www.ukrweekly.com SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SECTION, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1955 2 Co-Existence Termed Impossible, ST. GEORGE IN NEW YORK TO BUILD A SCHOOL Weekly Commentator Exiled Ukrainian Leader You cannot love other people Declares LOVE UKRAINE! If you do not love Ukraine. Young girl! Like its blue sky There can be no co-existence and thai the Reds keep saying By VOLODYMYR SOSSYURA Love her every minute. between the Reds and the free the Ukraine is the second ( Love Ukraine, love it like the And in every pulse of the Your boy friend will not love world, declared 61-year-oUl Dr. largest nation in the USSR. sun; heart; you Stephen Wytwycky, president "Rut the people Of the Uk­ Like the wind, and grass and She is in the flower and bird, If you do not love Ukraine. n exile of the Ukrainian Na­ raine know what they are ou water... (•••'* In the electical fires, Love her in work, in love and tional Republic of several de- ta." he added. rades ago, addressing a gath- In the hour of happiness and In every song, in every duma, in battle, Dt, Wytwycky, however, v •ring held recently in Memorial in time of joy, In the child's smile, in the Like a song that sails with the ruled out any uprising of the Hall, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ijove it in the hour of misfor­ girl's eyes, star... people. tune. And in the reddish fluttering With all your heart love your "There never can be any co­ "It is foolish to hope for an of banners ... • Ukraine, existence between good and Uprising. The people could' do Love Ukraine in your dream As the fire that burns but And we will be eternal nlong bad," he said, the Pittsburgh nothing against the army," h€ and when you are awake, never burns out, with her. Press reported. aaid. Your cherry-like Ukraine, She lives in the paths and Dr. Wytwycky said that the "But should the Ukraine be • Its beauty, eternally live and meadows, people of Ukraine have never invaded, there would be help new, In the whistling of sirens, and When the Ukrainian Volo- given in to the Communists, from on active underground, And its tongue like that of the despite being under Moscow the waves of the Dnieper, dymyr Sessyura wrote hit which still sends the govern­ nightingale. And in the fiery red clouds. rule for some 35 years. ment in exile news from behind poem "Love Ukraine" in Kiev "We are well aware thai the Iron Curtain," the exiled Among the brotherly peoples, In the fire of cannonades that 1944, he certainly did nol hose in power in Russia are chief asserted. like a flourishing orchard crushed to death dream that these verses woult constantly trying to gain the Dr. Wytwycky added that in She is shining for centuries. The invading foreigners in once be world famous. Hard lympathy of the Ukrainian his opinion the new govern­ I>ove Ukraine with all your green uniforms, >eople." he declared at an in­ ment in Moscow is a change hearts In-the bayonetts that in the ly any other poem in' all thi terview with American news­ fdr the worse ami that his And with all your deeds. darkness pierced our way, literature of the globe has papermen. government in exile stands be­ made such a stir in the politi­ For us she is unique in the To the springs, glorious and He explained the living hind the Yalta agreement be­ world, sincere. cal world as this has, or been standard has been raised cause at Yalta the Ukraine Re­ Only one in the sweet charm Young man! Give her your so widely commented upon. slightly, more Ukrainians arc public was given territory for­ merly handed to Poland. of spaces ... smile, Let us glance at the history being given government posts She is in the stars, in the birch Your tears and all you have... of its origin. In order to win The St. George Ukrainian bought at a cost of well over the support of | the Ukrainian Catholic Parish, in New York $100,000. nation against Hitler when he V6ry Reverend has embarked upon an enter­ DAY OF RECKONING The, school will carry on the. , ,• :, Invaded Ukrainian, Stalin re­ prise to build its Ukrainian tradition of a -proud cultural <! * laxed somewhat his iron hold Vladimir Ralph de Toledano is a has its roots in grim truth. Its Catholic School which will ac­ heritage of the Ukrainian on Ukraine. Ukrainian poets, Newsweek editor, and, a writer characters — from the Soviet Lotowycz commodate 100y children writers and other artists were American people. .. .,,,.%Ii who has become an authority professional killer to the well allowed and even encouraged from kindergarten through As this fund raising cam- on Russian espionage and the educated, well-connected State to produce patriotic verse. It A pioneer in Ukrainian Department official who serves high school, and .wl\ie> will paign begins, a milUon dollar.. communist underground. Two was then that Sossyura wrpte American rellgioue and organi­ the Russians — have or have cost over a million and half Гаго nteded. And with these of his non-fiction books—Spies', hie poem. It's merely .a.piece zational, life, the Ve.ry В-еУег" had l&eljt. .qpuhterpiw^B, in dollars'.'; '.' ' ' /dollars eager prayers and tV Dupes' and- DinUwaatsj s'jdad -of lyrical, romantic writing end Vladimir Lotowyc*,. pas­ ? American life. So distinguish­ Seeds of "Treason,' ftfe latter that might have been written tor of the St Peter and-Paul As pictured • abovA^i* the warm well wishes of all who, ed a writer as John Doe Pas­ written following his coverage by any poet in any country. Church in Jersey City, N. J., school will be one oP-tiffe "most are a part of the Ukrainian •' -. • ses has said: "Day of Reckon­ of the Hiss trial—made a con­ It was only seven years later died adter a long and painful destinv. ing casts a lurid beam into modern of its kind. siderable stir. They minced no that the powers in the Krem­ illness, at the age of 75, on some of the dark unpalatable Contributionr. for the 5L > , t words, dealt with specific lin discovered that the poem Thursday, April 28 last, much Great efforts are being corners of recent history.... names, dates and places, and says nothing about Commu­ to the bereavement of his fam­ made to rafse the necessary George New School Fund What makes your flesh creep it has been said- that the nism, or, what is more serious, ily, parishioners and friends funds. Additional properly for should bo forwarded to jffl is that so much of it is true." throughout the country. American communists along nothing about Stalin. Nor is the school aa well as for a new East 7th Street, New York 3* with witting and unwitting The Saturday Evening Post there a single word about Rus­ A member of the Ukrainian church has already been IN. Y fellow-travelers made a strong cited the novel in an editorial sia, the "older brother". That National Association since effort to prevent them from discussion of the argument was the "crime". For Com­ 1924, Rev. Lotowycz officiated Persons who took part at the Pittsburgh rally, sponsored being favorably reviewed and that any government employe munism and Russia — "Love at the services opening the to brfry them in the bookstores. accused of communism should Ukraine" — is a dangerous by the Friends of the Ukrainian National Republic. famed UNA "Soyuzivka" three Young Kozak Wins Art Award However, both did get much be entitled to meet his accus­ poem. Prom left to right:—Andrew Jula, member of the Board уеагв ago. He was appointed notice and had substantial ers face to face. It observed of Advisors of the Ukrainian National Association, Dr. Stephen by Archbishop Constantine Bo- successes. that if this were the rule, it Wytwycky, president-in-exile of the Ukrainian National Repub­ hachevsky as Diocesenal Coun­ The young Ukrainian artist gan artists. Now de Toledano has con­ would be next to Impossible lic, and Michael Komichak, chairman of the Ukrainian Con­ cilor and Dean. George Kozak of Detroit, Mich., The award wa>, j.iveu to to flush out a man like the FINANCIAL STATEMENT son of the famous artist and tinued his anti-communist gress Committee of the Western Pennsylvania District. Burial service held at Sts. George on the WXYZ-TV work in a different literary State Department official de­ of the editor of the Ukrainian Peter and Paul Church were program. His painting was form—the documentary novel. scribed by de Toledana. The UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASS'N satirical magazine "The Fox" held last Monday, attended by also shown during '.Ids tcleyi« This new book, Day of Reckon­ are either FBI operatives who March 31, 1955. Anti-Red Choral Groups Present many clergymen, and per­ ("Lys Mykyta"), received on ing, was published recently by Post went on: "His accusers Adult Department sons from all walks of life, April 4 last the highest award ніоп program, as well as, hi* Henry Holt & Company. It is infiltrated the communist or­ Unusual Concert in Chicago including representatives of for his painting "Pieta" ex­ print "Rosurre^' ion.'' His a book which can and waB de- ganization after prolonged ASSETS: Cash in banks ....$ 391.879.26 the UNA and various other or­ hibited at the Ecclesiastical prize winning painting "l'ietu" signed to be read- on two training and indoctrination, or Mortgage loans ... 678,362.76 At Orchestra Hall Sunday Chorus (in national costume), ganizations.
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