THE ENGINEERS REGISTRATION ACT, Cap 271; SECTION 18 NOTICE In Accordance with section 18 (2) of the Engineers Registration Act, Cap 271, it is hereby notified for information of the general public that the following persons had their names in the Engineers Register on 31st December 2015 as Registered Engineers. SN. REG. NO. NAME ADDRESS DISCIPLINE QUALIFICATIONS 1 686 Abdon, Atwine P.O. Box 7270, Kampala Electrical BSc. (Eng.), Electrical, Makerere University; MSc. (Process Systems Engineering), Cranfield University -UK; MUIPE. 2 624 Abenaitwe, Asaph T. P.O. Box 1408, Kampala Civil BSc (Eng), Civil, Makerere University, MUIPE 3 147 Adriko, Eric T. Ssekebuga (Dr.) P.O. Box 6402, Kampala Mechanical BSc.(Eng.), Mech.; PhD; London University; FUIPE 4 681 Adrole, Dennis P.O. Box 28487, Kampala Civil BSc. (Eng.), Civil, Makerere University; MUIPE. 5 775 Adubango, Brand P.O. Box 70822, Kampala Civil OD -Building and Civil Eng., UTC- Masaka; BSc. (Eng.), Civil, Makerere University; MUIPE 6 693 Adwek, Makmot Jimmy P.O. Box 98, Arua Civil ODC, Kyambogo; BSc. (Eng.), Civil, Makerere University; MUIPE. 7 445 Ajalu, John Stephen P.O. Box 11243, Kampala Civil BSc.(Eng.), Civil; Makerere University, MSc. (Eng.), ITC - Delft; MUIPE 8 748 Akampurira, Emmanuel P.O. Box 33401, Kampala Civil BSc. (Eng.), Civil, MUK; MSc. Construction Economics and Mgt., University of Cape Town, South Africa; PE- ECSA, MUIPE, MSAICE 9 524 Akankwasa, Justus P.O. Box 7010, Kampala Civil BSc. (Eng.), Civil, MUK; MSc. (Construction Management), Loughborough Univ., UK; MUIPE. 10 790 Akita, Chad Silas P.O. Box 34779, Kampala Civil BSc.(Eng.), Civil, Makerere Univ.; MSc. (Water Supply Engineering), UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, Netherlands; MUIPE. 11 683 Alinaitwe, Henry Mwanaki P.O. Box 26092, Kampala Civil PhD in Eng. and Licentiate Degree in Eng. Lund Univ.; MSc. (Constructn Mgt.), Loughborough Univ. MEng., Australia, BSc. MUK, MUIPE 12 783 Alito, George P.O. Box 20026, Kampala Civil BSc. (Eng.), Civil, Makerere University; MSc. in Water Management (Community Water Supply), Cranefield University, Silsoe-UK; MUIPE. 13 616 Amanuel, Ghebray P.O. Box 31730, Kampala Civil Dip. (Surveying and Construction), Italia Technical College, Ethiopia; M.Eng (Civil and Structural), Univ. of Sheffield; MUIPE. 14 452 Amayo, Johnson P.O. Box 7053, Kampala Civil BSc.(Eng.), Civil; Makerere University; MSc. (Sanitary Eng.) IHE-Delft; MUIPE. 15 456 Amonya, Fred David Mott MacDonald Ltd. - UK Civil BSc.(Eng.), Civil; Makerere University; MSc. (Road Management and Engineering), Univ. of Birmingham; MUIPE. 16 314 Angiro, Justin Omoding P.O. Box 33109, Kampala Civil BSc.(Eng.), Civil; Makerere University; MUIPE. 17 325 Anglin, John S P.O. Box 8414, Kampala Mechanical BSc (Eng.), Mechanical, University of Ottawa, MUIPE 18 530 Arebahona, Ian Prots P.O. Box 20026, Kampala Civil BSc. (Eng.), Civil, MUK; MSc. (Water Supply and Wastes Eng.), Loughborough Univ, UK; MUIPE. 19 725 Arinaitwe, Mutahindukah Isaac J. P.O. Box 7053, Kampala Civil M.Eng. (Civil with study in Continental Europe), University of Bristol; C.Eng, MICE; MUIPE. 20 333 Ariyo, Frank K P.O. Box 2178, Jinja Mechanical BSc.(Eng.), Mech.; Makerere University; MUIPE. 21 424 Assedri, Charles Olivu P.O. Box 10, Entebbe Civil BSc.(Eng.), Civil; Makerere University; MUIPE, MIHT. 22 645 Atiire, Victor P.O. Box 36498, Kampala Civil BSc. (Eng.), Civil, MUK; MSc. (Hydropower Development), NTNU-Trodheim, Norway; MUIPE. 23 350 Azuba, Christopher Henry P.O. Box 20026, Kampala Mechanical BSc.(Eng.), Mech.; Makerere University; Dip. (Water Supply & Sanitation), Loughborough; MUIPE. 24 214 Babinga, Daudi Paul P.O. Box 2872, Kampala Civil BSc.(Eng.), Civil; AMSCE; AMICE; MUIPE 25 555 Badaza, Mohammed P.O. Box 19, Entebbe Civil BSc. (Eng.), Civil, Makerere University, MSc. (Water Rs Eng.), Univ. of Dar es Salaam, MUIPE 26 556 Bagampadde, Umaru (Dr.) P.O. Box 7062, Kampala Civil BSc. (Eng.), Civil, Makerere University, MSc. (Eng.), Saudi Arabia, PhD (Infrastructure & Planning), Sweden; MUIPE. 27 78 Bagarukayo, Eris Kahenano P.O. Box 12472, Kampala Civil Dip. C.E., G.MICE, G.M.I. MUN.E 28 657 Bagombeka, Bunnet P.O.Box 9857, Kampala Civil BSc. (Eng.), Civil, Makerere University; MSc. (Eng.), Technical Univ. Darmstadt, Germany; MUIPE. 29 306 Bagonza, Samson P.O. Box 40379, Nakawa Civil BSc.(Eng.), Civil; Makerere University; MSc. (Highway Eng.), Univ. of Birmingham; CEng, MICE, FIHT; FUIPE. 30 626 Bahanda, Elias P.O. Box 12435, Kampala Electrical BSc (Eng), Electrical, Makerere University; MUIPE 31 619 Bahije, Thomas Abwooli P.O. Box 28487, Kampala Civil BSc (Eng), Civil, Makerere University; MUIPE 32 505 Bakaki, Charles P.O. Box 9529, Kampala Civil BSc.(Eng), Civil,MUK; MEng.(Highways,Urban Roads & Airport Pavement Eng.), Tongji Univ.-China, MUIPE. 33 177 Balaba, Ezekiel S P.O. Box 99, Kabale Mechanical Nat.Dip in Mining (Wigan); MUIPE 34 482 Balimunsi, Peter P.O. Box 23696, Kampala Electrical BSc.(Eng),Elect., MUK; Masters in Devt.Studies, Univ. Coll. - Dublin; PGD Econ. Principles - Univ. of London;MSc. (Devt Finance), London; MUIPE 35 484 Baliremwa, Novati Mukajanga P.O. Box 1134, Masaka Civil BSc.(Eng),Civil, University of Dar es Salaam; P.E, MIET, MUIPE. 36 440 Bangi, Livingstone P.O. Box 8348, Kampala Electrical BSc.(Eng), Elect.; West Germany; MSc.(Energy Management);City Univ. - UK; MUIPE. 37 375 Bantulaki, Jonas P.O. Box 913, Kampala Electrical Dip. (Radio Mechanics Eng.); MSc. (Comm. Eng.) Leningrand Insitute; MRP (Telecom), University of the West Indies; MUIPE. 38 429 Barasa I. Wandera P.O. Box 12557, Kampala Civil BSc.(Eng.),Civil; University of Nairobi; MIEK, AMASCE, MUIPE. 39 466 Baringanire, Paul P.O. Box 7059, Kampala Electrical BSc. (Eng.), Elect.; MUK; Dip. (Electric Power Systems) Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology; MUIPE. 40 671 Barongo, Ronny P.O. Box 5536, Kampala Electrical BSc. (Eng.), Electrical, Makerere University, MUIPE. 41 666 Barugahare, Rodney B P.O. Box 4052, Kampala Civil BSc. (Eng.), Civil, Makerere University, MUIPE. 42 557 Baryahabwa, Mwesigye Isaac P.O. Box 7120, Kampala Civil BSc. (Eng), Civil, Makerere Univ., MSc. (Eng.), Makerere Univ., MBA, ESAMI; Dip. Purchasing & Supplies, MCIPS (UK), MIAPM; CIPM; MUIPE. 43 202 Batumbya, Patrick C. M. P.O. Box 8493, Kampala Civil BSc.(Eng.), Civil; Gr.MI.Strut.E; MUIPE. 44 446 Baziraake, Francis (Dr.) P.O. Box 12878, Kampala Civil BSc.(C.E), Cologne College of Adv.Tech; MSc. Tech.Univ.Berlin, PhD.Tech.Univ. of Berlin, MUIPE. 45 135 Besigiroha, Nekemia P.O. Box 289, Bushenyi Civil BSc.(Eng.), Civil, LON; AMICE, MIEK, FPWI, MUIPE. 46 443 Besigye, Cyrus Bekunda P.O. Box 16063, Kampala Civil BSc.(Eng.), Civil; Makerere University; M.Sc (Eng.), Civil; Makerere University; MUIPE. 47 589 Bidasala-Igaga, Henry Daniel M P.O. Box 1118, Jinja Electrical MSc. (Eng.), Electrical, Donetsk Polytechinca Institute, Ukraine-USSR; MUIPE 48 521 Bigabwa, John P.O. Box 10, Entebbe Civil Bsc. (Eng.), Civil, Makerere University; MUIPE. Page 1 of 20 SN. REG. NO. NAME ADDRESS DISCIPLINE QUALIFICATIONS 49 496 Bigirwa, Nathan Amooti P.O. Box 1022, Kampala Civil BSc.(Eng),Civil, MUK; PGD(Trend); IHE Delft; MSc.(Road Eng.) IHE Delft - Netherlands; MIHT,MUIPE. 50 660 Birungi, Ivan P.O. Box 29263, Kampala Civil BSc. (Eng.), Mechanical, Makerere University; MSc. (Resources Eng.), Universitat Karlsruhe- Germany; MUIPE. 51 787 Biyomotho, Jimmy P.O. Box 20026, Kampala Civil BSc. (Eng.), Civil, Makerere University; MUIPE. 52 523 Boga, Ramzan Kassamali P.O. Box 22, 000606 Nairobi Civil BE.(Civil), Bombay Univ., PGD (Concrete Tech.), Leeds Univ.; MSc.(Structural Eng.),Leeds, CEng, FIStructE, MICE, MIEK, MIET, MAAK 53 250 Bomukama, Sottie P.O. Box 20026, Kampala Civil BSc.(Eng.), Makerere University; MSc.(Water and Waste Eng.), Loughborough; FUIPE; MIWEM. 54 778 Bongire, Jackson P.O. Box 7120, Kampala Civil OD, Building and Civil Eng., UTC-Masaka; HD, Civil and Building Eng., Kyambogo Univ.; BEng., Civil and Building Eng., Kyambogo Univ.; MUIPE. 55 288 Busisa, J.T. P.O. Box 822, Entebbe Civil MSc.(Eng.),Civil; Leningrad University, MUIPE. 56 342 Bwanga, George William P.O. Box 28487, Kampala Civil BSc.(Eng.),Civil; Makerere University; MSc. Loughborough; MUIPE. 57 565 Bwanswa, Dan P.O. Box 14073, Kampala Mechanical BSc. (Eng.), Mech/Aeronautics, Cairo University; Dip. PPM, IMSAT; MUIPE 58 539 Byakika, Patrick Frederick P.O. Box 1350, Mbale Civil BSc. (Engineering and Applied Sciences), Univ. of Sussex; MIEK, MUIPE. 59 278 Byandala, Abraham James P.O. Box 10, Entebbe Civil BSc.(Eng.), Civil ; Makerere, P.E; MUIPE 60 181 Byansi, Valentine Mwase P.O. Box 40229, Nakawa Civil BSc.(Eng.), Civil; MUIPE. 61 647 Byarugaba, Silver P.O. Box 2, Mbarara Civil BSc. (Eng.), Civil, Makerere University; MSc. (Highway Eng.), Univeristy of Birmingham; MUIPE. 62 677 Byaruhanga, John William P.O. Box 6583, Kampala Civil BSc. (Eng.), Civil, Makerere University; MUIPE. 63 370 Byaruhanga, Joseph Kadoma (Dr.) P.O. Box 8752, Kampala Mechanical BSc.(Eng.), Makerere University; PhD Univ. of South Wales, Australia; MUIPE. 64 309 Chandarana, Bharat P.O. Box 10608, Kampala Civil BSc.(Eng.), Civil; London University; FUIPE, FICE, FStructE. 65 500 Cong, Richard P.O. Box 20026, Kampala Civil BSc.(Eng),Civil, MUK, MSc.(Water & Waste Engineering), Loughborough Univ. UK; MUIPE. 66 643 Daka Michael P.O. Box 7544, Kampala Civil BSc.(Eng.), Civil, MUK; MSc. Municipal Water and Infrastructure, UNESCO- IHE Delft the Netherlands; MUIPE. 67 265 De Gaster, Zachary P.O. Box 214, Kampala Civil BSc.(Eng.), Civil; Nairobi, MUIPE. 68 744 Debuni Joseph P.O. Box 26022, Kampala Civil BSc. Eng. (Civil), Makerere University; MUIPE. 69 609 Drakuma, Richard P.O. Box 23519, Kampala Mechanical BSc. (Eng), Mechanical, Makerere University; MUIPE 70 343 Drazu, Charles P.O. Box 28366, Kampala Civil MSc.(Eng.), Civil; Patrice Lumumba University, Dip. HIS, Rotterdam, MUIPE. 71 601 Drici, Louis Ibiya P.O. Box 1, Moyo Civil BSc. (Eng), Civil, Makerere University; MUIPE 72 573 Droruga, Nelson P.O.
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