INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR PASTORS NOVEMBER 2009 Involving children in your special services A Life to Die For W. Clarence and Stephen Schilt This is a story of two brothers: Clarence, a pastor, and Stephen, a psychiatrist. They were over- achievers, yet they were just surviving. Then they discovered a life to die for. In contrast to self-help that is ultimately a vain endeavor, this book provides hope beyond be- lief! Allow this book to radically change your life, as it has so many others. Paperback. ISBN 13: 978-0-8163-2308-1 ISBN 10: 0-8163-2308-9 $17.99 www.ABCASAP.com NEW! ©2009 Pacific Press® · 95590830 Prices subject to change. Please contact your ABC for Canadian prices. CONTENTS Creative celebrations: Involving 04 LETTERS children in your special services 06 What would change if we worked out our worship, mission, and 05 EDITORIAL service from the perspective of the children in our congregations? Karen Holford 25 RESOURCES Measuring ministry effectiveness 28 DATELINE objectively PASTOR’S PASTOR 09 How do pastors determine success? How should they? 29 Thomas C. Fillinger Experiencing the power of God 12 David marveled at the vastness of the heavens as he took time to study them (Ps. 8:3, 4). MINISTRY® INTERNATIONAL EDITORS Ben Clausen International Journal for Pastors Chinese-Robert Wong 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Indonesian-Edwin T. Pandjaitan Spring, MD 20904-6600 U.S.A. Japanese-Yukio Ebihara www.ministrymagazine.org Korean-Sung Sun Hong Welcoming and retaining your visitors [email protected] Portuguese (South America)- Zinaldo Santos EDITOR An experienced pastor shares fi ve steps to creating an Russian-Ilie Leahu Nikolaus Satelmajer 14 atmosphere for fi rst-time guests to his church. They’ll work in Spanish (South America)- ASSOCIATE EDITOR Marcos Blanco your church too. Willie E. Hucks II Spanish (Inter America)-Pablo Perla Drexel C. 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Assn., counselors fi nd themselves in a unique position where they can monthly since 1928 by the Minis- 1350 N. Kings Rd., Nampa, ID 83687 terial Association, General Confer- Standard mail postage paid at Nampa, act in both priestly and prophetic roles with church members. ® ence of Seventh-day Adventists Idaho. (ISSN 0026-5314) Bill Jackson SECRETARY Member of Associated Church Press. James A. Cress Adventist®, Seventh-day Adventist®, ASSOCIATE SECRETARIES and Ministry® are the registered Jonas Arrais, Sharon Cress, An- BIBLE CREDITS Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, trademarks of the General 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. Scriptures quoted from NKJV are from The New King James thony Kent, Peter Prime, Nikolaus Conference Corporation of Seventh- Version, copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers. All rights reserved. Scripture quoted from KJV is from the King James Version. Satelmajer day Adventists®. Scriptures quoted from TLB are from The Living Bible, copyright (c) 1971 by Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, IL. Used by permission. MINISTERIAL RESOURCE CENTER Vol. 81 Number 11 © 2009 Coordinator Cathy Payne 888-771-0738, +1 301-680-6508 PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. www.ministerialassociation.com MINISTRY 3 NOVEMBER 2009 LETTERS Our Readers Respond... Thank you for the The importance of Watts, well-known poet and hymn September issue evangelism writer, gave his heart to Christ at age he September issue of Ministry have just concluded 59 years in nine. Jonathan Edwards, a preacher Thas a number of very helpful I ministry with an emphasis through- for Christ, surrendered his heart to articles: “Ten Things to Be Learned out my ministry in evangelism. Jesus at seven years of age. Count in Pastoral Ministry,” “Pastoral Care Evangelists all through the years, Zinzendorf, a promoter and protector of Veterans and Their Families,” and and Mark Finley in recent years, have of the Word of God in Germany, while “Evangelism’s Big Picture: From been a huge inspiration to me. They he was only four years old, signed his Baptism to Discipleship.” have continued to whet my appetite name to these words: “Dear Saviour, But I particularly appreciated L. for sharing the gospel and helped to do Thou be mine, and I will be Thine.” S. Baker’s article, “Covered With keep me doing what I believe is our These newly baptized children, Blood: A Better Understanding of fi rst work—seeking the lost sheep. every bit as valuable in God’s eyes Exodus 12:7,” and the implications Mark Finley’s recent article in as adults, may become future church of the doorposts and lintels with the Ministry, “Evangelism’s Big Picture: leaders. My appeal is that we all take blood covering the name. I had not From Baptism to Discipleship” (Sep- very seriously the words of Jesus thought of the houses being of mud tember 2009) stirred my heart once when He admonished us to feed and the temples and tombs of stone again. It seems to me that every His lambs. but the lintels and doorposts also elder in every one of our churches —C. Lloyd Wyman, Westlake Village, California, of stone so the person would live would benefi t by absorbing what he United States forever in the afterlife. Thank you for has written. bringing out this insight. At times I feel we show too little Ministry to veterans —David Glenn, Chehalis, Washington, interest or concern for the newly hank you for the well-written United States baptized, regardless of how they Tarticle, “Pastoral Care of Veterans came to understand “the truth as it is and Their Families” (September he September issue of Ministry in Jesus.” If anyone of our members 2009). The points made, information Twas exceptionally spiritual and should become interested in nurtur- shared, and ideas promoted will be of intellectual of the highest caliber. ing the newly baptized, it should substantive help to many who gave Thank you for the diversity presented be the lay leaders of our churches. much. Veterans are often forgotten by the contributors. Far too many of the new sheep and in our communities and churches. I noted a difference, minor lambs, for whom a lot of time and This article will help change that. though it may be; yet it only serves to effort have been expended, slip out It is true: “Some gave all, and reinforce the diversity. L. S. Baker’s of the baptistry and are too soon all gave some.” We who have been article, “Covered With Blood: A out the back door without the notice separated from our families and have Better Understanding of Exodus or concern of the lay leaders—or in served in combat situations long 12:7,” regarding the Egyptian mode some cases, even the vital concern for reasonable recognition for the of constructing homes, pointed out of the pastor. sacrifi ces we have made. We don’t that the doorposts and lintels of Each year I conduct baptismal need bands, banners, or accolades, the mud-brick homes were made classes in one of our elementary but recognition and appreciation out of stone for the reasons stated. schools. Each year we baptize fi ve would be deeply appreciated. I In contrast, Engin Obucic’s article or ten children and young people; personally waited almost 20 years (“The Strength of the Covenant”) but how many of our churches show before someone outside my family stated that the blood of the sacrifi cial an active interest in an age appropri- thanked me for serving my country lamb was placed on the wooden ate follow-up program that could in Vietnam and said, “Welcome doorframe. be employed for these children? home.” The needs of current military Of what was the doorpost and In my study of work for children, I veterans will be even more critical lintel constructed—stone or wood? have found that many who became than in the past. Does it really matter? The point is, it prominent in ministry gave their Thanks for a beacon of bright- was the shedding of innocent blood hearts to Christ while they were ness for some who have seen only and obedience to God’s instructions children.
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