a/ I PRADESH GOVERNMENT .INVESTMENTOF ARIINACHAL DEPARTMENT FINANCE-inqvesrMENT AND AND PLANNING DIVISIoN) AP : CIVI SECRETARIAT : ITANAGAR. Dated Itanagar the 13th June'2018. No.PD(MLALADS)-01/2018-19 lsrl To, 1' Kamle iatziotKororiang/Daporijo/Aaro/pasighat/Kra.Daadi/ Tfii6'1,ffffi:il"rffih amsailPangir/Likabali' yingkiong/eri"Vff"*ailRoing//T"rJah"rgllrglffrontulio"gaingn'f Arunachal Pradesh. 2. The Additional Deputy Commissioner' Basar/Rumgong/JalrampurAvlechukh-JKanubari/Bordumsa/yachuli/]v'ebo/chayanglaiol orij o/T alilKo dokha' S ;idtrn{y u'piJO u*Uuk/Dump Arunachal Pradesh. 1 Sub:- Sir / Madam, rakhs being the release of Govt. approvar for pracement of Rs.3750.00 I am directed to convey the Constituency at the zorg-rq nr.oz.io rakh per Assembly first instarlment under MLALADS funJio' o ( charge)' Additioial olprty c.*missioners independent disposar,of respective Deputy commir.iorrrs/ Minor Head - 80C Major Head".4070" Sub Major Head- 00 The expenditure is debitable under Head-00 obje< 2. Local A;;";;""lopment Fund-detail District planning Machinery -sub-Hea&ig-Mie', Head-53- Major works, DemandNo 50' Rs. in released in Remark District No. of AssemblY Fund SI First Quarter No ( DC/ADC) ConstituencY f, 3 4 1 2 ) 62.50x3:187 50 1 D Aalo 62.50 x 1 :62 .50 2 DC Tezu 1 62 5 0 x 1 :62 50 J D Ziro 1 4 62.50x4=250.00 4 DC 4 62 5 0x4:250 00 5 D Khonsa .t_ ) 62.50 x 1 25 00 6 DC P i 62.50 xl :62.50 7 D Anini 2 62.50 x 1 25 00 8 3 62 50 x 3- 1 87 5 0 9 ) 62.50 x J 1 87 .50 10 T J 62 5 0 x )- 1 87 5 0 11 J 62. 5 0 x J 1 87 .50 t2 Y a- 2 62 5 0 x 1 25 00 13 DC, 62.50 x 1 :62.50 Ko 1 t4 .5 0 1 62 .50 x 1 =62 15 62 50 x 1 =62 5 0 t6 Hawai 1 ) 62.50 x 1 25 00 t7 J 62 5 0 x J 1 87 50 18 DC, Namsai :62.50 1 62.50 x 1 19 DC, Pangin 62 5 0 x 1 :62 5 0 20 Kra Daadi 1 :62 1 62 .50 x I .50 21 DC Kamle For Likabali I 2 62.50 x2:l 25.00 22 DC, Lower Siang Nari 50 1 62.50 x 1 ./.3 AD Basar 62.50 x 1 :62.50 24 ADC i 62 lOx I :62 50 25 AD J 1 -S/t 62.50 x 1 =62.50 ztl 26 ADC Mechukha 1 62 50 x 1:62.50 a / .ooY"S 27 Kanubari 1 62.50 x 1 :62.50 28 ADC Bordumsa 1 62 50 x 1 :62 5 0 29 Yachuli 1 2 30 ADC, Chayangtaio I 62.50 x l:62.50 1 62.50 x l:62.50 3i ADC, Seiiosa :..:, ADC, Nyapin 1 62.50 x l=62.50 :. - : .'1.: 55 ADC, Dambuk 1 62.50 x l:62.50 34 ADC,Dumporiio 1 62.50 x l=62.50 35 ADC, Tali 1 62.50 x l=62.50 36 ADC, Kodokha 1 62.50 x 1:62.50 37 ADC, Mebo 1 62.50 x l=62.50 60 37s0.00 3. Concerned Additional Deputy Commissioners of independent Sub-Division may avail the services of District Planning Officer of their respective districts wherever applicable. 4. Schemes should be finalized with approval of concerned MLAs keeping in view, the revised guidelines of MLALAD schemes 2014 utdamendments issued from time to time. 5 Further, schemes including work schemes may preferably to be selected that their administrative approval and expenditure sanction could be accorded by Deputy Commissioner/Additional Deputy Commissioner within their delegation of financial powers. 6. Implementing departments are authorized to incur expenditure after observing codal formalities. It may also be noted that fund is lapsabte and has to be utilized within current financial year. 7 This is issued with the approval of the competent authority. Yours faithfully, sd/- ( Himanshu GuPta),IAS SPecial SecretarY (Planning) Memo NO.PD(MLALADS)-0ll2ll8-lg Dated Itanagar the 13th June'2018 Copy to :- 1. The PPS to Hon'ble Chief Minister, Arunachal Pradesh,Itanagar. 2. The PS to Hon'ble Deputy Chief Minister, Arunachal Pradesh,Itanagar. 3. The PS to Parliamentary Secretary (Planning), Arunachal Pradesh,Itanagar. 4. The PS to Chief Secretary, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar. 5. The PS Development Commissioner (F.P.& I ), Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh,Itanagat. 6. The SPA to Secretary (Planning); Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar. 7. The Secretary, Legislative Assembly, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar. 8. The Under Secretary (Budget), Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar. g. All Treasury/Sub-Treasury Officers, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh. 10. All District Planning Officers, Arunachal Pradesh. 11. All concerned files. ) Director( Drrector ( Protect Co-ordinatkx) pliniring _ Department of Govt. of Arunar:hat pradesh during 2018-19 being release of Statement showing District-wise atlocation of fund under MLALADS of 1st installment released in Total Remark SI District No. of Fund AssemblY No ( DC/ADC) ConstituencY First Quarter 5 6 I 2 3 4 5 62.50x3=i87.50 187.50 1 DC, Aalo 62.50 2 DC, Tezu I 62.50 x1=62.50 62.50 J Ziro I 62.50 xl=62.50 4 62.50x4=250.00 250.00 62.50x4=250.00 250.00 5 DC, Khonsa 4 x2=125.00 125.00 6 DC, Pasighat 2 62.50 62.50 x 1:62.50 62.50 7 DC, Anini 1 62.50 x2=125.00 125.00 8 DC, Daporijo 2 62.50 x 3:187.50 187.50 9 Seppa 5 62.50 x 3:187.50 187.50 10 DC, Tawang J 187.50 1l Changlang J 62.50 x 3=187.50 187.50 t2 DC, Yupia J 62.50 x3:187.50 62.50 x 2=125.00 125.00 13 DC, Yingkiong 2 x l:62.50 62.50 t4 DC, Koloriang 1 62.50 62.50 x l=62.50 62.50 15 DC, Roing 1 xl=62.50 62.50 l6 DC, Hawai I 62.50 62.50 x2:125.00 125.00 17 DC, Longding 2 62.50 x 3:187.50 187.50 18 DC, Namsai J 62.50 x7=62.50 62.50 t9 DC, Pangin 1 62.50 xl;6250 62.50 20 DC, Kra Daadi 1 62.50 xl:62.50 62.50 z1 DC, Kamle 1 or 2 62.50 x2=12 5.00 125.00 22 DC, Lower Siang Nari-Koyu 62.50 xI=62' 50 62.50 23 ADC, Basar 1 62.50 xl=6250 62.50 24 ADC, Rumgong 1 62.50 xl=62.50 62.50 25 Jairampur I 62.50 xl=62.50 62.50 26 ADC, Mechukha I 62.50 x1:62. 50 62.50 27 ADC, Kanubari I 62.50 x 1 =62.50 62.50 28 ADC, Bordumsa I 62.50 x 7=62.50 62.s0 29 ADC, Yachuli 1 --2\r A.SO xl=62.50 62.50 30 ADC, ChaYangtajo 1 62.50 xl=62. 50 62.50 31 ADC, Seijosa 1 x l:62.50 62.50 )z ADC, Nyapin I 62.50 62.50 x l:62 50 62.50 JJ ADC, Dambuk I 62.50 o 1 A5O xl:62.50 34 ADC,DumPorijo 62.50 1 62.50 xl=62.50 35 ADC, Tali C) 62.50 x1:62. 50 62.50 36 Kodokha 1 62.00 xl:62 .50 62.50 37 ADC, Mebo 1 3750.00 3750.00 Total 60.
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