SERVING THE PEOPLE OF GOD IN THE COUNTIES OF BROWARD, COLLIER, DADE, GLADES, HENDRY, MARTIN, MONROE AND PALM BEACH Volume XX Number 35 November 16, 1979 Price 25c Revitalization A Papal Theme VATICAN CITY _(NC)- In cardinals were asked to share their a historic five days (Nov 5-9) Pope views with the pope on the current John Paul II revitalized the College structure and functioning of the of Cardinals and the Holy See for the Roman Curia (the church's central first time reveal its yearly financial administration) and on the deficit- $20,240,000 in 1979. relationship of the church to culture. The two actions were closely Regarding Holy See finances, linked. The deficit was a chief topic this year's deficit (the excess of that the pope requested advise about expenditures over income from from the cardinals. property, investments and other IN THE VERY act of calling the institutional sources) is being made world's cardinals together the pope up by "voluntary offerings" from set a modern-day precedent. It was Catholics, particularly by the annual the first time in more than four Peter's Pence collection for the pope. centuries that the cardinals - — But the communique said that though defined In church law as the this deficit has been growing in "principal advisers and assistants" recent years and will probably in- of the pope — were summoned as a crease next year. The regular income group to advise the pope on current sources are "absolutely insufficient," church issues. Of 129 cardinals, 123 it said, and if revenue remains stable attended. while inflation continues, "within a The meeting was held in few years the Holy See will find itself strictest secrecy. Only the pope's hard pressed" to continue its work. opening and closing talks and a final, U.S., West German and French carefully drafted communique Cardinals, according to some sources, revealed anything of substance about were among those pressing hardest the meeting. for public revelation of the Vatican's So thorough was the secrecy financial situation. Many observers that during the meeting a number of believe that the revelation of this cardinals refused to talk to the press year's deficit, while not enough to at all. The others talked, but refused give the world's Catholics a full idea to discuss what was going on within of the situation, marks the beginning During the course of secret sessions to discuss Vatican problems, Cardinals take the walls of the modern Synod Hall of a.gradual process of making the time out to join Pope John Paul in memorial mass for 10 cardinals who died last where they were meeting. year. At right, is Cardinal Carlo Confalonieri, dean of the College of Cardinals. In addition to finances, the (Continued on Page 16) Labels Challenged by Truth WASHINGTON -(NC)- Pope issue of truth on a number of oc- 'liberal' or 'conservative,'" Arch- of most Americans," said Arch- John Paul II came to the United casions, Archbishop Quinn said, bishop Quinn said. bishop Quinn. "How could he States challenging labels such as citing the pope's words at the Latin The truth of Christ as expressed really love people and yet be so "liberal" and "conservative" and American bishops' conference in by the pope in the United States has demanding?" proclaimed truth, Archbishop John Mexico last winter, at the United many social consequences, Arch- R. Quinn of San Francisco told his Nations, at the special meeting of the bishop Quinn said. Archbishop Quinn said the fellow bishops Nov. 12 at the opening bishops with the pope in Chicago in answer is in the Gospels, which show of the fall general meeting of the October, and in the pope's recent Noting the "real .challenge" of Christ as a person "of rigorous National Conference of Catholic document on catechesis. the pope's homily on poverty at his demands coupled with almost Bishops. Yankee Stadium Mass, Archbishop scandalous mercy." "By this insistent emphasis on Archbishop Quinn, entering the Quinn cited "the awesome tragedy of truth, the pope is clearly challenging Cambodia" and said that political Archbishop Quinn raised the final year in a three-eyar term as much that is taken for granted in president of the NCCB, also called for considerations must give way to the issue of women in the church by contemporary thought," said the Cambodian peoples' right to life. saying that the pope's U.S. trip also "a more creative approach" to the bishops' president. issue of women in the church. But beyond the social con- called for "creativity in dealing with sequences of truth are the "ad- the problems and opportunities of "THE POPE'S repeated con- "He (the pope) calls people to mittedly difficult demands of the these times." get beyond the narrow, easy Gospel" in areas of personal viction is that the hunger and the He continued, "In particular, we search for meaning and values will categories of 'liberal' and 'con- morality, said Archbishop Quinn, servative' and to recognize that there pointing to areas such as divorce and have to look fora more creative ap- only be fulfilled through the proach to the anger and anguish of proclamation of the divinely revealed is something more than taste or remarriage, contraception and preference or opinion. fidelity to the priesthood. women...And it is important for.us to truth in all its integrity, with all its say clearly that the issue of women in power, with all its demands and in all "TO SOME ALL this seemed to the church is a challenging and its purity," said Archbishop Quinn. "THERE IS truth, and truth makes claims on us which cannot be clash with the warm, dynamic creative opportunity to be welcomed Pope John Paul has faced the appeased or set aside by terms like personality who easily won the hearts and not a problem to be feared." We wish to thank the committee for engaging us to play for the Archbishop's Presentation Ball, December 13, 1979 at the Indian Creek C.C. May we serve you? make a note News At A Glance "perfection Is not an Atheists Hit Opening Prayer No Papal Visit to Mideast TUCSON, Ariz. -(NC)- The Arizona chapter of VATICAN CITY - (NC)- No plans are currently being American Atheists filed suit in superior court opposing the made for Pope John Paul II to visit the Holy Land at The MUSIC PEOPLE Tucson city council's practice of opening each of its meetings Christmas, according to Vatican and Israeli sources. A 1100 Kane Concourse Bay Harbor Islands, FL with a prayer. The suit was filed when American Atheists number of unconfirmed news reports said the pope had (305) 861-8000 founder, Madalyn Murray O'Hair, was in Tucson for a visit. planned to celebrate Christmas Eve Mass in Bethlehem. 20,000 At Papal Mass HUMMEL Mexico City Religious Needs ROME —(NC)— About 20,000 railway workers from throughout Italy were at a special Mass Celebrated by Pope MEXICO CITY —(NC)— Thegrowing population and John Paul II on a platform constructed between train tracks physical expansion of Mexico City means the religious needs at Rome's huge central station. The pope had ridden a train of its 10 million people are also increasing. The present 300 from Vatican City to the central station as part of a belated parishes are not enough to serve the Catholic population and celebration of Italy's Train Day. leaders are trying to reorganize this spiritual complex. Florida's Largest Hummel Dealer Theologian Quizzed In Rome HUMMEL For The Holidays Abortion Act in England All figurines and plates' (1971-1979). A Dutch theologian, Father Edward Schillebeeckx, has In stock. 1978-1979. LONDON -(NO- The General Synod of the Church Hummel Bell, Nativity. Available open been called to Rome to explain his teachings to the Vatican's stock. We ship anywhere in U.S. of England voted Nov. 7 by a substantial majority to give Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, according to qualified support to a bill aimed at tightening up the 1967 several press reports. Father Schillebeeckx, a specialist in Abortion Act. The bill, introduced by Conservative Party This i\ dogma and sacramental theology, was major contributor to member of Parliament John Corrie, reduces the time limit for the controversial "Dutch Catechism" issued several years abortions from 28 to 20 weeks of pregnancy and makes the Gifts • Party Goods • Greeting ago by the Dutch bishops. Cards • 3830 W Broward Blvd. legality of abortion depend on "grave risk" to the mother's Ccr. Rt. 441. Ft. Lauderdale. life or "substantial risk" to her physical or mental health or Phone: 58^6019 that of existing children. John Carroll U. President CLEVELAND - Jesuit Father Thomas P. O'Malley, Mother Teresa Cites Gandhi 49, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Boston College, has been named the 20th president of John Carroll CALCUTTA, India -(NC)- Mother Teresa of University in Cleveland. He will succeed Father Henry F. Calcutta was given a public reception by the West Bengal Birkenhauer next May. state government to honor her for winning the Nobel Peace Prize. In thanking to her hosts, Mother Teresa referred to the Test Tube Baby Clinic words of Mahatma Gandhi: "He who serves the poor serves God." NORFOLK, Va. — (NC)— Advocates of a proposed in vitro fertilization laboratory in Norfolk — the nation's first "test tube baby" clinic— have failed to come up with satisfactory answers to serious questions, a public hearing Oldest Prelate Marks 102nd has been told: Father Vincent G. Connery of Norfolk, representing Bishop Walter F.
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