JULY 13, 1959 THIRTY -FIVE CENTS B v 2 IC] THE BUSINESS! i7o ars,ati .VD RADIO 1:1"4w2#i49 + E a . r»._ ........ What say does Madison Avenue have in tv advertising? Page 31 Creditors' answer to Mutual's offer may come today Page 52 Tall tower construction : new obstacles for radio -tv Page 80 Harris group reports out trimmed Sec. 315 measure Page 81 now represented coal Z.son io2ag, by Edward Petry & Co., Inc. The Original Station Representative. WHEELING: 3 TH TV MARKET *Television Magazine One Station Reaching The Booming Upper Ohio Valley No. 13 IN A SERIES: CHEMICALS With the deep salt wells supplying the essential brine, and the broad Ohio River furnishing economical trans- portation facilities, a rich, thriving chemical industry has arisen in the bountiful WTRF -TV area. Typical is this Columbia- Southern Chemical Corporation plant located at Natrium, W. Va., just south of Wheeling. Here more than 1,000 employees are engaged in the production of chlorine, caustic soda, chlorinated hydrocarbons, ammonia and titanium tetrachloride. More than $5 million annual payroll dollars of the Columbia - Southern Chemical Corporation help make the WTRF -TV area a super market for alert advertisers . a 39- county area where 2 million people have a spendable income of $2 % billion annually. For availabilities, call Bob z 316,000 BllCi Ferguson, VP aid Gen. Mgr., watts network color or Needham Smith, Sales Manager, at CEdar 2 -7777. National Rep., George P. WHEELING 7, WEST VIRGINIA Hollingbery Company. reaching a market that's reaching new importance! KEEP SALES UP IN BALTIMORE .. Schedule the PREFERRED Radio Station .. To get the most from your radio dollar you must reach the adult spending audience. That means WCBM in Baltimore ... where month after month surveys* show the greatest percentage of adult radio listeners PREFER WCBM programming! Get all the facts and you will see why agencies, too ... PREFER WCBM ! *Nielsen Adult Listenership Surveys A CBS Affiliate INC. 10,000 Watts on 680 KC PETERS, GRIFFIN, WOODWARD, Baltimore 13, Maryland Exclusive National Representatives Published every Monday, 53rd issue (Yearbook Number) published in September by BROADCASTING PUBLICATIONS INC., 1735 DeSales St., N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Second -class postage paid at Washington, D. C. live, tape, film or net .. VIDEOTAPE Iwo of 'em the best way to cover the Dallas -Fort Worth Market is with KRLD -TV in Dallas. The powerful Channel 4 signal reaches 656,600 TV Homes - the greatest TV Circulation in the South! Ask any Branham man. Represented Nationally by The Branham Company John W. Runyon Clyde W. Rembert Chairman of the Board President THE DALLAS TIMES HERALD STATIONS e 4,VófFon MAXIMUM POWER TV -Twin to KRLD radio 1080, CBS outlet with 50,000 watts. 4 BROADCASTING, July 13, 1959 CLOSED CIRCUIT® ABC in Washington AB -PT Presi- exhaustive checking, Radio Advertising Educational excursion House Com- dent Leonard Goldenson at farewell Bureau is on verge of naming depart- merce Communications Subcommittee luncheon Friday for retired Washington ment store with which it'll work in its is busy lining up itinerary for planned vice president, Robert H. Hinckley, "$64,000 Challenge" radio test, RAB's fall field inspection of educational tv formally disclosed appointment of two offer was to spend up to $64,000 for ra- stations. Committee, in tabling S 12 and assistants to president to assume Wash- dio campaign for qualified store willing similar federal etv subsidies (BROAD- ington duties. Edgar G. Shelton Jr., Mr. to accept bureau's ideas on how to sell CASTING, June 8), stated it wanted to Hinckley's assistant for past two and items by radio. Despite stringent re- make field trip to study firsthand needs a half years, is assigned government quirements, offer drew 41 qualified ap- for proposed $1 million for each state. liaison, and Joseph Jacobs, staff attor- plicants who have now been narrowed Rep. Kenneth Roberts (D- Ala.), chief ney, is assigned all legal activities. All down to four: Hecht Co. in Washing- House advocate of proposal, will lead seven members of FCC, plus top eche- ton, Filene's in Boston, Davis & Paxon entourage with stops already scheduled lon of ABC officials, attended luncheon in Atlanta, Higbee's in Cleveland. in Denver, Little Rock, New Orleans and Chairman Doerfer and Vice Chair- RAB's idea is that, having already and Alabama (three station network). man Hyde paid high tribute to Mr. proved radio's value in store -wide pro- Hinckley. Mr. Hinckley will continue motion, it'll now show that radio can Observer Keeping close eye on last on AB -PT board and executive com- move specific items which -on most week's hearings on tv network program mittee and will be available for counsel. stores spend bulk of their advertising practices at New York court house He will reside at his ranch in Ogden but budgets-every bit as well as newspa- (story page 31) is Sen. A. S. Mike Mon - plans to be in East at least one week pers can. roney (D- Okla.) whose pet grievance is each month. reliance upon ratings and too many Radio syndication ABC Radio is get- Westerns and adventures. But he's doing ting set to branch out in another direc- 011ie Treyz, ABC -TV president, at it by remote control. Whether Sen. tion-this time into radio program syn- Hinckley luncheon, told FCC why ABC Monroney will seek to hold his oft - dication. Preliminary plans syndica- needs more outlets in some key markets. for postponed hearings into ratings will tion arm, Asserting ABC -TV had achieved top currently being formed, are depend upon outcome of testimony of to offer to stations, status nighttime in top 24 markets by on tape or discs, New York advertising agency execu- programs shade over CBS -TV in latest Nielsen, he and network personalities not tives before FCC Chief Examiner otherwise said it suffered because of inability to available to them. Detailed James D. Cunningham. get clearances in two -station markets, plans of operation now being worked with CBS leading it nationally by about out. 25 %. He mentioned critical markets as Hiring a hall Quip around FCC is Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo, Louisville, Cable victim In midst of Senate that several radio hearings may have to Birmingham, Syracuse and Rochester, Communications Subcommittee consid- be held in Washington's Constitution Hall and also alluded to inability to clear eration of community antenna legisla- (capacity, 3,800). Reason is way am consistently in Greensboro, Charlotte, tive controls, another vhf is about to processing line looks following May Winston -Salem and Jacksonville. fold because of catv competition. Don- 15 deadline for filings under new proce- ald L. Hathaway, who has owned KSPR dure. There's one group of 60 applica- Casper, Wyo. for 30 years and placed tions involved in 1230 -1240 kc, 45 ap- Clean -up NAB campaign Tv ch. 6 KSPR -TV on air in 1957, is giv- plications in 1400 -1490 kc area, group Board's crackdown on code- subscrib- ing up ghost. He has sold am station of 28 in 1550 kc and another of 10 in ing stations carrying Preparation H (1470 kc; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N, CBS) to his 1550 kc. All have received McFarland hemorrhoid account hasn't yet had no- tv competitor, ch. 2 KTWO -TV for letters and after replies designations for ticeable impact on list of stations carry- $150,000 (CHANGING HANDS, page 66) hearings may be made. Then Broadcast ing Ted Bates business. It's understood and will shut down tv with sale of Bureau will list next top 50 applications only one station has dropped account equipment to Community Tv Systems and new cut off date. Almost 240 ap- since board's June 17 meeting (BROAD- (William Daniels of Denver) for in plications were filed five days before CASTING, June 22), but 13 stations told neighborhood of $300,000. Casper catv May 15-of which 138 were amend- to drop it or lose code seal still have operating for past two and one -half ments, 61 for major changes and 39 for until July 18 deadline. Ted Bates list years, carries three Denver station chan- new facilities. includes 145 tv stations, and agency is nels plus local KTWO -TV. spending more on account than six Breakdown Looks like an all or months ago. Agency maintains that Announcement of Hathaway Tv nothing gambit on FCC's 14-year -old 99% of stations it approaches have ac- transaction is expected this week, with clear channel case. Commission dis- cepted business. one source reporting KSPR -TV will go cussed matters last week in executive dark July 22. Situation has parallel in session with consensus seemingly that Latest headache of NAB code ad- case of ch. 9 KGEZ -TV Kalispell, new proposed rulemaking to break ministrators, sexy commercials, is being Mont., whose operator, Frank Reardon, down all 24 clear channels is required pondered by NAB Tv Code subcommit- 15 months ago announced that he was since there didn't seem to be any tee scheduled to meet in New York late going dark because of refusal of FCC answers to objections on part of 12 this month. One underarm product is to regulate catv. He charged FCC had Class 1 -A stations proposed to be dupli- said to involve combination of visual affirmatively aided catv by granting cated on why they were chosen and and aural lures of questionable taste. microwave frequencies for importing of other 12 clear channel outlets left un- distant stations and that he could not touched. FCC decided to meet again on Test site After some 14 months of compete.
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