MOLETADIKGWA: COMMON TREES AND SHRUBS Acacia (Senegalia) ataxacantha 160 - flame thorn; vlamdoring Acacia (Senegalia) caffra 162 - common hook-thorn; gewone haakdoring Acacia (Vachellia) karroo 172- sweet-thorn; soetdoring Acacia (Vachellia) robusta 183 – broad-pod robust thorn; enkeldoring Albizia tanganyicensis 157- paperbark false-thorn; papierbasvalsdoring Aloe marlothii 29.5 - flat flowered aloe; mountain aloe; bergaalwyn Berchemia zeyheri 450 – red ivory, rooi-ivoor Brachylaena huillensis 727 – lowveld silver oak; laeveldvaalbos Brachylaena rotundata 730 - mountain silver-oak; bergvaalbos Burkea africana 197- red syringa; wild seringa; rooisering Calpurnia aurea 219 – wild laburnum; geelkeur Canthium suberosum 709.1 – corky turkey-berry; kurkbokdrol Carissa edulis 640.4 – climbing num-num; ranknoemnoem Cassinopsis ilicifolia 420 – lemonthorn; lemoentjiedoring Celtis africana 39 - white stinkwood; witstinkhout Clerodendrum glabrum (Volkameria glabra) 667 – tinderwood; tontelhout Combretum apiculatum 532 - red bushwillow; rooiboswilg Combretum hereroense 538 - russet bushwillow; kierieklapper Combretum moggii 542 - rock bushwillow; rotsboswilg Combretum molle 537- velvet bushwillow; fluweelboswilg Combretum nelsonii 540.2 - Waterberg bushwillow; Waterbergboswilg Combretum zeyheri 546 – large-fruited bushwillow; raasblaar Commiphora marlothii 278 - paperbark corkwood; papierbaskanniedood Croton gratissimus 328- lavender croton; laventelkoorsbessie Cussonia transvaalensis 564.3 – Waterberg cabbage tree; Waterbergkiepersol Dichrostachys cinerea 190 - sickle bush; sekelbos Diospyros lycioides 605 - monkey plum; bloubos Diospyros whyteana 611 - bladdernut; swartbas Diplorhynchus condylocarpon 643 - horn-pod tree; horingpeultjie Dombeya rotundifolia 471 - wild pear; bride of the Bushveld; drolpeer Elaeodendron transvaalense 416 – bushveld saffron; bosveldsaffraan Elephantorrhiza burkei 193 - sumach bean; breëpeulbasboontjie Englerophytum (Bequaertiodendron) magalismontanum 581- stemfruit; stamvrug Erythrina lysistemon 245 – coral tree; koralboom Euclea crispa 594 - blue guarri; bloughwarrie Euclea divinorum 595 – magic guarri; towerghwarrie Euclea natalensis 597 - Natal guarri, Natalghwarrie Euphorbia ingens 351 – common tree euphorbia, gewone naboom Faurea saligna 75 - Transvaal beech; boekenhout Ficus ingens 55– red-leaved fig; rooiblaarrotsvy Ficus thonningii 48 - common wild fig; gewone wildevy Gardenia volkensii 691 – Transvaal gardenia; kannetjieboom Grewia bicolor 458 - white raisin; witrosyntjie Grewia flava 459.1 – velvet raisin; fluweelrosyntjie Grewia flavescens 459.2 – soft-leaved sandpaper raisin; sagteblaarskurwerosyntjie Grewia monticola 462 – silver/grey raisin; vaalrosyntjie Grewia occidentalis 463 – cross-berry; kruisbessie Grewia rogersii 463.7 – Waterberg raisin; Waterbergrosyntjie Gymnosporia buxifolia 399 - common spike-thorn; gewone pendoring Gymnosporia polyacantha 402.3 – hedge spike-thorn; kraal pendoring Gymnosporia tenuispina 402.8 – bell spikethorn; klapperbos Heteropyxis natalensis 455 – weeping lavender tree; laventelboom Hexalobus monopetalus 106 – shakama plum; shakamapruim Kirkia wilmsii 269 - mountain syringa; wild pepper tree; bergsering Lannea discolor 362 - live-long tree; dikbas Maerua caffra 133– common bush-cherry; gewone witbos Maytenus albata – grey koko tree; gryskokaboom Mimusops zeyheri 585 - Transvaal red milkwood; moepel Mundulea sericea 226- silver bush; cork-bush; kurkbos Nuxia congesta 633 - common wild elder; gewone wildevlier Obetia tenax 70- mountain nettle; bergbrandnetel Ochna pulchra 483 – peeling plane; lekkerbreek Olea europaea subsp. africana 617 - wild olive; olienhout Ozoroa paniculosa 375 - common resin tree; bosveldharpuisboom Pachystigma triflorum (Vangueria triflora) 714.2 - Waterberg medlar; Waterbergmispel Pappea capensis 433 - jacket plum; doppruim Pavetta eylesii 717.1 - large-leaved bride’s bush; grootblaarbruidsbos Peltophorum africanum 215- weeping wattle; African-wattle; huilboom Protea caffra 87 - Highveld protea; common sugarbush; gewone suikerbos Protea welwitschii 98.2 - honey-scented or cluster-head protea; troshofiesuikerbos Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia 308 - kudu-berry; koedoebessie Pterocarpus rotundifolius 237– round-leaved bloodwood; dopperkiaat Rhoicissus revoilii 456.3 - bitter forest grape; bitterbosdruif Rhoicissus tridentata 456.6 - bushman’s grape; boesmansdruif Rothmannia capensis 693 - Cape gardenia; Kaapse katjiepiering Schotia brachypetala 202 - weeping boer-bean; huilboerboon Schrebera alata 612 – wild jasmine bush; wildejasmynbos Searsia (Rhus) keetii 384.5 – slender karee; skraalkaree Searsia (Rhus) leptodictya 387 - mountain karee; bergkaree Searsia (Rhus) pyroides 392 – common wild currant, gewone taaibos Searsia (Rhus) rigida – Waterberg currant; Waterbergtaaibos Searsia (Rhus) zeyheri 396.1 - blue currant; bloutaaibos Securidaca longipedunculata 303- violet tree; krinkhout Strychnos cocculoides 623 – corky monkey-orange; kurkbasklapper Strychnos madagascariensis 626 – black monkey-orange; swartklapper Strychnos pungens 628 - spine-leaved monkey-orange; stekelblaarklapper Strychnos usambarensis 631 - blue bitterberry; bloubitterbessie Tarchonanthus parvicapitulatus (T. camphoratus) 733.7 – small-head camphor-bush Terminalia brachystemma 548 – green cluster-leaf; groenvaalboom Terminalia sericea 551 - silver clusterleaf; vaalboom Tricalysia lanceolata 699 - jackal-coffee; jakkalskoffie Vangueria cyanescens 702.1 - bush medlar; bosmispel Vangueria parvifolia (Tapiphyllum parvifolium) 703 - mountain medlar; berg mispel Vitex pooara - Waterberg pooara-berry; Waterberg-poerabessie Vitex rehmannii 664 – pipe-stem fingerleaf tree; pypsteelvingerblaar Ximenia caffra 103 – sourplum; suurpruim Zanthoxylum capense 253 - small knobwood; kleinperdepram Ziziphus mucronata 447 – buffalo-thorn; blinkblaarwag-‘n-bietjie MOLETADIKGWA: SOME COMMON TREE USES Acacia caffra (162) - Common Hook-Thorn; Gewone Haakdoring Leaves and pods browsed by stock; various parts used medicinally Acacia karroo (172) - Sweet-Thorn; Soetdoring Tree browsed by game; bark used for tanning; yields strong rope, edible gum and seeds used as coffee substitute. Root used as medicine Albizia tanganyicensis (157) - Paperbark Albizia or False-thorn; Papierbasvalsdoring Young pods are toxic Aloe marlothii (29.5) - Flat Flowered Aloe; Mountain Aloe; Bergaalwyn Ash from the dried leaves is mixed with tobacco snuff. The leaves and sap are used medicinally Burkea africana (197) - Wild Syringa; Wildesering Dried and crushed bark used as fish poison; bark and root for tanning and for medicine. Red dye from root. Cassinopsis ilicifolia (420) - Lemon Thorn; Lemoentjiedoring Fruit eaten by birds. Commiphora marlothii (278) - Paperbark Corkwood; Papierbaskanniedood Fruitpulp edible and made into jam or jelly; root chewed for sweet juice. Croton gratissimus (328) - Lavender Croton; Lavender Fever-berry; Laventelkoorsbessie Plant browsed by game and stock; leaves aromatic and used as perfume by San; leaves and bark used medicinally Dichrostachys cinerea (190) - Sickle Bush Stock and game eat pods; bark yields fibre; wood for fence poles and firewood. Medicine from various parts of the tree. Elephantorrhiza burkei (193) - Sumach Bean; Basboontjie Roots are used medicinally; used for tanning leather Faurea saligna (75) - Boekenhout Excellent timber for furniture; bark used for tanning leather Ficus thonningii (48) - Common Wild Fig; Gewone wildevy Fibres from bark used in mat- making. Kirkia wilmsii (269) - Mountain Seringa; Bergsering Bark yields strong fibre. Lannea discolor (362) - Live-Long Tree; Dikbas Fruit is edible; bark used medicinally, for tanning, for twine and as a source of re d dye. Roots are split and used in basket making. Mundulea sericea (226) - Silver Bush; Cork Bush; Kurkbos Bark contains rotenone and is used as a fish poison; leaves browsed by game and stock; leaves, bark and roots used medicinally. Obetia tenax (70) - Mountain Nettle; Bergbrandnetel Bark yields a strong fibre; leaves are cooked as a green vegetable Ozoroa paniculosa (375) - Common Resin Tree; Gewone Harpuisboom Fruit used for dying leather; browsed by elephany and rhino. Pappea capensis (433) - Jacket Plum; Doppruim Fruit browsed by game and stock; used for jam. Seeds yield oil which is edible and is used medicinally and for soap-making. Bark used medicinally. Peltophorum africanum (215) - Weeping Wattle; Huilboom Browsed by game; wood for carving; bark and root for medicines. Protea caffra (87) - Highveld Protea Bark is used medicinally Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia (308) - Kudu-Berry; Koedoebessie Leaves and fruit eaten by antelope and elephant; bark, root and leaves used medicinally Schotia brachypetala (202) - Weeping Boerboon; Huilboerboon Leaves browsed by game; bark used medicinally and for tanning Searsia (Rhus) leptodictya (387) - Mountain Karee; Bergkaree Beer brewed from the fruit; various parts used for medicine. .
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