JazzWeek with airplay data powered by jazzweek.com • February 26, 2007 Volume 3, Number 14 • $7.95 Industry Q&A: JENNY TOOMEY page 9 On The Charts: #1 Jazz Album – Billy Strayhorn: Lush Life #1 Smooth Album – For Luther II #1 College Jazz – Norah Jones #1 Smooth Single – Mindy Abair #1 World Music – Vieux Farka Touré JazzWeek Contents EDITOR/PUBLISHER February 26, 2007 Ed Trefzger MUSIC EDITOR Tad Hendrickson News Briefs XM and Sirius Announce Merger Plans . .3 CONTRIBUTING WRITER/ PHOTOGRAPHER Pittsburgh Jazz Society/Mellon Jazz Scholarship Applications Open . .5 Tom Mallison Jim Cullum Presents Big Band Jazz on PRI’s ‘Riverwalk’. .5 PHOTOGRAPHY Zack Brock To Tour, Record Live With His Group, Coffee Achievers. .5 Barry Solof Pianists Plan Concert To Benefit Larry Willis . .5 Features ADVERTISING: Devon Murphy Call (866) 453-6401 ext. 3 or Top 5: Pres for President’s Day. .6 email: [email protected] Jazz Birthdays . .7 SUBSCRIPTIONS: Industry Q&A: Jenny Toomey, Founder of Future Of Music Coalition . .8 Free to qualified applicants Reviews Premium subscription: $149.00 per year, Paul Brown . 11 w/ Industry Access: $249.00 per year To subscribe using Visa/MC/Discover/ Kurt Elling . 11 AMEX/PayPal go to: Soweto Kinch . 11 http://www.jazzweek.com/account/ subscribe.html Abram Wilson . .12 Charts . .13 Jazz Album Chart . .14 AIRPLAY MONITORING BY College Jazz Chart . .15 Smooth Jazz Album Chart . .16 Smooth Singles Chart. .17 Mediaguide 1000 Chesterbrook Blvd. World Music Album Chart. .18 Suite 150 Jazz Add Dates. .19 Berwyn, PA 19312 Jazz Radio Currents . .20 JazzWeek (ISSN 1554-4338) Jazz Station Panel . .23 is published weekly by Smooth Jazz Current Tracks. .24 ������������� Smooth Jazz Station Panel. .25 2117 Buffalo Road Suite 317 This Week: Streamlining JazzWeek . .3 Rochester, NY 14624 phone/fax: (866) 453-6401 [email protected] Copyright ©2007 Trefzger Media LLC Volume 3 Number 14 Cover Photo: Jenny Toomey (by Charles Steck) jazzweek.com • February 26, 2007 JazzWeek 2 News Briefs XM and Sirius Announce Merger Plans ASHINGTON and NEW currently Chairman of XM, will be- nati ves that consumers have embraced YORK – XM Satellite Radio come Chairman of the combined com- since the Federal Communications Wand SIRIUS Satellite Radio pany. The new company’s board of di- Commission (F CC) first granted our announced that they have entered into rectors will consist of 12 directors, satellite radio licenses a decade ago.” a definitive agreement, under which including Karmazin and Parsons, four “This combination is the next logi- the companies will be combined in a independent members designated by cal step in the evolution of audio en- tax-free, all-stock merger of equals each company, as well as one repre- tertainment,” said Mel Karmazin, with a combined enterprise value of sentative from each of General Motors CEO of SIRIUS Satellite Radio. “To- approximately $13 billion, which in- and American Honda. Hugh Panero, gether, our best-in-class management cludes net debt of approximately $1.6 the Chief Executive Officer of XM, team and programming content will billion. will continue in his current role until create unprecedented choice for con- Under the terms of the agreement, the anticipated close of the merger. sumers, while creating long-term val- XM shareholders will receive a fixed “We are excited for the many op- ue for shareholders of both companies. exchange ratio of 4.6 shares of SIRIUS portunities that an XM and SIRIUS The combined company will be posi- common stock for each share of XM combination will provide consum- tioned to capitalize on SIRIUS and they own. XM and SIRIUS share- ers,” said Gary Parsons, Chairman of XM’s complementary distribution and holders will each own approximately XM Satellite Radio and Hugh Panero, licensing agreements to enhance avail- 50 percent of the combined company. CEO of XM Satellite Radio, in a joint ability of satellite radios, offer expand- Mel Karmazin, currently Chief statement. “The combined company ed cont ent to subscribers, drive in- Executive Officer of SIRIUS, will be- will be better positioned to compete creased advertising revenue and reduce come Chief Executive Officer of the effectively with the continually ex- expenses. Each of our companies has a combined company and Gary Parsons, panding array of entertainment alter- strong commitment to providing ➤ This Week Streamlining JazzWeek ou’ll notice some layout changes and consolidated all of the radio charts Week Summit, its sixth (!) annual in- in this issue of JazzWeek, main- into one section of the magazine. And carnation, is delayed while some final Yly made to make production of our Top 5 feature moves from the end scheduling details are worked out with each issue more efficient. of the book to the end of the News the host hotel. Current paid subscrib- With the realization that most Briefs section. ers will get an email notice about dis- subscribers receive this publication six These changes will allow us to counted registration. days after it goes to press, we’re scaling produce each issue much more quick- The Summit will be held at the back the topical news items in favor of ly and free up time to focus on things same locationas last year – the Roch- more artist and release-based informa- like new website features and an on- ester Clarion Riverside – side-by-side tion. By the time things get to sub- line archive, both of which have been with the Rochester International Jazz scribers, things like awards or obituar- planned for a while. Festival. There will be performance ies have become old news. and sponsorship opportunities at the We’ve cut back the superfluous in- *** Summit; details will follow shortly. troduction pages in the chart sections Registration for the 2007 Jazz- – Ed Trefzger, Editor jazzweek.com • February 26, 2007 JazzWeek 3 News Briefs XM/Sirius (continued) sion (FCC) over the coming months. from other consumer groups and key listeners the broadest range of music, An approval of the merger would give industry allies who oppose this merger. news, sports and entertainment and way to a single satellite radio operator, “While C3SR will never compromise the best customer service possible. We and according to Chris Reale, a found- its independence as a voice for Sirius look forward to sharing the benefits of er of C3SR, “a monopoly satellite radio and XM subscribers, we are looking the exciting new growth opportunities provider would be able to raise prices to join forces with other groups that this combination will provide with all and cut programming to a growing are willing to support our cause,” said of our stakeholders.” number of consumers that have come Reale. “Satellite radio subscribers’ in- With the announcement, a con- to rely on satellite radio for news and vestment in equipment and specific sumer group said it is ready to fight for entertainment.” programming packages must be pro- the rights of subscribers in the merg- When the FCC originally granted tected, and we hope that alliances with er approval process. In a statement re- the SDARS licenses to XM and SIR- established interest groups will be pos- leased earlier, the Consumer Coalition IUS, the Commission concluded that sible.” for Competition in Satellite Radio the public interest was served and that The transaction is subject to ap- (“C3SR”) said the group “is ready to it “includes the protection of competi- proval by both companies’ sharehold- oppose the merger and fight for con- tion not competitors.” ers, the satisfaction of customary clos- sumer choice and public interest.” “If this merger is permitted to go ing conditions and regulatory review Due to legitimate antitrust con- forward, there will be no protection of and approvals, including antitrust cerns, the merger proposal will face competition and there will be no com- agencies and the FCC. Pending regu- scrutiny from government regulators petitors,” Reale said. latory approval, the companies expect at the Department of Justice and the C3SR seeks additional support the transaction to be completed by the Federal Communications Commis- from Sirius and XM subscribers and end of 2007. 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Society have announced that applications to assist pianist Larry Willis after his recent org. are being accepted for the 2007 Pittsburgh house fire. A benefit concert will be held “The Pittsburgh Jazz Society has Jazz Society/Mellon Jazz Scholarship. on Monday, Feb. 26, 2007, at 7pm at St. been a strong driver for jazz education The recipient of the one-year, $5,000 Peter’s Church at 54th and Lexington in in western Pennsylvania
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