II Publications, Presentations 1. Refereed Publications Izumi, K., Kotake, K., Nakamura, K., Nishida, E., Obuchi, Y., Ohishi, N., Okada, N., Suzuki, R., Takahashi, R., Torii, Abadie, J., et al. including Hayama, K., Kawamura, S.: 2010, Y., Ueda, A., Yamazaki, T.: 2010, DECIGO and DECIGO Search for Gravitational-wave Inspiral Signals Associated with pathfinder, Class. Quantum Grav., 27, 084010. Short Gamma-ray Bursts During LIGO's Fifth and Virgo's First Aoki, K.: 2010, Broad Balmer-Line Absorption in SDSS Science Run, ApJ, 715, 1453-1461. J172341.10+555340.5, PASJ, 62, 1333. Abadie, J., et al. including Hayama, K., Kawamura, S.: 2010, All- Aoki, K., Oyabu, S., Dunn, J. P., Arav, N., Edmonds, D., Korista sky search for gravitational-wave bursts in the first joint LIGO- K. T., Matsuhara, H., Toba, Y.: 2011, Outflow in Overlooked GEO-Virgo run, Phys. Rev. D, 81, 102001. Luminous Quasar: Subaru Observations of AKARI J1757+5907, Abadie, J., et al. including Hayama, K., Kawamura, S.: 2010, PASJ, 63, S457. Search for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescence Aoki, W., Beers, T. C., Honda, S., Carollo, D.: 2010, Extreme in LIGO and Virgo data from S5 and VSR1, Phys. Rev. D, 82, Enhancements of r-process Elements in the Cool Metal-poor 102001. Main-sequence Star SDSS J2357-0052, ApJ, 723, L201-L206. Abadie, J., et al. including Hayama, K., Kawamura, S.: 2010, Arai, A., et al. including Yamashita, T., Okita, K., Yanagisawa, TOPICAL REVIEW: Predictions for the rates of compact K.: 2010, Optical and Near-Infrared Photometry of Nova V2362 binary coalescences observable by ground-based gravitational- Cyg: Rebrightening Event and Dust Formation, PASJ, 62, wave detectors, Class. Quantum Grav., 27, 173001. 1103-1108. Abadie, J., et al. including Hayama, K., Kawamura, S.: 2010, Arimatsu, K., Izumiura, H., Ueta, T., Yamamura, I., Onaka, T.: First Search for Gravitational Waves from the Youngest Known 2011, Detection of the Detached Dust Shell of U Antliae at Mid- Neutron Star, ApJ, 722, 1504-1513. infrared Wavelengths with AKARI/IRC, ApJ, 729, L19. Abadie, J., et al. including Hayama, K., Kawamura, S.: 2010, Arimoto, M., et al. including Shirasaki, Y.: 2010, Spectral-Lag Calibration of the LIGO gravitational wave detectors in the Relations in GRB Pulses Detected with HETE-2, PASJ, 62, 487. fifth science run, Nucl. Instrum. Methods. Phys. Res. A, 624, Asaki, Y., Deguchi, S., Imai, H., Hachisuka, K., Miyoshi, M., 223-240. Honma, M.: 2010, Distance and Proper Motion Measurement Abadie, J., et al. including Hayama, K., Kawamura, S.: 2011, of the Red Supergiant, S Persei, with VLBI H2O Maser Search for gravitational waves associated with the August 2006 Astrometry, ApJ, 721, 267-277. timing glitch of the Vela pulsar, Phys. Rev. D, 83, 042001. Baba, J., Saitoh, T. R., Wada, K.: 2010, On the Interpretation of Abbott, B. P., et al. including Hayama, K., Kawamura, S.: 2010, the l-v Features in the Milky Way Galaxy, PASJ, 62, 1413-1422. Searches for Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars with Barro, G, Perez-Gonalez, P. G., Ashby, M. L. N, Kajisawa, M., Science Run 5 LIGO Data, ApJ, 713, 671-685. Miyazaki, S., Villar, V., Yamada, T.: 2011, UV-to-FIR Analysis Abbott, B. P., et al. including Hayama, K., Kawamura, S.: 2010, of Spitzer/IRAC Sources in the Extended Groth Strip. I. Multi- Search For Gravitational-wave Bursts Associated with Gamma- wavelength Photometry and Spectral Energy Distributions, ray Bursts using Data from LIGO Science Run 5 and Virgo ApJS, 193, 13. Science Run 1, ApJ, 715, 1438-1452. Bayliss, M. B., Gladders, M. D., Oguri, M., Hennawi, J. F., Sharon, Agatsuma, K., Arai, K., Fujimoto, M.-K., Kawamura, S., Kuroda, K., Koester, B. P., Dahle, H.: 2011, The Redshift Distribution of K., Miyakawa, O., Miyoki, S., Ohashi, M., Suzuki, T., Takahashi, Giant Arcs in the Sloan Giant Arcs Survey, ApJ, 727, L26. R., Tatsumi, D., Telada, S., Uchiyama, T., Yamamoto, K., Bayliss, M. B., Hennawi, J. F., Gladders, M. D., Koester, B. P., CLIO collaborators: 2010, Thermal-noise-limited underground Sharon, K., Dahle, H., Oguri, M.: 2011, Gemini/GMOS interferometer CLIO, Class. Quantum Grav., 27, 084022. Spectroscopy of 26 Strong-lensing-selected Galaxy Cluster Amanullah, R., et al. including Furusawa, H., Kashikawa, N., The Cores, ApJS, 193, 8. Supernova Cosmology Project: 2010, Spectra and Hubble Space Bedding, T. R., et al. including Kambe, E., Izumiura, H.: 2010, Telescope Light Curves of Six Type Ia Supernovae at 0.511 < z Multi-Site Campaign to Measure Solar-Like Oscillations in < 1.12 and the Union2 Compilation, ApJ, 716, 712-738. Procyon. II. Mode Frequencies, ApJ, 713, 935-949. Ando, H., Tsuboi, Y., Kambe, E., Sato, B.: 2010, Oscillations in Bekki, K., Tsujimoto, T.: 2010, Origin of the Unusually Low the G-type Giants, PASJ, 62, 1117-1126. Nitrogen Abundances in Young populations of the Large Ando, K., Nagayama, T., Omodaka, T., Handa, T., Imai, H., Magellanic Cloud, ApJ, 721, 1515-1522. Nakagawa, A., Nakanishi, H., Honma, M., Kobayashi, H., Berger, T. E., Slater, G., Hurlburt, N., Shine, R., Tarbell, T., Title, Miyaji, T.: 2011, Astrometry of Galactic Star-Forming Region A., Lites, B. W., Okamoto, T. J., Ichimoto, K., Katsukawa, ON2N with VERA: Estimation of the Galactic Constants, PASJ, Y., Magara, T., Suematsu, Y., Shimizu, T.: 2010, Quiescent 63, 45-51. Prominence Dynamics Observed with the Hinode Solar Optical Ando, M., et al. including Kawamura, S., Agatsuma, K., Ejiri, Telescope. I. Turbulent Upflow Plumes, ApJ, 716, 1288-1307. Y., Fujimoto, M., Fukushima, M., Hayama, K., Ishizaki, H., Bernat, D., et al. including Martinache, F.: 2010, A Close 068 II Publications, Presentations Companion Search Around L Dwarfs Using Aperture Masking M., Shimasaku, K., Tanaka, I., Yoshikawa, T., Kashikawa, Interferometry and Palomar Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics, N., Iye, M., Ichikawa, T.: 2011, Cryogenic Volume-Phase ApJ, 715, 724-735. Holographic Grisms for MOIRCS, PASJ, 63, S605-S612. Boyd, R. N., Kajino, T., Onaka, T.: 2010, Supernovae and the Escapa, A., Fukushima, T.: 2011, Free Translational Oscillations Chirality of the Amino Acids, Astrobiology, 10, 561-568. of Icy Bodies with a Subsurface Ocean using a Variational Burningham, B., Leggett, S. K., Lucas, P. W., Pinfield, D. J., Smart, Approach, AJ, 141, 77-101. R. L., Day-Jones, A. C., Jones, H. R. A., Murray, D., Nickson, Espada, D., Peck, A. B., Matsushita, S., Sakamoto, K., Henkel, E., Tamura, M., Zhang, Z., Lodieu, N., Tinney, C. G., Zapatero C., Iono, D., Israel, F. P., Muller, S., Petitpas, G., Pihlstrom, Osorio, M. R.: 2010, The discovery of a very cool binary Y., Taylor, G. B., Trung, D. V.: 2010, Disentangling the system, MNRAS, 404, 1952-1961. Circumnuclear Environs of Centaurus A: II. On the Nature of Burningham, B., et al. including Tamura, M., Ishii, M., Kuzuhara, the Broad Absorption Line, ApJ, 720, 666-678. M.: 2010, 47 new T dwarfs from the UKIDSS Large Area Survey, Finoguenov, A., et al. including Sekiguchi, K.: 2010, X-ray groups MNRAS, 406, 1885-1906. and clusters of galaxies in the Subaru-XMM Deep Field, Bussey, D. B., McGovern, J. A., Spudis, P. D., Neish, C. D., MNRAS, 403, 2063-2076. Noda, H., Ishihara, Y., Sorensen, S.-A.: 2010, Illumination Fish, V. L., et al. including Honma, M., Oyama, T.: 2011, 1.3 mm conditions of the south pole of the Moon derived using Kaguya Wavelength VLBI of Sagittarius A*: Detection of Time-variable topography, Icarus, 208, 558-564. Emission on Event Horizon Scales, ApJ, 727, L36. Caselli, P., Keto, E., Pagani, L., Aikawa, Y.: 2010, Water vapor Fok, H. S., Shum, C. K., Yi, Y., Araki, H., Ping, J., Williams, J. G., toward starless cores: The Herschel view, A&A, 521, 29-33. Fotopoulos, G., Noda, H., Goossens, S., Huang, Q., Ishihara, Cheoun, M. K., Ha, E., Kajino, T.: 2011, Neutrino reactions on Y., Matsumoto, K., Oberst, J., Sasaki, S.: 2011, Accuracy Ar40 for solar and core-collapsing supernova neutrinos, Phys. assessment of lunar topography models, Earth, Planets and Rev. C, 83, 28801. Space, 63, 15-23. Cheoun, M. K., Ha, E., Kim, K. S., Kajino, T.: 2010, Neutrino Fomalont, E., Johnston, K., Fey, A., Boboltz, D., Oyama, T., reactions via neutral and charged current by quasi-particle Honma, M.: 2011, The Position/Structure Stability of Four random phase approximation (QRPA), J. Phys. G, 37, 55101. ICRF2 Sources, AJ, 141, 91. Cheoun, M. K., Ha, E., Lee, S. Y., Kim, K. S., So, W. Y., Kajino, T.: Fontani, F., Cesaroni, R., Furuya, R. S.: 2010, Class I and Class II 2010, Neutrino reactions on 12C by the quasiparticle random- methanol masers in high-mass star-forming regions, A&A, 517, phase approximation, Phys. Rev. C, 81, 28501. A56. Cheoun, M. K., Hayakawa, T., Kajino, T., Chiba, S.: 2010, Fujii, M., Iwasawa, M., Funato, Y., Makino, J.: 2010, The Origin Neutrino reactions on La138 and Ta180 via charged and neutral of S-stars and a Young Stellar Disk: Distribution of Debris Stars currents by the quasiparticle random phase approximation, of a Sinking Star Cluster, ApJ, 716, L80-L84. Phys. Rev. C, 82, 35504. Fujiwara, H., Onaka, T., Ishihara, D., Yamashita, T., Fukagawa, M., Currie, T., et al. including Pyo, T.-S.: 2011, A Combined Nakagawa, T., Kataza, H., Ootsubo, T., Murakami, H.: 2010, Subaru/VLT/MMT 1–5 μm Study of Planets Orbiting HR Enstatite-rich Warm Debris Dust Around HD165014, ApJ, 714, 8799: Implications for Atmospheric Properties, Masses, and L152-L156. Formation, ApJ, 729, 128-147. Fukagawa, M., Tamura, M., Itoh, Y., Oasa, Y., Kudo, T., Hayashi, Dawson, J. R., McClure-Griffiths, N. M., Kawamura, A., Mizuno, S. S., Kato, E., Ootsubo, T., Itoh, Y., Shibai, H., Hayashi, M.: N., Onishi, T., Mizuno, A., Fukui, Y.: 2011, Supershells as 2010, Subaru Near-Infrared Imaging of Herbig Ae Stars, PASJ, Molecular Cloud Factories: Parsec Resolution Observations of 62, 347-370.
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