Benthos Research, 46: 25-32, Mar., 1994 Occurrence of Brachyuran Larvae in the Surf Zone of Fukiage Beach, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan II. Families Leucosiidae, Xanthidae and Pinnotheridae MOHAMAD ISMID, HIROSHI SUZUKI and TOSHIO SAISHO Laboratory of Marine Biology, Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima University Abstract ISMID, MOHAMAD, HIROSHI SUZUKI and TOSHIO SAISHO (Laboratory of Marine Biology, Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima University). 1994. Occurrence of Brachyuran Larvae in the Surf Zone of Fukiage Beach, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. II. Families Leucosiidae, Xanthidae and Pinnotheridae. Benthos Research, 46: 25-32. This paper considers Brachyuran larvae of the families Leucosiidae, Xanthidae and Pinnotheridae collected from the surf zone of Fukiage beach, Kagoshima Prefecture. Descriptions are given of zoea I of Ebalia sp., Xanthinae sp., Pilumnus sp., Pinnotheres pholadis, , and P. ? sinensis. Seasonal abundance of these zoeae throughout the 18-month study period showed high concentrations in the summer months (June to August) fol- lowed by a steady decline in autumn. The occurrence of only zoea I in the surf zone sug- gests that the larvae of these species are transient and not dependent on the surf zone for their development. Introduction Leucosiidae, Xanthidae and Pinnotheridae which inhabit throughout coastal and shallow In our previous paper (ISMIDet al., 1994), de- waters. scriptions and occurrence of grapsid and ocypodid larvae in the surf zone of Fukiage Materials and Methods beach, Kagoshima Prefecture were presented. This paper deals with larvae of other families, The methods for larval collections, data analysis, and details of study area are given in Received September 28,1992: Accepted June 25, 1993 our previous paper (ISMID et al., 1994). 25 No. 46 Benthos Research Mar., 1994 Fig. 1 Ebalia sp., (SZ-K6), zoea I. (a) lateral view; (b) abdomen and telson; (c) antenna. All scale bars represent 0.1mm. Descriptions previously described by AIKAWA(1937), RICE & WILLIAMSON(1977), SALMAN(1982), and QUINTANA All larval assignments are tentative and des- (1986). The absence of the carapace lateral and ignated with a letter and number following the dorsal spines are diagnostic of the sub-family prefix "SZ" (for surf zone). Ebaliinae, in which the characteristics were given as having either small carapace lateral spine, small lateral protuberances, or none at Leucosi idae all (RICE, 1980). On the basis of the absent cara- pace lateral spine, SZ-K6 zoea bears close re- Species SZ-K6, Ebalia sp. (Fig. 1) semblance with Ebalia nux A. MILNEEDWARDS Zoea I described by RICE& WILLIAMSON(1977). Dimensions: T.T 0.46m, R.L 0.10mm. Carapace: Smooth and globular with small Xanthidae rostral spine. Dorsal and lateral spines absent. Abdomen: 5 somites plus telson. Somites 2 and 3 Species SZ-X7, Xanthinae sp. (Fig. 2) with small lateral knobs. Zoea I Telson: Triangular flat plate with slightly con- Dimensions: T.T 1.31mm, D.L 0.51mm, R.L 0.46mm cave posterior margin and 3 pairs of serrated se- Carapace: Dorsal and rostral spines well- tae. developed and prominent. Lateral spines small Antenna: Small unarmed bud. and reduced. The reduced antenna and triangular flat Abdomen: 5 somites plus telson. Somites 2 and 3 plate telson fairly identify this zoea as a with small lateral knobs. leucosiid. Although much of the larval morphol- Telson: Bifurcate. Telsonal furca well- ogy of the Leucosiidae is still very poorly developed and armed with 1 dorsal and 2 lateral known, several accounts of this family have been (1 very small) spines. 3 pairs of serrated setae 26 Brachyuran larvae in the surf zone (II) Fig. 2 Xanthinae sp., (SZ-X7), zoea I. (a) leteral view; (b) abdomen and telson; (c) antenna . All scale bars represent 0.1mm. Fig. 3 Pilumnus sp., (SZ-G8), zoea I. (a) lateral view; (b) abdomen and telson; (c) antenna . All scale bars represent 0.1mm. on inner arch of telson separated by a wide and reduced with 1 terminal seta. shallow median cleft. Based on the general description of the Antenna: Well-developed protopod with 2 rows Xanthidae provided by RICE (1980), SZ-X7 zoea of spinules on distal surface and slightly longer possesses a combined characters of reduced than carapace rostral spine. Exopod small and carapace lateral spine, rudimentary antennal 27 No. 46 Benthos Research Mar., 1994 exopod, and outer spines on the telsonal furca spinulose, armed with 1 dorsal and 2 lateral (1 that are identifiable with a xanthid. However, it very small) spines. A row of spinules on inner is difficult to establish its position within the border of furca. 3 pairs of serrated setae on in- family mainly due to the wide variety of larval ner arch of telson separated by a deep median forms that exist within the Xanthidae. TERADA notch. (1990) divided xanthid subfamilies into 8 Antenna: Protopod slightly longer than cara- groups, based on the morphology of the an- pace rostral spine, and with 2 rows of spinules tenna, and provided a description key to several on distal surface. Exopod slightly longer than species of Japanese xanthid zoea. According to protopod, with spinules and 1 small seta this grouping SZ-X7 zoea is a Xanthinae. The medially. form of the carapace spines, antenna, and telson This zoea is clearly a xanthid, because the bears resemblance to those of Leptodius characteristics of the carapace spines, antenna exaratus H. MILNE EDWARDSand Cycloxanthops and telson match with the general features of the truncatus DE HAAN as described by SABA (1976) Xanthidae provided by RICE (1980). According and SUZUKI (1979), respectively. to the larval characteristics reported by TERADA (1990), it is possible to place SZ-G8 zoea within Species SZ-G8, Pilumnus sp. (Fig. 3) the Pilumnus. Several species of this genus have Zoea I been described by SANDIFER(1974), BOOKHOUT& Dimensions: T.T 1.14mm, D.L 0.44mm, R.L 0.35mm COSTLOW(1979), SALMAN (1982), and TERADA Carapace: Dorsal, rostral and lateral spines (1990). Having single seta on the antennal present. Dorsal and rostral spines well- exopod,this zoea differs from Pilumnus developed and prominent. vespertilio FABRICIUSand P. scabriusculus ADAM Abdomen: 5 somites plus telson. Somites 2 and 3 & WHITE, which have at least 2 setae on the with lateral knobs. exopod as described by TERADA (1990). Other Telson: Bifurcate. Telsonal furca long and zoea of this genus possessing a single seta on the Fig. 4 Pinnotheres ?pholadis, (SZ-F9), zoea I. (a) lateral view; (b) Abdomen and telson; (c) an- tenna. All scale bars represent 0.1mm. 28 Brachyuran larvae in the surf zone (II) antennal exopod are Pilumnus dasypodus SZ-F9. However, to date, there have been no re- KINGSLEYand P. inermis A. MILNE EDWARDS & port of P. pisum from Japan; thus,the zoea is BOUVIERdescribed by SANDIFER(1974) and RICE & assigned to P. pholadis. Albeit some minor WILLIAMSON(1977), respectively. variation in the length of the carapace, there is very little other difference between SZ-F9 zoea Pinnotheridae and P. pholadis described by MURAOKA (1979). Species SZ-F9, Pinnotheres ?pholadis DE HAAN, Species SZ-T10, Pinnotheres ?sinensis SHEN 1932 1935 (Fig. 4) (Fig. 5) Zoea I Zoea I Dimensions: T.T 0.40mm, R.L 0.14mm. Dimensions: T.T 0.35mm. Carapace: Rostral and lateral spines present Carapace: Smooth and globular. Dorsal, Lateral spine with slight downward curvature. rostral and lateral spines absent. Abdomen: 5 broad somites plus telson. Somite: Abdomen: 5 broad somites plus telson. Somites 2 and 3 with small lateral knobs. 2 and 3 with small lateral knobs. Telson: Trilobed flat plate extended from a Telson: Trilobed flat plate extended from a broad abdominal somite. 3 pairs of serrated se- broad abdominal somite. 3 pairs of serrated se- tae separated by a median lobe. Postero-lateral tae separated by a median lobe. Postero-lateral margin with 2 unequal small spines. margin with 2 small unequal spines. Antenna: Reduced to a small bud. Antenna: Reduced to a small bud with 1 small This zoea bears strong resemblance with medial seta. Pinnotheres pholadis described by MURAOKA This zoea resembles Pinnotheres ?pholadis (1979). The morphological features of (SZ-F9) in the telson but differs from it in lack- Pinnotheres pisum PENNANTdescribed by RICE ing carapace spines. The trilobed telson and re- (1975) also carries similar characteristics with duced antenna resemble strongly those of Fig. 5 Pinnotheres ?sinensis, (SZ-T10), zoea I. (a) lateral view; (b) abdomen and telson; (c) an- tenna. All scale bars represent 0.1mm. 29 No.46 Benthos Research Mar., 1994 Pinnotheres boniensis STIMPSON described by I, and appeared common in the surf zone dur- MURAOKA (1977) and Pinnotheres sinensis de- ing the summer months in both years. Some scribed by MURAOKA& KONISHI(1977). However, zoea also appeared during the winter; but they P. boniensis was described as having several were inconsistent, being recorded only in small distinct protuberances on the carapace, which number. differs from the smooth globular carapace of SZ Zoea of Ebalia sp. (SZ-K6) appeared in the -T10 zoea. Apparently the characteristics of the surf zone with maximum numbers in June in carapace are more closer to P. sinensis serve as both years at 30.0 larvae/m3 in 1990 and 25.8 lar- the basis for the assignment of SZ-T10 zoea. vae/m3 in 1991 (Fig. 6a). The earliest appear- Nevertheless, out of 9 Pinnotheres species known ance of this zoea in 1991 was recorded in small to occur in Japanese waters (SAKAI, 1976), only number of 10.0 larvae/m3 in May and continued 3 has so far been adequately described, includ- till August. However, the results of 1990 show ing P. pholadis reported by MURAOKA(1979). the zoea to have a prolonged appearance which lasted till October. Seasonal Abundance Zoea of Xanthinae sp.
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