2084 . CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-l{OUSE MARCH 7. the general manpower problem. At the end DISTRICT or CoLU114BIA INFLATION of that 10-day period the Department o! F. Joseph Donohue, of the District of Co• ~- Mr. SIKES. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanl­ Defense finally, at the urging of the chair~ man of this committee, brought forth a bill, lumbia, to be a Commissioner of the District mous consent to extend my remarks at at which time it was announced on the of Columbia for a term of S years, and until this point in the RECORD. fioor of the Senate, and in the committee. his successor ts appointed and qua.lifted. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to that this bill would be introduced by re­ PoSTMAsTERs the request of the gentleman from quest. We have taken testimony on that CALIFORNIA Florida? bill, introduced by request, since that time. Meryl G. Adams, Acton. There was no objection. It is true that the American Legion and • !Amelia B. Peirsol, Camino. Mr. SIKES. Mr. Speaker, we are all the veterans' organizations have come here ~ < Margaret :J:. Higgins, El Granada. against infiatictn, but nothing etiective is and testified on this bill, introduced as an ' i Robert F. Osmann, F.scondido. being done about it. Now let us quit kid- amendment by request, and have embraced \ . James B. Michener, Geyserville. t 'nfl t' it and endorsed it, but we have never left ·: . Glen R. Brewington, Los Alamos. ding ourselves. We have go 1 a ion, the impression or never intended to or never , Milton I. F.spenshade, Jr., Mather Field. and instead of the vigorous use of exist- wanted to convey the information to the Ellis c. Allsop, Maywood. ing machinery to stop it, we seem to be country that we were holding hearings on Jeremy A. Gregory, Muroc. using that machinery to guarantee con- the original S. 1. Sidney s. Tucker, Paso Robles. tinued price increases. We have not Senator MALONE. Mr. Chairman, I am sure Nelson F. Smith, Petaluma. frozen prices. We have frozen inflation. that you, the chairman, had never had any Everett M. Fisher, Rio Linda. If the people in Economic Stabilization idea of any misrepresentation; but I will call Virgil M. Rtngue, South San Francisco. need to have their nerves steeled in or- to the attention of the chairman that the Fred J. Ishoy, Sunnymead. Russell-Malone universal military training Kenneth R. Rudisill, Tulelake. der to properly do their job, I suggest bill was introduced on the first day bills were . Odessa M. Love, Tupman. that they get out and talk to the people, accepted on the Senate :floor, and was before · William D. Thornton, Watsonville. the housewives who see prices going up, this committee from the beginning before . James v. Breen, Willits." up, up; the wage earners who try week any hearings were started, but the Marshall­ iowA after week to stretch their incomes to Rosenberg bill was immediately substituted and no hearings were ever held on the Rus­ Wallace w. Koestner, Centerville. cover bare necessities; those in the fixed- sell-Malone b111. Thomas G. Clifford, Charlotte. income brackets who are falling behind Vertle DeVerne Lugar, Derby. with their bills a little more each month. NOT IN ACCORD WITH THE SUBSTITUTE Roger E. Klay, Hull. Inflation is no toy. It is i!-S deadly as Mr. Chairman, II considered it important to Richard D. Claus, Plymouth. the threat of Russian bullets, perhaps clarify the matter from my own personal standpoint, and to say that I am not in ac­ MINNESOTA deadlier. We have got to quit playing cord with the bill upon which hearings are Donald E. Cummings, Spring Valley. with the idea of inflation control before now being held. William H. Schaefer, Warren. it is too late. Economic stability is the The committee, of course, may, if it so PENNSYLVANIA key to American security. We are letting desires, revert to the original Russell-Ma­ it slip away from us. Wa~ren E. Horrocks, Blooming Glen. lone universal military training bill, which James H. Taylor, Sr., Canton. Congress, whose Members live close to the veterans of this Nation have supported John J. Fox, Ivyland. the people,. saw this threat and tried in principle for 25 years. Edgar S. Husband, Jr., Lansdowne. earnestly last summer to avoid infiatio_n. Mr. Chairman, since the principle of S. 1, John H. Reuther, Muncy. The administration refused to adopt the which I joined in introducing, has been Mary R. Vincent!, Plainsville. changed from a trained citizens' reserve curbs which would at that time have been John C. Hess, Three Springs. etiective. Curbs then would have hurt a army to a professional Army status, and Thomas G. Wilt, Woolrich. that 18-year-old boys are to be inducted for few people, but they would have averted 27 months' actual service plus 69 months' this thing which now hurts everybody. Reserve status, instead of a 4 to 6 months' The Government still has the power to training period, and then left at home until stop inflation. It will not be easy, and actually needed, I felt constrained to appear HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the present half measures will make it in opposition to it. more difficult. But we are facing ruin The bill under consideration by the sub­ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1951 committee· is not the Russell-Malone univer­ unless someone accepts the responsibility sal military training bill represented in S. 1, The House met at 12 o'clock noon. of clamping down, and clamping down but it is the Marshall-Rosenberg bill sup­ The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Bras- hard. ported by the State Department. kamp, D. D., otiered the following prayer: IV-F SCANDAL Senator JOHNSON. Thank you a lot, sir. Mr. KELLEY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Senator MALONE. Thank you very much. O Thou who art the counselor and Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ex­ Mr. McFARLAND. Mr. President, I companion of our souls we rejoice that tend my remarks at this point in the wish to take this opportunity to express daily we may bring our fears and hopes RECORD. and longings to Thy listening ear and to the distinguished minority leader my understanding heart. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to appreciation for his good work, coopera­ the request of the gentleman from Penn­ tion, and help in working out the unani­ Grant that in all our duties we may have ThY help; in all our temptations sylvania? mous-consent agreement on the unfin­ Thy restraining and conquering power; There was no objection. ished business. in all our dangers Thy protection; in all Mr. KELLEY of Pennsylvania. Mr: Mr. WHERRY. I thank the majority our doubts and uncertainties Thy guid­ Speaker, is there an IV-F scandal? The leader. He has my cooperation at all ing presence ; in all our sorrows and trials current issue of Cosmopolitan magazine times. 'I'hY sustaining grace; in all our sins Thy tells its reading public that there is such RECESS forgiveness. a scandal, in an article which states that less than 25 percent of men between 19 Mr. McFARLAND. Mr. President, I We pray that we may appreciate more fully that Thou hast placed at our dis­ and 26 are able to get into the armed move that the Senate stand in recess un­ posal the inexhaustible resources of Thy services. What is wrong with the policy til 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. grace and that no blessing wilt Thou of the armed services in recruiting and The motion was agreed to; and <at 6 withhold from us if we walk uprightly. drafting young men into all branches? o'clock and 5 minutes p. m.) the Senate If this article is true, then the policy Show us how we may strengthen the needs a thorough going over by the Con­ took a recess until tomorrow, Thursday, ties of kinship that make us members of March 8, 1951, at 12 o'clock meridian. gress. I hope that the Armed Services the great family of which Thou art the Committee will take cognizance of this wise and loving Father. May we always before recommending a draft bill. CONFIRMATIONS manifest toward one another the mind My attention many times has been Executive nominations confirmed by and mood, the loyalty and devotion, the called by my constituents to injustices the Senate, Wednesday, March 7 <legis­ encouragement and helpfulness of our sutiered by these young men, particu­ lative day of January 29), 1951: blessed Lord who went about doing good. Hear us in His name. Amen. larly those aspiring to the Air Corps. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIO~ · Are these young men's lives to be pawns Hon. Robert Ramspeck, of Georgia, to be a The Journal of the proceedings of at the whim of the Defense Department? Civil Service Commissioner. yesterday was read and approved. Let us have this clarified before it is too 1951 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 2085 late. Everyone realizes that we must The SPEAKER. Is there objection to DRAFTI~G OF INACTIVE RESERVES have an Army and Navy, but let us have the request of the gentleman from Mr. AYRES. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ a sound policy developing it. Illinois? imous consent to extend my remarks at Mr. BOLLING. Mr. Speaker, I am in­ There was no objection. this point in the RECORD. formed that the extension granted me by Mr. MASON. Mr. Speaker, when The SPEAKER. Is there objection to unanimous consent on yesterday will ex­ President Truman invited the Ways and the request of the gentleman from Ohio? ceed two pages of the RECORD and that Means Committee to the White House to There was no objection.
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