SENATORS TRACING FALSE REPORTS TITANIC PASSENGERS WERE SAFE WssA' te-alc- kt mw mmmr. LATEST I jj OrculMtkm Book Open to All." I "CirctUMtioa Books Open to All." PRICE ONI OENT. Oe. (Tk MlTlIt ffaUI. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1912. 12 PAGES PRIOR ONE 01NT. PAY'S PLAN TO FLEE WAD'S SEAMEN, FIRE IN K'S FALSE TITANIC REPORTS CLOSELY GUARDED COAL HOLD RAGED WITH CREW ON CEDRIC IN UPWS HOLD UNABATED5 DAYS NOT FROM THE CARPATHIA Wireless Heroes (i White 3tar Officials Place Stokers in Relays Unable, to of Disaster I Sent No Message That She Waa Who Testified To-Da- y HURRIED SENATE PROBE Watch to Keep Interviewers Halt Blaze, Ready to Give at Inquiry in Tow," Wireless Operator Testi- riftssevs .w Away From Survivors. Up Sunday. fies Before the Senatorial . Investigating Committe. BOATS' CREWS REMAIN. TOLD TO KEEP SECRET. Government Wireless Caught His Outgoing Liner, Many in Tears and Poorly Stoker Asserts Plan Was to Message to Hold FOR THREE FULL DAYS.' and Investigators Came Here at Garbed as They Are Herded Call Fireboats Here to Once From Washington. Aboard Tug to Depart. Drown Out Flames. Surviving Operator of the Titanic Approximately 1 of the 306 members The White tar Uner Tttaalc was oa Says of Icebergs Re- of the Tltanlc's crew who survived Word Was HEAD the day She sailed from WHITE STAR LINE'S wore sent back to England y on the Red Star liner Lapland, which or officers ead eraw ceived at 4 P. M. Sunday. VIRTUALLY ADMITS ORDER ailed from Pier No. d at 10 o'clock. knew It, few they had fought the Ire The sailors went as passenger In the for days. steerage. FVw of them wore uniforms. This story, told for the first tfme to- The mnuner in which the news of the sinking; of the Titanic Sen- the majority having been furnished day by the eurvlvora of the ore, who "We Have Need of Ismay" Says clvtllace.' clothing 'by the White Star were sent back to England on board the suppressed for twelve hours or more ami the source of the fab line officials. Red Star liner Lapland, was only one of ing messages that percolated on Monday to the press through (he Whit ator Smith, "And He Will Re- Unusual efforts were made by the Red the many thrilling tales of the first Star Hne officials to prevent the Titan- - and last voyage of the Tltnnlc. OsssssssssssVsKssssOssl sV 1 Star Line oil ices were the. subjects of the investigation, resumed to-da- y at ic's survivors from talking. The "The Titanic sailed from Bont.hemp 5RIOC T CO'TTA,M I main to Answer Questions. meat the men were landed from the ton on Wednesday. April 10, at nosh.' lie Waldorf-Astori- a by-- the Investigating Committee of the United States t Carpathia, they were horded together said J. TMIley. fireman on the TNaote, No. Senate, of which Senator Smith of Michigan is chairman. Herald Gotten, Ismay to General Manager Frank and carried to a tug, which transferred who Uvea at :i Milton road. Wireless messages from J. Bruce them to .the Lapland, where they were Ington, London, North, and who the wireless operator on the Carpathia, and Harold S. Bride, second fcUu lin of the White Star line asking that the Cedric be stopped to take Quartered asrtt sals) time wtt m other members of tew TO SAVE ALL The Red star 11ns, owned by the In- crsw y on the Letpkuid. coni operator on the Titanic, who went aboard the Carpathia with the Ismay and the crew of the Titanic aboard, which were intercepted by a ternational Mercantile Marine, which "I was aeatgned to the Titanic from lao owns the White Star Hne. was Oceanic, I h)a1 served HMSae a survivors, were questioned along those lines. sent tol Washington, were the direct cause cf the evl the where Gorernment boat and asrauy acting nuder orders to prevent fireman. FVom ths day we sailed, the It was brought out by Cottam's testimony that definite news of the prompt in New York of the Senate investigating committee tne men from toeing Interviewed. Per Tltanec waa on fire and my sole duty, arrival mission to enter steerage the was re together with eleven other men, had ORDERED NOW BY MAY disaster was sent to the Baltic of the White Star Line at 10.30 o'clock on which to-da- y resumed its inquiry into the disaster. fused, the refusal being backed up by been to fight that fire. We had made stationing a force of men about the no headway against It. Monday morning. Both Cuttam and Bride, the surviving assistant wire-le-ss Williarn Alden Smith of Michigan, Chairman of the com- gangway to Senator permit only steerage ticket "Of course, sir." ha went on, noiiers to enter. "the operator of the Titanic, positively denied that they had sent any mes to-da- y : passenger knew nothing of the fire. mittee, said A large number of the Titanic' sail Do you think, sir. we'd have let them sage that could be construed as meaning that the Titanic was not sunk ors. however, refuted to of "J. Bruce Ismay sent wireless messages to General submit to the know about It? No, r. Vessels International Mercantile Marine Are practical Imprisonment and Insisted on and was being lowed to Halifax. outward-boun- 'The fire started In hunker No. fi. Manager Franklin in which he urged that the d 'coming ashore tills morning. Most Now Being Equipped So Every Passen- of There were hundreds of tons of coal That them were founu In the sa- MESSAGES WENT TO WHITE STAR LINE. Cedric be stopped to take himself and the crew of waterfront stored there. The coal on top of the for Car-path- lens drinking beer. They were willing ger and Sailor May Have Chance Life. Cottam aJmitted there had been communication between the ia to England. These mes- to talk freely. hunker was net, as all the con I sh.iuli the Titanic aboard and back have been, but down of an,! Line offices in At 9.30 A. M. the Tltanlc's eallors were at the bottom the White Star New York during the period in up by on Government the coal permitted sages were picked the wireless a mustered in the steerage of the Lin. bunker the had been J. Bruce Ismay, Chairman of the Director, of the International Me- which the Carpathia was steaming from the scene of the disaster to this land and the roll - ,ry- and Washington at once communicated with. That called. About 1M an- ' rcantile Marine, announced y that orders had been Issued to equip oil boat Wared present. As the men answered SPOKE OF EMPTYING COAL port, but Senator Smith was unable to get from him the exact text of names iney were vcsocls of the line:, embraced In that corporation with a sufficient number of is why the Senate committee was so prompt in arriving meir told that sixteen BUNKERS. of these messages. The wireless men denied they played any part men, who had been in command of the lifeboats to carry all pasHeiiKers and every member of the crew. The orders any in New York and why I was down on the pier when the life hoi , had been ordered to remain "The dry coal at the bottom of the in keeping the dire news of the foundering of the Titanic Am-ri- ca go Into effect Immediately and Mr. Innny said the work of completing tho whatsoever M to appear before the Sena- Pile took fire, elr, and am auldered for Carpathia put in. torial investigating Committee. days. The wet coal on top kept the equipment was already under way. secret during the long, anxious hours of Monday. As they came "Not only Ismay to to England from the vessel's hold, tlames fraro coming through, donn Tho linen affected by tho order aro the White Star, American, Ited Star, his first message from Phillips, IT was eager return bringing with them their meagre be- lut Cottam declared that Jack the In the bottom of the bunker, sir, the Atlantic Transportation, Leyland and Dominion. The order was prompted on the Cedric, but he has been eager to get away on the longings, several of them wars In tears. tanic Operator, read: One. Who refused lo give his name, ames wns a raiting. by the experience of the International Mercantile Murine In the foundering in .iw;iy "Two men from each w.iteti of stoker at once. It is a D. man." Lapland since his arrival New York. We have need of brclte from the others and tried of Titanic. "Come C. Q.,old to re- - inter the Lapland. was tolled off. sir, to fhrht that fire. the I the His re- Ismay and he will remain here, for have some more "I don't wav.t to stay In America." The you know, sir, work four "We have learned by bitter experience," mild Mr. Ismay, "although our Then Phillips sent the position of Titanic. last message, he wept. "I ge tkr. questions to ask him. The crew will also be held for a want to back to my hours at a lime, so twelve of us was ships have all been equipped with rettped to life saving appuratua In full ceived by Cottam at tl.SS, read: wiie. fighting flames from the day we pu": out He was led away weep- compliance with (he Admiralty Laws." time, for many of them will be questioned." from the ship of Southampton until we hit the "Come as quickly possible.
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