HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE 2-18-73 2-18-73 5.5 at 0524 t-tOURGlASS 0.2 at 1125 5.9 at 1734 0.2 at 2346 '"'lot-' c.. • _'t... ~ "'''').1).. " ... ' ""';.,.1(. I VOL. 13, No. 30561 KWAJALEIN, 'MAP..5H,ALL ISLA:iDS Saturday, February 17, 1973 Amer. War Resisters :'1..11..111....111..1111111111111111111111111111: Ho'" 2·8., Co.ferell(e E. Inside Today .~ Bofh Sides Pledge fo Turn Phony ':-AROUND THE WORLD ...Page 2 -:: PARIS (UPI) - American war re­ sisters today began assembling § Girl Kidnaped : Truce info a Genuine Ceasefire EWEEKLY MOVIE GUIDE Page 3 for a two-day conference to de­ :: AROUND TOWN Page 4 mand uncondItional amnesty from SAIGON (UPI) - Eoth sIdes in the Vletnam war pledQed today to PresIdent NIxon. :: Blue Birds turn the current phony truce 1nto a genUIne ceasef ire but It re­ : FEATURES MIchael Uhl, an organIzer of ...Page 5 mained to be seen whether they would or would not live Up to It. ::SPORTS the meeting, saId delegates Dee ...Page 6 The U.S.-North and South Vletnamese-Vletcong JOlnt Mliltary KnIght of Eugene, Oregon, and :: UCLA Comrnlssl0n (J¥C) saId in a JOInt statement that conSIderIng that Jack Calhoun of Philadelph1a, SCOMICS " .Page 7 all the fIghtIng has not yet stopped, the hIgh commands of all Penn., had arrIved from Canada. SCLASSIFIEt ...Page 8 four parties should order all troops "to strIctly respect the CIIIIIIIIII..IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII..1 Uhl, an Intelligence officer ceaseflre ." In VIetnam In 1968, said Colhoun The appeal solemnly reaffIrmed these sectJonsof the orlglnal ~eserted the military and Knight ceaseflre agreement signed Ja"1. 27 ln Pana ?'1(\ supposedly put dodged the draft. into force the follow1ng day, bannIng com2at 2cllVlty of all They are among the thousands kinds. of AmerIcan youths who fled to HWM ask for 15 The appeal was pUblIshed at noon Salf,on tIme and as of late Canada to get out of the Army Per Cent Surcharge afternoon neither sIde had any reports of fl~htlng since then. 01 avoid the draft. But it was too early to tell if the appeal already was begInnIng "The best fIgure on the number on all Imports to take effect. of American reSIsters in Canada The South VIetnamese freely admItted durIng the first two weeks IS from 50,000 to 70,000," Uhl WASHINGTON (UPI) - Rep. Wl]- of the ceaseflre that they were flylnR 100 to 200 aIr strIkes a saId. "That IS based on Can~ bur l'!1lls, chalnnan of the day apalnst Communlsts posltlons alledgedly selzed after the adlan government statIstIcs of House Ways and Means Comm1ttee, ceaseflre . the number of people that have called on the NIxon Admlnistra- "But now we have stopped uSIng aIr," Lt. Col. Le Trung Hlen, applIed for lrnrnlgration." t10n late today to Impose a 15 the spokesman sald. "In the past week there has been no tacalr An AmerIcan reSIsters' group per cent emergency surcharge on (tactIcal aIrcraft) used. There have been no tacalr sortIes In Canada, Am-Ex-Canada, IS a imports as a means of proddIng flown, only 'tralning flIghts." sponsorIng organ1zation of the other natIons to act on Inter- Asked If tl-Je traInl.ng flIghts were armed or unarmed and lf they MeetIng ;.;hich begIns Monday. natIonal economic reform. were firIng weapons or dropplng bombs, hp saId "there are dIf­ Also settIng up the two-day af- Mills, an Arkansas Democrat, ferent tvpes. Those WhlCh are combat traInlnp are armed and they faIr IS Safe Return, a New York- also proposed an immedIate tem- expend ordance on the ranges." based COUw'lttee workIng for unl- porary suspensIon of U.S. taxes "There W1J1 be no more tacau Air Force Discharged versa1 awnesty and Up from EXIle, on Interest and diVIdend pay- used, but If the CommunIsts con- the AmerIcan reslsters' group ln ments earned by foreigners on tInue to use artIllery af!alnst Two Pilots Who R fus d Sweden. lnvestments in thlS country. our troops v:e WIll a?aln use To Fly Bombing ~issions George Carrano, who fled to Sweden To further help rapIdly sta- tacalr. We resrect the JMC ap- ln 1968 when he receIved a draft billze the InternatIonal econo- peal." wASHINGTO" (UPI) - The Au lnductlon notlce, sald, "there mlC scene, the admlnlstratlon The Saigon co~manG threatened Force todav sald It has dlS­ are 500 Amerlcan eXlles In Swe- should make avaIlable a new and to stop rele2Slnp CommunIst prI­ c>,arged two pI] ots who refused den and 90 per cent of them wIll "attractlvely structured" sav- soners unless more of Its own to fly bomblng mISSIons over return horne If they get the Ings bond to the millIons of men are released. North VIetnam last December. chance." AmerIcans who are due lncome As of 4 p.M. today a total of Bot~ :ultlally faced court mar­ Scheduled for arrlval Sunday tax refunds. 4,514 Communist and 711 SaIgon tIal charges for dlsobevlng a rnornlng were some 15 represen- "Confl~ence ln the American prIsoners had been released. direct order. tatives of U.S. anti-war, church dollar needs to be re3tored B52 pIlot Capt. MIchael J. and C1Vll llbertles' organIzatIons quickly lf new attacks on the POW Investigated Heck, 30, of Chula VIsta, CalIf, who wlll partlclpate ln the con- dollar are to be avolded, and a veter an of 175 mISSIons, ­ ference. if Amerlcans and our frIends for .eing AWOL dlscLarged under "other than Carrano sald '~e will be abroad are to be convInced that SAN FRANCISCO, Callf. (UPI) ­ honorable condItIons" at Barks­ speaklng for one mlll10n re- another dollar devaluatl0n is The Defense Departrrent announced dale AIr Force Base, LOUISlana SIsters who have been penallzed not inevltable," ~llis sald ln today Spec. 4 RIchard H. SprIng­ Thursday. ln some way." a statement outllnlng hlS re- man, an ex-POW reunIted wlth hIS Dwight J. Evans, a F4 phanton PreSIdent Nlxon has stl1l commendatIons. family here, IS under investI­ Jet pIlot, also was dlscharged rnalntalned a strong antl-amnesty gation for being absent WIthout Thursday He refused to say posltlon. leave at the time of hIS cap­ what type of dIscharge he ture. receIved. POW Wives Relate Husba.n"s feelings Sprin~an, 23, frOM Cotton­ Had the men been court mar­ wood, Arizona, was In Vietnam tlaled for refUSIng to take PORTSMOUTH, VirgInIa (UPI) - The sweeplng change l.n American WIth the FIfth Infantry D1VI­ part In the maSSIve raids agaIn­ SOCIety durIng the past few years has been one of the blggest sian. He was last seen on ¥4Y st HanOI and Halphon?, they could shocks to freed prIsoner of war James A. ~ulilgan, his wlfe sald 25, 1970 In the vicinity of have heen sentenced to as much today. Katum, Cambodla. In 1972 It as two years in prIson. Mrs. LOUIse Mulligan was one of three wives of ex-POWs who re­ was determIned he was cap~ured. Formal charges were preferred turned to Portsmouth Naval Hospital Thursday and met with newsmen When the young soldler ar­ agalnst Heck Jan. 3 and a pre­ today. The others were Mrs. Janie Denton, wife of Navy Capt. rIved at Travis today he saluted trIal InvestIgatIon was con­ JeremIah A. Denton- and Mrs. Phyllis Galanti, wlfe of Navy Lt. the generals, chatted with one ducted. Heck meanwhile' applIed Cmdr. Paul E. GaLantI. of them for a minute, saluted for a dIscharge under honorable "The bIggest shock has been that society as a whole has changed the honor guard, then deVIated conditIons and was refused. and the mood of the country," said Mrs. Mul11gan, whose husband IS from the normal routIne and His second request for a dIS­ a Navy capta1n. walked right up to the crowd charge under less than honor­ She saId her husband, a CatholIC, has particularly remarked about 1nstead of going to the lounge. able condItions was accepted. the dramatIC changes In the church. As people crowded around hIm "He's Just amazed that so many changes dld happen" said Mrs. to talk, an AIr Force It. col. 1ool111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111I: Mulligan. "You have to understand, it's lIke beglnning to live grabbed Sprlngman's arm and .§ Daily Wafer Reporf -§ aga1n." pulled h1m away. E- Present Water Condltlon Code: -: Mrs. Denton said her husband was disturbed by the drug problems Springman was then whisked .: Yellow =- :-111..111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ that have developed 1n America. away in an Army car to Letter­ : Water In Tanks 2-16-73 § : Island Weather : Mrs. Galanti said "the over­ man General HospItal where he : 7,678,000 gal.: . -. whelmlng thing for Paul is the was reunited w1th his mother : Water Produced 433,000 gal.: : Partly cloudy skIes with :\ fact of beIng free." and father, a sister and two : Water Consumed 469,000 gal.: Ea chance of showers tonight : All three women said they brothers. : Net 2-17-73 7,642,000 gal.e :and tomorrow morning. ~ detected little change in their Smillng, but looking tired :: Daily Loss 36,000 gal.i : Winds will be northeasterly -, husband& as a result of the six and slightly nervous, he step­ : CondItIon "Orange" (restrIcted Sat 12 to 18 MPH. to seven years imprisonment. ped from the car at Letterman : use) goes Into effect when net : Tonight's expected low--77° All the wives declined to and saluted Br1g. Gen. Robert : reaches 7,000,000 gallons. • : Tomorrows expected high--8~O discuss their husbands' cap­ Green, the hospital's comman­ : . : Total monthly rainfal1--0.31 in.5 tivity, saying they had no in­ der. CONSERVE WATER! e ~ ! 11111111111111111111;'1111111111111111111111111111'; formation on it. e1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 J: Saturday. February 17.
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