276 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE January ·13. sour!; .John C. Watts, Kentucky; Harlan Committee on Government Operations: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Hagen, California; Lester Johnson, Wiscon­ William· L. Dawson (chairman), Illinois; sin; Victor L. Anfuso, New York; Ross Bass. Chet Holifield, California; John W. McCor­ THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1955 Tennessee; Coya Knutson, Minnesota; Pat mack, Massachusetts; Earl Chudoff,. Penn­ Jennings, Virginia. sylvania; Jack B. Brooks, Texas; Lester The House met ·at 12 o'clock noon. Committee on Appropriations: Clarence Holtzman, New York; Robert H. Mollohan, Father Edward J.· Kammer, C. M .• Cannon (chairman), Missouri; George H. West Virginia; L. H. Fountain, North Caro­ executive vice president of DePaul Uni­ Mahon, Texas; Harry R. Sheppard, Califor­ lina; Porter Hardy, Jr., Virginia; John A. nia; Albert Thomas, Texas; Michael J. Kir­ Blatnik, Minnesota; Robert E. Jones, Jr., versity, Chicago, Ill., ofiered the follow- wan, Ohio; W. F. Norrell, Arkansas; Jamie Alabama; Edward A. Garmatz, Maryland; ing prayer: · L. Whitten, Mississippi; George W. Andrews, John E. Moss, Jr., California; Joe M. Kilgore, 0 God,. the Creator and Ruler of the Alabama; John J. Rooney, New York; J. Texas; Dante B. Fascell, Florida; Martha W. universe, look with favor and help with Vaughan Gary, Virginia; John E. Fogarty, Griffiths, Michigan; Henry S. Reuss, Wis­ Thy grace this group of Thy creatures Rhode Island; Robert L. F. Sikes, Florida; consin. · Antonio M. Fernandez, New Mexico; Prince Committee on House Administration: Omar upon whose intelligence, strength, and H . Preston, Georgia; Otto E. Passman, Loui­ Burleson (chairman). Texas; Robert C. Byrd, integrity Thou hast placed the terrible siana; Louis C. Rabaut, Michigan; · Sidney West Virginia; Samuel N. Friedel, Maryland; burden of world leadership. R. Yates, Illinois; Fred Marshall, Minnesota; Robert T. Ashmore, South Carolina; Wayne Mayest Thou grant to each of them John J. Riley, South Carolina; Alfred D. L. Hays, Ohio; Paul C. Jones, Missouri; the cardinal virtues of prudence, jus­ Sieminski, New Jersey; Joe L. Evins, Ten­ George M. Rhodes, Pennsylvania; John tice, fortitude, and temperance: pru..: nessee; Henderson Lanham, Georgia; Charles Lesinski, Jr., Michigan; Frank E. Smith, Mis­ dence that they may say and do the right B. Deane, Nor th Carolina; John F . Shelley, sissippi; John Dowdy, Texas; GeorgeS. Long, thing at the right time; justice that they California; Edward P. Boland, Massachu­ Louisiana; James A. Haley, Florida; Hugh Q. setts; Don Magnuson, Washington; William Alexander, North Carolina; FrankS. Thomp­ may be to the world a beacon of hope; H. Natcher, Kentucky; Daniel J. Flood, Penn­ son, Jr., New Jersey. fortitude that thay may not be swayed sylvania; Winfield K. Denton, Indiana; J ames Committee on Interior and Insular Af­ by the expediency of the moment; tem­ C. Murray, Illinois. fairs: Clair Engle (chairman), California; perance that they may have patience Committee on Armed Services: Carl Vin­ Wayne N. Aspinall, Colorado; Leo W. O'Brien, and understanding when things go son (chairman) , Georgia; Overton Brooks, New , York; Walter Rogers, Texas; Gracie awry. Louisiana; Paul J. I{ilday, Texas; Carl T. Pfost, Idaho; James A. Haley, Florida; George These virtues we humbly ask of Thee, Durham, North Carolina; L. Mendel Rivers, A. Shuford, North Carolina; Adam C. Powell, 0 God, in the name of Thy Son, our South Carolina; Philip J. Philbin, Massachu­ Jr., New York; Ed Edmondson, Oklahoma; setts; F. Edward Hebert, Louisiana; Arthur Lee Metcalf, Montana; George H. Christo­ Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. Winstead, Mississippi; Melvin Price, Illinois; pher, Missouri; B. F. Sisk, California; Stewart The J oumal of the proceedings of 0. C. Fisher, Texas; Porter Hardy, Jr., Vir­ Udall, Arizona; Charles C. Diggs, Jr., Michi· Tuesday, January 11. 1955, was read and ginia; William J. Green, Jr., Pennsylvania; gan; J. T. Rutherford, Texas. Clyde Doyle, California; Victor Wickersham, Committee on Interstate and Foreign approved. Oklahoma; George P. Miller, California; Commerce: J. Percy Priest (chairman), Ten­ Charles E. Bennett, Florida; Lester Holtz­ nessee; Oren Harris, Arkansas; Arthur G. SWEARING IN OF MEMBERS man, New York; Robert H. Mollohan, West Klein, New York; William T. Granahan, Virginia; Richard E. Lankford, Maryland; Pennsylvania; F. Ertel Carlyle, North Caro­ Mr. CHIPERFIELD and Mr. ALLEN George Huddleston, Jr., Alabama. lina; John Bell Williams, Mississippi; Peter of California appeared at the bar of the Committee on Banking and Currency: F. Mack, Jr., Illinois; Kenneth A. Roberts, House and took the oath of office. Brent Spence (chairman), Kentucky; Paul AlJ.bama; Morgan M. Moulder, Missouri; Har­ Brown, Georgia; Wright Patman, Texas; Al­ ley 0. Staggers, West Virginia; Isidore Dol· bert Rains, Alabama; Abraham J. Multer, New linger, New York; Walter Rogers, Texas; MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT York; Hugh J. Addonizio, New Jersey; Wil· Martin Dies, Texas; Samuel N. Friedel, Mary­ Sundry messagen in writing from the liam A. Barrett, Pennsylvania; Barratt land; John J. Flynt, Jr., Georgia; Torbert O'Hara, Illinois; Vera Buchanan, Pennsyl­ Macdonald, Massachusetts; Don Hayworth, President of the United States were com­ vania; Leonor K. (Mrs. John B.) Sullivan, Michigan. municated to the House by Mr. Miller, Missouri; L. H. Fountain, North Carolina; committee on the Judiciary: E'm.anuel one of his secretaries. HenryS. Reuss, Wisconsin; Martha W. Grif· Celler (chairman), New York; Francis E. flths, Michigan; Thomas Ludlow Ashley. Walter, Pennsylvania; Thomas J. Lane, Mas­ Ohio; Charles A. Vanik, Ohio; Irwin D. David· sachusetts; Michael A. Feighan, Ohio; Frank COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS son, New York; John J. Bell, Texas. Chelf, Kentucky; Edwin E. Willis, Louisiana; Mr. COOPER. Mr. Speaker, I ofier a Committee on the District of Columbia:· James B. Frazier, Jr., Tennessee; Peter W. .John L. McMillan (chairman), South Caro­ Rodino, Jr., New Jersey; Woodrow W. Jones, privileged resolution <H. Res. 84) and lina; Oren Harris, Arkansas; Thomas G. Aber­ North Carolina; E. L. Forrester, Georgia; ask for its immediate consideration. nethy, Mississippi; Howard W. Smith, Vir• Byron G. Rogers, Colorado; Harold D. Dono­ The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ ginia; Arthur G. Klein, New York; Olin E. hue, Massachusetts; Sidney A. Fine, New lows: Teague, Texas; James C. Davis, Georgia; York; Jack B. Brooks, Texas; William M. Resolved, That the Committee on Ways Jamen H. Morrison, Louisiana; William L. TUck, Virginia; Robert T. Ashmore, South and Means and the subcommittees thereof be Dawson, Illinois; John Bell Williams, Missis­ Carolina; James M. Quigley, Pennsylvania; authorized to sit during sessions and recesses sippi; Tom Steed, Oklahoma; Roy W. Wier, Charle·s A. Boyle, Illinois. of the 84th Congress. Minnesota; Woodrow W. Jones, North Caro­ Committee on Merchant Marine and Fish­ lina; J. T. Rutherford, Texas. eries: Herbert C. Bonner (chairman) • The resolution was agreed to. Committee on Education and Labor: Gra­ North Carolina; Frank W. Boykin, Alabama; ham A. Barden (chairman), North Carolina; Edward A. Garmatz, Maryland; Edward J. Augustine B. Kelley, Pennsylvania; Adam C. Robeson, Jr., Virginia; Leonor K. (Mrs. John ELECTION OF MEMBERS TO Powell, Jr., New York; Cleveland M. Bailey, B.) Sullivan, Missouri; T. A. Thompson, COMMITTEES West Virginia; Carl D. Perkins, Kentucky; Louisiana; George P. Miller, California; John Roy W. Wier, Minnesota; Carl Elliott, Ala­ C. Kluczynski, Illinois; James A. Byrne, Mr. COOPER. Mr. Speaker, I ofier bama; Phil M. Landrum, Georgia; Lee Met­ Pennsylvania; John J. Bell, Texas; T. James another privileged resolution <H. Res. calf, Montana; James B. Bowler, Illinois; Earl Tumulty, New Jersey; Irwin D. Davidson, 85) and ask for its immediate considera­ Chudoff, Pennsylvania; Edith Green, Oregon; New York; Herbert Zelenko, New York; Frank tion. James Roosevelt, California; Herbert Zelenko, M. Clark, Pennsylvania; Thomas Ludlow The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ New York; Harris B. McDowell, Jr., Delaware; Ashley, Ohio, FrankS. Thompson, Jr., New Jersey. Committee on Post Office and Civil Service: lows: Committee on Foreign Affairs: James P. Tom Murray (chairman), Tennessee; James Resolved, That the following-named Richards (chairman), South Carolina; H. Morrison, Louisiana; James C. Davis, Members be, and they are hereby, elected Thomas S. Gordon, Illinois; Thomas E. Mor­ Georgia; George M. Rhodes, Pennsylvania; members of the following standing com-. gan, Pennsylvania; A. S. J. Carnahan, Mis­ John Lesinski, Jr., Michigan; John Dowdy, mittees of the House of Representatives: souri; Thurmond Chatham, North Carolina; Texas; Hugh Q. Alexander, North Carolina; Committee on Agriculture: Harold D. Clement J. Zablocki, Wisconsin; Omar Burle· John E. Moss, Jr., California; Edward J. Cooley (chairman). North Carolina; W. R. son, Texas; Brooks Hays, Arkansas; Edna F. Robeson, Jr., Virginia; Gracie Pfost, Idaho; Poage, Texas; George M. Grant, Alabama; E. Kelly, New. Yor.k; Thomas J. Dodd, Connecti­ Dante B. Fascell, Florida; Frank M. Clark, c. Gathings, Arkansas; John L. McMillan, cut; Wayne L. Hays, Ohio; James G. Dono­ Pennsylvania; T. James Tumulty, New Jer':" South Carolina; Thomas G. Abernethy, Mis­ van, ~ew York; John Jarman, Oklahoma; sey; Joe ¥· Kilgore, Texas. sissippi; Carl Albert, Oklahoma; Watkins M. Robert C. Byrd, West Virginia; Armistead I. Committee on Public Works: Charles A. Abbitt, Virginia;
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