25772 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 24, 1973 Cheshire, Joseph M ., xxx-xx-xxxx . T he following person for appointment as a R ichard R . Johnson Billy J. Palmer Dabney, Roger B., xxx-xx-xxxx . R eserve of the A ir F orc e, in the g rade of Gerald G. K emp Clarence R . Perry Doyle, Lawrence A., xxx-xx-xxxx . lieutenant colonel (line of the A ir F orce) , Lee T. Lasseter R aymond F. Perry Flaten, Eric A., xxx-xx-xxxx . under the provisions of section 5 93, title 10, Timothy B. Lecky R obert A.. Phillips Jr. Frymire, R ichard I., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . United S tates Code, and Public Law 92 -12 9: John B. Legge Ferrell F. Powell Jr. Glenn, Elmer, Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . LINE OF THE AIR FORCE Paul F. Lessard George C. Psaros Luther A . Lono E arl S. Piper Jr. Grabovsky, Bruno J., xxx-xx-xxxx . To be lieutenant colonel Hamby, Eugene A., xxx-xx-xxxx . E lliot F. M ann A lbert Pitt xxx-xx-xxxx Hemstreet, Stanley W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Law, Richard 0., . Charles L. M anwarring Charles A . Reynolds T he follow ing persons for appointment as Hill, Edward Y., xxx-xx-xxxx . Joseph P. M arada Paul E. R idge a R eserve of the A ir F orce in the grade of Krausse, Joel B., xxx-xx-xxxx . R obert J. M artin Geoffrey H. Root lieutenant colonel (line of the A ir F orce) , Lane, Junior L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Jerry W. M arvel Paul E . R oush under the provisions of section 5 93, title 10, M arsella, Gaetano F., xxx-xx-xxxx . R onald B. M cCrindle William J. S cheuren United S tates Code, and Public Law 92 -12 9: M artin, Robert E., xxx-xx-xxxx . James M . M cGarvey John M . S olan O'Bryan, William H., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx LINE OF THE AIR FORCE James A . M cGinn Patrick R . Stingley James S. T ardy Patterson, Ben L., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . To be lieutenant colonel David S. M cIntyre xxx-xx-xxxx R ichard 0. M erritt M ilton S. T hompson Rosenbaum, Fred M ., . Barnes, Daniel J., xxx-xx-xxxx . Serra, Harry A., xxx-xx-xxxx . K enneth P. M illice Jr. John S . V ogt Schneider, John E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Hobart M . Wallace Jr. Solomon, K enneth S., xxx-xx-xxxx . R obert F. M illigan T he following person for appointment as a William F. M ullen M ark H. Waterbury III Walker, Joe G., xxx-xx-xxxx . R eserve of the A ir F orce (M edical S ervice R obert G. N eal Jr. Eugene L. Wheeler Wiles, Richard L., xxx-xx-xxxx . C orps) , in the grade of lieutenant colonel, Harold M . Nelson Lawrence A. Whipple Yokoyama, Irvine K ., xxx-xx-xxxx . under the provisions of sections 5 93, and Daniel F . M . N ielsen George P. Wuerch MEDICAL CORPS 12 11, title 10, United S tates Code, and Public John W. O 'Donnell Flaherty, Timothy T., xxx-xx-xxxx . Law 92 -12 9, with a view to designation as a IN THE ARMY Harris, Hugh S., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . M edical S ervice Corps officer under the pro- T he following-named person for reappoint- Paret, Robert W., xxx-xx-xxxx . visions of section 8067, title 10, United S tates ment to the active list of the R egular A rmy Peterson, Evan A ., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Code: and A rmy of the United S tates with grades as Sheusi, Carl J., xxx-xx-xxxx . MEDICAL SERVICE CORPS indicated, from the temporary disability re- T he following officers for promotion in the To be lieutenant colonel A ir F orce R eserve, under the provisions of tired list, for a period of 1 day , un der the V anscoy, Howard W., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . provisions of title 10, United S tates C ode, section 837 6, title 10, United S tates Code and Public Law 92-129. IN THE NAV Y sections 1211 and 3447: T o be major general, R egular A rmy, and lieu- NURSE CORPS Comdr. Grace M urray Hopper, U.S . N aval R eserve (retired) , for permanent promotion tenant general, A rm y of the United S tates Lieutenant colonel to colonel to the grade of captain on the retired list of Lawrence J. Lincoln, xxx-xx-xxxx . M cKenna, M adeline, xxx-xx-xxxx . the U.S . N aval R eserve, in accordance w ith The following-named officer to be placed on LINE OF THE AIR FORCE article II, section 2 , clause 2 , of the Constitu- the retired list in grade indicated under the provisions of title 10, United S tates C ode, Major to lieutenant colonel tion. section 3962: Baird, Keith, M ., xxx-xx-xxxx . V ice A dm. C. E dw in Bell, U.S . N avy, for T o be lieutenant general Bauer, Fred L., xxx-xx-xxxx . appointm ent to the grade of vice adm iral, Lt. Gen. Lawrence J. Lincoln, xxx-xx-xxxx , Bilich, M elvin W., xxx-xx-xxxx . w hen retired, pursuant to the provisions of A rm y of the United S tates (m ajor general, Brannan, Stephen E ., xxx-xx-xxxx . title 10, United States Code, section 5233. U.S. Army) . Perry, William J., xxx-xx-xxxx . IN THE MARINE CORPS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CHAPLAIN CORPS T he following-named officers of the M arine R ob ert H en ri B in der, of the D istrict of C o rp s fo r tem p o ra ry a p p o in tm en t to th e Camp, A rthur J., xxx-xx-xxxx . C olum bia, to be an A ssistant S ecretary of DENTAL CORPS grade of lieutenant colonel: T ran sp o rtatio n , v ic e Jo h n L . H azard, re- Brown, Leo M., xxx-xx-xxxx . Harold J. A lwan Umberto Giannelli signed. T homas P. A ngus R obert K . Goforth MEDICAL CORPS R oy F. A rnold Winston 0. Goller Bickle, Rudolf G., xxx-xx-xxxx . V ladimir H. Bacik R obert L. Gray, Jr. CONFIRMATIONS Taylor, William M ., xxx-xx-xxxx . E rnest F . Baulch James T . Hagan III Executive nominations confirmed by NURSE CORPS R onald L. Beckwith George L. Hammond the Senate July 24, 1973: Biangardi, George A., xxx-xx-xxxx . C ornelius F . B ehan Jack F . H ansston Smith, M ary L., . R obert M . Black Gerald E . Harbison DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND xxx-xx-xxxx WELFARE Wickizer, Russell R., xxx-xx-xxxx . R obert C. J. Blacking- Hans S . Haupt ton Thomas W. Haven T he following persons for appointment as S tanley B. T homas, of N ew York, to be an R obert B. Booher R ichard W. A ssistant S ecretary of Health, E ducation, and R eserve of the A ir F orce (M edical Corps) , Jam es A . B racken, Jr. H aw thorne Welfare. in th e g ra d e o f lieu ten a n t c o lo n el, u n d er James W. Bridges David Y. Healy DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY the provisions of section 5 93, title 10, United Donald E . Bullard Edward J. Heise S tates Code, and Public Law 92 -12 9, with a H arlan P. Chapman K arl R . H eiser W illiam L. Gifford, of N ew York, to be a view to designation as medical officers under R obert C. Cockell John W. Hemingway Deputy Under S ecretary of the T reasury. the provisions of section 8067, title 10, United Charles K . Conley Charles E . Hester BUREAU OF THE CENSUS States Code : Gene A. Deegan R obert A . Hickethier V incent R . B arabba, of C alifornia, to be MEDICAL CORPS R obert R . Doran William H. Horner, Jr. Director of the Census. John M . Dye A nthony C. Huebner (T he above nom inations w ere approved To be lieutenant colonel Henry D. F agerskog E mmett S . Huff, Jr. subject to the nominees' commitment to re- Bergstrom, Terry J., xxx-xx-xxxx . James F . F arber Laurice M . Hughes spond to requests to appear and testify be- Fox, Raymond M ., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . M ervin A . Fiel R ichard V . Hunt fore any duly constituted committee of the M orris, John R., xxx-xx-xxxx . Charles G. Gerard William A . Johnson S enate.) EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HUNTINGTON (W. V A.) ADV ERTISER aware of how they are personally af- prominent in our thinking. Effective and EDITORIAL STRESSES NEED FOR fected by our country's energy shortage. efficient means of removing pollutants M O R E R E SE A R CH T O R E M O V E The lack of adequate supplies of gasoline are urgently needed. This is particularly POLLUTANTS FROM COAL has brought home to the citizens of the true w ith respect to coal, w hich is United S tates the fact that the energy America's most abundant energy source. HON. JENNINGS RANDOLPH crisis is real. The Federal Government is involved OF WEST VIRGINIA This crisis affects more than just sup- in research to make coal a cleaner fuel. plies of gasoline. It is, likewise, a com- These activities, however, should be ex- IN THE SEN A TE O F THE UN ITED STA TES plex situation with many interrelated panded.
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