SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 VOL.VOL. LXXVV, LXXXI NO. NO49 • 43 $1.00 $1.00 + CA. +CA Sales. Sales Tax Tax“For Over “For Eighty Over Eighty Years YearsThe Voice The Voice of Our of CommunityOur Community Speaking Speaking for for Itself Itself” THURSDAY,THURSDAY, OCTOBER DECEMBER 26,12 - 201718, 2013 A Community's Love Affair 'Strollin' Down the Shaw'!!! Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas VALERIE GOODLOE PHOTO Hurricane Irma hits Florida www.lasentinel.net A-6 A-2 LASENTINEL.NETLOS ANGELES SENTINEL NEWSNEWS THURSDAY,THURSDAY,JANUARY OCTOBER 26, 9, 2017 2014 Robertson (courtesy photo) FILE PHOTO The Taste of Soul transforms Crenshaw Blvd. into the largest street festival in Los Angeles, with hundreds of thousands of faithful attendees enjoying the one day event. BY JENNIFER BIHM Bakewell Sr., as part of this Eulanda Lynn Matthews, Staff Writer year’s Founder’s Message. director partner at the law “The millions of people offices of Ivie, McNeil and For the twelfth year in who have enjoyed Taste of Wyatt, who joined the list a row, the Taste of Soul Soul over the years send a of TOS sponsors for the Nation joined members of clear message to everyone, fifth year in a row. Bakewell Media and Moth- that as businessmen and “I couldn’t be prouder ers In ActionOctober 21st women, consumers and as to be here to celebrate with on Crenshaw Blvd., at what a political force, we cannot the Crenshaw community, has become the largest street and will not be ignored or a community that is the festival in Los Angeles City denied.” heart and soul of Los An- & County. With such an Bakewell also took the geles,” said former Los enormous task to pull off, time to acknowledged the Angeles Mayor Antonio Taste of Soul partners make significance of those spon- Villaraigosa, who was in the historic festival possible sors and politicians who office when the festival be- – LA Sentinel, Brother- have been instrumental in gan in 2005. hood Crusade, City of Los making TOS happen. Hyundai’s Director of Angeles, County of Los “Our corporate partners Corporate Responsibil- Angeles, 102.3 KJLH, 94.7 understand the collective ity and Diversity Zafar the WAVE, CBS2/KCAL 9 power that the Taste of Soul Brooks said, his company & AAUC. This year may Nation has become,” he was “very pleased to be in- have been the best Taste of said. volved in Taste of Soul this Soul yet with returning ven- “Our political friends year.” dors and new ones added, realize that the ability to “Watching the work four stages, all with stellar mobilize hundreds of thou- that [Danny] Bakewell Sr. FILE PHOTO line-ups and a notable list of sands, if not millions, of has done, has inspired me sponsors, including Hyun- people is a powerful tool as an Angeleno,” he said. nice [this year]. ” don’t have anything like StartQuest, the StarQuest dai, McDonald’s and Bank that everyone understands “To watch him make The couple, like thou- this in Atlanta …” Stage sponsored by Hyun- of America. The event, once and respects. Everyone who this a better place for so sands of others, waited in Metro, also a major dai, 102.3 Radioi Free again, wrapped up at 7:00 is a part of Taste of Soul re- many people, has inspired line for exquisitely soulful TOS sponsor, was on hand KJLH and 94.7 the Wave. p.m. on the boulevard with- alizes that there is no greater me while watching it from cuisine, worth every min- to get people to-and-from It was time to go by 6:00 out incident. economic driver in the city afar …” ute and every penny. Their the festival, providing rides 7:00 p.m., though most at- “Taste of Soul has grown for African- American busi- “We’ve been coming choice: broiled shrimp and every 12 minutes and re- tendees seemed to linger, into the greatest demonstra- nesses. for about five or six years,” creole cuisine from lo- lieving them from the has- either wanting more mu- tion of all that is uplifting “We believe in what said Joyce, who attended cal favorite, Harold and sle of driving and parking. sic or, getting last minute and possible for and within Bakewell Media is doing with her husband Mal- Belle’s. Rounding out the fes- snacks and desserts. For Black communities when [with Taste of Soul] in mak- colm. “I had a ball,” agreed tival were major perfor- this reporter’s part, funnel we collectively pull our ing sure our Black busi- “It’s been wonderful. I Niecy from Atlanta. mances on four stages: the cake topped with strawber- time, resources, and talents nesses are spotlighted; that love how they did the setup “The Taste of Soul in Brenda Marsh Mitchell ries and whipped cream for the betterment of all,” we know we can recycle for [Children’s World] and L.A. was fantastic. I had Gospel Stage, sponsored ended another amazing said Bakewell Media CEO our Black dollars right in the way they made it extra the best time in my life. We by McDonald’s, Hyundai’s TOS experience. and TOS founder, Danny our own community,” said Today’s Fresh Start CExcellenceharte rin EducationSchool Register Now!! 8 A.M. – 5 P.M. Monday – Friday Address: 4514 Crenshaw Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90043 Call (323) 293-9826 www.todaysfreshstart.org College Bound School All Grades, Small Classes, After School Program, Transitional Kindergarten and K-8 Accredited by Western Association of School’s & Colleges 1/8 th page 3 Cols. x 5.25 A-3A-10 LOSLASENTINEL.NET ANGELES SENTINEL OPINION NEWS THURSDAY,THURSDAY, DECEMBER OCTOBER 26, 26, 2017 2013 We Are Better, Together Hyundai Motor America is proud to support Taste of Soul 2017. To learn more go to HyundaiBetterLA.com Hyundai is a registered trademark of Hyundai Motor Company. All rights reserved. ©2017 Hyundai Motor America. A-4 LASENTINEL.NET BUSINESS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2017 New NAACP President Derrick Johnson Vows to Work Closely with NNPA BY STACY M. BROWN told the NNPA Newswire. of our narrative, we’re uti- NNPA Newswire “We’ve met with [new lizing our most important Contributor NNPA Chairman] Dorothy tool, which is the Black Leavell and [NNPA Presi- Press,” Johnson said. The future of the Na- dent and CEO] Dr. Benja- A veteran activist, John- tional Association for the min Chavis, Jr., and we see son, 49, said it’s also im- Advancement of Colored a bright future and we are portant that the NAACP People (NAACP) is inex- mutually tied to the same engage and support young tricably linked to the future reality, because the NNPA people. of African Americans and is critical, as the delivery “We urge the young its incumbent upon the na- source of information for ones to keep studying and tion’s oldest civil rights or- our community.” continue advocating to ganization to work with the The fact that the make sure their voices are Black Press to get that mes- NAACP chose Johnson to not suffocated, because of a sage out, said new NAACP lead the organization was lack of knowledge,” John- President Derrick Johnson. music to Leavell’s ears. son said. “I’m encouraged On October 21, the ex- “I believe he is the right by the number of young ecutive committee of the leader for the NAACP at people who have taken to NAACP National Board of this most important time in the streets with the tools Directors announced that our history,” she said. “The at their disposal to become the Detroit-born Johnson NNPA looks forward to more active. If they find that would lead the organization working with him and the the NAACP is a tool they’d as the president and CEO. NAACP.” like to use, then it is incum- Johnson formerly Chavis, a former execu- bent upon the NAACP to served as vice chairman tive director of the NAACP, support their ability to do of the NAACP National said he’s known Johnson that, because the young ac- Board of Directors and the for a long time and he’s tivists of today will be our state president for the Mis- confident that Johnson’s leaders of tomorrow.” sissippi State Conference leadership expertise and A regular guest lecturer of the NAACP. experience will take the at Harvard Law School Board members said NAACP to greater heights and an adjunct professor at Johnson was selected to in terms of membership Tougaloo College in Jack- guide the organization and civil rights activism. son, Miss., Johnson previ- through a period of rein- “If there was ever a per- ously furthered his training vigoration and realignment son alive that personifies through fellowships with Derrick Johnson, the new president and CEO of the NAACP, said that the NNPA is criti- with the current challeng- the living spirit of Medgar the Congressional Black cal, as the delivery source of information for the Black community. (NAACP) es of today’s civil rights Evers, it is Derrick John- Caucus Foundation. movement. son. Thus, the NAACP will As president of the to improve the quality of trol our narrative and tell “We have to figure out To accomplish that grow and expand under the NAACP Mississippi State life for African Americans our story, because we have how to maximize the en- mission, Johnson said the leadership of Derrick John- Conference, he led critical through civic engagement, units across the country gagement of folks in our NAACP will lean heavily son,” Chavis said. “John- campaigns for voting rights training and initiatives, ac- that have been extremely community to exercise on the National Newspa- son personifies the courage and equitable education, cording to Johnson’s bio effective in their work, but their right to vote,” Johnson per Publishers Association and genius of a freedom NAACP officials said in a on the NAACP’s website.
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