VOLUME 4 CLARKSVILLE, TENNESSEE, MARCH 7, 1923 NUMBER 16 ALPHA TAU OMEGAS INTER-FRATERNITY OPEN MEETING STEWART LITERARY__ ENTERTAIN TOURNAMENT OF THE Y.M.C.A. SOCIETYREVIVED Four Games Played Dr. Van der Meulen Speaks rpciml 1(sse(, Alpha Tani (falhda A. P. Crowe Elected President 'Ian Omiega entert ainedl wit h an St udent had a illfori al par~ty in thiei r fraternlity The fraternity basketball tour- Tihe Y.M.C.A. last Sun- Oln rTiesdayv afternoon at 1 :30, a roollis onllThursday evening, laii ieilteis goinig full blast. More v ery inspil-ilg mieetingo all miein interestedl in MarcI 1. interest than has ibeen shown in m~eetilng of years. is in evidcc. Everybody (lent of the Loausville Seminary, the Stewart Society was call ed in The rooms1 were lprettily decor- is figni ig the (dopeC 1nd1 watchiing deliver-ed the adldress. H~e had Ihe Literai-v Society room at the ated wi th the Fraternlitvy(colors, it get sniashied inl a bl(ier brland] wvit h him thle Seminary (quartet ('onuos. At thins ileeti 11g. r. bluie and gold. St reaillers (If crepe (f high (lass Ilsketilall than11was w-lhiclh sang 1two selectionssIleauti- Chaopel Fenwick:, who was elected were draped] from the (1han- illilel anlticipalted by aniyone. All the fully. precsid(ent (If thle mleeti ng before delier to tile walls, foriing a chap;ters have excellenit teams and~ M1r. liings, (If the Gospel teama, Cli iistillis, tender(-ed his resigila- (ililo]y over thle heads (If thle the tour gamnes have arousedl 1cad two pasags of scriplture Lio oni(l ac(ounit (If lack of Co-opeIr- guests. Two enlarged Fraternlity first enithusiasmi like the finals usually hir01m Luke 5, and JIohn 21. 1r .liioil (If Ilhe miembehrs aild on ac- ills were iused1 in thle illumination (do. Although the play is hard VanI der Meulen's text was "Flor (0o111t (f 11111ti idici tv(If other and the other lights were covered -11(1 fast the spirit of riva]lry liaH which (ofvon settinui(it to huild (uties. After thle accep tan ce,(If withI lblue and(1golwicli mIlade a leeni lean and1(1splend~idl. The ai towelr(lothl not first sit down Mr. Fenwvick's resiginationi. anlleec- soft glow oIver thle whole rooml. tol iianieiit hidls fair to he a iiem- an1cou(nt111the cost.' tionIIwas held forIa inew lpresidenit. ui able one inl lhe hisi orv of the The cost of high living is eoii Mm. A. ~. (Clowe wvas elected. IPattersoin, Agines Smllithl, arliy (01llege. sioleied from itheme lere everydlay All ilvitationl was read anld ac- Mary 1)11ret t, SaaliI c evilolds, .A.:1'. (. lDoubles 1'i. K. A. 48-24. side but the cost of real 1living is ceptedl at ihis mieetiiig froii the lizabethi Foster, Iriele (Cla~rdy, Thle first gamie of the toil ma- still higher. There are two sidles M amy Frances Kappha IDelta Literary Socit o Frances Edlward1s, iielit went to the A. T. O. in a to every bargain: what will it the ineiblems (If Stewarit Literary Ala rv Clberson, I 'eilleIblkel, rat her one-sid(edl affair. The win. cost ? 01n(1]ow much(1 will you get Society tolmeet with them in iii (l Louise Orrell, Frailces Ca rieal, iiei s illlvedl superb) ball and were ((ut of it? Fine11vElder, Louisa I((rigiiez, - it 11 tulme in very nlu'hl daniger of Everythi ing wo(rth leaiiving costs boasts to be thle (lily act(ive Liter- Fiancees Settfe, P aul- AdeeCr'oss, tir1 opponlents. somlethinlg. It cost soIllethiniig for 111v Society in SSouthlweiternuilt Jordlan, inle Ilidlplhl, Iorothy For the. A. T. 0.'s Sanm HallI was von toI he here. Your mtlher llowyshle will have rivalry a plelty'. Poindiexter', Alberta \Ville Lee.di~ 1tle largest ind~ividlual scorer mnak- risked her life that you nmiglht W\e Iad n] oulIghlmniat (101'fi rst Al a coil, Sar a ( )rga inllilargaret ng tenl ield( goals. H-ooker and Ihave life. It costs somlet hinhg to imicetilig after ireorganiizationi tol do i ill iaii were tied for honors oil he an American. There is hut o1ne somle ieal g(od woi-k, mud1( it is the Ili IKaplpa Al phai teamis with reason(11 why Amierica is (differenit ('lt irely unI toIIs whiethi ci we ((Iii Jamies Lee, bly, "Iled' Aver-y, five goals eaclh. Fresh uiaii IHook- frm 1 Africa, (Ir China, and tia t tillli 0 orie. Therie should lbe a soil, '. i\-. Lloyd (O'Neal. 1bill IIhbi er shlowedl exceptionally good (nele iasoi is that platri ots hiave ne)w' mlotivye forIiniiterest iii this La lsIey, I ) ousey B rolomle, Iberct 1(11 nl. 1His floor work 011(d lnd- bled antd (lied for this coiunitry. vork nowl, sinuce Alpha PhiI Ej - 1-otch- I olt, Pred Jestv. Tonii li hg (of the 1ball was very skilfuil. F eire is hut one excuse for living siilsis iagainl on11theme(ilulus 1and ( loodwiil kiiis, J1amies ( 'ulberson, in the heat of the game, howvever, :,rd that excuse is thlat yon can th'eie 1m1s1t led a11 0c(ive Literary Moore, Ilavyllnd Myrick, H aiold.l he lost his hearing and1( shot at hielpl others, an11d live a life of serv- Society fi-oni which to odrawu' leu Forrest Lavender, (Grady Shill, 1he A. T. O. goal; also hils team ce. ChIristianliity cost more thanm i e ateil e'I gSeat IBelhier, Saml Hall, William A I- miate. West, (duplicatedl a while Borne (If us realise. To01 iegin with dci~soui, Leroy ITsseiy, Jamies H-. later. Bill lRobison's shiooting it cost the life of God's only son. Newtoni, anl) William INufin. wias his best but four plersonal Theni figure for a secondiolwi C. Lvonl De)an and1(1 rs. Scott fouls r'etiried hiim froum the gamle. many lives it has cost to keep it PI KAPPA ALPHIAS chaplleroned the palrty. The Ili. K. A. team made five per- here. We are told thlat its easy A delicious salad course consist- sonial fouls to the A. T. O. team's to lbe a miissionlary or a preachler, GIVE BANQUET ing of c-Ihicken salad, hlot chioco- nine. b"t it isn't. It mean~ls somietimnes late, 5011(1wiches and wvafeis, was rtle sacrifice of all our (desires and Line Up Tfheta ChIap~ter of the Pi Kappa serv-ed by the hosts. hopeIIs. Solmetimles it evenl meansi A. TI. O. Pi. K. A. hirdepartin~g, the guests ex- the sacrifice of our loved onies. Alpha11 Fraternlity and their pledges Hall....................THooker enjo(yedl a (delightful bailquet onl hresid55 to the active chapllter and Whatever it mlay cost, it is eas- eveining in the priivate pledges the pleasure thley had enCl- ily wiorthi it .A reliious life is Saturvday Rolbisonl.........Gilliam room at t-le Womaniu's Club. joyedl 0n1d1their appreciationl for like a towel. A tower is built for (illing Left Forward the dlelightful evening spent. leanly. There is 110 life so beauti- At each ('11( of tihe 1rooi two Fleinister ................ Person fuil as the life in which JTesus big fraternlity pins were sulspend~l Ceinter d1wells 111nd1works. rThenla tower ((1. Thlese enmblemis, back of which ('ulber son.................West is buiilt for vision. In oldenl times weie place)] electric lights, a11nd BASKET BALL light Guard a tower was built so that p~eople Caildle siin the fraterniity colors, Lapsley .................. Breed could protect thIemselves from ene- jl iiishied itliiimination. AWARDED Left Guard LETTERS lmies. They could see for across TIhle tables which, were plaicedl S.A.E. Loses to Club 33-56 the country if they climbed high s(1 as to fornI01iimmense P, mladle Eight Men Honored Capt. Alexander led his team ini tile tower. ft. is the same way a chlarinlg Ipicture with the row-s to a victory which was hard in life. You m111st climb high if cf gar net and] gold candles placed The Faculty Athletic Commit- earnedl. This game was much iT,Z want to see far ahead. Tile oni a paniel of garnet and gold tee awarded the official "S" of thle more lively than the first andl third tiling for which a tower is r ibbhoi which ran the length of Soilthiwestern Presbyterian U~ni- vastly more interesting. The Club built is safety. Today it isn't ech table. Placards fashioned to versity in blasketball to eight men. has a splendid combination and safe even from the physical point represeiut the fraternity pin mark- All of these men showed ability in thieir team work was very good at of view to go thlroiugh life withIoiut ed the plac-e of each guest. this sport and muadle a good clean- times. IDuring the first half the Christ. We need him in our in- ,- tilme course odinner which was playing, hard fighting teaml. Al- club fedl the ball to Alexander mlost lives. plerfect ill every appoinltment was though they did not make an un- which netted them nine out of Fellows, the world to-(lay needls served . After dinnuer Mr. Thomas usual recordl of gaines won and thleir thirteen goals in the first mien who will live like Christ. If Per-son acteod as toast master in lost, still they put up a style of half. In the second half \Newton there ever was a time when Christ his inimitable manner. After diii- game that makes the other team and Smith found the basket for was nleededl it is todlay, and we nem speeches were made by several (Continued on Page 2) (Continued oni Page 3) (Continiued on Page 2) olf the chapter and alumin.
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