Part 2 Station Area Profile The Station Area Profile is a summary of some of the physical and regulatory conditions currently existing within the study area. Overview San Bernardino High Quality Transit Area Downtown San Bernardino Transit Center Socioeconomic Profile Demographic Profile Employment Profile Employment Trends Previous Planning Efforts Executive Summary Station Area Profile Outreach Opportunities/Constraints San Bernardino High Quality Transit Area OVERVIEW The City of San Bernardino’s HQTA is centrally located in the City’s downtown core, which includes the new San Bernardino Regional Transit Center and the now closed Carousel Mall. The HQTA is as represented in the map at right. It currently includes stops for the San Bernardino Express (SbX) Bus Rapid Transit line, regional and local buses, stops for Metrolink, and stops for the future Redlands Passenger Rail “Arrow” transit line, providing multi-modal access to Downtown San Bernardino. The City has adopted a TOD overlay zone for all properties within half-mile of their SbX BRT stops and will prepare a Downtown Specific 1/2 Mile radius Plan to incorporate TOD principles. The area is about three miles north of Hospitality Lane, which includes a cluster of hospitality and employment activities. HR&A has defined a study area around the center of the Carousel Mall as the Study Area for socio-economic and demographic profile presented on pages 10-12. In addition to the Mall, Theater the Study Area includes a large number of City offices and County facilities, as well as the Courthouse Square 8,000 seat San Manuel Stadium, home of the Inland Empire 66ers, a San Bernardino-based Caltrans minor league baseball team. Superior Courts The City of San Bernardino is currently experiencing conditions similar to those experienced Carousel by “rust-belt” cities: declining pedestrian and economic activity. Given the significant transit Mall investments, strategic location in the Inland Empire, and relative affordability, Downtown City Hall presents a significant opportunity for economic growth and reinvestment. San Bernardino Transit 3 Mile radius Center 1/2 Mile radius San Manuel Stadium Metrolink Station and Corridor Carousel Mall 0 500 1,000 2,000’ N HQTA Study Area 8 San Bernardino Briefing Book Executive Summary Station Area Profile Outreach Opportunities/Constraints Downtown San Bernardino Transit Center OVERVIEW The HQTA area will be near the intersection of three major transit lines: the existing San Bernardino Metrolink Commuter Rail Corridor, the existing San Bernardino Express (sbX) Green Line bus rapid transit system, and the forthcoming Redlands Passenger Rail Line. The sbX Green line offers service to major destinations in the cities of San Bernardino and Loma Linda; expansions to the BRT system are in place. sbX ridership has increased since the Metrolink extension to Transit Center in December 2017. At present, there is no sbX weekend service to the center but plans are in place to introduce weekend service in 2019. Downtown San Bernardino Transit Center Transit Lines California State University, Palm San Bernardino San Bernardino Transit CenterUniversity of Union Station Redlands Station 1 h 45 m San Bernardino Transit Loma Linda University and MedicalVA Hospital Center Center Inland Center Mall Service Type sbX Green Line Metrolink San Bernardino Line Bus BRT Future Redlands Rail Line Local Rail Rapid Bus / Transitway Bus Transitway Commuter Rail / High Speed Rail Local Bus / Express sbX Stop and Corridor sbX Peak Hour Frequency (minutes) Transit Center > 25 15 - 25 10 - 15 5 - 10 < 5 Carousel Mall Transit Routes within 1/2 mile 0 500 1,000 2,000’ N 0 1 - 2 3 - 4 5 - 6 6 + HQTA Study Area San Bernardino Briefing Book 9 Executive Summary Station Area Profile Outreach Opportunities/Constraints Demographic Profile SOCIOECONOMIC PROFILE The City of San Bernardino includes approximately 10 percent of the County’s population. Most households are low to moderate income with an almost equal share of owners and SAN BERNARDINOSAN BERNARDINO – CAROUSEL – CAROUSEL MALL MALL HOUSINGHOUSING TENURE (2015)TENURE (2015) renters. Both the City and Study Area have a similar racial and ethnic composition, but Study Area Study Area San BernardinoSan Bernardino City SanCity BernardinoSan Bernardino County County otherwiseDEMOGRAPHIC theirDEMOGRAPHIC demographicPROFILE profilesPROFILE differ. The CityTheof SanCity Bernardinoof San Bernardinoincludes includesapproximatelyapproximately10 percent10 ofpercentthe of the 29% 29%71% 71% County’s County’spopulationpopulation. Most households. Most householdsare low toaremoderatelow to moderateincome withincomean with an 47% 47%53% 53% 60% 60%40% 40% The Study Area has a relatively small population of approximately 1,343 people, and the almost equalalmostshareequalof shareownersofandownersrentersand. Bothrentersthe. BothCity andthe CityStudyandAreaStudy Area medianhave householda havesimilar incomea racialsimilar are substantiallyandracialethnicand lowercomposition,ethnic than bothcomposition, thebut City andotherwise butCounty.otherwise theirThere is their a significantdemographic concentrationdemographicprofiles differofprofiles persons. differ aged. 65 years and above, due to the presence of a number of senior housing facilities in the Study Area. Significant unemployment rates and The StudyTheAreaStudyhasAreaa relativelyhas a relativelysmall population,small population,of approximatelyof approximately1,343 1,343 substantiallypeople, olderand the population,median ashousehold well as theincome higher arepercentagsubstantiallye of highlower schoolthan dropouts,both in the Owner Renter Owner Renter Owner Renter people, and the median household income are substantially lower than both Owner Renter Owner Renter Owner Renter the City and County. There is a significant concentration of persons aged 65 Study Area comparedthe City toand theCounty region,. allThere likelyis contributea significant to theconcentration very low medianof persons income. agedThe 65 Single-Family Multifamily years and above, due to the presence of a number of senior housing Single-Family Multifamily ratio of rentersyears to ownersand isabove, higher indue the toStudythe Areapresence relative ofto thea numberCity and ofCounty.senior Rentershousing facilities in the Study Area. Significant unemployment rates and substantially facilities in the Study Area. Significant unemployment rates and substantially Study StudySan BernardinoSan Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino in theolder Studypopulation, Area predominantlyas well as occupythe higher multifamilypercentage units andof high ownersschool occupydropouts, single-familyin older population, as well as the higher percentage of high school dropouts,MOBILITYin MOBILITY (2015) (2015) Area Area City City County County residences.the Study Area compared to the region, all likely contribute to the very low the Study Area compared to the region, all likely contribute to the very Averagelow CommuteAverage CommuteTime Time 24 24 27 27 30 30 median incomemedian. Theincomeratio. Theof rentersratio oftorentersownerstoisownershigher isin higherthe Studyin theAreaStudy Area(in mins.) (in mins.) relative torelativethe Cityto andthe CityCountyand. RentersCounty. inRentersthe Studyin theAreaStudypredominantlyArea predominantly Cars per Household*Cars per Household* NA NA 0.6 0.6 1.1 1.1 occupy multifamilyoccupy multifamilyunits andunitsownersandoccupyownerssingleoccupy-familysingleresidences-family residences. Public TransitPublic Users Transit Users 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2% Study San Bernardino San Bernardino Study San Bernardino San BernardinoSolo DriversSolo Drivers 72% 72% 75% 75% 79% 79% DEMOGRAPHICS (2017) Area City County DEMOGRAPHICS (2017) Area City County Others Others 25% 25% 22% 22% 20% 20% Total Population 1,343 218,604 2,153,382 Racial and Ethnic Composition (2017) Total Population 1,343 218,604 2,153,382 Racial and Ethnic Composition (2017) HispanicHispanic Pop. DensityPop. (Per Density Sq. Mile) (Per Sq. Mile) 965 965 3,616 3,616 104 104 Study Area 58.9% Annual GrowthAnnual Rate Growth Rate Study Area40% 40%14% 11%14% 11%35% 35% 58.9% Historic (2010Historic-2017) (2010-2017) 1.25% 1.25% 0.59% 0.59% 0.81% 0.81% Projected (2017-2027) 0.36% 2.14% 1.59% San Bernardino City Projected (2017-2027) 0.36% 2.14% 1.59% San Bernardino City 46% 46%15% 4%15%35%4% 35%60.1% 60.1% Total HouseholdsTotal Households 655 655 96,275 96,275 640,223 640,223 Average HH Size 1.71 3.47 3.30 San Bernardino County Average HH Size 1.71 3.47 3.30 San Bernardino County 57% 57%9% 7% 9% 28%7% 28%49.2% 49.2% Annual Growth Rate Annual Growth Rate White Black Asian/Pacific Islander Other/Multiracial White Black Asian/Pacific Islander Other/Multiracial Historic (2010Historic-2017) (2010-2017) 1.46% 1.46% 0.41% 0.41% 0.66% 0.66% Projected (2017Projected-2027) (2017-2027) 0.46% 0.46% 2.47% 2.47% 3.34% 3.34% EducationalEducational Attainment Attainment (2017) (2017) Median AgeMedian Age 51.8 51.8 29.4 29.4 32.8 32.8 0-17 years0-17 years 15% 15% 30% 30% 28% 28% Study Area Study Area37% 37%21% 21%26% 26%15% 15% 18-64 Years18-64 Years 47% 47% 61% 61% 61% 61% 64 Years and Over 43% 9% 11% 64 Years and Over 43% 9% 11% San Bernardino City San Bernardino City32% 32%28% 28%28% 12%28% 12% Jobs per Household*Jobs per Household* 14.5 14.5 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 Unemployment Rate** 27.9% 9.9% 7.7% Unemployment Rate** 27.9% 9.9% 7.7%San Bernardino County San Bernardino County21% 21%27% 27%33% 33%20% 20% Median HouseholdMedian Household Income Income $11,345 $11,345$40,276 $40,276$57,431
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