DIEGO PÉREZ USAID/PERU 118/119 TROPICAL FOREST AND BIODIVERSITY ANALYSIS Report authors: Juan Carlos Riveros, Maina Martir-Torres, César Ipenza, Patricia Tello September, 2019 DISCLAIMER: The author’s views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. USAID/PERU 118/119 TROPICAL FOREST AND BIODIVERSITY ANALYSIS September, 2019 Prepared with technical support from US Forest Service International Programs LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF MAPS Figure 1 Map 1 Summary of Main Threats and Drivers of Official Ecosystems Map of Peru 32 Biodiversity and Tropical Forest Loss in Tropical Forests and Marine Ecosystems 13 Map 2 Forest Loss in the Peruvian Amazon Figure 2 Between 2001-2017 39 Forest Loss in Peru 38 Map 3 Figure 3 National Natural Protected Areas Species Richness of Select Taxonomic Managed by SERNANP 43 Groups in Peru 40 Map 4 Figure 4 Forest Use Designations 45 Number of Threatened Plant Species 41 Figure 5 Number of Threatened Animal Species 41 Figure A5 1 Forest Loss in Selected Regions 135 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Table A2 1 Actions Necessary to Conserve Biodiversity Weekly Activities and Milestones 118 (Tropical Forests and Marine Ecosystems) 15 Table A5 1 Table 2 Ecosystem Categories 128 Policies and Other Legal Instruments Relevant for Biodiversity and Tropical Table A5 2 Forest Conservation 59 National Natural Protected Areas 130 Table 3 Table A5 3 Actions Necessary to Conserve Biodiversity CITES Listed Animal Species 133 (Tropical Forests and Marine Ecosystems) 84 Table A5 4 Table 4 CITES Listed Plant Species 133 Extent to which the Mission Meets the Identified Actions Conservation 91 Table A5 5 Classification of Ecosystem Services 134 Table 5 Recommendations 97 Table A7 1 Conservation Initiatives 139 LABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ACCA Amazon Basin Conservation GMOs Genetically Modified Organisms Association GDP Gross Domestic Product ACT Amazon Cooperation Treaty GHG Greenhouse Gas ADS Automated Directive System GIZ German Society for International AIDER Association for Research and Integral Cooperation Development GOP Government of Peru AIDESEP Interethnic Association for ha Hectares Development of the Peruvian Jungle HCVA High Conservation Value Areas ASGM Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining IBAs Important Bird Areas BEO Bureau Environmental Officer IBC Institute for the Common Good BPP Permanent Production Forest IADB Inter-American Development Bank °C Degrees Celsius ibid Refer to previous reference CAF Development Bank of Latin America IGP Geophysical Institute of Peru CBD Convention on Biological Diversity IIAP Peruvian Amazon Research Institute CDCS Country Development Cooperation IIRSA Initiative for the Integration of the Strategies Regional Infrastructure of South CEPAL Economic Commission for Latin America America and the Caribbean IMARPE Sea Institute of Peru CEPLAN National Strategic Planning Center INAIGEM National Institute for Research on CIAM Inter-regional Amazonian Council Glaciers and Mountain Ecosystems CINCIA Center for Amazonian Scientific INDEPA National Institute for the Development Innovation of Andean, Amazonian and Afro- CITES Convention on the International Trade Peruvian Peoples of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna INEI National Institute for Statistics and and Flora Computing Information cm Centimeters IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate CO2 Carbon Dioxide Change COFOPRI Organization of Informal Property IR Intermediate Result Formalization IUCN International Union for Conservation CONAP Confederation of Amazonian of Nature Ethnicities in Peru IUU Ilegal, unreported, unregulated fishing CONCYTEC Council on Science and Technology KfW German Development Bank DEVIDA National Commission for Development Km Kilometers and Life without Drugs Km2 Square kilometers DG General Directorate LAC Latin America & Caribbean DO Development Objective LAPOP Latin American Public Opinion Project e.g. exempli gratia LULUCF Land use, land-use change, and EIA Environmental Impact Assessment forestry ENSO El Niño Southern Oscillation m Meters EU European Union masl Meters above sea level FAA Foreign Assistance Act mm Millimeters FAO Food and Agriculture Organization MAAP Monitoring of the Andean Amazon FSC Forest Stewardship Council Project FONDAM Fund of the Americas MINAGRI Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation FTA Free Trade Agreement MINAM Ministry of Environment MINCETUR Ministry of International Commerce REDD Reducing Emissions from and Tourism Deforestation and Forest Degradation MINCUL Ministry of Culture SAC Closed Anonymous Society MINEM Ministry of Energy and Mines SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment MoDef Ministry of Defense SENACE National Service for Environmental MRV Monitoring, Reporting and Verification Certification MT Metric Tons SENAMHI National Hydrological and MW Megawatt Meteorological Service NASA National Aeronautics and Space SERFOR National Service of Forests and Wildlife Administration SERNANP National Service of Natural Protected NBSAP National Biodiversity Strategy and Areas by the State Action Plan SERVIR National Public Service Law n.d. No Date SERVIR Activity led by NASA and USAID to NEP National Environmental Policy monitor climate and ecosystems NFCCS National Forestry and Climate Change SINANPE National System of Protected Natural Strategy Areas by the State NGO Non-Governmental Organization SNIFFS National Forestry and Wildlife No. Number Information System NORAD Norwegian Agency for Development SNP National Fisheries Society Cooperation sp. Species Natural Resource Management SPDA Peruvian Society for Environmental Law NRM National System of Environmental SPDE Peruvian Society for Ecodevelopment SEIA Impact Assessment spp. Various Species Non-timber Forest Product TNC The Nature Conservancy NTFP Organization for Economic UN United Nations OECD Cooperation and Development UNDP United Nations Development Program OEFA Environmental Oversight and UNDRIP United Nations Declaration on the Evaluation Agency Rights of Indigenous People OSINERGMIN Supervisory Agency of Investment of UNEP United Nations Environment Program Energy and Mining of Peru UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific OSINFOR Forest and Faunal Resources and Cultural Organization Supervisory Agency UNFCCC United Nations Framework PA Protected Area Convention on Climate Change PCM Presidency of the Council of Ministers UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs PeMAR Marine Diversity Barcoding Project and Crime PESs Payment for Ecosystem Services US United States PNCB National Forests Conservation USAID United States Agency for International Program Development PRODUCE Ministry of Production USD United States Dollar RAISG Amazon Network of Georeferenced USG United States Government Socio-environmental Information VCS Voluntary Carbon Standard Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of WB World Bank International Importance WCS Wildlife Conservation Society RCA Regional Conservation Area WWF World Wildlife Fund REA Regional Environmental Authorities ZEE Economic and Ecological Zoning 8 TROPICAL FOREST AND BIODIVERSITY ANALYSIS TABLE OF CONTENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 10 INTRODUCTION 20 COUNTRY 1 CONTEXT 26 1.1 LOCATION AND COUNTRY CONTEXT 28 1.2 BIOPHYSICAL SETTINGS 29 STATUS OF THE 2 COUNTRY’S BIODIVERSITY 30 2.1 MAJOR ECOSYSTEM TYPES AND STATUS 32 2.2 STATUS OF TROPICAL FORESTS 37 2.3 STATUS OF MARINE RESOURCES 46 VALUE AND 3 ECONOMIC POTENTIAL 50 3.1 VALUE OF BIODIVERSITY 52 3.2 ECOSYSTEM GOODS AND SERVICES 53 LEGAL FRAMEWORK 4 AFFECTING CONSERVATION 56 4.1 NATIONAL LAWS, POLICIES, AND STRATEGIES 58 4.2 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS 64 4.3 GOVERNMENT AGENCIES 65 4.4 CONSERVATION INITIATIVES: GAP ANALYSIS 65 STATUS OF THE COUNTRY’S BIODIVERSITY 9 THREATS TO BIODIVERSITY 5 AND TROPICAL FORESTS 68 5.1 CLIMATE CHANGE: A DIRECT THREAT AND DRIVER THAT EXACERBATES OTHER THREATS TO BIODIVERSITY AND TROPICAL FORESTS 71 5.2 DIRECT THREATS TO TROPICAL FORESTS ECOSYSTEMS 73 5.3 DRIVERS OF THREATS TO TROPICAL FORESTS ECOSYSTEMS 79 ACTIONS NECESSARY TO 6 CONSERVE BIODIVERSITY INCLUDING TROPICAL FORESTS AND MARINE RESOURCES 82 EXTENT TO WHICH THE MISSION 7 MEETS THE IDENTIFIED ACTIONS NEEDED 88 RECOMMENDATIONS 96 ANNEXES 98 10 TROPICAL FOREST AND BIODIVERSITY ANALYSIS EXECUTIVE SUMARY INTRODUCTION The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (FAA) recognizes the fundamental role that tropical forests and biodiversity play in supporting countries as they progress along the journey to self-reliance. Sections 118(e) and 119(d) of the FAA of 1961 place a high priority on conservation and sustainable management of tropical forests and biodiversity as an important objective of U.S. development assistance. In accordance with USAID’s Program Cycle Operational Policy (Automated Directive System 201), USAID/Peru commissioned this Assessment to inform the development of the 2020-2025 Country Development Cooperation Strategy for Peru. The objectives of the Analysis were to: 1. Describe the current status of Peru’s tropical forests and biodiversity to include emerging issues, threats, and trends. 2. Identify actions necessary to conserve tropical forests and biodiversity, and the extent to which the Mission is supporting such actions necessary; and 3. Develop recommendations that will guide the Mission in developing the new CDCS. Building on the 2016 Tropical Forests and Biodiversity Assessment, this Analysis was based on interviews conducted with over 50 stakeholders from government, academia, civil society and the private sector; review of secondary
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