HELGOLANDER MEERESUNTERSUCHUNGEN 1 Helgol6nder Meeresunters. 50, Suppl., 83-96 (1996) zgl.: SCHRIFTENREIHE FOR LANDSCHAFTSPFLEGE UND NATURSCHUTZ, H. 47 (1996) VII. Red List of Beetles of The Wadden Sea Area* CONTRIBUTORS: Denmark: V. Mahler *~ Germany: R. Suikat & Th. ABmann INTRODUCTION The beetles (Coleoptera) comprise one of the most species-rich orders of insects. With the many highly specialized species, the group is well suited as a tool to detect changes in or deterioration of the environment. In the Wadden Sea area - as delimited in the ge- neral introduction - about 300 of the occurring beetle species are restricted in their dis- tribution to typical coastal habitats or are typically found there. Delimitation of the area We have followed rather strictly the generally agreed geographical delimitation of the area. The main habitats here are the regularly flooded tidal areas and salt-water marshlands outside the dikes. Other important habitats for beetles are beaches, dikes, dunes, heaths, heath moors, as well as brackish and freshwater pools. Especially in the northernmost area, along Varde ~, there are areas only flooded by spring tides and there- fore they are mainly freshwater marshlands. Data source Denmark: The basis is the published red list (Aasbirk & Sogaard, 1991). A revised red list is in preparation, but could not be considered. Germany: The basis is the red list for the German part of Wadden Sea area and Hel- goland (Suikat & Al~mann, 1995) and the red list of Schleswig-Holstein (Ziegler & Suikat, 1994). This list forms part of the Report on the RED LISTS OF BIOTOPES, FLORA AND FAUNA OF THE TRILATERAL WADDEN SEA AREA. For basic information concerning, for example, func- tion of these lists, species taken into account, structure of the lists and abbreviations used, see also the general introduction to the Red Lists. Although from the Netherlands no data on beetle species distribution are currently available, The Netherlands agree at this stage to the proposed overall status of threat. * Author of the introductory text. Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Hamburg und Bundesamt Kir Naturschutz, Bonn 84 Beetles of the Wadden Sea Area Threats and Conservation Many of the threats to the beetles are common to most of the organisms in the Wad- den Sea area. The following factors are mainly responsible for the endangering of beet- les, and corresponding human activities should be reduced or reglemented: - intensive agricultural use: - water regulation such as land reclamation, dyking, coastal defence, drainage; - habitat losses due to constructions for tourism purposes: - trampling due to intensive recreational use; - removal of driftage or accumulations of organic matter along the shore. Most adverse effects can be summarised as 'habitat losses due to agriculture, water regulation and tourism'. An assessment of the influence of North Sea pollution and eu- trophication is not possible now but a special problem is the increasing oil-pollution of the shores (very little of it due to accidents), which should be stopped very soon. Summary As no data on beetles in the Wadden Sea area are available from The Netherlands, the trilateral status of threat only refers to the Danish and German part of the Wadden Sea. In this area, in total, 238 species of beetles are threatened in at least one subregion. Of these, 189 species are threatened in the entire area and are therefore placed on the trilateral Red List. 4 species are (probably) extinct in the entire Wadden Sea area. The status of 24 species of beetles is (probably) critical, 46 species are (probably) endange- red, the status of 86 species is (probably) vulnerable and of 29 species (probably) sus- ceptible. REFERENCES Asbirk, S. & S. Sogaard (Eds), 1991. Rodliste '90. Saerligt beskyttelseskr~evende planter og dyr i Dan- mark. Miljoministeriet, Skov- og Naturstyrelsen, Kobenhavn, 222 pp. Suikat, R. & Th. ABmann, 1995. Rote Liste der K~ifer des deutschen Wattenmeerbereichs und Hel- golands (mit Anhang: nicht gef~ihrdete Arten). - SchrReihe Landschaftspfl. Naturschutz 44. 85-99. Ziegler, W. & R. Suikat, 1994. Rote Liste der in Schleswig-Holstein gef~ihrdeten K~ferarten. Landes- amt for Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege Schlesig-Holstein, Kiel, 96 pp. RED LIST OF BEETLES OF THE WADDEN SEA AREA* EX - Extinct: (?) Amara strenua (?) Agonum gracilipes Aphodius brevis (?) Apion difforme (?) Aphodius tomentosus (?) Micralymma marinum (?) Arena tabida (?) Xanthomus pallidus = Cylindronotus Bembich'on ephippium (?) Ca]osoma auropunctatum Cll - Critical: (?) Chaetocnema aerosa (?) Actophy]]a varendorffiana = Atheta v. Corn bocerus g]a ber Acupalpus elegans Dyschirius nitidus * Question-marks indicate that in one of the subregions the status of threat is uncertain. Beetles of the Wadden Sea Area 85 (7) Helophorus rufipes Heterocerus obsoletus (7) Hydroporus notatus (7) IIybius angustior (7) Hydroporus rufifrons (7) Leiodes rubiginosa (7) Leiodes lunicollis Mantura rustica Meloe brevicollis (7) Mefigethes bidentatus (7) Meotica winkleri Ochthebius pusillus (7) Pterostichus macer Pha]acrus substriatus (7) Sitona cinerascens Phflonthus immundus (7) Tomoglossa heydemanni (7) Platystethus nitens (7) Trox cadaverinus Po]ydrusus pu]chel]us (7) Trox hispidus Pse]actus spadix Xenusa lohmanderi = Myrmecopora Smicronyx reichi Xyle tin us la ticollis Tachys micros Trichosirocalus thalhammeri = Ceutorhyn- EN - Endangered: chidius t. Aga b us labia tus (7) Tychus monilicornis Agon um scitulum Anotylus maritimus = Oxytelus perrisi VU - Vulnerable: (7) Anthribus scapu]aris Agabus conspersus Aphodius niger Aga bus melanocornis (7) Aphodius tene]lus Altica longicollis = Haltica britteni (7) Apion atomarium Amara convexiuscula Apion ]imonii Amara eyrinota = A. eurynota (7) Atheta puncticol]is (Benick) Amara infima Bembidion pa]]idipenne Anthicus antherinus (7) Berosus signatico]lis Anthicus bimaculatus (7) Bledius baudii (7) Aphodius borealis Bledius diota Aphodius ictericus (?) Bledius furcatus Apion seniculus B]ethisa mu]tipunctata Apion vorax Carabus dathratus Bembidion bipunctatum Carabus nitens (?) Bembidion fumigatum Carpefimus halophi]us = Trogophloeus Bembidion iricolor Carpe]imus schneideri = Trogoph]oeus Bembidion lunatum (7) Cercyon granarius Bemt~dion maritimum Cicinde]a maritima Bembidion nigricorne Ci]]enus ]atera]is = Bembidion ]. Bledius dama = B. Mcornis Cordicomus sellatus = Anthicus Bledius spectabilis Cydodinus humilis = Anthicus Bledius tricomis Diglotta mersa Brachygluta helferi Dyschirius cha]ceus Cara b us pro blem a ticus Dyschirius impunctipennis Cassida vittata Gyrinus caspius Ceutorhynchus caki]is = Neosiroca]us Harpa]us fr6]ichi C]ivina col]aris = C. contracta Harpa]us serr~pes (?) Coe]ambus confluens (7) Helophorus laticol]is Coelambus parallelogramm us 86 Beetles of the Wadden Sea Area (7) Dig]otta submarina Psylliodes marcida Dromius longiceps Quedius aridulus Dryops griseus Salpingus reyi Dryops simflaris (7) Sibinia primita Dyschirius obscurus Stenopelm us rufinasus Dyschirius politus Stenus calcaratus Ha]iplus apica]is Stenus melanopus (7) Haliplus furcatus Sten us nigritulus (?) Ha]iplus variegatus (7) Tachyporus pulchellus Harpalus anxius Tanymecus palliatus Harpa]us neg]ectus Trachyphloeus bifoveolatus Harpalus servus Trechus rubens (7) Helochares punctatus Xantholinus dissimilis (7) Helophorus fulgidicollis Heterocerus flexuosus SU - Susceptible: Heterocerus maritim us (?) Achenium humfle Heterothops binotatus (?) Actidium coarctatum Hister bissexstria tus Acupa]pus dubius Hoplia farinosa Aegialia spissipes = A. rufa (7) Hydroglyph us pusillus Anotylus insecatus Hydroporus nigrita (?) Atheta cauta Hypocaccus meta]]icus (?) Atheta luteipes Hypocaccus rugiceps Atomaria davigera (7) Ischnopoda scitula Bembidion stephensi (7) Laccornis oblongus Bledius praetermissus Leiodes ci]iaris (?) Bledius pusillus Leiodes furva Calathus ambiguus (7) Liog]uta pagana Cryptocephalus Longitarsus plan tagomaritim us Cybocephalus politus Masoreus wetterha]]ii (7) Dryops striatellus Me]igethes exi]is Gabrius toxotes Na cerdes m elan ura = Na cerda (7) Gronops inaequalis Nebria sa]ina Helophorus tuberculatus . (7) Necrophorus vestigator (7) Hydnobius punctatus Negastrius arenicola (7) Hydrosmecta longula = H. thinobioides Negastrius sabulicola (7) Hypocaccus dimidiatus ssp. maritimus Notiophilus rufipes = Baeckmanniolus maritim us Ochthebius auriculatus La throbium rn ultip uncta turn Ochthebius viridis Lepyrus palustris (7) Orthoperus brunnipes (7) Longitarsus reichei Otiorhynchus frisius (7) Mycetoporus baudueri = M. hellieseni Parocyusa longitarsis = Chilopora (?) Omalium laeviusculum Pelenomus zumpti = Phytobius Phytosus spinifer Phaleria cadaverina Rhantus bistriatus Pogon us luridipennis Trichocellus cognatus Beetles of the Wadden Sea Area 87 LIST OF THREATENED BEETLES OF THE WADDEN SEA AREA Status of threat in the subregions of Red List Threats the Wadden Sea Area (trilateral) NL1 I Nds I SH 1 DK Carabidae Acupalpus dubius Schitsky SU HAB SU SU SU Acupalpus elegans (Dej.) CR -(?) CR Agonum gracilipes (oft.) EX? ? EX Agonum scitulum Dej. EN WAT, HAB EN Amara convexiuscula (Marsh.) VU DIS, HAB VU VU * (Panz.) VU HAB Amara eyrinota VU SU * = A. eurynota (Panz.) Amara infima (oft.) VU HAB, DIS VU SU * Amara ovata (F.) * SU * Amara quensefi (Schonh.) * SU SU * Amara strenua (Zimm) CR? (*) CR Bembidion aeneum Germ. * VU * Bembidion bipunctatum (L.) VU WAT, HAB VU SU VU Bembidion ephippium (Marsh.) OR EN CR CR Bembidion fumigatum (Dft.) VU? ? VU * Bembidion iricolor Bedel MU HAB, WAT
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