TAJIKISTAN CLIMATE FACTS AND POLICY POLICIES AND PROCESSES 8 MILLION tCO2e Policy framework National climate change action plan (2003, requires update) 1 TONNE PER CAPITA National climate change and health strategy (2011) National adaptation strategy 2016-2030 (under development) National strategies and programmes on glaciers, energy efficiency, small-scale hydropower, disaster risk reduction, forests Participant of the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience since 2009 Limited consideration of climate change concerns in legislation and sub-laws 2020 targets NAMAs on energy and forestry 2030 targets and INDC Mitigation Base year and GHG emissions level: 1990, 25.5 million tonnes Unconditional target 2030: not to exceed 80-90 per cent of 1990 level, 1.7-2.2 tonnes CO2-eqv per capita Conditional target 2030: not to exceed 65-75 per cent of 1990 level, 1.2-1.7 tonnes CO2-eqv per capita 8.3 1,114 Adaptation priorities MILLION US $ POPULATION PER CAPITA Agriculture, irrigation and water systems 38% GDP Power engineering and industrial facilities OF TOTAL ENERGY Transport and residential infrastructure CONSUMPTION FROM Economy-wide climate resilience and disaster risk reduction FOSSIL FUELS Adaptation of globally significant biodiversity to climate change Monitoring and conservation of glaciers and water resources Occupational safety, maternity and childhood protection in a warming climate Sources: latest national GHG inventory data (2010-2014) or estimates based on INDCs (2014-2015); population, energy and GHG inventory and projections economic data (2012-2014) from the World Historical time series (1990-2010) and projections in the third national communication to UNFCCC Development Indicators of the World Bank GHG emissions from coal power, cement production and agriculture expected to grow http://data.worldbank.org/indicator No advanced MRV and GHG scenario modelling established yet CLIMATE ACTIONS Low GHG emissions 1 tonne CO2-eqv per person, total 2010 emissions (8 million tonnes): one third of the 1990 level Strong decline in the energy-use sector, growth in the share of non-CO2 emissions Plans for large and small hydropower and coal-power development Significant role of land use and forests in GHG balance Considerable action on adaptation at various levels Major international investments to agriculture and hydropower climate resiliency and disaster risk reduction Local adaptation actions, climate-proofing of the new infrastructure built with international donor support Regional actions Contributor to the Aral Sea Basin Program Promoter of global and regional freshwater initiatives Environment, climate change and hydrology cooperation with Afghanistan CLIMATE FINANCE Limited national resources Sufficient for soft measures (legal, institutional) but inadequate for tangible action Significant role of international climate investments About US $150-200 million in loans and grants for climate-relevant actions EBRD and EIB funding Kairakkum hydropower station rehabilitation and climate-proofing Solid waste management in the main cities of Tajikistan Public transport and improved water supply Rehabilitation of power network Global Environment Facility Sustainable urban transport, development of small-scale hydropower, sustainable watershed management and agro-biodiversity adaptation to climate change (UNDP, World Bank) Other sources and channels Climate Investments Funds, World Bank, ADB, bilateral (Germany, Finland, Switzerland) KAZAKHSTAN Tashkent Shardara Jalal-Abad Shardara Res. Angren Namangan Chatyr-Kol Andijan KAZAKHSTAN AlmaliqTashkent Ferghana Valley a Shardara ry Da Marghilan OshJalal-Abad S r Kokand Shardara Res. y Angren y Aydar Lake r S Namangan Chatyr-Kol D a Kayrakum Res. r Andijan y Ferghana a Almaliq Khujand Ferghana Valley UZBEKISTAN a Isfarary KYRGYZSTAN Da UZB Marghilan Osh S r Kokand Wuqia y y UZB shga Aydar LakeJizzax r S Ka r D Batken Sary-Tash a Kayrakum Res. r Istaravshan y Ferghana a IsfanaKhujand TJK Suu UZBEKISTAN KYRGYZSTANKyzyl- Isfara UZB Wuqia Jizzax UZB Kashgar Batken Sary-Tash Istaravshan Ayni Isfana su uu CHINA Panjakent Zaravshan TJK hob Muk yzyl-S Surk K Garm Karakul Ayni Dushanbe u Panjakent Zaravshan Kh ob Muks CHINA ingo urkh Yavan Rogun b S Dushanbe Garm Qala-i Khumb Karakul Vahdat Lake Sarez Murghab Dushanbe Murghab Nurek Res. K j A hin n h q Denov go a s Yavans b u h Rogun P Pamir k g a Danghara n Dushanbe V Qala-i Khumb rta Ba Lake Sarez Murghab Vahdat Kulob Gunt u Yashil-Kul Murghab Nurekls Res. j A h i n q a Denov iz a s y s K u r h P Pamir a Qurghonteppak g d a Danghara n n K V ta ir a o r m h f a a KhorogB a k Kulob t P r r un n G u i S h o u Yashil-Kul n ils Kokcha Wakhan a iz y K Termizr Feyzabad nj a Qurghonteppa Pa d n K ir a A o m h f m a Khorog a k P r u r u D n i S a h ry o a n K AFGHANISTANKokch akhan u a PAKISTANW Termiz n j l du K Feyzabad an ra z h P it 0 100 km Mazar-e Sharif an h A Kunduz ab C m ad u Map produced by ZOÏ Environment Network, November 2015 Da ry a K AFGHANISTAN u PAKISTAN n l du K ra z h it 0 100 km Fossil fuelMazar-e energy Sharif installations and carbon emissionsan Renewable energy installationsh and plans Kunduz abad C Energy and emissions Map produced by ZOÏ Environment Network, November 2015 CO2 emissions from thermal power plants, million tons per year: Wind park Solar park Hydropower plant Fossil fuel energy installations and carbon emissions Renewable energy installations and plans 0.5 - 1 Thermal power-plant (coal/oil/gas) Installed capacity: less than 0.5 CO2 emissions from thermal power plants, million tons per year: Wind park Solar park Hydropower plant Less than 50 MW 0.5 - 1 Thermal power-plant (coal/oil/gas) Installed capacity: less than 0.5 Less than 50 MW Policies and institutions Tajikistan has not yet developed comprehensive legislation on As a landlocked and impoverished mountain country acting as a climate protection and in general climate is not yet reflected water tower and possessing large potential hydropower resources, in environmental, air pollution or energy laws. The country is Tajikistan shares interests with similar mountain countries, especially nevertheless one of the regional pioneers in adaptation planning, its closest neighbours - Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan - and sees itself and has produced a national climate change action plan (2003) as part of an interest group with respect to international climate change and a national climate and health strategy (2011). Currently, processes. The promotion of a global fund for the preservation of a national climate adaptation strategy is in the final stages of glaciers is one particular high-level interest in the country. development. The country is implementing diverse project-based climate actions at various levels with donor support, focusing on The leading authorities with climate decision-making responsibilities climate resiliency. include the Executive Office of the President (responsible for monitoring, coordination and supervision of line ministries), the Tajikistan consistently expresses the importance of hydropower Committee for Environmental Protection (focal point to GEF and and energy security and the need to overcome an energy crisis GCF) and its Agency on Hydrometeorology (focal point to the in its public statements, including at the United Nations Climate UNFCCC). The Ministry of Energy and Water Resources is one of Summits in September 2014 and September 2015. In order the key players in climate investments. NGOs are active promoters to respond more effectively to the energy crisis, UNDP has of innovations and international developments in domestic climate established information and an institutional system of energy actions and policy though the climate change network - TajCCN. They crisis early warning. often work on practical local activities, education and awareness. KAZAKHSTAN Tashkent Shardara Shardara Res. Jalal-Abad Angren Namangan Chatyr-Kol KAZAKHSTAN Andijan AlmaliqTashkent Ferghana Valley Shardara Shardara Res. a ry Jalal-Abad Da Kokand Marghilan Osh S Angren r Namangan Chatyr-Kol y y Aydar Lake r S D a Kayrakum Res. Andijan r y Almaliq Ferghana a Khujand Ferghana Valley ya UZBEKISTAN ar KYRGYZSTAN Isfara D Kokand Marghilan Osh S yr Aydar Lake y S UZB Wuqia r UZB shg Jizzax D Ka ar a Kayrakum Res. r Batken Sary-Tash yIstaravshan Ferghana a IsfanaKhujand UZBEKISTAN uu TJK KYRGYZSTANyzyl-S Isfara UZB K Wuqia Jizzax UZB Kashgar Batken Sary-Tash Istaravshan Ayni Isfana uu TJK su yzyl-S Karakul CHINA Panjakent Zaravshan hob Muk K Surk Zaravshan Garm Ayni su Karakul CHINA Panjakent Zaravshan hob Muk Khin Surk Zaravshan gob Dushanbe Rogun Garm Pamir Qala-i Khumb M Vahdat Lake Sarez urghab Khi Murghab ng j A Nurek Res. ob n q Denov a Pamir s Rogun P u Dushanbe h g s Qala-i Khumb n h a M k rt Lake Sarez urgh a Vahdat a ab V Danghara Kulob B Gunt Murghab j A Nureku Res. n Yashil-Kul q Denov ils a s a iz P u y h K g r s n a Qurghonteppah a d k t K r n a a a o Southern V Danghara Kulob B h f nt ir a Khorog k Gu m r r a n P u i Tajikistan Yashil-Kul S h su o il a n iz Kokch khan y K a Wa A Termizr m a Qurghonteppa Feyzabad nj d a u K P D n a a o Southern r h f ir y a Khorog a k m r r a n P u i Tajikistan S h o n AFGHANISTANKokcha Wakhan Am Termiz Feyzabad nj PAKISTAN u K K Pa l D u h ra ar n a it 0 100 km yMazar-ea Sharif d n h u Kunduz ab C z ad Map produced by ZOÏ Environment Network, November 2015 AFGHANISTAN PAKISTAN K K l u h ra n a it 0 100 km Mazar-eProjected Sharif shifts in seasonal hydrologyd and growing n Environmentally sensitive and stressedh regions u
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