REPR INT OF PHULKIAN STATES (PATIALA, JIND AND NABHA) GAZETTEER, 1904 GAZETTEERS ORGANISATION REVENUE DEPARTMENT HARYANA CHANDIGARH (INDIA) The Controller, Printing and Stationery, Haryana, Chandigarh (India). Controller of Printing and Stationery , Government of Haryana, Chandigarh. The Distric t Gazett ee r is a mini atur e enc yc lopa edia and a good guid e. It describes all imp ortant asp ect s and feature s of the district; historical , physical, so cial, economic and cultural . Officials and other perso ns desirous of acquainting thems elves with the salient features of the district would find a study of the Gazetteer rewarding. It is of immens e use for research scholars . The old gazetteers of the State published in the British regim e contained very valuable information , whi ch wa s not wholly re-produced in the revised volume . These gazetteers hav e go ne out of stock and are not easily available. There is a demand for thes e volumes by research scholars and educationists. As such, th e sche me of reprinting of old gazetteer s was taken on th e initiative of th e Hon1ble Chief Mini ster of Haryana. Though the Phulkian Stat es namely; Patiala , Jind and Nabha were princely states in those days yet a single gazetteer covering three stat es was compiled under the aegis of the British regime . This gazett ee r was printed at the Punjab Govt . Press, Lahore in 1909. The Volume is the !'~prifJt ed edi .tion of th e Phulkian States (Patiala , Jind and Nabha) Gazetteer of 1904 . This is the tenth in the serie s of reprinted gazetteers of Haryan a Ev er y care has been taken in maintaining the com{Jlete originality of the old gazetteer while reprinting. I extend my appreciation to Sh. A. K. Jain, Editor, Gazetteers and Sh . J.S . Nayyar , Assistant, who have handled the work with efficiency and care in the reprintin g of this volume. I am very thankful to the Controller , Printing and Stationery , Haryana and his staff in the press for exp editiously completing the work of reprinting . Jeet Ram Ranga Joint State Editor (Gazett eers ) · PU NJAB STATES GAZETTEERS, VOLUME XVII. A. IN LONDON. IN INDIA . E. A. -ARNOLD, 41 and 43 , Maddox Street, THACKER, SPINK &: Co. , Calcuml & Simla ; Bon d Street, W. NEWllAN & Co ., Calcutta . CONSTABLE &: CO.. TO , Ora nge Street, Leicester Square , W. C. R. OAMBRA T&: Co., Calc utta. GRINDLAY &: Co., 54, Parliament Street, . S. W. TH AC KER & 00.; Bom ba y . HENRY S. KING &: Co., 65, Comh ill , E. C. HIGGINBOTHAM & Co., Madt1l ..~ P. S. KING & SON, ~ qod 4. Grell,t Smith Street, Westm inster, S. W. V. KALYAN ARAM ItER. &: Co.; 18 9, KEGAN PA~r" TllE? 1IC fI. TRUBNER & Co., Esplap.ade Row, Madras . 43, Gerra rd Str eet, So ho, W. B. QUARITCIl, II. Graft00 Str eet , Ne w Bon d Stre et , W. SUF ERIl' jTEN DENT , Ame ri can FIS HER UNWIN, I, Ad el ph i Terrace, T. Mission Press , Rango on. W. O. W. THACK ER &: CO., 2, Creed Lane, A. CHA ND & Co., Imperial Book De) London, E. C. Offi ce, Delhi. LUZAC & Co.. 46, Grea t Russe ll Street, GULAIl SINGH & SONS , Mufid-i-'Am Prelo" .Lon don, W. C. Lahore . ON THH:CONTIN ENT . MANAGER , I:un ja b Law Book Depet : Anarkali Bazar, Lahore . FRIEDL ANDEh: & SOHN, I It Carl st~sse , Eer lin. S. MUHTAZ ALl &: SON, Rafah-i-'Am Press; OTTO HARRASS OWlTZ,Le ip zig. Laho re [for Vern acul ar Filblicationi CARL W. HIERSEMANN .. Leipzig. only J. ERNEST LE ROU X, 28, Ru e Bonaparte, PariS, MARTINUS NI}HOFF, Th e Hague. MaNAGJR, Th e Aryan Printing. Pub .• RUDOLl I' HAUPT, " Do rrienstr asse, Leip2iig' Iishing and GeneraJ Trading Co.; Germany. Limited. Lahore. PUNJ,AB STATES GAZETTEERS VOL U ME X VII . A. PHULKIAN STATES. PATIALA JIND AND NABHA~ WITH MAPS. 1904. COMPILED AND PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE PUNj AB GOVERNMENT. ~abort: '~INTE() AT THE t'UNJAB GOVIRNJillliit P.ISS. 1909. TABLE {)F CONTENTS. PACB • INTRODUCTION ••• i-Iv CH APTER I.-DBSCRIPTIVB A.-Physical aspects ••• I .. 4... •History. ••• 46 C.-Population 53 CHAPTER II .-EcONOMIC 9:1 A -Agriculture ~3 B.-Rents, wages and prJces 129 C.-Forests ••• 13° D.-Mines and minerals •.• 131 E.-Arts and manuf~cture ,s •••131 F.-Commerce and trade •••132 G.-Means of communication 133 • H.-Famine ••• 1~6 CHA[~TER 1II.-ADMINISTRATIVB 139 A.-Administrat ive Departments 139 B.-Civil and cri minal justice 141 -- C.-Land revenue •••144 D.-Miscellaneous revenue 166 E.-Local Self·Government 168 F.-Public Works 168 G.-Army •••171 H.-Police and Jails ••• 173 ..-- (.-Education and literacy •••17 6 J.-Medical _ •••182 ~ CH <APTER IV-PLACES OF INTEREST 18.s CHAPTER I-DgsCRIPTlv~. Section A.-Physical Aspects. , Development ••• RiveB ••• Geology Flora 1 Fauna 43 Climate ••• . 43 · SectioD B.-History. Eaily history of Raja Ala Singh 45 Raja Amar Singh •.•• '46 ' Raja Sahib Singh 41 Intervention of Racjit Singh 4S - The ' Gurkha War 48 V-ahar!,ja Narindar Singh 49 The Mutiny ••• 49 : Maharaja Rajindar Singh 50 Relations with British Government ••• ••• . 51 GenealOgical table ••• , _ 52 Section C.-Population . Density of Niamats and tahsils S3 Growth of population 54 Mi grat ion SS Diseases 51 Birth cu st oms ••• 51 Sex stat istics ••• 58 Mar riage custo ms S9 Fe male inf anti cide 60 La ng uage 60 Tri bes and caste3 61 Jats 61 Rajp uts 65 Min or agricu ltu ral cla ss es 67 Pr ofes si onal caste s 68 Com merci al castes 69 Sayyads 74 Reli gion 74 Si kh orders ••• 75 Hin du re ligi ous orde rs 76 Bhai Mul Ch an d 78 Samadh of Baba Ala Singh '19 Other Hindu shrines ••• ' 79 Muhammadan or ders ." 79 Mir .or Mu hamm adan shrines 81 Chishtis 82 The cult of Mi ran 83 Supe rstit ions ••• 84 Christi anity 84 Food 8S DrEss 86 Dwelliu gs 88 Bu rial customs gl Occu pat ion s ••, g2 Amus eme nts .• • ga Names and titl es 93 CHAPTER H.-ECONO MI C. Section A.-Agriculture. Soils 93 Genetal agricultural condit ions 93 Ag ricultural calend ar 94 Agricultu ral opera ti on s ••• 96 Agricul tur al im pl eme nts and ap p! ia ~ce s 97 Rota tion of crops 98 Man ure, Farm labourers 99 Crops _ 99 Liv e-s tock 1°3 Ir ri ga tio n 104 Caolls 11)5 Can.1 reven ue log Ca pital outla y, Sirhind Canal 110 List of Regulat or3 and bri dges .... Ill ' Br itish rajbaha s in Pali al a Stale .. , 113 -:' Famia: I?rQte ctii~ si: h;:~,·~ _, .,., US sectiOI1 B~-Rel1tsj Wagesal1dPrices. Kents, wages of labonr, prices •••ug Prosperity ot the peasant ••• - _-13° - SectionC.-Forests. , Section E.-Arts and Manufactures. Principal indust ries and manu!actures Section F.-Co mmerce and Trade. Railways ••• J33 Roads in plains ••• 133 Roads in hills ••• 135 Postal arrangements .~ ~ 136 History F"amines , Patiala poor.house CHAPTER IlI-AoMINISTRATlvB . Section A.-Administrative Departments. Government offici als 1:39 Administrati ve divisions ," ••• 13Q Section B.-Civil and Criminal Justice. Earl y history ••• 141 Reforms 141 Present system 142 Codes 01 laws ••• J4 2 The commone r forms of crime 14i Cr iminal tr ibes and crimes 143 Registration ••• 143 Section C.- Land Revenue. Village communities and tenures 144 Fiscal history 149 Cesses 152 Octroi ••• 155 Assignments of land revenue ••• JS5 Genealogical tree of Bh ad o:n Jag :rdars ••• 157 Bhadour Jagir 158 Khamanon Jag ir 161 Pail Jagirs J61 Pail J agirdars 162 Muafis 16 3 Jagir and muafi stateme nt 16 1, Village Jleadmo.. ••• ft. ." 160 _ 166 Excise I Stamps n. 167 Section ,Eo":'"'LocalSeI r,Governmcnt. Local Self·Government ••• Section · F.-Public Works. Patiala City Defence works ,Section G.-Army. Early history ••• ·171 Imperial Service and Local Troops ••• 171 Section H.-Police and 1alls. Strengt h au d working of Police ••• 173 Jails n. 175 Literacy ••• 17 6 Education- History •• • 177 The Mohindar College 179 "Indige nous educat ion .~ 179 Femalf s education 181 Literature •• • 181 Estab li shment Ins ti tu tions- Dispe ns al ie s_ Sanl tary Depart men t Le per asylum Victori a poor· house Amargar b. Anahadgarh, Bah adur garh OM 185 Banur tahsi l an •.• 186 arnal a towll , B&si ••• 187 Bhatin da 188 Bhadou r, Bha wani ga rh, Bh ikb i, Cb ail 192 eh h at , Fa tehg ar h tahsil ..• 193 Gha no ur, ~, Govindgar h, Had iaya 194 Kalait , Karamgar b, Lalg al h, Man surpur 195 Moh-indarg arh Niza mat , ta hs il an d town 196 Nern aul tahsil and town .• • 197 ... -1ilarwana ta hsil ." 19B .Ma rwa na to \~n, Pa il ••• 199 P~tiala tah sil and town ••• ••.• 20 0 "l'1njour Niz amat ". ••• ·202 Anjour tah sil and town, Rajp ur& ••• 203 ~ibg arh tahsil, Sama na ••• 204 ~, mana. Sil hi nd ••• ••• 206 . ,••.809 Si rinagar , S~m tahs il aDd tC 'if ll m PATIALA STATE~ PA G! !. 211 A.-P hysi cal aspe cts 211 B.-H ist ory ••• 21 4 C.-Po pulatior . 22 .2 26 ,3 A.-A gric ultu re 2:1] B. -Ren ts, wag es and price s 28 2 C.-F orest s .. 286 D.-M in es and mi ner als ... '28 7 E.-Arts and manufacture s 28<) F.-C ,mmerc (; and trade 293 G.-M eans of com munic :l tion ." 29 3 I-J.- Fami ne •• • 297 305 A.-Gene ral ad ministrat io n, admi nlst ra: ive divis io n; ..
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