1ews• Hitler's Pope Since last Christmas, GOOD SHEPHERD has assisted: - 103 homeless people to find permanent accommodation; - 70 young people to find foster care; - 7S7 families to receive financial counselling; - 21 9 people through a No Interest Loan (N ILS); Art Monthly - 12 adolescent mothers to find a place to live with support; .-lUSTR .-l/,/. 1 - 43 single mothers escaping domestic violence to find a safe home for their families; - 1466 adolescent s through counselling: - 662 young women and their families, I :\' T H E N 0 , . E '1 B E R I S S L E through counsell ing work and Reiki; - hundreds of families and Patrick I lutching;s rC\ie\\s the Jeffrey Smart retruspecti\e individuals through referrals, by speaking out against injustices and by advocating :\mire\\ Sa\ ers talks to I )a\ id I lockney <lhout portraiture on their behalf. Sunnne Spunn~:r trac~:s tht: )!t:nt:alo g;y of the Tclstra \:ational .\horig;inal and Torres Strait Islander :\rt .\"ani \bry Eag;k rt:\it:\\S the conti:rmct: \\'hat John lkrg;t:r Sa\\ Christopher I leathcott: on Australian artists and em ironm~:ntal awart:nt:ss Out now S-1. 1/'i, ji·ll/1/ g lllld 1/(/llhl/llf>S 111/d 1/ t' II ' S i /. ~t' II/S. Or plulllt' IJl fJl.J'J .i'JSfJ ji1 r your su/>stnf>/11111 AUSTRALIAN "Everyone said they wanted a full church. What I discovered was that whil e that was true, they di dn't BOOK REVIEW want any new people. Fu ll , yes, but fu ll of the people who used to come, who had moved away or NOVEMBER were now dead." David Farrer, Bp of Wangaralta, Jose Borghino on on "Vacating the ecclesiastical club-house" cultural malaise and arts funding "Verging has been a learning experi ence. T can now recogni se a mother-of-th e-bride on sight. She Chris Wallace-Crabbe on usually glitters, even in the earl y afternoon, and Drusilla Modjeska's Stravinsky's Lunch often wears a hat. Frequentl y she arrives armed with a fl o ri st's box of corsages, and she carri es with her Cassandra Pybus on Christopher Koch's an unmistakable aura of upper management." Out ofIreland Beryl Rule, award-winning humorist, on being a verger Sophie Masson on Sara Douglass' The Betrayal ofArthur The Melbourne Anglican Andrew Riemer on 1998 winner of the Gutenberg Award for Excell ence Reasons I Won't Be Coming in Reli gious Communication To subscribe call (03) 9653 4221 Ross Fitzgerald on or visit www.melb-anglican.com.au The Centenary Companion Th,· New Subscribers $55 for ten issues plus a free book Ph (03) 9429 6700 or Fax (03) 9429 2288 Volume 9 Number 9 EURI:-KA STRI:-Er November 1999 A magazine of public affairs, the arts and theology Early on a Sunday morning in late September, Dili's marketplace was deserted. CONTENTS I had last seen it 29 4 READING ALLOWED six months before, COMMENT A new page of books fo r bustling with With Michael McGirr, Toby O'Connor kids, and adu lts who never and Dewi Anggraeni. lost the habit. people buying Reviews by Kate Crofts 7 and Siobhan jackson. and selling CAPITAL LETTER vegetables ... 8 30 if the old archway CHURCH-BASHING OR TRACKING JOHN SHAW NEILSON hadn't still been TRUTH-TELLING? John Sendy goes in search of one of Dorothy Lee argues for a positive Australia's best-loved, least-understood there-blackened middle way. poets. from the flames 9 35 but standing SUMMA THEOLOGIAE POETRY 'Max Is Missing' by Peter Porter. proudly-! would 10 THE MONTH'S TRAFFIC 36 not have With Edmund Campion, Morag Fraser, BOOKS John F. McCarthy and Steve Sinn. Moira Rayner gives three cheers for recognised it. Geoffrey Robertson's Crimes A gainst - See 'Return to Dili ' 11 Humanity; Peter Cochrane expatiates on ARCHIMEDES Stephen Holt's by jon Greenaway, p1 6 Short History of Manning Clark (p38); Paul Collins reviews 13 John Cornwell's Hitler's Pope: BUSH LAWYER The Secret History of Pius XII (p40); Bruce Duncan endorses Race Mathews' Cover design 16 Jobs of Our Own: Building a by Siobhan Jackson. RETURN TO DILl (p42). Photographs pp4, 14 Stake-Holder Society by Bill Thomas. Jon Greenaway looks at the politics and Photograph p8 by Greg Scullin. the prospects in East Timor. 44 Graphic pl2 by Siobhan Jackson. FLASH IN THE PAN Photographs pp16- 19 by Jon Greenaway. 21 Reviews of the films Erskineville Kings; Photograph pp21- 22, THE POLITICS OF PEACEMAKING In a Savage Land; Affliction; Yellow Associated Press AP. The Americans aren't going to Dili. Submarine; Run Lola Run; Photograph pp24, 26 Maybe that's not such a bad thing, argues McLibel: Two Worlds Collide. by Michael Coyne. Anthony Ham. Eurek a Street m agazine 46 Jesuit Publications 24 WATCHING BRIEF PO Box 553 FAIR GO! Richmond VIC 3 12 1 T el (03 ) 9427 73 11 Paddy McCorry dissects a new report on 47 Fa x (03) 9428 4450 social disadvantage in Australia. SPECIFIC LEVITY V OLUME 9 NUMBER 9 • EUREKA STREET 3 EUREKA SJAI:-ET C OMMENT: 1 MICHAEL M c GIRR A magazine of public affairs, the arts and theology General manager Joseph Hoo Editor As time goes by Morag Fraser Assistant editor Kate Manton Graphic designer Siobhan Jackson Publisher Michael McGirr SJ Production manager: Sylvana Scannapiego Administration manager: Mark Dowell Editorial and production assistants Juliette Hughes, Paul Fyfe SJ, Geraldine Battersby, Ben Hider Contributing editors Adelaide: Greg O'Kelly SJ, Perth: Dean Moore Sydney: Edmund Campion, Gerard Windsor Queensland: Peter Pierce United Kingdom correspondent Denis Minns OP T,YeAR" mmRENT Pcopk w'ot to know whot yom South East Asia correspondent plans are for N ew Year's Eve. They've never asked before. It Jon Greenaway has also been a year for anniversaries, maybe because at the Jes ui t Editorial Board end of every century and half-century there's a rush to get Peter L'Estrange SJ, Andrew Bullen S), things done. Andrew Hamilton Sf It's 50 years since the revolution in China. In the years Peter Steele SJ, Bill Uren SJ leading up to it, anthropologists had been digging for evidence Marketing manager: Rosanne Turner of human ancestry at Chou K'ou Tien, outside Beijing. It was Advertising representative: Ken Head painstaking labour, led by a Canadian, Davidson Bl ack. Work Subscription manager: Wendy Marlowe went on despite the warring armies of C hiang Kai-shek's N ationalists, the Communists and the tra ditional warlords Administration and distribution being at each other's throats nearby. Lisa Crow, Mrs Irene Hunter, Kristen Harrison Eventually, the team found a single tooth. It was evidence Patrons of human life in that area half a million years earlier. A few Eurel<a Street gratefully acknowledges the years later, Black's colleague, Pei Wenzhong, found a support of C. and A. Carter; the complete skull of Peking Man. After more labour and at great trustees of the es tate of Miss M. Condon; expense, three more skulls came to light. As Penny van W.P. & M.W. Gurry Oosterzee tells the story in a new book, Dragon Bones, the Eureka Street magazine, ISSN l036- 1758, whole lot went missing in the confusion that finally brought Australia Post Print Post approved pp349181 /00314, the Chinese Communists to power. N obody knows what is published ten times a yea r happened to the skulls. by Eureka Street Magazine Pty Ltd, 300 Victoria Street, Richmond, Victoria 3 121 The story of Peking Man is a parable for the turn of the Tel: 03 942 7 73 11 Fax: 03 9428 4450 millennium. Not just because 500,000 years of human history email: [email protected] rg.a u puts the passage of another 1000 into perspective. One thousand http:/ jwww .openplanet.com .au/eureka/ in half a million is like a day out of 18 months. Tell that to the Responsibility fo r editorial content is accepted by restaurant owner who wants to charge a thousand bucks for Michael McGirr SJ, 300 Victoria Street, Richmond. Printed by Doran Printing, a feed. But think of the eff ort that was lavished on finding 46 Industrial Drive, Braeside VIC 3 I 95. one skull. Then think of some of the most telling images of © jesuit Publications 1999 the century. Think of the Pol Pot Holocaust Museum in Unsolicited manuscripts, including poetry and Phnom Penh where dozens and dozens of human skulls are fiction, will be returned only if accompani ed by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Req uests for still stuck to a wall to form a map of Cambodia. The history permission to reprint material from the magazine of the 20th century is a charnel house. Yet every skull has should be addressed in writing to: had as much claim to care as that of Peking Man. The editor, Eurel<a Street magazin e, One of Davidson Black's occasional companions was PO Box 553, Richmond VIC 3 I 2 1 Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit and palaeontologist. He believed 4 EUREKA STREET • N oVEMBER 1999 that the whole story of material creation is spiritual. Museum. It is spacious, quiet and simple. It invites He saw evolution as a process of revelation and vice the heart to grow rather than shrivel. At midnight, versa. He found not just human remains but also a I would stand beside the famous watch that was human future by scratching at rocks.
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