1122 1122 8 0. .8 2 20 21.7– 21.7– 主辦機構 Organized by 專題展覽專題展覽 21.7.2012 支持機構 Supported by Thematic Exhibition 1 p.m. ~ 7 p.m. 22.7.2012 – 20.8.2012 10 a.m. ~ 7 p.m. 香港銅鑼灣高士威道66號 香港中央圖書館地下展覽館 中央/ 動 Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong Central Library, 書館活 66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 圖 Libr 區 ranch ary 分 l / B ra ivities nt ct Ce A 綜藝表演 配合活動 Tied-in activities Variety Shows 比賽 Contests 講座 Talks 兒童故事工作坊 Storytelling Sessions 親子閱讀活動 Parent-child Reading Activities 免費入場.歡迎參加 Free Admission.All are welcome Printed by Quality Printing Ltd. www.hkpl.gov.hk/srm 目錄 Content 閱讀繽紛月簡介 2 Introduction of Summer Reading Month 展覽 4 Exhibition 綜藝表演 6 Variety Shows 工作坊 9 Workshops 講座 11 Talks 配合講座 12 Tie-in Talks 比賽 14 Contests 視聽館藏速遞 17 AV Programmes Express 工作坊:其他公共圖書館 20 Workshops: Other Public Libraries 書籍展覽 30 Book Exhibitions 附錄Annexes 1. 香港中央圖書館位置圖 (地下) 31 Location Map of Hong Kong Central Library (Ground Floor) 2. 活動地點代碼 32 Abbreviation of Venues 3. 活動一覽表 33 Programme Timetable 閱讀約章 35 Reading Charter 1 「閱讀繽紛月」是香港公共圖書館自 2002 年起在暑假 期間舉行的大型兒童閱讀活動,每年透過專題展覽及多種綜 藝閱讀活動,誘發兒童及青少年在暑期閱讀,及鼓勵親子共 讀。 為配合香港公共圖書館50周年誌慶,今年「閱讀繽紛 月」會以「快樂閱讀‧圖書館」為主題,向大家展現公共圖 書館半世紀以來的丰姿,回顧如何由昔日只有一間公共圖書 館提供服務,發展成為今天七十七間圖書館的大體系。小朋 友可以了解公共圖書館的服務和學習善用圖書館現有資源, 而家長可藉此機會和小朋友一起分享昔日在圖書館的種種體 驗,並認識現今「無牆圖書館」的發展趨勢。與此同時,展 覽的另一部份將會介紹公共圖書館自1981年開始舉辦兒童文 學創作獎的歷屆優勝作品,吸引小朋友閱讀更多優秀精采的 童書。 「閱讀繽紛月」活動多姿多采,除專題展覽外,亦有綜 藝表演、兒童故事工作坊、親子閱讀、講座以及比賽等不同 項目。還有香港貿易發展局香港書展、何鴻毅家族基金和設 計及文化研究工作室的支持,為大家安排多場閱讀講座和工 作坊。希望各位小朋友積極參與各類型有益身心又有趣的閱 讀活動、家長與小朋友一起親子共讀、一同培養閱讀習慣, 成為愛書人! 2 簡介 Introduction Since 2002, Hong Kong Public Libraries (HKPL) has been organizing the territory-wide summer programme for children, Summer Reading Month, aiming to encourage summer reading and parent-child reading through the thematic exhibition and a variety of reading activities. To tie-in with the 50th anniversary of HKPL, “Joyful Reading • Library” becomes the theme of Summer Reading Month this year. The thematic exhibition presents the development of HKPL in the past 5 decades, which has evolved from one library venue at the beginning to a large library system of 77 branches at present. Kids will know more about the services of HKPL and better use the library resources. Moreover, parents can share with their kids their experience of using library services in the past and know the current trend of “library-without-wall”. Besides, the exhibition also showcases the winning works of children literature awards organized by the Public Libraries since 1981, which will attract kids to read more fantastic children’s books. The activities of Summer Reading Month are rich and fun. In addition to the thematic exhibition, an array of activities are offered including variety shows, storytelling sessions, parent-child reading activities, talks, contests, etc. Supporting organizations, Hong Kong Trade Development Council – Hong Kong Book Fair, The Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation, and the Design & Cultural Studies Workshop will hold talks and workshops for us. We hope that children will join these healthy and interesting reading activities, parents enjoy reading with their kids, nurturing the life- long habits in reading and becoming booklovers together. 簡介 Introduction 3 展覽 Exhibition 今年「閱讀繽紛月」專題展覽以「快樂閱讀.圖書館」 為主題,會為大家介紹香港公共圖書館的今昔發展,以及展 示圖書館所舉辦兒童文學創作獎的歷屆優勝作品,冀能藉此 推廣香港兒童的閱讀風氣。 「故事筆耕樂園」及「圖畫故事果園」 香港公共圖書館舉辦的「中文文學創作獎」,自1981年起 便設有兒童故事及兒童圖畫故事比賽,並把得獎作品輯錄成 《兒童文學叢書》。這套叢書至今已出版了六十多冊,鼓勵 了一代又一代的作家對兒童文學創作的熱忱,亦見證圖書館 三十多年來對鼓勵兒童文學創作和閱讀推廣工作的堅持。要 尋找這批得獎圖書,可一起前往「故事筆耕樂園」及「圖畫 故事果園」一遊,享受親子閱讀的美好時光,領會從閱讀中 學習語言、成長與想像的無窮樂趣。此外,在「藏寶方塊」 會介紹世界各地兒童文學圖書大獎得獎書籍,以及「點點謝 意」展出「2012年世界閱讀日創作比賽」心意卡設計的獲 獎作品,你都不要錯過啊﹗ 「圖書館,原來是這樣的」 在展場的另一面,「圖書館,原來是這樣的」重溫了香港公 共圖書館過去五十年在服務市民、推廣閱讀、資訊傳播和兒 童圖書館方面的發展,以及香港公共圖書館陪伴香港與資訊 世界的成長足跡;「圖書館小百科」搜羅了各種和圖書館相 關的知識,包括「書籍身份證」、圖書分類法、圖書館之最 等等,增加小朋友對圖書館的認識;至於「我的圖書角」則 介紹兒童書籍的種類、選書小知識、親子閱讀攻略等閱讀資 訊。 希望這個專題展覽,不但能讓你體驗到快樂的閱讀過 程,並能認識如何運用圖書館豐富多元的資源,以建立終身 學習的基礎,從小書蟲蛻變成美麗的蝴蝶,張開閱讀的翅 膀,在更高更遠的天地裏翱翔。 4 展覽 Exhibition The thematic exhibition for children of Summer Reading Month 2012 is entitled “Joyful Reading • Library”. With the objective to promote reading to children in Hong Kong, the exhibition will not only introduce the development of the Hong Kong Public Libraries (HKPL), but also present the winning works of children literature of HKPL’s creative writing awards over the years. “Paradise of Storybooks” and “Orchard of Picture Books” 'The Awards for Creative Writing in Chinese', which has long been organized by HKPL, has added with the categories of Children Storybooks and Picture Books respectively since 1981. More than 60 volumes of the winning works have been published in the “Series of Children Literature”. The Awards and the Series have been encouraging writers of children literature and showing the efforts of HKPL in promoting creative writing of children literature over the past 3 decades. You may go to the “Paradise of Storybooks” and “Orchard of Picture Books” to find these awarded works for paired reading and for getting the infinite enjoyment in learning language, growing-up and imagination. In the area of “Treasure Cubes”, you may also know more about other winning books of renowned book prizes of children literature in the world. Moreover, please do not miss the chance to see the awarded designs of thank you card of the 4•23 World Book Day Creative Competition in 2012 in the area of “Traces of Thankfulness”. “That’s the Library” You may go to the area of “That’s the Library” to review the past 50 years’ development of HKPL in the aspects of serving the community, promotion of reading, information dissemination, and children’s library. We can also see how HKPL has been growing with Hong Kong in the world of information. “Library’s Tips” will provide different information about library including “Book Identity Card”, Classification of books, “Library’s Most …”, etc. All these information will help you know more about libraries. In addition, both parents and children may go to “My Library Corner” to find out different types of children’s books, hints to select books for children, strategies of parent-child reading, etc. We sincerely hope that this exhibition can facilitate you to experience the joy of reading, and to use the abundant resources available at libraries so as to start your path of life-long learning. We believe that small bookworms will eventually turn into beautiful butterflies with the wings of reading and fly high in the world. 展覽 Exhibition 5 綜藝表演 Variety Shows 踢躂舞蹈劇場:足音達人之「I瘋ing」 Crazy for Technology 表演團體 Performance Group: R&T (Rhythm & Tempo) 日期 Date :21.7.2012 (六 Sat) 時間 Time :2:30 – 3:15 p.m. 日期 Date :5.8.2012 (日 Sun) 時間 Time :2:00 – 2:45 p.m. 漫步故事園 Ring a Story 表演團體 Performance Group: 十一分音符手鈴隊 Double Mallet Ringers 日期 Date :22.7.2012 (日 Sun) 時間 Time :2:00 – 3:00 p.m. 「閱讀繽紛月」小型音樂會─銅管樂演奏 Summer Reading Month “Mini Concert” – Brass Music 表演團體 Performance Group: 音樂事務處銅管樂導師 Music Office Instructors 日期 Date :27.7.2012 (五 Fri) 時間 Time :3:00 – 4:00 p.m. 小松鼠與大獅子 Little Squirrel and Great Lion 表演團體 Performance Group: 奇想偶戲劇團 Fantasy Puppet Theatre 日期 Date :28.7.2012 (六 Sat) 時間 Time :2:00 – 2:45 p.m. 日期 Date :29.7.2012 (日 Sun) 時間 Time :12:00 noon – 12:45 p.m. 6 綜藝表演 Variety Shows 「閱讀繽紛月」小型音樂會─木管樂演奏 Summer Reading Month “Mini Concert” – Woodwind Music 表演團體 Performance Group: 音樂事務處木管樂導師 Music Office Instructors 日期 Date : 28.7.2012 (六 Sat) 時間 Time : 3:30 – 4:45 p.m. 音樂通識站 Music Station 表演團體 Performance Group: 香港北區管弦樂團 Hong Kong North Philharmonic Orchestra 日期 Date : 29.7.2012 (日 Sun) 時間 Time : 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. 敲擊樂新體驗 Percussion Concert 表演團體 Performance Group: 擊能量音樂中心 Percussion Spirit Music Center 日期 Date : 4.8.2012 (六 Sat) 時間 Time : 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. 中國傳統皮影戲及木偶戲 Shadow Puppetry Show 表演團體 Performance Group: 飛鵬木偶團 Sky Bird Puppet Group 日期 Date : 11.8.2012 (六 Sat) 時間 Time : 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. 綜藝表演 Variety Shows 7 樂在書中──音樂與圖書的對話 Chinese Musical Concert 表演團體 Performance Group: 竹韻小集 Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble 日期 Date : 12.8.2012 (日 Sun) 時間 Time : 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. 「閱讀繽紛月」小型音樂會─中樂演奏 Summer Reading Month “Mini Concert” – Chinese Music 表演團體 Performance Group: 音樂事務處中樂導師 Music Office Instructors 日期 Date : 18.8.2012 (六 Sat) 時間 Time : 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. 豎琴說故事 Musical : Angels in the Storyland 表演團體 Performance Group: 香港豎琴堡 Hong Kong Harp Chamber 日期 Date : 19.8.2012 (日 Sun) 時間 Time : 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. 地點 Venue: 香港中央圖書館地下展覽館 Exhibition Gallery, G/F, Hong Kong Central Library 參加辦法 Admission: 免費入場,歡迎參加;節目如有更改,恕不另行通知。 Free Admission. All are welcome. Programmes are subject to change without prior notice. 8 綜藝表演 Variety Shows 工作坊 Workshops 看看中國文化:紫禁城你好嗎? Workshop on Chinese Culture 主持 Host: 「我的家在紫禁城」外展教育計劃 We All Live in the Forbidden City Education Outreach Programme 名額Quota: 20位小朋友 20 children 日期 時間 對象 地點 Date Time Target Audience Venue 22.7.2012 4-7歲小朋友 展覽館 (日 Sun) Children aged 4-7 Exhibition Gallery 4.8.2012 8-12歲小朋友 一號活動室 (六 Sat) 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Children aged 8-12 Activity Room 1 11.8.2012 4-7歲小朋友 一號活動室 (六 Sat) Children aged 4-7 Activity Room 1 18.8.2012 8-12歲小朋友 展覽館 (六 Sat) Children aged 8-12 Exhibition Gallery *4-7歲組別:小朋友須由一位家長陪同參加 Workshop for children aged 4-7: must accompany by one parent 兒童故事工作坊 - 細味「中文文學創作獎得獎作品」/ 英文童話故事 Storytelling with Music and Puppets 主持 Host: 香港豎琴堡 Hong Kong Harp Chamber 名額Quota: 25個家庭 (1名4-12歲小朋友及1位家長) 25 families (One parent with a child aged 4-12) 日期 時間 語言 地點 Date Time Language Venue 25.7.2012 (三 Wed) 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. 展覽館 Exhibition Gallery 1.8.2012 (三 Wed) 8.8.2012 (三 Wed) 15.8.2012 (三 Wed) 5.8.2012 (日Sun) 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon 12.8.2012 (日Sun) 工作坊 Workshops 9 齊來學摺紙 Origami Workshop 主持 Host: 香港摺紙學會 Hong Kong Origami Society 日期 Date : 24.7.2012 (二 Tue) 31.7.2012 (二 Tue) 7.8.2012 (二 Tue) 14.8.2012 (二 Tue) 時間 Time : 3:00 – 4:30 p.m.
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