Journal of Seybold Report ISSN NO: 1533-9211 A Review on Phytochemistry and Medicinal Properties of Lantana Camara Linn. Mayuri Patole*, Vipul Patil, Shitalkumar Patil *Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, Ashokrao Mane College of Pharmacy, Peth Vadgaon, Dist.- Kolhapur, Maharashtra, Pin-416112, India. e-mail- *[email protected] 1 | Page VOLUME 15 ISSUE 9 2020 Page: 2494 Journal of Seybold Report ISSN NO: 1533-9211 Abstract: Traditionalmedicine,knowledgeof medicinal plants,andthestudyof scientific chemical principlecan contribute tothe discoveryof newand cheapest medicines. Lantana camara plantistreatment ofmanyillnessesand is used for different medicines forpeople. Thechemical composition of theentireLantana camara planthasbeen researched inan extensive way byscientistsand researchers across theglobeinthelastfewdecades.Lantana Camara as wellasthe pharmacological biological operations. Such studies identifiedLantanacamara therapeutic potential in modern medicines, as well as a potential candidate fordrugdiscovery. This study gives a glimpseof ethnobotany, phytochemistry, pharmacology. Keywords: Herbs, Lantana camaraLinn., Phytochemistry,Pharmacology. Introduction: Herbage are an excellent resource basefor the traditionalmedicineand herbalindustriesand theyprovidealarge number of livelihoods and health care to Indian residents[1]. Modernmedicinal products, mainlyherbal innature,are nowa dayusedto treat the disease.Differentherbalformulations exist now a day [2].The WHOacknowledged this factin the early 1970'sandurged government to use herbal medicinestoprevent diseaseand promote health.Herbal medicinesbecame popular in thehealthcaresector. In recent years,the consumption of those formulationsand botanicals has increased. The different partsof the plants contain various constituents that have different pharmacological effects.Medicinalplants arean important source of compounds whichare medically important. Medicinal plants have been used since the ancient times to treat different forms of health problems [3]. Avarietyofbioactive moleculesare available for the manufacture of new medicinal drugs bysystemicstudy of these plants.The pharmacological examination of various plantsused indifferent modern medicinalsystemsrecently becamemore andmoreinvolved.In recent decades, manyplantshave beendetailed studiedusing advanced scientific mechanism andwiderange of medical properties, including anti-cancer, anti-inflammatoryactivity, anti-diabetic activity, anthelmintic activity andlarvicidal activity, etc. [4]. One of the plants isLantana camara Linn.The wordLantanacamaraderived from the sense oftheLatinwordlento,isto bend. Ghaneri(Marathi) commonly known as Lantana camara.It isan ornamentalflowering plantbelonging to theVerbenaceaefamily. Lantana camarais usedfortreatingwounds, swellings, ulcers, cataracts, bilious fever,itching, eczema,and rheumatism in traditionalmedicine systems[5]. Differentparts of theLantana camara plant is used to treatflu,fever, whooping cough,asthma, chicken pox, bronchitis,eyeinjuries andhighbloodpressure.Lantana camara has conducted scientific studies for various treatments such as antibacterial, antioxidant, antipyretic, insecticide, antimicrobial, woundhealing. NowadaysthisLantana camara plantisused in many advancedtechniqueslikeheavymetal phytoextraction, particulate emissionphytoremediation and much more[6]. 2 | Page VOLUME 15 ISSUE 9 2020 Page: 2495 Journal of Seybold Report ISSN NO: 1533-9211 InLantanacamaraphytoconstituents are presentinallparts whichhasbeenpublishedin variousliteratures.Over the lastfewdecades, scientistsand researchers around theglobehave researchedin an elaboratemanner thechemicalcompositionofthe entire Lantana plant [7].The main purposeof thisis toprovidea completereport of the literature onits phytoconstituentspresent in every section of the Lantana camara.The plant iswidely spread through Indianstatesof Uttarakhand,UttarPradesh, Himachal Pradesh,and the North-East [8]. Thepresent analysisaims to reporta completeliterature onits phytochemistry and pharmacological operations. Lantana camara is frequentlyused asatraditional medicine, andin some areasas firewood and grassland [9]. Figure No.1 The plant of Lantana camara Linn. Taxonomy: LantanacamaraLinn.(Kingdom: Plantae, Subkingdom: Tracheobionta, Superdivision: Spermatophyte, Division: Magnoliopsida, Subclass: Asteriated, Order: Lamiales, Family: Verbenaceae, Genus: Lantana,Species: shrub lantana (Lantana Camara), Trailing Lantana (Lantana Motevidensis), Popcorn Lantana (Lantana Trifolia), Lantana Horrida, Lantana Urticoides, Lantana Involucrata, Lantana Pastazensis, Bandana Cherry Lantana, Bandana Pink Lantana, Pink Dawn Lantana, Pot of Gold Lantana[10]. 3 | Page VOLUME 15 ISSUE 9 2020 Page: 2496 Journal of Seybold Report ISSN NO: 1533-9211 Geographical Distribution: Lantana camara is atropical nativeplant andoriginatedin CentralandNorthern South America and the Caribbean. Today, the Lantana camara isdistributed in nearly60countries, including NewZealand, Mexico,Florida,Trinidad,Jamaicaand Brazil. It isfoundinmany countries inAfrica includingKenya, Uganda, Tanzaniaand South Africa [11]. Before 19th century, Lantana camarawaspossibly introduced inIndia. Lantana camara is currently distributedinall of India. InIndia viz,Ghaneri (Marathi), Raimuniya (Hindi), Sage (English), Bunga pagar (Malaysia), Kembang telek (Indonesia),Yeesun (Thailand)Lantana camara isknown by different namesin variouslanguages [12]. Plant Morphology: The Lantana camara is usually referred toaswild orred sage,it is a fragrant evergreen shrub,itgrows up to 1-2 min height,grows upto 2000m luxury intropical, subtropical and temperateregions. The species selected forLantanacamarais a lowstiff or sub concentrated shrubwitha tetrangularbase, rough warm pickleanda blackcurrant odour. The plant growsup to 1 to 3 meters inwidthand can reach up to2,5metres. Leaves oblong orovate,acute or sub-acute, serrate crenate, rugoseon, scab on both sides.Leaves andstemsare coated with furwhichis rough. Small flora (known as umbels) held in clusters. The colour is usuallyblackand most of thetime there are different shades ofwhite tored and the colour of the flowers usuallychangeswithage. Literally year-round flowershavea yellowthroatintheeye of theaxis. The calyx is asmall, slender corollatube, 6 to7 mm wideand dividedinto unequal lobes. Stamen withfourovaries intwo pairs. Theflowers of thepair form inthe oppositeleaf pot. The flowersaresmall, dome-shaped, 2-3 cm long andhave 20-40 Cecil flowers. Theroot system is verygoodandprovides the eve for new freshshoots [13]. Ethnopharmacology: Lantanacamara is an essential medicinal plant in traditional medicine systems, with manyuses. It is being used to treat health problems in different parts of the world. Leafwounds, rheumatism,ulcers, catarrhalinfections,tetanus, rheumatoid arthritis, malaria, cancer,chicken pox,asthma, ulceration, inflammation, eczema, tumor, gallbladder fever,abdominalvisceral taxi,throat, measles, fever, cold andhighbloodpressure.In Ghana, the whole plantis poured to treat bronchitis, and milk powder was givento the roots asa vermilion. Lantanacamaraoilis usedtotreat skinitchingas an antiseptic forwolves.Decoctions were usedin prosa and external gulls [14]. 4 | Page VOLUME 15 ISSUE 9 2020 Page: 2497 Journal of Seybold Report ISSN NO: 1533-9211 PartsUses ofLantanaCamara Linn.: Seeds, stem, root, leaves and flowersarealsousedbeside the entire plant. PARTS OF LANTANA USES CAMARA LINN. Seeds Berry fruitsareuseful in fistulas,ulcers, tumorsand arthritis. It is used as astringent in cutiginouseruptions, leprosy Stem ulcers,and used as a lotion. Roots These are usedtotreat a toothache. The leaf oilsused as an antiseptic for scars; Leaves Boiled Leaves and usedfor swelling andpainin the body. Itisusedtotreatchildren with chest problems. Weed flower Flowers serves as ahedge weed, providing perchsites for butterflies and mothsand coversnectar sources. It is used astherawmaterial forpaperpulp whichis also used Stalk in the manufacture of basketsandtemporary shelters and as biofuelforthe wrapping, writing and printing of paper. Table no. 1- Parts uses of Lantana camara Linn Phytochemistry: Phytochemical constituentsof the Lantanacamarahasbeeninvestigated extensively over the past only a few decades. The different parts of the Lantana camara are essential oils, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, carbohydrates, proteins, alkaloids, glycosides, phenyl ethanoic, oligosaccharides, quinine, saponins etc. [15]. Theleaves contain a volatileoil, 0.22%, called lantanol,80% caryophylleneandlike bicyclic terpene and 10-12%I-d-phellandrene. Driedflowers contain volatileoil 0.07%,InBarkLantanine 0.08%. U.S.ALantana brassilinaceae, anassociatedspeciescontainingalkaloids,lantin-like quinine with antispasmodic effect,was reportedin thehospital. Toxicity isdue tothe presenceof toxictriterpenoids-lantadene (lantadene A, B, C, D). The leavescontain steroid,lancamarone, which is a fish poison and is considered cardiovascular.Roots are rich in oleanolic acid,a hepatoprotective triterpenoid [16]. A study of theleaves for the chemicalcompound obtained from essential oils identified30 compounds, mostly mono andsesquiterpenes were identified.Its essentialoilcontains 5 | Page VOLUME 15 ISSUE 9 2020 Page: 2498 Journal of Seybold Report ISSN NO: 1533-9211 phellandrene and lantanolicacid. In a test doneon sheep, theplant was discovered tocontain lantadene B, which istoxicindosagesof 200-300mg/kg. Research has shownthat the alkaloidit contains
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