Notes Introduction Deakin University, School of Educarion, Open Campus Program, Po rtrait of The GeeLong CoLLege: Continuity and Change in {In Independent SchooL, 1979, p. 31. 1 A College of our own The 1861 Census, as reporred in TheArgzlS, 2 February 1864, p. 4. 2 Dr A.J. Campbell, 'The firsr beginnings of me Geelong College', c. 1907 (Co llege Archives). Proceedings ofthe GeneraLAssembLy ofthe Presbyterian Church in Victoria, Melbourne, 1859,4 November, pp. 22-3· 4 Campbell, 'The firsr beginnings of me Geelong College'. G. Norman and B. Keim, eds, The GeeLong CoLlege, I86I-I96I, 19 61, p. 2; Wesron Bare, Light BLue Down Under: The History of Gee Long Grammar SchooL, 1990, p. 19. 6 Richard Annois, With Respect: The Story ofGee Long Lawyers Harwood and Pincott, I840- I992, 2005, pp. 17-28; James Granr, 'Sir Charles Sladen, 1816-84', AustraLian Dictionary ofBiography , vol. 6, Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1976, pp. 133-4. 7 The Argzts, I December 1860, p. 6. 8 Campbell, 'The firs r beginnings of me Geelong College', p. 2. 9 Ibid., p. 3· 10 Ibid. I I Proceedings ofthe GeneraLAssembLy ofthe Presbyterian Church in Victoria, Melbourne, 1861, 4 April, p. 8; The Argzts, 5 April 1861, p. 6. 12 Campbell, 'The firsr beginnings of rbe Geelong College', p. 3. This schoollarer became co-educational and, from me 1940s, a girls' school. From 1966, ir was calJed Marmew Flinders Girls' High School. 13 Council Minures; The GeeLong Directory, 1858; Gordon Fo rrh, ed. , BiographicaL Dictionary ofthe western District ofVictoria , 1998, pp. 151-2. 14 Probably Thomas Curle, James Cowie and Monrague Srodarr. 15 Malcolm Wood, Presbyterianism in CoLoniaL Victoria, 2008, p. 74-6. 16 Anne Hooper, The Story ofFLinders SchooL GeeLong I8S6-I9S6, 1956, pp. II-I2. 17 Bare, Light BLue Down Under, p. 33· 18 Campbell, 'The firs r beginnings of me Geelong College', pp. 3-4. 19 GeeLong Advertiser, 16 February 1898, p. 3. 20 Year Book, 1877, p. 3. 21 GeeLong Advertiser, 14 December 1975, p. 3· 22 One example was me privarel y run Caulfield Grammar ill me 1880s and 1890s, under devo ur Church of England ordained minisrers, me Reverends Davies and Barnen. 23 GeeLongAdvertiser, 28 March 1885. 24 GeeLong Advertiser, 26 and 29 June 1876. 25 GeeLong Advertiser, 18 April 1879. 202 The Way to the Sta r s Notes 26 GeeLong Advertiser, 30 January 1888. 27 Coun cil Minutes, 30 June 1862, and also Annual Report, 1862. Natural Philosophy was the precursor co Physics. 28 Annual Report, 1864, p. 9. 29 See Bate, Light BLue Down Under, Chapter 2. 30 Annual Report, 1864, p. 10. 31 GeeLongAdvertisel', 19 December 1870, p. 4. 32 GeeLong Advertiser, 15 December 1869, p. 3· 33 Campbell, 'The fi rst beginnings of the Geelong College', p. 9· 34 Council Mi nutes, I September 1862,12 March, 30 June, 20 July, 20 August 1863 . 35 Annual Report, 1863, in Council M inures, Ju ne 1863. 36 Council Minutes, 13 August 1863. 37 Campbell, 'The fi rst beginnings of the Geelong College', pp. 14-15. 38 Ibid., p. 13. 39 Ibid.,p.15· 40 An nual Report, 1867: the new classroom was 50 fi: x 22 ft; Annual Report, 1870; GeeLong Advertiser, 3 and 30 May 1870. 41 Annual Report, 1870; report in GeeLong Advertiser, Annual Report, 1898. 42 GeeLongAdvertiser, 23 December 1870 - notice of aucti on on 6 January 1871. 43 GeeLong Advertiser, 20 December 1870. 2 The Morrisons' College Annual Reporrs. 2 GeeLong Advertiser, 12 December 1875; 12 December 1874. At Melbourne Grammar, boarders died during twO scarlet fever ourbrealcs in the 1860s, and of measles in 1880, while enrolments suffered during the worst ryphoid epidemics in Melbourne during 1874-79 and 1882-83. See Wescon Bate and Helen Penrose, ChaLLenging Traditiom: A History ofMeLbourne Grammar, 2002, p. 36. There were no deaths at Geelong Grammar, bur enrolments cook some time co recover. See Wescon Bate, Light BLue Down Under: The History ofGee long Gramma rSchoo~ p. 36. 4 M ishura Coll egians' Database. This evidence refures Margaret Ki ddle's assertion that Geelong Grammar was 'the recogni sed school' for the so ns of Sco ts Presbyterians 'even after Geelong College was established'. She cited as evidence heal thy enrolmenr figures at Geelong Grammar of 127 in 1873 , bur the College's enrolment numbers at that time were comparable. See Margaret Ki ddle, Men of Yesterday: A SociaL Histo ry of the Western District of Victoria, I834-I890, 1961. 5 Annual Report, 1878. 6 GeeLong Advertiser, 13 December 1872. 7 GeeLong Advertiser, 12 Decem ber 1874. 8 GeeLong Advertiser, 14 December 1875. 9 Cumming Family Letter Book, Geelong Heri tage Cenae, II 5 5 Item 2, 9 May and 3 I Ocrober 1874. 10 James Mitchell, A Deepening Roar: Scotch CoLLege, MeLbourne, I8sr-200I, 2001 , pp. 44-5; Bate and Penrose, ChaLLenging Traditiom, pp. 52-5. II Bate and Pentose, ChaLLenging Traditiom, p. 48 . 12 The Post-Matriculation class was first mentioned in a newspaper report in 1874, although the College Annual Report of 1879 suggests that it was fi rst es tablished in 1877. 13 GeeLongAdvertiser, 28 November 1879. 14 Annual Report, 1894. 15 Letter from Arthur Burder Backhouse co his parents, 26 July 1872 (State Library ofVicroria MS 10616, 'Backhouse family papers'.) 16 Letter fro m Arthur Burder Backhouse co his parents, 21 Occober 1872 (State Library ofVicroria MS 10616, 'Backh ouse family papers'.) 17 Letter from Arthur Burder Backhouse co his parents, 7? November 1872 (Stare Library of Vicco ria MS 10616, 'Backhouse family papers' .) 18 Mitchell, A Deepening Roar, pp. 14- 23. 19 Annual Report, 1882. 20 H.L. Hall, H . Zachariah and G.F. Jan1es, MeLiora Sequamur: Brighton Grammar SchooL I882-I982, 1983 , p. 26. 21 Annual Report, 1896. 22 Annual Report, 1901. 23 Fo r example, GeeLong Advertiser, 14 December 1875. 24 An nual Report, 1891. 25 The Presbyterian, vol. vi, no. 6, 7 Feb ruary 1923, p. II7. 26 Helen Penrose, Red, Black and Khaki: Cadets at Xavier CoLLege, 1999, pp. 6-7· 27 Annual Report, 1907. 203 T he Way to the Stars Notes 28 Annual Report, 1893. 29 Annual Report, 1901- 30 Geelong Advertiser, 18 February 1898. 31 George Morriso n's will, VPRS 759 1/P2, Un it 274, File 67/347. 32 An nual Report, 1898. 33 Annual Report, 1904. 34 Annual Report, 1903. 35 Dr A.]. Campbell, 'The first beginnings of (he Geelong College', c. 1907, p. 16. 36 Annual Report, 1905. 37 Annual Report, 1907. 38 List of Exhibitioners, 1890-1915, VPRS 14008/Po001, Unit 1- 39 Annual Report, 1901. 40 Annual Reporr, 1902. 41 An nual Report, 1907. 42 Valuations dated 29 June, 23 July and 2 August 1906 in Papers of G.E. Morrison, CY 4384 'Geelong College Sale 1906-1910' (Mitchell Library). 43 Correspondence ofC.N. Morrison to G.E. Morriso n, 5 August 1906, in Papers ofG.E. Morrison, CY 43 84 'Geelong College Sale 1906-1910' (Mitchell Library). 44 Ibid. 45 Correspondence ofJ.H . Macfarland to G.E. Morrison, 27 July 1906, in Papers ofGE Morrison, CY 43 84 'Geelong College Sale 1906-1910' (Mitchell Library). 46 Proceedings ofthe Commission ofthe State Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria, November I907, Melbousne: Brown, Prior and Co., 1907, 12 November, p. 11. 47 Annual Report, 1908. 3 Bayly and Price Presbyterian Chusch of Victoria, Proceedings ofthe State Assembly, May I908, Appendix: Reporr of Geelong College Council, Melbousne: Brown, Prior and Co., 1908, p. bodx, and May 1909, p. xciv. 2 Pegams, June 1909, pp. 3-4. 'Charles N. Morrison, Proceedings of Inquest 15 November 1909', VPRS 24/Poooo, Unit 000846, Dscl: 190 9/96 1. 4 Geelong Advertiser, 15 November 1909, p. 2. 5 Council Minutes, 19 November 1909. 6 Council Minutes, 21 December 1909. 7 Council Minutes, 25 October 1910. 8 A.H. Harry, 'William Reynolds Bayly', no date (College Archives). 9 A. Austin Gray, 'Under three headmasters or ten years at Geelong College 1912-1921" no date (College Archives). 10 Pegams, May 1913, pp. 15-19. I I Harry, 'William Reynolds Bayly'. 12 Ibid. 13 Andrew Spaull, 'John Arnold Seitz (1883-1963)', Australian Dictionary ofBiography, vol. 1.1 , Melbousne: Melbousne University Press, 1988, pp. 563-4. 14 James Affleck, ed., Geelong Collegiam at the Great war (including the Anglo-Boer war), 2007. 15 Pegams, August 1915, pp. 22-3 · 16 Council Minutes, 21 Augusr 1914 and 12 August 1916. This was unusual, given that the College had recently been valued in excess of £17,000, but was perhaps understandable in the wartime climate of uncertainty. Twenty-fous guarantors put up £10 each to satisfY the Presbyterian Church Board of Finance's req uest. 17 Pegams, December 1916, p. 44. 18 Keith Reminiscences (College Archives). 19 Annual Reports, Pegasus and 'List of Exhi bitioners, 1890-1915', VPRS 14008/PoOOI, Unit OOOOOL 20 Kei th Reminiscences. 21 Keith Reminiscences. 22 G. Claud Norman, OfSheep and Men: A Story ofthe Flocks, the Founders and Descendants of Victoria's Western Piaim Over a Period ofAlmost 200 Years in Australia's History, c. 1981, pp. 92-134; MishUIa Collegians' Database. 23 Ibid. 24 Ibid. 25 Geoffrey Serle, 'Sir John Henry Macfarland (1851-1935), Australian Dictionary ofB iography, vo l. 10, Mei boUIne: Melbourne University Press, 1986, pp. 266- 7; James Mitchell, A Deepening Roar: Scotch College, Melbourne, I8fI- 200I, 2001, pp. 8 I and 83. 26 Council Minutes, 16 May 19 19. 204 The Way to the stars Notes Pegams, December 19 19, p. 3. COLlJ1cil Minutes, 10 October 1919. Pegasus, December 1919, p. 39. 4 High ideals B.R.
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