The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2020: 5. 525 Published: October 31, 2020 | Pages: 427-433 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/Volume02Issue10-69 OCLC - 1121105668 Medialinguistics: A Comprehensive Approach To Media Training Saodat Khidoyatovna Shamaksudova Senior Lecturer, Department Of "Uzbek Language And Literature", Faculty Of Print Media And Publishing, University Of Journalism And Mass Communication Of Uzbekistan Journal Website: http://usajournalshub.c om/index,php/tajssei Copyright: Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the creative commons attributes 4.0 licence. ABSTRACT The article discusses the concept of media text, areas of their study, aspects of media linguistics and the study of media language. The methodological apparatus, internal structure and main sections of media linguistics are considered. As a result of the rapid development in recent years of the level of study of the media in world linguistics, it became known that the language of the media is studied on the basis of its many connections and functions. The research material was collected using Uzbek and foreign literature. The aim of the work is to show the need for an integrated approach to the study of media texts, which is the main object of research in media linguistics. KEYWORDS Media linguistics, media text, verbal language, phonological, syntagmatic and stylistic features, cultural linguistics, discourse analysis, cognitive, semantic. INTRODUCTION The level of media study in world linguistics has Of course, new approaches to the language of been rapidly developing in recent years. the media are associated not only with general Currently, the language of the media is being trends in the development of world linguistics. studied in terms of its many connections and The changing tasks of the media, the functions. This includes media language and transitional processes taking place in society thinking, media language and society, media have a direct impact on this. This makes us language and cultural studies, media language understand the language of the media, taking and politics. into account the processes taking place in society from the point of view of culture, The USA Journals Volume 02 Issue 10 -2020 427 The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2020: 5. 525 Published: October 31, 2020 | Pages: 427-433 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/Volume02Issue10-69 OCLC - 1121105668 politics and ideology. The verbal language used logical relationships, but also the speaker's in interpersonal communication manifests its relationship to his own thought; I want to main features in a unique way in the process of express not only what I say, but also myself, mass communication. (3, 19.) and in this way the psychological factor is The language of publicistic and artistic works of added to the logical factor, saturating it in that period can be studied for the purpose of every sense. " (4, 35.) scientific study of the state of the language in In modern literature on linguistics, four to five a particular historical period, its specific functions of language are mainly noted. For features, lexical, phonetic and grammatical example, V.A. Avrorin emphasizes the need to variations, general and various aspects of the distinguish between communicative (means of language with its current state. In this case, the communication), expressive (expression of language of printed materials, works of art, ideas), constructive (formation of ideas), written monuments of that period serves only accumulative (accumulation, storage of social as material for research with the same experience and knowledge) functions of purpose. In describing and studying the history language. (1, 44.) of the language, this path has been preserved as the oldest and strongest linguistic tradition. THE MAIN PART A lot of research has been carried out in this Therefore, when studying the language of the direction in Uzbek linguistics. Among such media, it has become a tradition to study it works are famous linguists A. Rustamov, G. primarily from a methodological (stylistic) Abdurakhmanov, F. Abdullaev, H. Doniyorov, point of view. A number of linguists have B. Bafoev, F. Ishakov, B. Turdialiev, T. worked on the language and style of the Dzhumaev, Sh. Shoabdurakhmonov, M. media. They include Vinokur G.O., Vakurov Askarova, A. Can be shown many works by V.N., Solganik G.Ya., Sadullaev G.O., Khodzhiev, A. Gulomov1 and others. Abdusaidov A., Abdurakhmonov A., The main goal of studying the language of the Shomaksudov A., Rasulov I., Kungurov R., media in the “stylistic aspect” is, of course, Rustamov H., Kudratov. T., Toshaliev I., Tozhiev different. The problem here is that the Yo. and many other works can be cited as language has different functions. The famous examples. scientist G.O. Vinokur notes that the In recent years, the concept of media text has communicative and expressive functions of been widely used in the modern information language began to differ from linguistics in world. The concept of media text emerged in ancient times. But human language wants to the twentieth century as a new hierarchy of express not only related concepts and their 1 Abdurahmonov G., Rustamov A. Grammatical and Uzbek literary language. –T: Fan, 1981., Jumaev features of Navoi language.-T: Science, 1984., T. Linguistic features of the works of Umar Baki. NDA., Abdullaev F. On the harmony of sounds in the -T., 1997., Shoabdurahmonov Sh., Asqarova M., language of Alisher Navoi's works // OTA., 1996, №5., Hojiev A. and others. Modern Uzbek literary Doniyorov H. Alisher Navoi and Uzbek literary language. –T .: Teacher, 1990., Gulomov A., Askarova language. –T., 1972., Bafoev B. Vocabulary of Navoi's M. Modern Uzbek literary language. Syntax. –T .: works. –T: Fan, 1983., Ishakov F. Gulkhani's work Teacher, 1978. "Zarbulmasal". –T: Fan, 1976., Turdialiev B. Hamza The USA Journals Volume 02 Issue 10 -2020 428 The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2020: 5. 525 Published: October 31, 2020 | Pages: 427-433 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/Volume02Issue10-69 OCLC - 1121105668 text associated with film, radio, television, Sociolinguistic, cognitive, semantic, video, Internet and mobile phones, replacing psycholinguistic, pragmatic and cultural, traditional printed text as a result of the rapid discursive principles open up a wide range of development of the media. The concept of possibilities for a complete understanding of media text is widely used mainly in the field of the unique sociolinguistic phenomenon called media. the language of the media. The study of the media language in such aspects also requires In this sense, the main attention was paid to the study of important features of the the study of media texts. A number of studies processes of speech influence. (3, 19.) have been carried out in recent years. Volkov A.A., Volodina M.N., Demyankov V.N., An integrated approach to media research is Dobrosklonskaya T.G., Ivanova L.Yu., Klushina currently being developed. This educational G.I., Kobozeva I.M. Kochiboev A., Makhmudov and scientific direction in German is called N., Melnik G.S., Tepyashina A.N., Mirsanov G., Medienwissenshaft, and in accordance with Pardaev A., Ruziev F., Makhamadaliev H., the English scientific traditions of Smetanina S.I., Solganik G.Ya., Shevelevsky I. medialingustic - medialinguistics. Within the M., Bakieva G.Kh., Teshabaeva D.M., Israil M.I., framework of this new direction of linguistics, Tashmukhamedova L.I. and a number of various areas of study of media texts were linguists have studied media texts and their combined. All of them represent the dialectical features in their research. integrity of linguistic and media characteristics, and three scales of median speech are RESULTS AND DISCUSSION manifested: a text-to-word scale, videotape or New approaches to the study of media texts graphic images of words, and the volume of are associated not only with general trends in the soundtrack (volume of sound the development of world linguistics. Changing synchronization). tasks of mass communication, transitional Media texts are considered within the processes taking place in society also have a framework of different schools and directions: direct impact on this. This makes us understand from the point of view of sociolinguistics, the text of mass communication, taking into functional methodology, discourse theory, account the processes taking place in society content analysis, cognitive linguistics, from the point of view of culture, politics and rhetorical criticism. The attention of ideology. (2, 8.) researchers is attracted by a variety of topics: The emergence of speech linguistics, which these are methods for determining the studies language as speech, that is, a dynamic functional and methodological status of the phenomenon, also led to radical changes in media language, as well as methods for world linguistics. describing various media texts and linguistic media technologies of the influence and The verbal language used in interpersonal influence of sociocultural factors on media. communication shows its main features in the process of mass communication. (4, 11.) An analysis of the activities of representatives of this field allows us to emphasize that at the end of the twentieth century, all the necessary The USA Journals Volume 02 Issue 10 -2020 429 The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2020: 5. 525 Published: October 31, 2020 | Pages: 427-433 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/Volume02Issue10-69 OCLC - 1121105668 conditions were created for the formalization is a more stable set of components. Currently, of knowledge and experience accumulated in there are six main sections of media linguistics, the study of the language of the media in an the structure of which is built around the independent scientific direction. In other following main themes: words, the total volume of research in the field 1.
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