Cambridge University Press 0521623693 - The Crusades, c. 1071-c. 1291 Jean Richard Index More information ÐÐÐÐÐÐ. ÐÐÐÐÐÐ INDEX OF PERSONS ÐÐÐÐÐÐ. ÐÐÐÐÐÐ Abaga, il-khan of Persia, 423±4, 426, 429, Aimery of Limoges, patriarch of Antioch, 432±3, 439±40, 446, 452±3, 460, 463 113±14, 171, 180 Abaq, atabeg of Damascus, 173±4 Aimery of Lusignan, 201, 207, 225, 230, Abgar, St, king of Edessa, 122, 155 232, 235±6, 238±40, 256±7, 264, 294, Abu Abdallah Muhammad (al-Mustansir 371, 376±80 bi-llah), king of Tunis, 428±9 Alan of Lille, canonist, 2 Abu Ali, merchant, 106 Albert of Aix, chronicler, 21, 69, 75, 123, Abu Ghalib, merchant, 384 142±3 Abu Said, khan of Persia, 456 Albert of Rizzato, patriarch of Antioch, 396 Achard of Montmerle, crusader, 31, 271 Albert of Stade, pilgrim, 293 Adela of England, countess of Blois, 35 Albert the Bear, German prince, 158 AdheÂmar of Monteil, bishop of Le Puy, 28, Albert the Great, preacher, 413 32, 42, 49, 60, 66±8, 112 Aldobrandin, adventurer, 254 al-Adil I (`Saphadin'), sultan of Egypt, 197, Alexander II, pope, 4, 23, 39 208, 209±10, 229±30, 232, 235±6, Alexander III, pope, 122, 181, 185, 188, 240±2, 256±7, 293±4, 296±7, 299±300, 190, 199, 202, 214±15, 260, 292 314, 350±1, 362, 375 Alexander IV, pope, 335, 337, 357±8, 360, al-Adil II, sultan of Egypt, 322, 328 362, 364±5, 367, 391, 397, 410±13 Adrian IV, pope, 175, 214 Alexander, chaplain of Stephen of Blois, 28, Adrian V, pope, 385 60 Adson, abbot of MontieÂrender, 17 Alexander Nevski, 360±1 al-Afdal, Egyptian vizier, 57, 65, 68, 139 Alexander of Gravina, Byzantine envoy, 186 al-Afdal, sultan of Egypt, 240±1 Alexander of Hales, canonist, 261 Aghai, Mongol prince, 423 Alexius Axuch, Byzantine general, 180 Agnes of Beirut, 172 Alexius I Comnenus, 13±14, 16, 22, 25, Agnes of Courtenay, wife of King Amalric, 43±8, 55, 57±9, 64, 69±70, 72±4, 110, 80, 83, 200±1 127, 129±30, 132±3, 138, 150, 168, 252 Ahmad ibn Marwan, governor of Antioch, Alexius II Comnenus, 182 53±4, 61 Alexius III Angelus, 233±4, 243±4, 249 Aibek, sultan of Cairo, 349, 351, 414±16 Alexius IV Angelus, 244±5, 247±50, 252 Aimery Barlais, 309 Alexius V Ducas Murzuphlus, 250±1 503 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521623693 - The Crusades, c. 1071-c. 1291 Jean Richard Index More information 504 Index of persons Alfonso X, king of Castile, 335, 356, 358, Atsiz, Turkish chief, 14, 18 437±8 Augustine, St, 2 Alfonso Henriques, king of Portugal, 161 al-Awhad, son of al-Adil, 241 Alfonso Jordan, count of Toulouse, 84±5, Ayyub, see al-Salih 165, 171 Ayyub, father of Saladin, 174 Alice, princess of Antioch, 82, 88, 147, al-Aziz, sultan of Cairo, 240±1 149±50 Alice of Armenia, lady of Toron, 311 Badr al-Jamali, Egptian vizier, 14 Alice of Champagne, queen of Cyprus, Baidu, il-khan of Persia, 455 310, 327±8, 337±8, 388, 446 Baiju, Mongol general, 333±5, 365 Ali al-Harawi, Muslim pilgrim, 115, 191 Balak, Ortoqid emir, 137 Alp Arslan, Seljuk sultan, 12, 220 Baldwin I of Boulogne, king of Jerusalem, Alphonse of Poitiers, 275, 280, 284, 343, 22, 41±2, 44, 50, 52, 58±9, 62, 70±1, 350±1, 424±5, 427±8, 434, 456 74±5, 78±80, 83±6, 88, 91, 97±8, 107, Altuntash, emir of Bosra, 155 111±12, 118, 127, 131±5, 137, 139±44 Amalric, king of Jerusalem, 80, 85, 87, 90, Baldwin II (Baldwin of Bourcq), king of 92±3, 96, 98, 105, 121, 179±81, 183±90, Jerusalem, 78, 80, 82±3, 86, 88, 92±3, 192, 199, 227, 300, 377 102, 127±8, 133±7, 139, 141±7, 154, Amalric of Lusignan, sire of Tyre, 470 377, 448, 474 Amalric of Montfort, crusader, 320, 322 Baldwin III, king of Jerusalem, 80, 82, Amalric of Narbonne, crusader, 472 86±7, 90, 93, 165±6, 171±2, 174±81, Ambroise, 270, 474 183, 190 Anceau, cantor, 117 Baldwin IV, king of Jerusalem, 80, 87, 92, Andrew II, king of Hungary, 297±8, 360, 106±7, 121, 193±7, 199±205, 215 399 Baldwin V, king of Jerusalem, 80, 87, 197, Andrew of Chauvigny, crusader, 231 200, 203±5 Andrew of Longjumeau, missionary, 334, Baldwin I of Constantinople (Baldwin, 365±6, 421 count of Flanders and Hainault), 243, Andronicus I Comnenus, 180, 182, 198, 253±4 224 Baldwin II of Constantinople, 255±6, 320, Andronicus II Palaeologus, 454 333, 337, 344, 358±9, 366, 420, 426, 449, Andronicus Contostephanus, Grand Duke, 457±8 189 Baldwin, a Turkish convert, 89 Anna Comnena, 32, 44, 46 Baldwin, archbishop of Canterbury, 217, Anselm, St, 78 227 Anselm of Havelberg, bishop, 158 Baldwin of Hainault, crusader, 56±7 Archimbald of Bourbon, crusader, 164 Baldwin of Hainault, envoy of Baldwin II, Arda, wife of Baldwin I, 59, 118 366 Arghun, il-khan of Persia, 423, 453±5, 460 Baldwin of Marash, 91, 153±4, 171 Ariq-Buqa, Mongol qaghan, 414, 423 Baldwin of Picquigny, admiral, 468 Arnulf of Choques, patriarch of Jerusalem, Baldwin of Rames, Frankish baron, 193, 28, 60, 66, 68, 70, 111, 117 200±1, 207, 238 Arnulf of Lisieux, bishop, 161, 166 Balian, constable of Jaffa, 140 Arpin, viscount of Bourges, 35 Balian II of Ibelin, 93, 201, 205±7, 209±10, Ascelin of Cremona, missionary, 334, 365 225, 230±1, 259, 317, 338 al-Ashraf, sultan of Damascus, 241, 296, Balian of Ibelin, sire of Arsur, 449±50 303±4, 315 Balian, sire of Beirut, 447 al-Ashraf Khalil, sultan of Cairo, 411, Balian, sire of Sidon, 309, 311±12, 315, 464±6 319, 321 Athanasius III, patriarch of Antioch, 180 Baraq, Mongol khan, 423, 426, 429, 439 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521623693 - The Crusades, c. 1071-c. 1291 Jean Richard Index More information Index of persons 505 Barsauma (Rabban Sauma), Mongol Blanche of Castile, queen of France, 281, prelate, 454±5, 463 290±1, 338, 341±2, 351, 354 Bartholomew of Bohemia, Franciscan Bohemond of Taranto, prince of Antioch, preacher, 360, 367 31±4, 42, 44±6, 48±9, 51±4, 56, 58, Bartholomew of Gibelet, Frankish baron, 60±2, 64, 69±72, 74, 78±9, 82, 87, 97, 392, 461±2 110, 127±34 Bartholomew Mansel, bishop of Tortosa, Bohemond II, prince of Antioch, 82, 113, 380, 461 131, 147, 149, 177, 231 Barzella Merxadrus, crusader, 278 Bohemond III, prince of Antioch, 82, 86, Basil II, Byzantine emperor, 12±13 92, 173, 178±80, 182, 185, 193, 196, Batu, Mongol khan, 335, 366, 409±10, 423 201±3, 207, 213, 227, 235, 238±9, 370, Baudri of Bourgeuil, historian, 125 375, 379, 394, 401 Baybars al-Bundukdari, sultan of Cairo, 281, Bohemond IV, prince of Antioch, 86, 238, 347, 414±20, 423±4, 426, 428, 431±3, 241±2, 256, 281, 297±8, 304, 309, 439±40, 443, 445±9, 452, 461, 478 370±1, 375±6, 379, 394, 404, 408, 446 Bazwaj, emir, 148 Bohemond V, prince of Antioch, 319, 334, Beatrice, countess of Edessa, 83, 172 344, 377, 379±80 Beatrice of Courtenay, 377 Bohemond VI, prince of Antioch, 353, Beatrice of Provence, wife of Charles of 379±80, 390±1, 397, 404±5, 410±11, Anjou, 342, 457 414±15, 419±22, 440, 443, 445, 447, 453 Bela IV, king of Hungary, 255, 333, 410 Bohemond VII, prince of Antioch, Benedetto Zaccaria, Genoese admiral, 391, 379±80, 392, 448, 451, 461 461±2 Bohemond, a Turkish convert, 57 Benedict VIII, pope, 467 Bonaventure, St, 437 Benedict, archbishop of Edessa, 122 Boniface VIII, pope, 468±9 Benjamin of Tudela, traveller, 106 Boniface, marquis of Montferrat, 244, BenoõÃt of Alignan, bishop of Marseilles, 247±8, 250, 253 325, 401, 403, 413, 440 Boris-Michael, tsar of the Bulgars, 252 Berard of Palermo, envoy of Frederick II, Bramimonda, queen, 3 315 Brocard, St, hermit, 395 Berenger-Raymond of Barcelona, count of Bruno of OlmuÈtz, bishop, 436 Provence, 17 Bruno of Segni, cardinal, 128 Berke, Mongol khan, 409, 414, 423±4 Burchard of Mont-Sion, pilgrim, 263, 293, Bernard, count of Carinthia, 163 397 Bernard of Clairvaux, St, 26, 118, 120, Buri, atabeg of Damascus, 147±8 157±8, 160, 167±9, 260, 266±7, 406, Bursuq, atabeg of Mosul, 136±7 479, 481±2 Bursuqi, atabeg of Mosul, 125, 146±7 Bernard of Valence, patriarch of Antioch, Buscarello of Ghisol®, Mongol envoy, 455, 113, 136 463 Bernard the Stranger, knight, 74 Bernard the Wise, pilgrim, 17 Caesar of Heisterbach, 18, 77, 214 Bernold of Constance, chronicler, 22 Calixtus II, pope, 145±6, 155 Berthold, count of Katzenelnbogen, Calon of Avallon, crusader, 172 crusader, 243, 303 Cecily of France, wife of Tancred, then of Bertrade of Montfort, 20, 25 Pons of Tripoli, 85, 87±8, 129 Bertrand of Gibelet, 379, 391±2 Celestine III, pope, 217, 232±3, 238, 262, Bertrand of Saint-Gilles, 84±5, 88, 97, 274 132±4, 141 Celestine IV, pope, 336 Bertrand, grandson of Raymond de Saint- Charlemagne, emperor, 2±3, 16, 188, 268 Gilles, 171, 178 Charles II the Bald, king of France, 3 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521623693 - The Crusades, c. 1071-c. 1291 Jean Richard Index More information 506 Index of persons Charles IV, king of France, 472 Demetrius of Montferrat, king of Charles I of Anjou, king of Sicily, 283±4, Thessalonika, 254 342, 348, 358±9, 411, 420, 426±33, Denys bar-Salibi, Syrian theologian, 114 438±9, 446, 449±51, 456±60, 469, 471 Dhirgham, Egyptian vizier, 184±5 Charles II of Anjou, king of Sicily, 460, 470 Diderot, 475 Charles the Good, count of Flanders, 80 Diebold of Vohburg, German adventurer, Ciolo Bofeti di Anastasio (Isol the Pisan), 245 Frankish adventurer, 456, 468 DildõÃrim, Muslim emir, 212 Clement III, pope, 28 Doquz-khatun, wife of HuÈleguÈ, 422 Clement IV, pope, 273, 414, 420, 422±5, Dominic, St, 363 427±8, 433±4, 457±9 Dominic of Aragon, missionary, 364 Clement V (Bertrand of Got), pope, 469, Dositheus, patriarch of Constantinople, 233 471±2 Dreu of Mello, crusader, 341 Coloman, king of Hungary, 41±2 Dubais, Arab emir, 146 Conan of BeÂthune, crusader, 244, 249,
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