SPECIAL ALL-COLLEGE ISSUE Th e La w r e n t ia n VOL. LII. Number 24. LAWRENCE COLLEGE. APPLETON. WISCONSIN Thursday. April 30, 1925 200 STUDENTS QUEEN OF MAY AND HER ATTENDANTS HOLD SPEECH WIN HONORS CONTEST HERE Brtter Than •‘C” Averages Listed As To Give Interscholastic Speaking Con­ Honor Grades test Day Before May Fete Mon* than two hundred Lawrence students distinguished themselves by High school orators and speakers making grades altovc the average* for from all over the state will rule the tin- first quarter of this year. The fol­ campus on May 21 when the Lawrence lowing is a li t of tin's** honor students. College Interscholastic Speaking (’on- Flu* ;i\ student is considered one test will be held under the auspices of with a **C ’ grade: all grades above the college Forensics Department. About ’ :ire ranked as honor grades. The eighteen or twenty selected high schools names following are given in order of will have representatives in competition ra liking: in the oratorical and extempore speak A ing contests for prizes whose cash value Vivian. Marjori •......Crystal Kalis, Mieli. s over $1000. Olbert. \ era..................................Boyce ville There will also be a conference to Bennett, Lawn in*'* ............Laurinn, Mich. which all debate coaches in the state, <’liristman, Arletta.................................Tony whether or not their schools are mem­ Payne, Lola .....................Wisconsin Rapids bers of the Lawrence Interscholastic Sevbold, Lillian .................Forest Junction Debating League, have been invited. A— Several important forensic matters are Dorothy Rohrer Ellen Tutton Bang'berg, Oranda ........Cass Lake, Minn. Florence Hector scheduled for discussion. Behling, Burton.................................Oshkosh The day following the contest and (’■»hail, M a urine...............................Appleton HUNTING RECEIVES Laurence’s be^t loved girl, Ellen Tut­ conference. May 22, is May F>ay and it Gregory, Mary ............................Park Falls ton, *25, of Palmyra, will be crowned ELECT FIVE JUNIORS is expected that the contestants, their Ingersol, Frances ............................. Manawa THETA SIG HONORS May (¿uevn in the pageant, which is to coaches, and all coaches attending the Rohrer, Dorothy........................(Mintonville be the central feature of the fete to be TO MACE SOCIETY conference will stay over to join the Rusch, Walda ....................................Appleton held on May 22. Florence Hector of students and faculty in what is prom­ Cup Offered for Best Department Head Prominent Campus Leaders Picked To Stowe, Nellie.....................................Menasha Duluth and Dorothy Rohrer of Clinton- ised to be the biggest May Day celebra­ Theta Sigs Elect Continue Organization Becker, Edna...................................Appleton ville, who were elected as her attend­ tion ever held on the campus. The May Brigham, Jean..................................Appleton ants. will have the parts of the Spirit of Day committee has issued a hearty invi­ Rus-ell Hunting, *25, Racine, is win­ John Barnett, Reed Havens, Willard I>avis, Donald...................................Appleton Study and the Spirit of Gayetv. tation to all the forensic men to share Henoch, John Zussman, and George Gillispie, Horace..............................Hancock ner of the loving-cup awarded by Upsi- The pageant, written by Walda in the annual frolic. lon chapter of Tlieta Sigma Phi to the Christensen, ’2fi, were elected to Mace, Haferman, Henrietta...............Menominee Rusch, ’25, of Appleton, incorporates Important Contest best departmental editor of the Law­ the crowning of the queen as part of the honorary men’s fraternity, in the Junioi Hamilton. Harold..........................Merrillan The Lawrence contest in oratory and rentian for the year 1924-25. This is the narrative, and includes a number of solo election of that organization. The sen­ Kelley, John.................................Manitowoc extempore speaking rank» in forensic first year that Tlieta Sigma Phi has giv­ and group dances. The speaking parts iors recently honored with election were M cComb, Mary Jane .....................Oshkosh importance with the Lawrence state de­ en this award, which was donated to the will be taken by Helen Henbest, Apple­ Alton Gander, Frank Heck, and Ray­ Mitchell. Phillip........................Wittenberg bate league. The contestants are al­ chapter bv a donor who prefers to re­ ton. as Lawrentia, and Ray Holdridge of mond Holdridge, ’25. The seniors who Morton. Marv.................................Marinette lowed to enter on the basis of their main anonymous. Mr. Hunting has been Virginia, Minn., as the Counsellor to make up the present membership are -V i x. Wilbert................................ Sh ebovga n record, which must be above the aver­ sport writer on the Lawrentian for the Lawrentia. Roger Collinge. Harold Hamilton, and Porterfield, Bernice ...........................Oconto age, and a win in either contest is the past four years and sport editor for the Keil in Charge Charles Marsh. Bx equivalent to a state championship. last year. The excellency and consis­ Marvin Keil of Beaver Dam, presi­ The ideals for which the fraternity Benson, Ida ............................Blanchardville Moreover the awards offered are of a tency of his work merited him the dent of the Senior class, is general chair­ stands and upon which election is de­ Burgan, Lurene ..................... Lake Linden decidelv worth while nature. The win­ trophy by a unanimous vote of the man of the affair. Miss Lora Miller, termined are as follows: 1. A marked Carncross, Ruth ..............................Appleton ner of first place in either contest re­ chapter. The cup becomes the perman­ women’s physical instructor, is in charge record of intellectual superiority as Dickinson, Ruth................................\ppleton ceives a scholarship award which re­ ent possession of the winner. of the presentation of the pageant, and shown by an average of in all col Diderich, Alice.., .............................Appleton lieves him of tuition payment for two Pick New President is being assisted by Ellen Tutton, Palm­ lege work. 2. The possession of an in - Diderich, Helen................................\ ppleton years. At the present rate of tuition Violet Christianson, ’27, Oconto, was yra, and Florence Hector, Duluth. Dor­ flucntial moral character. 3. Social Em a ns, Lester..................................Appleton this is a cash value of $300. The win­ elected to succeed Mary Rennett, *2", is Maxson, Aut¡go, is to arrange the leadership as shown by presidency of Grimmer. Elsa ............................Green Ray ners of second place receive tuition free as president of the Lawrence chapter of women’s athletic program scheduled for the All College Club, or Presidency of Langstadt, Claire ............................ \ppleton for one year, a cash value of $150. The Theta Sigma Phi for the coming year, the morning. the college Y. M. C. A., or possession Lees, Margaret................................ Hancock winners of third place receive fifty dol­ and Chloro Thurman, ’2f>, Green Ray. Other members of the committee are of an athletic or forensic “ L, ” or edi­ Marsh, Charles........................Denver, Colo. lar scholarships. These six awards are and Helena Koletzke. ’26. Appleton, Charles Marsh, Denver, Colorado—fin torship or business managership of the Peterson, Helene ..........................Green Ray worth $1000. In addition the winners were elected convention delegates at a anee; John Taras, Bara boo—publicity; “ Ariel” or “ Lawrentian,” or mem­ Randall, Gwendolyn ....................... Oshkosh of first and second places will be given meeting held last Thursday. Other and Bernice Porterfield, Oconto - re­ bership on Glee Club for two years, to­ (Continued on Page 5) gold and silver medals, while a shield officers electer were, Chloro Thurman, freshments. The dance committee in­ gether with prominence in other cam­ pus activities. will be presented to the high school hav­ vice-president, Helena Koletzke. secre­ cludes Lucille Ullrich, Plymouth, Doro­ ing the highest ranking team of two tary, Carola Trittien, *26, Appleton, thy Von Berg, Wan pun, Mildred Me- SIX WOMEN PICKED men, this shield to remain the perman­ treasurer and Grace Hanagan ’27. Ap­ Kathron, Mavville, and Mary Kanouse, ent property of the school. To place pleton, keeper of the archives. Appleton. Profits from the affair go to FAMOUS ARTISTS FOR HONOR GROUP in this contest is a distinct forensic The Theta Sig Convention will be the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. to enable them to send delegates to the END CONCERT TRIP honor both for the contestant and for Members of Mortar Board, honorary held at the University of Washington, Geneva student conferences which take tin* school represented. fraternity for senior women, elected Seattle, Washington. June 24 27. Five place in the summer. Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra to Contest an Institution from this year’s junior class are Gladys western chapters will be hostesses. Play in Appleton May 13 The Lawrence contest was inaugurat Jarrett, Chicago, 111.: Mildred McEa- Hare and Hound Race Events on the day’s program include ed in the spring of 1912. Since then thron, Mavville: Bernice Porterfield. A concert by the Minneapolis Sym­ a hare and hound race among the girl the high school contestants have gath­ Oconto; Chloro Thurman, Green Ray; ADSIT, SHERMAN TO phony Orchestra on Wednesday, May
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