Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19744-1 - The Jew, the Cathedral, and the Medieval City: Synagoga and Ecclesia in the Thirteenth Century Nina Rowe Index More information S Index Aachen, 152, 162 Ekbert von Andechs-Meran, bishop, 150, 151, Alan of Lille, 216, 225 152–3, 161, 162–3, 164, 165, 175, 185, Albigensian Crusade, 123 187–9, 274n14, 275n25, 276n46, 277n50 Albrecht I, emperor, 226 Otto II von Andechs-Meran, bishop, 152, 188 Albrecht von Käferberg, archbishop of Magdeburg, Poppo von Andechs-Meran, provost and 187 bishop, 150–1, 163, 175, 185, 188, 189, Alexander II, pope, 25 274n14 Alsace, 166, 214, 219, 229–30, 231, 247, 288n111 structure and adornment Altercatio Ecclesiae et Synagogae. See pseudo-Augustine Adamspforte, 146, 155 Amiens angel installed at eastern choir, 160 cathedral of, 99 Bamberg Rider, 2, 10, 147, 148, 155, 156, 160, diocese of, 120 162, 164, 165, 176, 179, 182–3, 187–90, Andechs-Meran family, 152–3, 188 281n111, 281n112 Andlau, imperial castle at, 230 construction history of building, 153, 162–3 Andrew, king of Hungary, 152 Devil blinding Jew, 140, 146, 172, 176, 178 Annales marbacenses, 231 Ecclesia and Synagoga at, 2–6, 10, 15, 39, 40, antiquity, medieval interest in, 5, 9, 52, 55–8, 82–4, 81–4, 140, 147–8, 155–9, 162, 164–5, 169, 98–103, 159–62, 164, 185, 211–12 172, 176, 178, 179–85, 187–8, 189–90, 191, Aphrodisias, Sebasteion at, 42–4 211, 213, 229, 236, 239, 241, 242, 243 Armleder massacres. See Jews, attacks on Fürstenportal, 140–1, 146–7, 150, 153–6, Assizes of Messina, 166 158–9, 162, 163–5, 169–72, 176, 178, 179, Assumption of the Virgin, feast of, 242 185, 188, 189–90 as celebrated at Strasbourg Cathedral, 217, 233 Gnadenpforte, 147, 153, 164 Augustine, 9, 16–19, 24–5, 26–7, 39, 45, 48, 51, 58, Jews painted in vaults, 182–3 60, 62, 128, 130, 131, 134, 138, 158, 165, “older” and “younger” sculptural workshops, 167, 168, 171, 238 147–8, 154–6, 159–62, 164, 185, 190 polychromy of building, 182–3 Bamberg polychromy of sculptures, 155, 164–5, 169, city of 179, 182, 185, 190 Jews in, 10, 172–8, 247 pope figure installed at eastern choir, 156 Saint Gangolf, collegiate church, 163 sculpture compared to Reims, 155–8 Saint Jacob, collegiate church, 141, 163 tomb of Pope Clement II, 155, 156, 160 Saint Michael, abbey church, 141, 175 beauty, Synagoga’s, 1, 6, 83, 169, 189, 193, 218, 249 Saint Stephen, collegiate church, 163 Bengel, Sabine, 234–5 Diözesanmuseum Benjamin of Tudela, 172, 219 Gunthertuch, 185 Berlin, Deutsche Staatsbibliothek Staatsbibliothek MS Theol. 8o, 157, 188, 263n66 MS Msc. Bibl. 140 (Bamberg Apocalypse), 185 Bernard of Clairvaux, 36, 138, 168 MS Patr. 23.B.III. 13, 158, 263n66, 276n34 Berthold III, margrave of Istria, 188 MS Patr. 120, 158 Berthold von Teck, bishop of Strasbourg. See Bamberg Apocalypse. See Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek Strasbourg Cathedral, ecclesiastical Bamberg Cathedral hierarchy ecclesiastical hierarchy Bible authorities of the bishop, 175 1 Kings, 135 canons of, 140, 148, 150–1, 152, 153, 163, 169, 1 Thessalonians, 17 178, 185, 274n15, 277n50 2 Corinthians, 18, 76 321 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19744-1 - The Jew, the Cathedral, and the Medieval City: Synagoga and Ecclesia in the Thirteenth Century Nina Rowe Index More information 322 S Index Bible (cont.) Ebersheim, abbot of, 222 3 Kings, 135 Ecclesia and Synagoga Acts, 62 antique origins of the motif, 9, 47–51, 82 Deuteronomy, 70–1, 258n96 at Bamberg Cathedral. See Bamberg Cathedral, Exodus, 258n96 structure and adornment Galatians, 70, 71 at Besançon, 284n34 Genesis, 16, 17, 49–50, 72 at Bordeaux, church of Saint-Seurin. Haggai, 69 See Bordeaux Isaiah, 21, 34 in Carolingian ivories. See ivories, Carolingian Lamentations, 40, 41 at Chartres Cathedral. See Chartres, cathedral of Leviticus, 29, 258n96 and the Cloisters Cross, 65, 69–71, 73–4 Luke, 258n96 at Dijon, church of Saint-Bénigne. See Dijon Matthew, 72, 224 at Erfurt Cathedral. See Erfurt, cathedral of Numbers, 29 at Freiburg im Breisgau Cathedral. See Freiburg Psalms, 68 im Breisgau, cathedral of Revelation, 78, 164 at Magdeburg Cathedral. See Magdeburg, Romans, 16 cathedral of Song of Songs. See Song of Songs at Minden Cathedral. See Minden, cathedral of Zacharias, 41 at Nevers, church of Saint-Pierre. See Nevers Zephania, 69 at Paris, Cathedral of Notre-Dame. See Paris, Blanche of Castile, queen of France, 10, 23, 115, Cathedral of Notre-Dame 124–5, 133–4, 139 at Reims Cathedral. See Reims Cathedral, Blodelsheim, Battle of, 231 structure and adornment blood libel, 15, 38, 166–8, 228, 246 represented in early Christian texts, 48–51 Bordeaux, church of Saint-Seurin, 242, 251n6 represented in fourteenth-century texts, 239–41 Brunn, Isaac, 191, 208–11, 233 represented in thirteenth-century texts, 239, Brussels, Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire 240–1 Stavelot Altar, 62, 64, 65, 70, 74, 119 represented in twelfth-century texts, 62, 187–8 Bury Saint Edmunds, abbey, 69 at Saint-Denis, abbey church. See Saint-Denis, abbey church Caesarius of Heisterbach, 246 at Saint-Gilles-du-Gard, abbey church. See Saint- Cames, Gérard, 234–5 Gilles-du-Gard, abbey church Canticles. See Song of Songs on the Stavelot Altar. See Brussels, Musées Champagne, county of, 94, 120, 122–3, 126, 127, Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire 131–2, 134, 246 at Strasbourg Cathedral. See Strasbourg Charlemagne, emperor, 135, 139 Cathedral, structure and adornment Charles the Bald, emperor, 51–2, 109, 135 at Trier, Liebfrauenkirche. See Tr ier, Chazelle, Celia, 56 Liebfrauenkirche Chartres, cathedral of, 97, 99, 179, 200, 213 at Worms Cathedral. See Worms, cathedral of Ecclesia and Synagoga, formerly on north façade, Ekbert von Andechs-Meran. See Bamberg 3, 98, 104, 214 Cathedral, ecclesiastical hierarchy Synagoga on south façade, 214 Eliezer ben Joel ha-Levi, 222 Clark, William, 118 Erfurt, cathedral of, Ecclesia and Synagoga at, 241, Cloisters Cross. See New York, Metropolitan 290n13 Museum of Art Erler, Adalbert, 226, 234, 287n90 Clovis, king of the Franks, 107, 109, 112, 135 Eschau, abbey, 203 Cohen, Jeremy, 7 Constitutions of Melfi (Liber augustalis), 166, 228 Fifth Crusade, 27, 162 Constitutio pacis (Mainzer Landfriede), 228 First Crusade, 25, 71, 73, 75, 247 Crusades. See Albigensian Crusade; Jews, attacks on, Fish, Stanley, 6 linked to crusades; First Crusade; Second Flodoard, chronicler and canon of Reims. Crusade; Third Crusade; Fifth Crusade See Historia Remensis Ecclesiae Fourth Lateran Council, 26–8, 95, 122, 138, 166, Dagobert, king of the Franks, 118 175, 234, 277n61 Dagsburg, counts of, 231 Franciscans, 133, 146, 273n5 Decretals, of Gregory IX, 26, 218 Franconia, 152, 247 Decretum, of Gratian, 26 Frankfurter Dirigierrolle, 240 Decrock, Bruno, 270n64, 290n11 Frederick I, Barbarossa, emperor, 152, 167, 229 De la desputoison de la Sinagogue et de Sainte Yglise, Frederick II, emperor 240–1 and antiquity, 161–2, 164 Dijon and Bamberg, 162–3, 276nn45–6 Saint-Bénigne, abbey, 3, 214 and Jews, 166–8, 175, 228–9 Notre-Dame, parish church, 200 and the Law, 165–8, 171, 227, 228 Disputatio Ecclesiae et Synagogae, 239, 240 and Strasbourg, 227, 229–31 Dominicans, 133 Frederick the Quarrelsome, duke of Austria, 163 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19744-1 - The Jew, the Cathedral, and the Medieval City: Synagoga and Ecclesia in the Thirteenth Century Nina Rowe Index More information Index S 323 Freiburg im Breisgau, cathedral of, Ecclesia and in Christian debate literature, 20 Synagoga at, 241 conversion of, 18, 22, 23, 25–7, 37, 59, 69, 71, French Revolution, 3, 191, 208 76, 78, 133, 167, 168, 171, 172, 173, 189, Fulda, 166, 168, 178 217–18, 223–4, 229, 246, 247 distinctive dress for, 28–9, 166 Gannat, Église de St. Croix Frederick II and. See Frederick II, emperor Crucifixion Ivory, 262n55 French royal policy on, 120–5, 132–4, 246–7 Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek imperial policy on, 166–8, 175, 228–9 MS 299 [431], 263n66 Isidore of Seville on, 19 Gilbert of Tournai, 239 John Chrysostom on, 17 Glossa ordinaria, 69 Louis IX and. See Louis IX, king of France Gregory I (the Great), pope, 24–5, 26, 49, 158 Melito of Sardis on, 17 Gregory IX, pope, 23, 26, 115, 133, 163, 200, and millenarianism, 78, 177, 217 218, 231 and the money trades, 9, 10, 27–8, 35–6, 69, Gregory of Tours, bishop, 107, 109 113–14, 124, 127, 175, 178, 222 Grünewald, Matthias, 191 papal policy on, 23, 24–9, 128–31, 133, 218 Paul on. See Paul Hagenau, 166, 167, 168, 219, 229, 230 Peter Alfonsi on, 22, 33 Hartleitner, Walter, 164–5, 277n55, 280n101, 280n105 Peter the Venerable on, 22, 33 Hausbergen, Battle of, 232 Red Jews, legend of, 178 Hebraica veritas, 20–2 in Reims. See Reims, Jews in Andrew of Saint Victor and, 21 in Strasbourg. See Strasbourg, Jews in Hugh of Saint Victor and, 21 suicides of, 36–8, 247 Stephen Harding and, 20 Tertullian on, 20 Heinrich von Veringen, bishop of Strasbourg. visual codes for representation of, 7, 8, 64, 172, See Strasbourg Cathedral, ecclesiastical 182–3, 252n24, 263n73 hierarchy Jews, attacks on Henri de Braine, archbishop of Reims. See Reims Armleder massacres, 247 Cathedral, ecclesiastical hierarchy linked to Black Death, 247–8 Henry II, emperor, 146, 152, 153, 163, 183, 185 linked to crusades, 25–6, 36–7, 132, 166 Henry VI, emperor, 229 linked to ritual murder and host desecration Henry (VII), king of Germany, 163, 229–31 accusations, 38, 69, 166, 228, 247 Henry of Istria, 153 Rindfleisch massacres,247 Herman-Judah of Cologne, 71 Joachim of Fiore, 176 Herrad von Hohenbourg.
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