SEPTEMBER 29, 1972 25 CENTS VOLUME 36/NUMBER 35 r A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY/PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE hnationwide lours ,Linda Jenness Andrew PUlley SEPT. 20- Socialist Workers Party presidential candidate Linda By DERRICK MORRISON Jenness launched her fall tour speaking to 225 students at the WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept 20-Andrew Pulley, Socialist Workers University of Indiana in Bloomington on Sept. 15. Jenness cen­ Party candidate for vice-president, began his national tour with tered her talk on the question "Is there a meaningful difference campaign speeches at Howard and George Washington universities between George McGovern and Richard Nixon?" and interviews with the news media in the D. C. area.. "Here are two candidates who say they have differences on Viet­ The theme of his talks has been the racist, anti-Arab campaign nam," she said, "but their differences are just tactical differences. whipped up by the imperialist powers after the Munich incident. On the crucial, basic issues in Vietnam, they agree. Neither of At Howard University Pulley opened a Sept. 19 meeting with them supports the right of self-determination for Vietnam. Both Black students by pointing to Malcolm X's view that the struggle of them accept the right of the U.S. government to intervene with for Black liberation in the U. S. has to be international in its scope its armed forces anywhere in the world. and character. Pulley stated that the development of the Arab rev­ "Both of them," she went on, "are trying to get the antiwar move­ olution "has a direct bearing on the course of the struggle here. ment off the streets because they are afraid of the American (people "The imperialist powers," he said, "try to picture the Israeli state taking the question of Vietnam into their own hands." as virtually helpless against the Arab foe, when in reality Israel Neither Nixon nor McGovern supports the women's liberation is the chief guardian of imperialist interests in _the Middle East," struggle, she said. "Nixon's position can be summed up in one attempting to keep the Arab revolution at bay. He cited the recent quote: 'I wouldn't want to wake up next to a lady pipe fitter.' Israeli bombing of Lebanon and Syria as proof of this continued McGovern doesn't support the Abortion Rights Act, which says role. The scores of Arab villagers killed goes virtually unnoticed that abortion is a woman's right to choose, and he has nothing in the imperialist press. to say about 24-hour child-care centers. Nixon and McGovern, Pulley said, actually compete with each "Here are two men, each with a program that in no way corre­ other to become the most strident supporter of the Zionist settler sponds to what the American people need, want, or are thinking , state. "The fact that the same napalm manufactured in the U. S. about. Nixon is offering more of the same, and McGovern is prom­ is not only dropped by Israel on Arab freedom fighters but used Continued on page 3 Continued on poge 3 iS I ol terrorism-page4, 5 U.S. TROOPS IN THE PHILIPPINES: "Communist in­ GAY LIBERATION GROUPS ORGANIZE IN NEW ZEA­ surgency" is on the uJswing in the Philippines, reports LAND: Socialist Action, the newspaper of the Trotskyist a dispatch from Manila in the Sept. 18 Los Angeles Times. Socialist Action League in New Zealand, reports that ,, And, "although American officials here claim there is a group calling itself the Gay Liberation Front organized -·· no connection," the U.S. Army began sending 35-man a week of activities at Auckland University this June. special service teams to the Philippines two years ago. A Gay Liberation Front has also been set up in Christ­ THIS "Each year the number of U.S. personnel has in­ church. creased," says reporter Jack Foisie. "Now there is an WEEK'S almost continual presence of Green Berets, who stay for CREDIBILITY GAP GETTING WIDER: Arthur Miller, five or six weeks and then go back to their Okinawa a political scientist from Ohio State University, attempted MILITANT' base." The Army has not yet begun calling itself the to measure the degree of cynicism toward the U.S. gov­ Peace Corps, but its Green Berets sq·uads in the Philip­ ernment. In 1964, 20 percent of those polled did not 3 SWP candidates launch pines are known as "civic action teams." trust the government. By 1970 the figure had risen to fall tours 39 percent, with 56 percent of all Blacks distrusting the 4 Trotskyism and terrorism JAPANESE ANTIWAR ACTIONS CONTINUE: The U.S. gov~nment, compared to 35 percent among whites. Miller 5 Israel pushes deep into Army has been able to move armored personnel carriers told New York Post reporter H. D. S. Greenway that he and tanks from its military supply depot at Sagamihara found the rapid increase "somewhat alarming." Lebanon for the first time since early August, according to the Sept. 9 Militant sub drive off to 20 New York Times. STEP BACKWARD FOR LABOR FOR PEACE: The steer­ good start The Sagamihata base repairs armored vehicles for ser­ ing committee of Labor for Peace met in Chicago on 10 YSA leaders to tour vice in Vietnam, and antiwar demonstrators have held Aug. 21, only two months after the group was founded, repeated actions against such shipments. The latest one and voted to endorse George McGovern for president. 11 Black Gl on trial for 'frag­ The last trade-union antiwar group organized on a ging' charge on Sept. 19 drew 3,000 to 6,000 people. The city gov­ ernment in nearby Yokohama supported the demonstra­ national scale, the Labor Leadership Assembly for Peace 12 CP aided first Smith Act tions. (LLAP), endorsed Eugene McCarthy in 1968 and be­ frame-up came nothing more than a McCarthy campaign com­ 13 Lavelle case: who's kid­ mittee in the unions. After the election was· over, it was ding who? never heard from again. Hopefully, the Labor for Peace group will support and 14 Socialists fight for ballot build antiwar activities this fall and for as long as the right in D. C. war goes on, and not repeat the shameful performahce 16 1,000 at Mich. abortion ofthe LLAP. referendum rally SPIRITUAL LEADERS (1): Pope Paul VI hasn't yet 17 Philadelphia plan and seen fit to speak out against the slaughter conducted by struggle for jobs the U.S. in Indochina. But on Sept. 13 he did warn that 18 Guardian gives veiled "Behind the initiation to sensual pleasure (sex- D. F.); support to McGovern there loom narcotics." 19 Hanoi's bias for McGov­ The 75-year-old pontiff lamented the state of society, which he said was sliding downward over issues "that ern render it neither strong nor glorious- contraception, abor­ How U.S. profits from tion, adultery, divorce." apartheid 21 Commercial publishers stead, Social SPIRITUAL LEADERS (II): Lester Maddox, former gov­ abuse Trotsky's writings for the U;S. Senate in Illinois, marches in a picket ernor and now lieutenant governor of Georgia, is "one I in.e organized by the Committee for Democratic of the hottest speakers .these days on the U.S. funda­ 24 Atlanta strikers defy in­ mentalist circuit," according to the Aug. 21 issue of Time Election Laws in Cliicago on Sept. The picket junction 11. magazine. Maddox, who gained national prominence dur­ line was called in protest of the requirement that ing the civil rights campaigns of the 1960s when he used 2 In Brief candidates sign a loyalty oath in order to appear ax handles to keep Blacks away from his restaurant 6 In Our Opinion on the state ballot. in Atlanta, reports, "1 gave my life to the Lord in 1932." Letters THE SOCIALIST CAMPAIGN GETS AROUND: The 7 Great Society Sept. 2 issue of the San Juan Star, the English-language American Way of Life Scripps-Howard newspaper published in Puerto Rico, has The Militant Gets Around a full page devoted to the current debate on abortion 8 National Picket Line laws. The picture at the top of the page features a So­ Women in Revolt cialist Workers Party campaign banner. By Any Means Necessary RED-BAITERS LOSE AGAIN: Earlier this year a legal 15 '72 Socialist Campaign victory forced Pennsylvania to revise the restrictive pe­ 20 In Review titioning requirements imposed on smaller parties. On Sept. 19 a further victory was won when U.S. district WORLD OUTLOOK court Judge John Morgan Davis ordered the state to cer­ 1 Arrests in Pakistan tify the candidates of the Communist Party ( CP), thus ass~ring their appearance on the November ballot. 2 Political crisis brews in Unfortunately, the decision failed to rule the federal Chile Communist Control Act of 1954 unconstitutional. It was 4 Iranian regime condemns this act that the Pennsylvania attorney general attempted students to use to justify barring the CP from the ballot. SOUR CREAM: "We get only the cream of the crop." Lester Maddox in Texas pulpit That's what psychologists at a firm called Government Personnel Consultants (GPC) in Oak Brook, Ill., say. INTERNMENT IN THE U.S.: On Sept. 15 U.S. Su­ GPC administers· psychological tests to prospective po­ preme Court Justice William 0. Douglas ordered that licemen and firemen who have already passed routine bail be set for five Irish-Americans in prison in Fort THE MILITANT written and oral tests and are about to be hired. Worth, Texas, who refused to testify before a U.S. grand However, the cream apparently leaves something to jury about their activities in support of the struggle in be desired.
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