Non-Collider Projekte KET Jahrestreffen Bad Honnef, 19.11.2016 Christoph Rembser (CERN) This alk is mainly based on the “Physics beyond colliders kick-off workshop” (PBC) at CERN, September 2016, see Non-Collider Projekte - KET Jahrestreffen, 19 November 2016 Christoph Rembser 1 New physics, experimentally Precision Frontier* Figure by Mikhail Shaposhnikov “New Physics below the Fermi Scale” at the Physics Beyond Colliders Kickoff workshop *added by CR 19.11.2016 Non-Collider Projekte - KET Jahrestreffen, 19 November 2016 Christoph Rembser 2 Active fundamental particle physics programme next to LHC Approved Experiments, reviewed by the CERN SPS and PS Experiments Committee (SPSC), Status Nov. 2016 Experiment Description Comment Example: CERN AD2 (ATRAP) Precise laser or microwave spectroscopy of trapped antihydrogen AD3 (ASACUSA) Atomic Spectroscopy And Collisions Using Slow Antiprotons non-collider AD4 (ACE) Relative Biological Effectiveness of Antiproton Annihilation finished data taking AD5 (ALPHA) AD Antihydrogen spectroscopy experiments/ AD6 (AEGIS) Testing gravity with antimatter AD7 (GBAR) Testing gravity with antimatter AD8 (BASE) Comparisons of the fundamental properties of antiprotons and protons proposals, PS212 (DIRAC) Observation of mesonic atoms and tests of low energy QCD finished data taking PS PS215 (CLOUD) Influence of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) on aerosols and clouds status Nov.2016 NA58 (COMPASS) Study of hadron structure and hadron spectroscopy NA61 (SHINE) Strong interactions, neutrinos and cosmic rays NA62 Measuring rare kaon decays NA63 SPS Electromagnetic Processes in strong Crystalline Fields NA64 Search for dark sectors in missing energy events UA9 (CRYSTAL) Crystal Channeling AWAKE Advanced Proton-Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment WA104 (NP01) Refurbishment of the ICARUS Detector ProtoDUNE-DP (NP02) Neutrino Prototype of a Double-Phase Liquid Argon TPC for DUNE ProtoDUNE-SP (NP04) Facility Prototype of a Single-Phase Liquid Argon TPC for DUNE Baby MIND (NP05) Prototype of a Magnetized Iron Neutrino Detector CAST non-accel. Search for Axions and Axion-like particles OSQAR Experiments Search for QED vacuum magnetic birefringence, Axions and photon Regeneration CNGS1 (OPERA) Neutrino oscillation experiment at LNGS finished data taking CNGS CNGS2 (ICARUS) Neutrino oscillation experiment at LNGS finished data taking Proposed Experiments, LoI, EoI, Proposal, TDR to the SPSC, Status Nov. 2016 ALPHA-g (P) AD Testing gravity with antimatter IAXO (I) non-accel. Search for axions or axion-like particles (ALPs) originating in the Sun via the Primakoff conversion SHIP (P) SPS General purpose fixed target facility at the CERN SPS accelerator exploring the domain of hidden particles P349 PS Search for polarization effects in the antiproton production process ENUBET (EOI) SPS/PS New methods for precise measurements of flux in accelerator neutrino beams SHIP/NA61 (EOI) SPS μ-flux measurements for SHiP using NA61/SHINE I245 (LOI) SPS Study of nu_tau production by measuring Ds ->tau: test of lepton universality in neutrino CC interactions EOI012 SPS Measurement of Short Living Baryon Magnetic Moment using bent crystals at SPS and LHC CR, Nov 2016 Scientific programmes of CERN non-collider experiments approved/reviewed by the SPSC up to LS2 Non-Collider Projekte - KET Jahrestreffen, 19 November 2016 Christoph Rembser 3 Neutrino masses - Fundamental Current strongest mass limit for lightest neutrino: electron anti-neutrino < 2.2 eV, future goals: 200meV Direct neutrino mass measurements: kinematic approach by measuring Beta decay of 3H or electron capture in 163HO; • Ho3H-based experiments: KATRIN, Project8, PTOLEMY; • 163Ho-based experiments ECHo, HOLMES, NuMECS; Some experiments need very sensitive temperature sensors, e.g. low temperature micro-calorimeters: → very small volume; → Working temperature below 100 mK, thus small specific heat and small thermal noise. E.G. HOLMES: Transition Edge Sensors HOLMES 4✕16 linear sub-array Technology interesting Absorber for other detectors! Sensor ΔE≈1eV and τ≈1μs Non-Collider Projekte - KET Jahrestreffen, 19 November 2016 Christoph Rembser 4 Dark Matter searches • Wide field of searches, many experiments, among for direct and indirect detection: Annual modulation with NAI Scintillators (ANAIS), Argon Dark Matter experiment (ArDM), Axion Dark Matter Experiment (ADMX), Chicagoland Observatory for Underground Particle Physics (COUPP), CDEX (China Dark matter Experiment), PANDA-X (Particle AND Astroparticle with Xenon), and TEXONO (Taiwan EXperiment On NeutrinO) Experiments, CoGeNT, Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS/SuperCDMS), Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers (CRESST), DAMA/LIBRA, Dark Matter WIMP Search in Noble Liquids (DARWIN), Dark Matter Search Experiment with Liquid Argon Pulse Shape Discrimination (DEAP), DarkSide, Experiment for Direct Detection of WIMP Dark Matter (EDELWEISS), European Underground Rare Event Calorimeter Array (EURECA), Finding U(1)s of a Novel Kind (FUNK), Korea Invisible Mass Search (KIMS), Large Hadron Collider (LHC), LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ), Project In Canada to Search for Supersymmetric Objects (PICASSO), Superheated Instrument for Massive Particle Experiments (SIMPLE), XENON 100, XMASS, Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS), Any Light Particle Search (ALPS I and ALPS II), Astronomy with a Neutrino Telescope and Abyss environmental RESearch (ANTARES), BAIKAL Neutrino Telescope, The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope-Large Area Telescope (FGST-LAT), General Antiparticle Spectrometer (GAPS), Heavy Photon Search (HPS), High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS), IceCube Neutrino Observatory, The Isotope Matter Antimatter Experiment (IMAX), The Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov Telescopes (MAGIC), Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics (PAMELA), Super-Kamiokande (SK), Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS). Dark Matter Hub, …very nice overview at see Non-Collider Projekte - KET Jahrestreffen, 19 November 2016 Christoph Rembser 5 Facilities at the CERN PS: the Antiproton Decelerator AD AD: low-energy antiprotons (5.3MeV/c, 3 107 per cycle) for studies of antimatter. Upgrade: additional ELENA (Extra Low ENergy Antiproton) ring providing 100 keV antiprotons. Experiments: ~100 times more particles per unit time. AD Experiments: ATRAP (spectroscopy and p_bar magnetic moment), ALPHA (spectroscopy), ASACUSA (spectroscopy, atomic and nuclear collision cross sections), BASE (p_bar magnetic moment), AeGIS, GBAR and (t.b.appr.) ALPHA-g (antimatter gravity experiments) Non-Collider Projekte - KET Jahrestreffen, 19 November 2016 Christoph Rembser 6 @AD: the BASE experiment Precise comparisons of the fundamental properties of pbar and p by measuring the cyclotron and Larmor frequencies of single trapped (anti)protons (optionally H-). Goal until 2018 : measurement of magnetic moment of the (anti)proton with precision of δg/g 10−9 (~factor1000 w.r.t. ATRAP measurement, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 130801 – March 2013); ➡ Letter of Intent to SPS and PS Experiments Committee (SPSC) June 2012, Technical Design Report to SPSC January 2013; ➡ Recommended by SPSC and approved by the CERN Research Board: June 2013 Example on how fast things can move forward! ➡ Operation and first results: 2014. N.B.: currently BASE is still running with pbars caught in November 2015. C. Smorra et al., A reservoir trap for antiprotons, Int. Journ. Mass. Spec. 389, 10 (2015). Non-Collider Projekte - KET Jahrestreffen, 19 November 2016 Christoph Rembser 7 @AD: BASE (2) All measured antiproton-to-H- cyclotron frequency ratios as a function of time. 6,521 ratios were measured in 35days. single H- ion single antiproton • FIRST measurement with the new apparatus: high precision comparison of the antiproton-to-proton charge-to mass ratio by comparing cyclotron frequencies of antiproton an hydrogen ions in a Penning trap, Nature. 2015;524:196–199; • 69ppt comparison of the proton/antiproton Q/M ratio ➡ succeeding Gabrielse, G. et al. “Precisionmass spectroscopy of the antiproton and proton using simultaneously trapped particles. Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3198–3201 (1999); ➡ currently most precise test of CPT invariance with baryons. Non-Collider Projekte - KET Jahrestreffen, 19 November 2016 Christoph Rembser 8 Precise measurement of electric dipole moment EDM describes the positive and negative charge distribution inside a particle. Aligns along the spin axis of the particle, and violates both Parity and Time Reversal. • EDM measurement requires trapping the particle/atom for a long time, e.g. in storage rings; • EDM of neutron is measured - direct measurement of charged ion EDM not yet been performed; Idea presented at PBC: Pure Electrostatic Storage Ring for proton EDM -29 • 10 e cm sensitivity would correspond to 100 TeV for new physics energy scale, pure electrostatic ring applicable to proton only. talks by Themis at PBC Bowcock workshop and ➣ Mei Bai Non-Collider Projekte - KET Jahrestreffen, 19 November 2016 Christoph Rembser 9 Mu3E Experiment at PSI • Search for lepton flavour violating decay (A.Blondel et al., arXiv:1301.6113) ➡ BR(μ+ → e+ e+ e- ) < 10-12 (SINDRUM 1986) ➡ BR(μ+ → e+ e+ e- ) < 10-15 (phase I, PiE5 beamline) ➡ BR(μ+ → e+ e+ e- ) < 10-16 (phase II, High Intensity Muon beamline) ➣ see Main technological Challenges:
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