Please ask for: Dorinda Guy Telephone: 01482 613416 Fax: 01482 613110 Email: [email protected] Text phone: 01482 300349 Date: Wednesday, 08 July 2015 Dear Councillor, West Area Committee The next meeting of the West Area Committee will be held at 18:30 on Wednesday, 15 July 2015 in Calvert Centre . The Agenda for the meeting is attached and reports are enclosed where relevant. Please Note: It is likely that the public, (including the Press) will be excluded from the meeting during discussions of exempt items since they involve the possible disclosure of exempt information as describe in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. Yours faithfully, Democratic Services Officer for the Town Clerk Town Clerk Services, Hull City Council, The Guildhall, AlfredPage Gelder 1 of 102Street, Hull, HU1 2AA www.hullcc.gov.uk DX: 11934 HULL 1 Tel: 01482 300300 West Area Committee To: Membership: Councillors Allen, Bell, Clay, Fudge L, Herrera-Richmond, Mann, Payne C, Payne R and Thomas Officers : Jane Price, Assistant City Manager, Neighbourhoods Alastair Shaw, Community Manager, Neighbourhoods (West) Dorinda Guy, Democratic Services Officer (5) Public Set: Reference Library Inspector Duncan Collins, Pickering Road Police Station, Hull, HU4 6TE Page 2 of 102 West Area Committee 18:30 on Wednesday, 15 July 2015 Calvert Centre A G E N D A PROCEDURAL ITEMS 1 Apologies To receive apologies for those Members who are unable to attend the meeting. 2 Declarations of Interest To remind Members of the need to record the existence and nature of any Personal and Discloseable Pecuniary interest in items on the agenda, in accordance with the Member Code of Conduct. Members Code of Conduct - Part D1 of the Constitution) 3 Minutes of the Meeting held on 27th May 2015 7 - 14 To approve the minutes as a true and correct record. 4 Minutes of Special Meeting held on 21st May 2015 15 - 16 To approve the minutes as a true and correct record. 5 Public Questions There will be a period of no more than 15 minutes during which written questions may be submitted by members of the public. Unwritten questions will be taken only at the discretion of the Chair. Questions will be answered at the meeting if possible, otherwise written replies will be sent. If required, decisions will be taken under the relevant agenda item below. As the agenda is to be considered in accordance with the Council's formal committee procedures rather than a public forum, the public present will not be able to participate in the Committee's discussions on the following items. Matters may be raised further at Forums. NON-EXEMPT ITEMS Page 3 of 102 6 Springhead Medical Practice 17 - 18 To update members on the proposed site for the relocation of the Springhead Medical Centre. 7 Future Provision of Customer Service Centre (CSC) Network 19 - 22 To provide Members on the progress made with the Customer Enablement and Empowerment Programme and the provision of access points in the West Area. 8 Community Safety Briefing 23 - 26 To update Members on Community Safety issues and activities within the West Area. 9 Corporate Parenting Annual Report 27 - 48 To present the Corporate Parenting Board Annual report and provide an update on Looked after Children in the West Area. 10 Flood Risk Management Update 49 - 52 To update Members on the Flood Risk Management Strategy and the progress of flood schemes within the West Area. 11 Housing Performance Update 53 - 70 To provide Members with the Housing Performance update for the period ending May 2015. 12 Housing Revenue Account Budget 71 - 76 To update Members on the Housing Revenue Account budget allocation and proposed delegation for the West Area for 2015/16. 13 West Area Neighbourhood Management Update 77 - 82 To provide an update to the West Area Committee on ward activity across the Area. 14 Resolution List 83 - 98 To update Members on the progress of outstanding resolutions. 15 Work Programme 99 - 102 To update Members on the Committee Work Programme and to provide further opportunity for Members to suggest future agenda items for discussion. Page 4 of 102 EXEMPT ITEMS 16 No Exempt Items THERE ARE NO EXEMPT ITEMS ON THIS AGENDA Page 5 of 102 Page 6 of 102 West Area Committee 27 th May 2015 PRESENT:- Councillor C. Thomas (Chair), Councillor P. Allen, Councillor A. Bell, Councillor H. Herrera-Richmond, Councillor C. Payne and Councillor R. Payne. IN ATTENDANCE:- Inspector D. Collins (Humberside Police) – minute 10, G. Horth (Capital Development Manager, Major Projects & Infrastructure) – minute 12, T. Dalby (Corporate Director of Strategic Commissioning) and I. Atkinson (Strategic Delivery Manager) – minute 13, J. Grayson (Legal Officer) – minute 14, N. Chester (Regulatory Lawyer) – minute 15 and and J. Redpath (Landlord Services Manager) – minute 16. J. Price (Assistant City Manager, Neighbourhoods), A. Shaw (Community Manager, Neighbourhoods) and D. Guy (Democratic Services Officer). APOLOGIES:- Councillor H. R. Clay (Deputy Chair), Councillor L. Fudge and Councillor E. Mann. Minute Description/Decision Action No. By/Deadline PROCEDURAL ITEMS 4 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No declarations of interest were made in respect of the items that follow below. 5 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY, 18 TH FEBRUARY, 2015 Agreed – That with the amendments of: Democratic Ser.ices 7fficer a. minute 57 to read: “>meeting he d on Wednesday ,18 th December>”, and b. minute 6A to read: “>meeting he d on Wednesday, 18 th December>” and “That the eBemption be remo.ed from minute 70 and re-pub ished”, the minutes of the meeting of this Committee, he d on 18 th February 2015, ha.ing been printed and circu ated, be ta3en as read and correct y recorded and be signed by the Chair. 6 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY 18 TH MARCH, 2015 Page 7 of 102 Agreed – That the minutes of the meeting of this Committee, Democratic he d on 18 th March 2015, ha.ing been printed and circu ated, be Ser.ices 7fficer ta3en as read and correct y recorded and be signed by the Chair. 7 APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE(S) TO OUTSIDE BODIES The West Area Committee appointed Representati.e(s) for the Members 1 fo owing outside bodies for the municipa year 2015C16. Counci Information Team • Pic3ering and Newington De.e opment Ser.ice (PANDA) 6eader • Ad.isory Board to Chi drens Centre • Community First Moved by Councillor C. Thomas and seconded by Councillor A. Bell. That Counci or P A en be appointed as representati.e to Pic3ering and Newington De.e opment (PANDA). That Counci or C. Payne be appointed as representati.e to Ad.isory Board to Chi drenDs Centre. That Community First has come to an end and shou d be remo.ed from the ist Motion carried. That Community First has come to an end and is remo.ed from future ists. Motion carried. 8 PUBLIC QUESTIONS No pub ic Euestions were recei.ed. N7N-EFEMPT ITEMS Non-Gey Decisions A COMMUNITY SAFETY BRIEFING The City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager submitted a briefing paper which updated Members on Community Safety issues and acti.ities within the West Area and inc uded an update on the current ward priorities and issues arising in the wards. Members discussed: (i) how their priorities had been met within the Humberside Po ice and the ac3 of communication between Page 8 of 102 Counci ors and Po ice 7fficers. The officer suggested that a wee3 y emai cou d be circu ated to Counci ors, who wish to recei.e it, on incidents that ha.e happened in their Ward, and (ii) that each Ward Team co ated priorities and put them forward to the Area Team. Members as3ed if there were any contact detai s for Po ice 7fficers. The officer ad.ised that a contact detai s were on the Po ice website that had been updated. Members a so commented that the photos of Counci ors within the schoo s had been high y appreciated and that those photos of new Counci ors to be sent to the re e.ant schoo s. Members raised concerns on: (i) the current position on the green space on the former Ti bury schoo site and what was happening with the site, and (ii) what actions had been ta3en on the 7 secondary fires caused by de iberate ignition inc uding those fires that were on open and on -ower Road. Agreed – a. That the update be notedH b. that a wee3 y emai is sent to a Counci ors, who wish to b. Inspector recei.e it, on incidents that are happening in their WardH Mattinson (Humberside Po ice c. that each Ward Team discuss and co ate ward priorities c. Assistant City and put forward to Area Tas3ingH Manager , Neighbourhoods d. that photos of new Counci ors that ha.e been e ected d. Community onto the West Area Committee are sent to the re e.ant Manager , schoo s within their WardH Neighbourhoods e. that Humberside Po ice in.estigates what actions were e. Inspector ta3en regarding the 7 secondary fires caused by Mattinson de iberate ignition inc uding those fires that were on open (Humberside and on -ower Road, and Po ice) f. th at Mr WaEas TariE, Assistant Pro0ect Manager of Ma0or f. Assistant Pro0ects 1 Infrastructure is as3ed what the current Pro0ect Manager position is with the green space on the former Ti bury of Ma0or Pro0ects schoo site. 1 Infrastructure 10 REVIEW OF THE DELIVERY OF ADULT SOCIAL CARE The City Adu t Socia Care Manager on beha f of the Director of Pub ic Hea th submitted a briefing paper which updated Members on the current position regarding the Adu t Socia Care Re.iew.
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