.M. Hon. Chief Minister, in the field. If sugar mills need economic assistance Shri Bhairon Singh Shekhawat, Home Minister Shri for that purpose, they should be provided. The Kaiiash Meghwal and all the MLAs and officers Government should exempt sugar mills from levy reached there immediately and provided relief to all sugar when crushing starts in June, so that they may those who were injured and Rs. on lakh each to the be able to purchase sugarcane. I would like to bereaved families of those who died in the incident. suggest that the corruption, which is rampant in I myself had visited the site yesterday. All the 26 sugarcane dealing should be eradicated to end the injured persons have been admitted to Sawai Man tragedy of sugarcane farmers in Uttar Pradesh. Singh Hospital and the State Government is taking all care to provide them proper treatment. Any type Secondly the demand of delicensing sugar mills, of discontentment is not visible any where. I would specially in UP has been prsistently made in the like to state that people of the predecessor House so that the farmers could be saved from the Government are creating nuisance and my tragedy in future. Government has been able to nab the terrorist. The Besides this, sugar mills of UP owe a huge BJP Government at the centre and Rajasthan outstanding ampunt to farmers. Some of these mills Government both deserve thanks tor this act. are in public sector, some are owned by State Government and some are in private sector. I demand [E ng /is h] that effective steps should be taken in this regard so MR. SPEAKER : You have made your point, now that the sugarcane farmers are paid their dues.
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