150 route de Ferney, P.O. Box 2100 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland Tel: 41 22 791 6033 Fax: 41 22 791 6506 e-mail: [email protected] Appeal Coordinating Office Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Serbia & Montenegro – EUSM-11 Revision 1 Appeal Target: US$ 13,121,579 Balance Requested from ACT Network: US$ 11,701,922 Geneva, 20 February 2001 Dear Colleagues, Please find attached EUSM-11 Appeal Revision 1. This revision includes an additional project of Hungarian Interchurch Aid’s program for Serbia that, due to technical reasons, was not included into the original appeal. Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HIA) is proposing to include the following components in their program for Serbia: ¨ Assistance to financially challenged students: food and non-food distribution ¨ Soup kitchens ¨ Provision of hot meals to IDPs, refugees and elderly ¨ Distribution of firewood to vulnerable families For the sake of brevity this document will only concern the Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HIA) project. For details concerning other projects in the appeal, please see the original document EUSM-11 issued on 18 December 2000. ACT is a worldwide network of churches and related agencies meeting human need through coordinated emergency response. The ACT Coordinating Office is based with the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in Switzerland. Federal Rep of Yugoslavia – Serbia & Montenegro 2 EUSM-11 Revision 1 Project Completion Date: Hungarian Interchurch Aid: 15 February 2001 – 15 June 2001 Summary of Appeal Targets, Pledges/Contributions Received and Balance Requested Implementing Partner Project Target Less: Balance Reqstd Pledges/Con from ACT Network tr. Recd HIA (Sandzak) 666,267 73,797 592,470 EHO/LWF-WS (Vojvodina) 3,936,500 316,860 3,619,640 DW-DEA (Serbia) 824,800 320,000 504,800 Philanthropy (Serbia & Montenegro) 320,881 0 320,881 UMCOR (Serbia) 2,184,360 241,000 1,943,360 CWS (Serbia & Montenegro) 827,271 468,000 359,271 IOCC (Serbia & Montenegro) 3,867,869 0 3,867,869 Regional Co-ordination (Skopje and Belgrade) 148,180 0 148,180 Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HIA) 345,451 0 345,451 TOTAL 13,121,579 1,419,657 11,701,922 Please kindly send your contributions to the following ACT bank account: Account Number - 102539/0.01.061 (USD) Account Name: ACT - Action by Churches Together Banque Edouard Constant Cours de Rive 11 Case postale 3754 1211 Genève 3 SWITZERLAND Please also inform the Finance Officer Jessie Kgoroeadira (direct tel. +4122/791.60.38, e-mail address [email protected]) of all pledges/contributions and transfers, including funds sent direct to the implementers, now that the Pledge Form is no longer attached to the Appeal. We would appreciate being informed of any intent to submit applications for EU, USAID and/or other back donor funding and the subsequent results. We thank you in advance for your kind cooperation. For further information please contact: ACT Co-ordinator, Thor-Arne Prois (phone ++41 22 791 6033 or mobile phone ++ 41 79 203 6055) or ACT Appeal Officer, Leila Dzaferovic (phone +41 22 791 6710 or mobile phone ++41 76 565 4442) ACT Web Site address: http://www.act-intl.org Thor-Arne Prois ACT Co-ordinator Federal Rep of Yugoslavia – Serbia & Montenegro 3 EUSM-11 Revision 1 I. REQUESTING ACT-MEMBER ¨ Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HIA) II. IMPLEMENTING ACT MEMBER AND PARTNER INFORMATION The program will be implemented by Hungarian Interchurch Aid in close co-operation with its local partners, Ecumenical Humanitarian Organisation (EHO) in Voivodina - Ada, Backi Petrovac (Petroc), Mužlja (Muzslya), Novi Sad (Újvidék), Senta (Zenta), Sremski Karlovci (Karlóca), Subotica (Szabadka), Temerin, Zrenjanin – with and for different church-related student help associations and hostels along with Serbian Orthodox Church Organisation on IDPs in Belgrade area and Bor. HIA and EHO look back on a very long and fruitful common history. HIA had an essential share in establishing EHO in 1993. Reacting to the Kosovo crisis in 1999 the two ACT-members had a common psycho-social rehabilitation program (ACT/HIA/EHO “Island of hope” EUKC91). In ACT Appeal EUBK01 ACT/HIA implemented a program supported by the Episcopate of Belgrade, Serbian Orthodox Church. This project focused on supporting 5 IDP-camps in the Belgrade area and on distribution of food and non-food items. III. GOAL & OBJECTIVES ACT/HIA’s current project proposal includes the following components: a) Distribution of food and non-food items on a monthly basis for students living in hostels and for student help organisations in Voivodina, b) Operation of a soup kitchen in Belgrade, c) Distribution of 200 m3 firewood in two collective centres – Kaluderica and Resnik, d) Distribution of food and hygiene family parcels for IDPs between Belgrade and Kruševac, and in Bor in each second month. Objectives: · To provide food and hygiene kits for pupils and students living in different church-related hostels and being assisted through student help organisations, · To provide family food and hygiene parcels for IDP-families, · To help these pupils and students remain at secondary schools and universities by assuring them of this basic assistance, · To provide one hot meal daily, seven days a week to IDPs, refugees and pensioners, · To provide firewood for IDP-families. IV. TARGETED BENEFICIARIES During the implementation of the current project proposal ACT/HIA will target the most vulnerable social groups in Serbian society, namely refugees from BiH and Croatia, IDPs (Serbs), pensioners, pupils and Federal Rep of Yugoslavia – Serbia & Montenegro 4 EUSM-11 Revision 1 students: ¨ 2,472 pupils and students in different towns of Voivodina, ¨ 500 beneficiaries (IDPs, refugees and pensioners) in the soup kitchen in Belgrade, ¨ 500 IDP-families between Belgrade and Kruševac ¨ 1,722 Kosovo IDPs in Bor, ¨ 100 IDP-families through the distribution of firewood, V. PROPOSED EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION Distribution of food and hygiene articles to students living in hostels and for students being supported through student help organisations will be carried out throughout Voivodina on a monthly basis in co- operation with EHO. These institutions and organisations target different ethnic minorities living in Voivodina (Croats, Hungarians, Slovaks and Serbs) and are operated by different churches - Serbian Orthodox Church, Slovak Lutheran Church, Roman Catholic Church and Hungarian Reformed Church. The beneficiaries of this component are pupils and students (age between 14 - 22) who come from very poor families, live in the country and, due to the economic situation in FRY would be unable to continue their studies without such assistance. Beside this assistance the student help organisations assist with money to cover travel expenses. Previously EHO provided them significant assistance through the distribution of different in-kind donations. ACT/HIA in close co-operation with its local partner, EHO will distribute food and hygiene parcels on a monthly basis to these students. The food parcels will contain 2 ltr vegetable oil, 1 kg sugar, 500 g margarine, canned meat, 1 kg Macaroni, 0,5 kg milk powder, 20 pieces of multivitamin tablets and canned food. A hygiene parcel will contain 1 kg washing powder, 0,5 l washing up liquid, 2 bars of soap, tooth- paste (75 ml) and 4 rolls toilet paper. Distribution will take place in close co-operation with EHO and the management of the involved institutions. There are further needs for shoes, bedding, clothes and school-kits. ACT/HIA/EHO would highly appreciate these kind of in-kind donations from ACT-members. ¨ Through the winter ACT/HIA wishes to contribute to the operation of a soup kitchen established by its local partner from the Episcopate of Belgrade. The soup kitchen will be located in the place of a restaurant with only minor repairs necessary. At first the soup kitchen will provide 500 meals for the beneficiaries 7 days a week. The costs of a portion will not exceed DEM 1,8 (USD 0,84) and the beneficiaries can either take the meal away or eat it on site. 50% of the beneficiaries will be IDPs and refugees, while the other 50% will be pensioners living below the poverty line and/or being ill. Each beneficiary will receive a card that certifies his/her involvement and after receiving the food (s)he will sign a receipt. ¨ There are 220 IDPs living in the collective centre in Kaluderica and 190 in Resnik making 100 families in the two camps. ACT/HIA wishes to distribute each family 2 m3 firewood to ease heating problems in the winter. Among others, these two camps were supported in ACT-Appeal EUBK01 as well. ¨ ACT/HIA in close co-operation with its local partner plans to distribute 500 family food and hygienic parcels for IDPs living with host families between Belgrade and Kruševac. Distribution will take place on a bimonthly basis. A family food parcel will contain: 3 ltr edible oil, 2 kg beans, 3 kg sugar, 4x150 g canned meat, 4 kg milk powder, 4 kg macaroni, 0,5 kg spices and 5 kg flour. A family hygiene parcel Federal Rep of Yugoslavia – Serbia & Montenegro 5 EUSM-11 Revision 1 will contain 4 kg washing powder, 1 kg antiseptic, 5 bars of soup, 0,5 ltr shampoo, 1 ltr washing liquid and 5 tubes tooth paste. Furthermore, ACT/HIA plans to assist 1,722 IDPs living in private accommodation (1,146) and in collective centres (576) in Bor on the Romanian-Bulgarian border. 9% thereof are children. ACT/HIA will carry out these distributions on a bimonthly basis. For those living in collective centres, food items will be delivered in bulk. VI. ADMINISTRATION, FINANCE, MONITORING & REPORTING The program will be implemented by ACT/HIA in close co-operation with its local ACT-partner, Ecumenical Humanitarian Organisation (EHO) and the Episcopate of Belgrade (SOC).
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