Program of the Seventy-Second Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists to be held at The Tempe Mission Palms Hotel Tempe, Arizona April 23 to April 26, 2003 AAPA Scientific Program Committee: John H. Relethford Chair and Program Editor James Calcagno William L. Jungers Lyle Konigsberg Lorena Madrigal Karen Rosenberg Theodore G. Schurr Lynette Leidy Sievert Dawnie Wolfe Steadman Karen B. Strier Edward Hagen, Computer Programming Charles A. Lockwood, Cover Photo Local Arrangements Committee: Leanne T. Nash (Chair) Brenda J. Baker Kaye E. Reed Charles A. Lockwood Robert C. Williams Melissa K. Schaefer (student) Stephanie Meredith (student) and many other student volunteers 2 Message from the Program Committee Chair The 2003 AAPA meeting, our seventy- obtain abstracts and determine when and second annual meeting, will be held at the where specific posters and papers will be Tempe Mission Palms Hotel in Tempe, Ari- presented. zona. There will be 682 podium and poster As in the past, we will meet in conjunc- presentations in 55 sessions, with a total of tion with a number of affiliated groups in- almost 1,300 authors participating. These cluding the American Association of Anthro- numbers mark our largest meeting ever. The pological Genetics, the American Der- program includes nine podium symposia and matoglyphics Association, the Dental An- three poster symposia on a variety of topics: thropology Association, the Human Biology 3D methods, atelines, baboon life history, Association, the Paleoanthropology Society, behavior genetics, biomedical anthropology, the Paleopathology Association, and the dental variation, hominid environments, Primate Biology and Behavior Interest primate conservation, primate zoonoses, Group. As is our practice, the Paleoanthro- teaching physical anthropology, tooth chem- pology Society meets with us in alternate istry. The program also includes the First years (other years they meet with the Soci- Annual Wiley-Liss Symposium; this year’s ety for American Archaeology). This year, topic is the evolution of the genus Homo in the Paleoanthropology Society has its meet- Europe, and features talks by four distin- ing on Tuesday, April 22, and Wednesday, guished colleagues from Europe. April 23. The Paleopathology Association also has its meeting on these days. As the As in past years, this year’s meetings second year of a two-year trial, the Human reflect the international nature of our meet- Biology Association will meet at the same ings. Roughly 20 percent of the senior au- time as the AAPA, having its sessions on thors live outside the United States, repre- Saturday, April 26 and Sunday, April 27. senting 27 nations. Large numbers of senior authors live in the United Kingdom, Austria, The following pages provide a map of Canada, and Germany, with substantial the Tempe Mission Palms Hotel; a summary numbers also from Japan, South Africa, It- table of conference events; a daily conference aly, and France. schedule, including meetings of affiliated associations, editorial boards, workshops, This is the second year that we have and various business meetings; a detailed used an online registration system for pay- listing of AAPA poster and podium sessions; ment of registration fees and submission of the abstracts of the presentations; and an abstracts. Although we are still working out index of the authors showing the session the bugs, we expect that the membership numbers of their presentations. will continue to reap the benefits of elec- tronic submission, particularly eliminating AAPA activities commence on Wednes- the tedious process of abstract preparation day evening, April 23, with a panel discus- on the “blue box” forms of the past. As was sion organized by our Career Development the case for the past two years, we have put Committee on “Non-Traditional Careers,” together a searchable on-line database of the featuring Kathleen Gordon, Alan Ryan, abstracts in this issue, available at the Linda Smith, Linda Valleroy, and Robert AAPA web site: www.physanth.org. By en- Walker, and moderated by Heather Edgar. tering key terms, you can explore the con- This event will be followed by our annual tents of the entire meeting supplement to reception. Poster and podium sessions begin find presentations on topics of special inter- Thursday morning and continue through est to you. The search engine allows you to Saturday afternoon. The plenary session, 3 held on Thursday evening, is a panel discus- Contents sion on “Can Biological Anthropology and Cultural Anthropology Coexist?” featuring Jim Calcagno, Matt Cartmill, Ralph Hollo- Message From the Program way, Fran Mascia-Lees, and Jon Marks, Committee Chair ............................2 with myself as moderator. Our annual luncheon on Friday features Charles Merbs Tempe Mission Palms Hotel speaking on “Paleopathology in the Days of the Arizona Territory, Today, and Beyond.” Meeting Rooms ..............................4 Our annual business meeting is on Friday evening. On Saturday evening, we will have The Conference at a Glance...........5 our Student Awards Reception, which will be held at the Anthropology Building at Ari- Conference Schedule.....................8 zona State University, only several blocks from the Tempe Mission Palms Hotel. AAPA Poster and Podium Presentation Schedule...................16 The AAPA Program, Local Arrange- ments, and Executive Committees cordially Abstracts of AAPA Poster and invite you to our seventy-second annual Podium Abstracts ..........................55 meeting. We look forward to seeing you in Tempe. Author/Session Index ....................232 John H. Relethford On the cover: Late Pliocene exposures in the Middle Ledi research area, set among diverse AAPA Vice President and hominid localities near the Awash River in northern Ethiopia. Image courtesy of Charles Program Committee Chair Lockwood. 4 Tempe Mission Palms Hotel 5 The Conference at a Glance (Note: The Palm Ballroom is configured differently depending on day and event) Tue Morning Tue Afternoon Tue Evening Wed Morning Wed Afternoon Wed Evening Xavier PPA Poster set- PPA Poster PPA Poster Ses- up, 6 – 7 pm Session sion Dolores PPA Poster set- PPA Poster PPA Poster Ses- up, 6 – 7 pm Session sion Palm C PPA Workshop PPA Podium PPA Podium PPA Podium AAPA reception & Cash Session Session Session Bar, 8-11pm Palm F PPA Workshop Palm AD PS Podium Ses- PS Podium Ses- PS Podium Ses- PS Podium Ses- sion sion sion sion Abbey Career Dev. Panel: Nontra- ditonal Careers 6:30-7:45pm Palm Ball- PPA Registration 8 am - 6 pm PPA Registration room Foyer PS Registration 8 am - 6 pm AAPA Registration, 1-8 pm Joshua Tree Slide preview, Slide preview, Slide preview, Slide preview, Slide preview, Slide preview, press press press press press press Sand Lotus AJPA Editorial Board lunch, noon-2 pm Wind Flower Board Room AAPA Exec. Comm Meeting. Human Biology Editorial 8 am – 5 pm Board Dinner, 6 - 8 pm Board Room LAC, 7 am – 10 LAC LAC LAC LAC LAC anteroom pm daily Poolside PPA Cocktails Terrace Monday: PPA Association Registration, 5:00-7:00 pm, Palm Ballroom Foyer Saturday: AAPA Student Awards Reception, 6-7:30pm, ASU Anthropology Building (maps at Registration) Sunday: HBA Registration, Podium & Posters Sessions Palm Ballroom Foyer, Palm AD, Xavier, Dolores, 8 am to noon Key to acronyms: AAAG American Association of Anthropological Genetics AAPA American Association of Physical Anthropologists ADA American Dermatologlyphics Association AJHB American Journal of Human Biology AJPA American Journal of Physical Anthropology DAA Dental Anthropology Association HBA Human Biology Association LAC Local Arrangements Committee PPA Paleopathology Association PS Paleoanthropology Society 6 The Conference at a Glance (continued) Thurs Morning Thurs Afternoon Thurs Evening Fri Morning Xavier Session 1. Human Biol I. Session 11. Primate Behav. Session 20. Primate Be- Posters, 8:30 am - noon II Posters, 1:30 – 5 pm hav. III Posters, 8:30 am - noon Dolores Session 2. Genetics I Post- Session 12. Dental Anth. I Session 21. Poster Symp o- ers, 8:30 am - noon Posters, 1:30 - 5 pm sium: Variation in Denti- tion of Homo, 8:30 - noon Colonnade Session 3. Genetics II Session 13. Dental Anth. II Session 22. Primate Evol. Posters, 8:30 am - noon Posters, 1:30 – 5 pm I Posters, 8:30 - noon Cavetto Session 4. Hominid Evol. Session 14. Primate Biol. II Session 23. Primate Evol. I. Posters, 8:30 am - noon Posters, 1:30 – 5 pm II Posters, 8:30- noon Campanile Session 5. Hominid Evol. Session 15. Primate Biol. III Session 24. Primate Evol. II Posters, 8:30 am - noon Posters, 1:30 – 5 pm III Posters, 8:30- noon Palm ABC Session 6. Wiley-Liss Session 16. Symposium: AAPA Plenary Session, 6 Session 25. Hominid Evol. Symposium: Genus Homo, Teaching Phys. Anth., 1 – 5 – 7:30 pm III, 8 am - noon 8 –10 am; Session 7. pm Paleopath. I, 10:15-noon Palm DE Session 8. Primate Behav. Session 17. Skeletal Biol. II, Session 26. Primate Biol I, 8 am - noon 1 – 5 pm IV, 8 am - noon Palm F Session 9. Primate Biol. I, Session 18. Genetics III, 1 – Session 27. Symposium: 8 am - noon 5 pm Behavior Genetics, 8:30 – noon Abbey Session 10. Skeletal Biol. Session 19. Symposium: Session 28. Human Biol. I, 8 am - noon Hominid Environments, 1- II, 8 am - noon 5pm Palm Ball- AAPA Registration, starts AAPA Registration, to 5 pm AAPA Registration, starts room Foyer at 7:30 am at 8 am HBA Registration Augustine, AAPA Book Exhibitors AAPA Book Exhibitors AAPA Book Exhibitors Capistrano, Ironstone Jokake Interviews Interviews Primate Biol. & Behav. Interviews Group, 7:30-8:30 pm Joshua Tree Slide preview, press Slide preview, press Slide preview, press Slide preview, press Sand Lotus DAA Business Meeting, AJHB Editorial Board 7:30-8:30 pm Breakfast 7:30 – 9 am Wind Flower AAAG Business Meeting, 7:30-8:30 pm Board Room HBA Exec. Comm., 6-10 pm Board Room LAC LAC LAC LAC anteroom Cloisters Poolside Wiley-Liss Reception 8:30 Terrace – 10:30 pm 7 For a schedule of all conference events, see page 8.
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