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FIGURE 1A , B , C U.S. Patent Jul. 14 , 2020 Sheet 2 of 6 US 10,709,151 B2 A. inito GANA scaffold » 1710 17 MAS promoter AQU6-1Atvopromoter :29 promoter 7000 3,7,000 I81Kank-NO eade PARV8 ( S $ 51.7710 ) DVS1Staa 191335SPPDKwe promoter C. B. FIGURE 2A , B U.S. Patent Jul. 14 , 2020 Sheet 3 of 6 US 10,709,151 B2 14,000 PVSIoriv bom site from PBR322 Se 20001 Aørt ( 2237 ) bom Rep2 AtU6-1 RepOrigin_1 Aart ( 2269 ) LaT- DNA repeat promoter segons 12,000 OVS1Stan pea3Aterm PARV187_FnCpfi Base Vector 14,845 OS SINQuseidohuni 4000 NOSterminator RBT-ONArepeat NE 000'OTI EGFP CMVPromoter 3xFLAG 16000 Set FIGURE 3 U.S. Patent Jul. 14 , 2020 Sheet 4 of 6 US 10,709,151 B2 bom site from? POR322 mal PVS1oriv pop ? 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