Purfleet Traceability Summary - Supplies January 2020 – December 2020

Purfleet Traceability Summary - Supplies January 2020 – December 2020

Pura Foods Ltd. - Purfleet Traceability Summary - Supplies January 2020 – December 2020 Refinery details Refinery RSPO Parent Name Latitude Longitude Address Name Status Archer Daniels Midland Pura Yes – SG / 51.471676° 0.255415° London road RM19 1SD Purfleet, Company (ADM) Foods Ltd. MB Essex, UK Overall Traceability Palm Lauric Unknown* 0.0% 0.4% Traceability to mill 100.0% 99.6% (includes traceable to plantation) 75.4% 22.8% Pura Foods 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Palm Lauric Traceability to mill Traceability to plantation *Unknown unlisted Supplying Wilmar International refineries at source Purfleet BEO, Bintulu x WNI, Gresik x The charts below represent total volumes of palm and lauric products sourced from various origins into Purfleet in January 2020 – December 2020: PALM SOURCING LAURIC SOURCING Latin America Indonesia / Malaysia Latin America Indonesia / Malaysia Local Local PNG & Solomon Islands 13% 9% 10% 39% 36% 45% 48% Local: products which originate from refineries in Europe. Last Updated: 23 April 2021 NDPE Implementation Reporting Framework Pura Foods Ltd. – Purfleet Olenex has made significant improvements, which include transparently reporting progress on the implementation of various supply chain initiatives and activities. However, we also recognize there is a need for a clearer and consistent way to measure and communicate NDPE progress. Hence, since 2019, Olenex, through Wilmar, has actively participated in the NDPE Implementation Reporting Framework (IRF), which is led by Proforest. The IRF categorizes supplier mills into various pre-defined categories of progress, with a primary objective to evaluate the mills along the three respective pillars of Deforestation, Peat and Exploitation. The categorization process involves collection of data related to i. Certification status ii. Monitoring and verification systems iii. Grievances iv. Sourcing information v. Progress on own estates and third-party supply For more information on the NDPE Implementation Reporting Framework, please visit : https://ndpeirf.files.wordpress.com/2020/05/ndpe-irf_summary.pdf Deforestation progress at production level based on estimate of proportion of FFB from directly managed production. Progress at mill level (peat) Last Updated: 23 April 2021 Pura Foods Ltd. (January 2020 - December 2020) List of supplying mills Country Parent Company Palm Oil Mill UML ID RSPO Status Latitude Longitude Address Palm Lauric Colombia Palmas Del Cesar S.A. Palmas Del Cesar S.A. PO1000004752 RSPO IP 7.886 -73.466694 Calle 35 No. 17-56 Piso 15 Edf. Davivien X X Colombia Palmar De Altamira S.A.S Palmar De Altamira S.A.S PO1000004007 Conventional 4.75051 -71.68246 Orocué, Casanare X X Colombia Aceites S.A. Aceites S.A. PO1000008385 RSPO IP 10.57014 -74.208538 Kilometro 2 via a Aracataca, Retén, Magdalena X X Colombia Palmaceite S.A. Palmaceite S.A. PO1000004029 RSPO IP 10.618553 -74.168908 Kilómetro 49 vía ciénaga fundación a un Kilómetro del peaje de Tucurinca. X X Colombia El Roble S.A. El Roble S.A. PO1000004030 RSPO MB 10.672722 -74.214806 Tucurinca Magdalena 6 kilómetros después de la vía Férrea. X X Colombia Extractora Sicarare S.A.S. Extractora Sicarare S.A.S. PO1000004026 RSPO IP 9.93194 -73.26249 11 km al Sur de Codazzi X X Colombia Aceites Manuelita S.A. Aceites Manuelita S.A. (Yaguarito) PO1000005117 RSPO MB 3.88293 -73.34121 Inspección de Surimena, Municipio de San Carlos de Guaroa X X Colombia Aceites Cimarrones S.A.S. Aceites Cimarrones S.A.S. PO1000003979 RSPO MB 3.03559 -73.11147 Fca Tucson II Vda Candelejas, Puerto Rico, Meta X X Colombia Alianza Oriental S.A. Alianza Oriental S.A. PO1000003992 RSPO IP 3.995075 -73.58075 Av El Dorado 85D-55 OF 211 CE Dorado Plaza X X Colombia Entrepalmas S.A.S. Entrepalmas S.A.S. PO1000003983 RSPO IP 3.564583 -73.579417 Kilometro 22 Vereda La Castañeda Via Rincon Largo San Martin Meta X X Costa Rica Compañía Industrial Aceitera Coto 54 S.A Coto 54 Aguirre, Naranjo Mill PO1000002767 RSPO IP 9.40719 -84.08597 Llorona, Quepos Puntarenas X Costa Rica Compañía Industrial Aceitera Coto 54 S.A Coto 54 Guaycara, Coto Mill PO1000002746 RSPO IP 8.6298 -83.00299 Guaycara, Golfito. Puntarenas. X X Guatemala NaturAceites S.A. Panacte Oil Mill PO1000005560 RSPO IP 15.30738 -89.61716 El Estor,Izabal,Guatemala X Guatemala NaturAceites S.A. Pataxte PO1000002872 RSPO IP 15.34447 -89.29032 Finca Pataxe, Lado Sur el Estor Izabal X Franca Trasversal del Norte, KM 459.20, Cruce en Tierra Linda, 32KM, hasta Aldea Tierra Guatemala Braden Group, S.A. Agroindustria Palmera San Roman, S.A PO1000009242 RSPO IP 16.183143 -90.422729 X Soledad, Sayaxché Petén, a 10 KM rumbo Finca Santa Barbara. Honduras Compania Agricola la Ceibena, S.A. Compañía Industrial Ceibeña S.A. PO1000003116 RSPO MB 15.6887222 -87.06511 Las Lomitas, San Francisco Atlantida, Honduras. X X Indonesia PT Berkat Sawit Sejahtera Indragiri Hilir PO1000007652 Conventional -0.71 102.66 Sencalang, Keritang, Indragiri Hilir, Riau, Indonesia X Indonesia PT. Berkat Sawit Sejahtera PT. Berkat Sawit Sejahtera PO1000004366 Conventional 0.23816 99.70526 Jl Simpang tigo alin, gunung tuleh, pasaman barat X X Indonesia PT Smart Tbk Semilar Mill PO1000001156 RSPO MB -2.248111 112.340417 Desa Rungau Raya Kecamatan Danau Seluluk Kabupaten Seruyan Kalimantan Tengah X Indonesia PT. Sawit Sukses Sejahtera Sawit Sukses Sejahtera PO1000006156 Conventional 0.419671 116.490837 Senyiur, Muara Ancalong, East Kutai Regency, Kalimantan Timur X Indonesia Cahaya Unggul Prima Sungai Kapuas PO1000010062 Conventional 0.46372 111.34469 Desa Ketungau Hilir, Kec. Ketungau Hilir, Kab. Sintang, Prov. Kalimantan Barat X Desa Pulau Pinang, Kecamatan Kembang Janggut, Kebupaten Kutai Kartanegara-Kalimantan Indonesia PT Smart Tbk Sinar Kencana Inti Perkasa (Kupang) PO1000004196 Conventional -3.05337 116.01542 X Timur Indonesia Pesona Lintas Surajati Safir PO1000006230 Conventional -2.62694 116.15807 Magalau Hilir, Kelumpang Barat, Kota Baru, Kalimantan Selatan X Indonesia PT Sumber Indah Perkasa Perdana PO1000002198 Conventional -2.4225 112.35944 Salunuk, Danau Sembuluh, Kabupaten Seruyan, Kalimantan Tengah 74353, Indonesia X Indonesia Golden Agri Resources Padang Halaban PO1000001079 RSPO IP 2.31917 99.83944 Labuhanbatu Utara,Sumatera Utara, Idonesia X Indonesia Matahari Kahuripan Indonesia Ricky Kurniawan Kertapersada PO1000004466 Conventional -1.49505 103.861183 Ds.Mekar Sari, Kec.Kumpeh,Muaro Jambi, Jambi X Indonesia Evans Prima Mitrajaya Mandiri PO1000001488 RSPO MB -0.297249 116.764132 Ds.Puan Cepak, Kec.Muara Kaman,Kab.Kukar, East Kalimantan X Indonesia Swakarsa Dharma Satya Nusantara (PKS5) PO1000002037 Conventional -1.971111 111.351944 Bakonsu, Lamandau, Central Kalimantan X Indonesia Daya Semesta Agro Persada Daya Semesta Agro Persada PO1000004175 Conventional -2.963167 104.917583 Sebokor, Rambutan, Banyu Asin Regency, South Sumatra X Indonesia Agrolestari Sentosa Jalemo PO1000006984 Conventional -1.3482 113.5022 Tumbang Kajuei, Rungan, Gunung Mas, Midden-Kalimantan X Indonesia Oriental Holdings Berhad Gunung Sawit Bina Lestari PO1000004514 Conventional -2.07372 105.32402 Desa Mayang , Kec. Pembantu Sp. Tritip, Kab. Bangka X Indonesia Campang Tiga, PT. Campang Tiga PO1000004531 Conventional -3.7648 104.7398 Campang Tiga Ulu, Cempaka, Ogan Komering Ulu Timur, Sumatera Selatan X Indonesia Golden Agri Resources Bangun Nusa Mandiri PO1000008437 RSPO MB -2.140556 110.515833 X Indonesia PT. Sinar Kencana Inti Perkasa Sungai Magalau PO1000004132 Conventional -2.80767 116.1863 Desa Sangsang, Kec. Kelumpang Tengah, Kab. Kotabaru, Kalimantan Selatan X Indonesia Bumi Sawit Sukses Pratama, PT. Bumi Sawit Sukses Pratama, PT. PO1000008411 Conventional -2.54389 106.02932 Desa Simpang Rimba, Kec. Simpang Rimba, Kab. Bangka Selatan, Bangka Belitung X Desa Tanjung Miring, Kecamatan Rambang Buang,, Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia Bumi Sawit Permai, PT. Bumi Sawit PO1000001611 RSPO MB -3.5257 104.3443 X 30869, Indonesia Indonesia Bima Palma Nugraha, PT. Bima Palma Nugraha, PT. PO1000006150 Conventional 0.747878 117.40517 Desa. Tepian langsat, Kec. Bengalon, Kab. Kutai Timur, Kalimantan Timur X Indonesia Benua Lawas Lestari Benua Lawas Lestari PO1000008151 Conventional -2.998429 115.956058 Desa banua lawas, Kec kelumpang hulu, Kab kota baru, Kalimantan Selatan X Desa Bangkalaan Melayu, Kecamatan Kelumpang Hulu, Kabupaten Kotabaru, Kalimantan Indonesia PT Smart Tbk Bukit Kapur PO1000002320 Conventional -2.94266 116.04745 X Selatan Indonesia Buana Wirasubur Sakti Buana Wirasubur Sakti PO1000004499 Conventional -1.886417 116.06075 Ds.Keluang Lolo, Kec.Kuaro, Paser, East Kalimantan X Indonesia Bw Plantation Batu Bulan Mill PO1000004070 Conventional -3.33711 115.771 Kusan Hulu, Tanah Bumbu Regency, South Kalimantan, Indonesia X Indonesia Meganusa Intisawit, PT. Indra Sakti Mill PO1000001065 RSPO IP -0.5692 102.30585 Desa Talang Sukamaju, Kecamatan Rakit Kulim, Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu, Provinsi Riau X Indonesia Sungai Bahar Pasifik Utama Sungai Bahar Pasifik Utama PO1000004468 Conventional -1.5362 103.630567 Kec.Muara Sebo, Kab.Muaro Jambi, Jambi X Indonesia PT Smart Tbk Batu Ampar Mill PO1000001151 RSPO MB -3.197023 116.021202 Desa Serongga, Kecamatan Kelumpang Hilir, Kabupaten Kotabaru, Kalimantan Selatan X Indonesia Agri Bumi Sentosa Agri Bumi Sentosa PO1000008156 Conventional -2.962565 114.710514 Barambai (Jalan Raya ABS), Marabahan-Barito Kuala, Kalimantan Selatan X Indonesia Kintap Jaya Wattindo Kintap Jaya Wattindo PO1000006246 Conventional -3.898187 115.204681 Pandansari, Kintap, Tanah Laut,

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