religions ArticleArticle ArticleMedievalMedieval Muslim Muslim Cuisine Cuisine as as A AReal-Life Real-Life Foundation Foundation Medievalforfor the the Meat Muslim Meat and and CuisineMilk Milk Prohibition Prohibition as A Real-Life in in Ibn Ibn Foundation Ezra’s Ezra’s forBiblical theBiblical Meat Commentary Commentary and Milk Prohibition in Ibn Ezra’s Biblical Commentary AbrahamAbraham Ofir Ofir Shemesh Shemesh AbrahamIsraelIsrael Heritage Ofir Heritage Shemesh Department, Department, Ariel Ariel University, University, Kiriat Kiriat HaMada‘a, HaMada‘a, Ariel Ariel 40700, 40700, Israel; Israel; [email protected]; [email protected]; IsraelTel.: HeritageTel.: +972-058-7923033 +972-058-7923033 Department, Ariel University, Kiriat HaMada‘a, Ariel 40700, Israel; [email protected]; Tel.: +972-058-7923033 Received:Received: 14 May 14 May 2018; 2018; Accepted: Accepted: 23 May 23 May 2018; 2018; Published: Published: 27 May 27 May 2018 2018 Received: 14 May 2018; Accepted: 23 May 2018; Published: 27 May 2018 Abstract:Abstract: In his In biblicalhis biblical commentary, commentary, R. Abraham R. Abraham Ibn IbnEzra Ezra (c. 1090–1164) (c. 1090–1164) occasionally occasionally voices voices the the Abstract:contentioncontentionIn his that biblical that the language,the commentary, language, culture, culture, R. and Abraham and life-style life-style Ibn of Ezra the of Muslimthe (c. 1090–1164)Muslim world world are occasionally capableare capable of voicescontributing of contributing the contentionto ourto ourunderstanding that understanding the language, of contemporary of culture, contemporary and life-styleaspects aspects of of biblical theof biblical Muslim stories stories world and and laws. are laws. capable The Thecurrent of current contributing paper paper deals deals to ourwith understandingwith the theinfluence influence of contemporaryIslamic of Islamic culinary culinary aspects art inart ofmedieval in biblical medieval times stories times on and Ibnon laws. IbnEzra’s Ezra’s The Biblical current Biblical commentary paper commentary deals on on withthe the meatthe influence meat and and milk of milk ban. Islamic ban. Ibn culinaryIbnEzra Ezra claims artclaims inthat medieval that the retheality re timesality of the onof Arabthe Ibn Arab Ezra’s kitchen, kitchen, Biblical which which commentary includes includes the onBiblethe Bible thelands, meatlands, andpreserves milkpreserves ban. the Ibntheancient Ezraancient claimsways ways of that eating. of the eating. reality Thus, Th of weus, the wecan Arab canunderstand kitchen, understand which the theBible includes Bible ban thebanin BibleMuslimin Muslim lands,cuisine. preservescuisine. According According the ancient to theto ways themedieval ofmedieval eating. dietary Thus, dietary approach, we approach, can understand cooking cooking themeat Biblemeat and banand milk in milk Muslimis recommended is recommended cuisine. Accordingbecausebecause toboth the both products medieval products have dietary have similar approach,similar properties. properties. cooking The meat Thmeate meat and of young milk of young is goat recommended goat healthier healthier than because than lamb lamb both meat, meat, productsso itso is haveitcommon is common similar to cook properties.to cook it. Muslims it. Muslims The meatbelieve believe of youngthat that the goat kidthe healthierofkid a ofgoat a goat is than better is lambbetter cooked meat, cooked in so its itin own is its common own mother’s mother’s to cookmilk,milk, it.because Muslims because the believe twothe two products that products the derive kid derive of from a goat from the is samethe better same origin. cooked origin. in its own mother’s milk, because the two products derive from the same origin. Keywords:Keywords: biblical biblical commentary; commentary; Islamic Islamic culinary; culinary; Abraham Abraham Ibn IbnEzra; Ezra; Arab Arab kitchen; kitchen; kid kidin itsin its Keywords:mother’smother’sbiblical milk; milk; commentary;milk milk and and meat; Islamic meat; Jewish culinary;Jewish food; Abrahamfood; Maimonides; Maimonides; Ibn Ezra; humora Arab humora kitchen;lism;lism; doctrine kid doctrine in its of mother’s theof thefour four milk;temperaments milktemperaments and meat; Jewish food; Maimonides; humoralism; doctrine of the four temperaments 1. Introduction1. Introduction1. Introduction R. AbrahamR. AbrahamR. Abraham Ibn Ibn Ezra IbnEzra (c. Ezra (c. 1090–1164) 1090–1164) (c. 1090–1164) was was bornwas born born in in Toledo, Toledo, in Toledo, in in MuslimMuslim in Muslim Spain.Spain. Spain. He lived He lived in in Spain Spainin Spain for for forthe the thefirst first first five five fivedecades decades decades of of his of his life,his life, life,and and and during during during this this thisperiod, period, period, he hetravelled he travelledtravelled to different toto differentdifferent countries countries in North in North NorthAfrica,Africa, Africa, such such such as Tunisia,as as Tunisia, Tunisia, Morocco, Morocco, Morocco, and and Algeria. and Algeria. Algeria. Following Following Following the theoccupation the occupation occupation of Al-Andalus of ofAl-Andalus Al-Andalus (Muslim (Muslim -tribes) tribestribes in 1090, inin 1090,1090, and and and then then then the the theAl-Mohads Al-Mohads Al-Mohads (al- (al (مرابطون) n¯مرابطونMuslimSpainSpain Spainor Islamicor orIslamic Islamic Iberia) Iberia) Iberia) by theby by theMur the Mur Murābiṭāūabi¯bin ṭt.(ūun) in 1145, many Jews and Christians, among them Ibn Ezra, were compelled to (الموحدون Muwaḥḥ ḥḥidūn in 1145, many Jews and Christians, among them IbnIbn Ezra,Ezra, werewere compelledcompelled to (الموحدون al-MuwaMuwah. h.ididūun¯n) to migratemigrate toto Christian Christianto Christian countries.countries. countries. ForFor theForthe next thenext next three thr eethr decades decadesee decades he he travelled travelledhe travelled to to Christian Christianto Christian countries countries countries in in in westernwesternwestern Europe—Italy, Europe—Italy, Europe—Italy, France, France, France, and and England—where and England—where England—where he he utilized utilized he utilized the the knowledge knowledgethe knowledge he he had had he amassed had amassed amassed in in in hishis youth youthhis youth and and adulthood andadulthood adulthood to to interpret interpret to interpret biblical biblical biblical literatureliteratu literature (on(onre Ibn(onIbn Ezra’sIbn Ezra’s date date of of birth birthof birth and and andbiography, biography, biography, see see see(Veizer (Veizer(Veizer 1976, 1976 1976, pp., pp. 7–51;pp. 7–51; 7–51; Levine Levine Levine 1970, 19701970, pp., 9–46;pp. pp. 9–46; 9–46;Melame Melame Melamedd 1978,d 1978, vol. 1978 vol.II,, pp. vol. II, 519–20;pp. II, 519–20; pp. Kislev 519–20; Kislev 2009,Kislev 2009, pp. 282–97)).pp. 2009 282–97))., pp.Ibn 282–97)). IbnEzra, Ezra, an Ibn intellectualan Ezra, intellectual an intellectualand and fertile fertile andman man fertileof science, of manscience, ofengaged science, engaged in engaged varied in varied fields: in variedfields: biblical biblical fields: commentary, biblicalcommentary, commentary,linguistics,linguistics, philosophy, linguistics, philosophy, philosophy,liturgical liturgical poems,liturgical poems, mathematics, mathematics, poems, mathematics,astronomy, astronomy, and astronomy, and astrology astrology (Zarfati and (Zarfati astrology 1968, 1968, pp. pp. (Zarfati130–55;130–55; 1968 Langermann, pp. Langermann 130–55; 1993,Langermann 1993, pp. pp.28–85; 1993 28–85; ,Goldsstein pp. Goldsstein 28–85; Goldsstein1996, 19 96,pp. pp. 9–21;1996 9–21;, pp.Sela 9–21;Sela 1999, 1999,Sela pp. 1999 pp.72–85;, pp.72–85; Sela 72–85; Sela and and SelaFreudenthal andFreudenthal Freudenthal 2006, 2006, pp.2006 pp.13–55;, pp. 13–55; 13–55;Simon Simon Simon 2013). 2013). 2013 ). In severalIn severalIn several places places in places his in biblical hisin hisbiblical commentary, biblical commentary, commentary, Ibn Ezra Ibn notes IbnEzra the Ezra notes methodological notes the themethodological methodological principle whereby principle principle thewhereby language,whereby the culture, thelanguage, language, and life culture, customs culture, and of and life Muslim lifecustoms customs society of mightMuslim of Muslim be society used society to might understand might be usedbe realistic used to understand to aspects understand of biblicalrealisticrealistic stories aspects aspects and of laws. biblicalof biblical In hisstories variousstories and interpretations,and laws. laws. In hisIn hisvarious Ibn various Ezra interpretations, presents interpretations, the following Ibn IbnEzra Ezra insights:presents presents the the followingfollowing insights: insights: (1) The customs and material culture of the Arabs reflect biblical reality, since the countries of (1) The customs and material culture of the Arabs reflect biblical reality, since the countries of the (1)the The Bible, customs including and material Eretz Israel, culture are of located the Arabs in the re Arabflect biblical region, reality, while Christian since the countriescountries areof the Bible, including Eretz Israel, are located in the Arab region, while Christian countries are of a different Bible,of a including different Eretz cultural Israel, division are located and therefore in the Arab cannot region, serve while as Christian a basis for countries reaching are conclusions of a different ReligionsconcerningReligions 2018 ,2018 9, x; life, doi:9, inx; FORdoi: biblical FORPEER PEER timesREVIEW REVIEW ((Ibn Ezra 1976), Long Commentary
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