Government Gazette Staatskoerant REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA June Vol. 576 Pretoria, 14 2013 Junie No. 36543 N.B. The Government Printing Works will not be held responsible for the quality of “Hard Copies” or “Electronic Files” submitted for publication purposes AIDS HELPLINE: 0800-0123-22 Prevention is the cure 302179—A 36543—1 2 No. 36543 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 14 JUNE 2013 For purposes of reference, all Proclamations, Government Alle Proklamasies, Goewermentskennisgewings, Algemene Notices, General Notices and Board Notices published are Kennisgewings en Raadskennisgewings gepubliseer, word vir included in the following table of contents which thus forms a verwysingsdoeleindes in die volgende Inhoudsopgawe inge- weekly index. Let yourself be guided by the Gazette numbers in sluit wat dus ʼn weeklikse indeks voorstel. Laat uself deur die the righthand column: Koerantnommers in die regterhandse kolom lei: INHOUD CONTENTS en weeklikse Indeks and weekly Index Bladsy Koerant No. No. No. Page Gazette No. No. No. PROKLAMASIES PROCLAMATIONS 17 Mineraal en Petroleum Hulpbronne 17 Mineral and Petroleum Resources Wysigingswet (49/2008): Aanvang: Development Amendment Act (49/2008): Wysiging Proklamasie No. 14 van 2013 Commencement: Amendment of gedateer 31ste Mei 2013 ........................ 4 36541 Proclamation No. 14 of 2013 dated 31st 18 Staatdienswet, 1994: Wysiging van May 2013 ................................................ 3 36541 Bylae 1 .................................................... 8 36543 18 Public Service Act, 1994: Amendment of 19 do.: Wysiging van Deel A van Bylae 3 .... 10 36543 Schedule 1 .............................................. 7 36543 20 Staatdienswysigingswet (30/2007): 19 do.: Amendment of Part A of Schedule 3 9 36543 Inwerkingtreding van sekere bepalings 20 Public Service Amendment Act van die Wet ............................................. 12 36543 (30/2007): Commencement of other GOEWERMENTS- EN ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS provisions of the Act................................ 11 36543 Arbeid, Departement van GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL NOTICES Goewermentskennisgewings R. 382 Labour Relations Act, 1995: Correction Communications, Department of Notice: Hairdressing and Cosmetology Services Bargaining Council (Semi- General Notices National): Extension of collective 581 Independent Communications Authority agreement to non-parties........................ 8 36515 of South Africa Amendment Bill, 2013: R. 383 do: Hairdressing and Cosmetology Publication of explanatory summary ....... 3 36549 Services Bargaining Council Semi- 582 Electronic Communications Amendment National ................................................... 8 36515 Bill, 2013: Publication of explanatory R. 408 Occupational Health and Safety Act summary ................................................. 3 36550 (85/1993): Amendment of the Submis- Electoral Commission sion period of the crystalline silica air monitoring report ..................................... 2 36548 General Notice Algemene Kennisgewings 578 Local Government: Municipal Electoral Act (27/2000): Municipal By-elections: 575 Labour Relations Act (66/1995): List of 3 July 2013: Official list of voting stations 3 36539 bargaining councils that have been accredited by the CCMA for conciliation Energy, Department of and/or arbitration and/or pre-dismissal arbitrations, with the terms of accredita- Government Notices tion attached for the period 1 June 2013 R. 400 Petroleum Products Act (120/1977): to the 31 May 2017 ................................. 3 36533 Regulations in respect of the single 585 Labour Relations Act, 1995: Cancellation maximum national retail price for of registration of a trade union ................ 46 36543 illuminating paraffin ................................. 3 36534 586 do.: Change of name of a bargaining R. 401 do.: Amendment of the regulations in council ..................................................... 47 36543 respect of petroleum products ................ 4 36534 Binnelandse Sake, Departement van R. 402 do.: Maximum retail price for Liquefied Petroleum Gas ........................................ 6 36534 Goewermentskennisgewing 413 Births and Deaths Registration Act Home Affairs, Department of (51/1992): Alteration of surnames........... 13 36543 Government Notice Energie, Departement van 413 Births and Deaths Registration Act (51/1992): Alteration of surnames........... 13 36543 Goewermentskennisgewings Human Settlements, Department of R. 400 Petroleum Products Act (120/1977): Regulations in respect of the single General Notice maximum national retail price for 584 Social Housing Act (16/2008): illuminating paraffin ................................. 3 36534 Nomination of members to serve on the R. 401 do.: Amendment of the regulations in Council of the Social Housing Regulatory respect of petroleum products ................ 4 36534 Authority (SHRA)..................................... 42 36543 R. 402 do.: Maximum retail price for Liquefied Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Petroleum Gas ........................................ 6 36534 Handel en Nywerheid, Departement van General Notices 574 ICASA Act (13/2000): Notice of intention Goewermentskennisgewings to implement a cost to communicate 415 Standards Act, 2008: Standards matters 36 36543 programme.............................................. 3 36532 416 do.: do ..................................................... 40 36543 This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za STAATSKOERANT, 14 JUNIE 2013 No. 36543 3 Page Gazette Bladsy Koerant No. No. No. No. No. No. 577 Eletronic Communications Act (43/2005): Algemene Kennisgewings and ICASA Act (13/2000): Wholesale 592 Competition Tribunal: Notification of Broadcasting Transmission Services decision to approve merger: Land and Discussion Document ............................. 3 36537 Agricultural Bank of South Africa and 579 Independent Communications Authority The Operating Lending Book Suidwes of South Africa: Notice of radio frequency Agriculture (Pty) Ltd ............................... 53 36543 spectrum application for an additional 593 do.: do.: Holdco and Lanseria five (5) MHZ TDD block in the 2100 MHz International Airport (Pty) Ltd and band (2010-2015 MHz) by Mobile Execujet Airline Investments (Pty) Ltd .... 53 36543 Telephone Networks (Pty) Ltd................. 3 36540 594 Income Tax Act (58/1962): Section 12I Justice and Constitutional Development, Department of Tax Allowance Programme ..................... 54 36543 595 do.: do ..................................................... 56 36543 Government Notices 596 do.: do ..................................................... 58 36543 597 do.: do ..................................................... 59 36543 R. 381 Debt Collectors Act (114/1998): 598 do.: do ..................................................... 61 36543 Regulations Relating to Debt Collectors, 599 Co-operatives Act, 2005: Co-operatives 2003: Amendment ................................... 4 36515 to be struck off the register ..................... 63 36543 403 Small Claims Courts Act (61/1984): 600 do.: Co-operatives to be removed off the Alteration of the area for which the Small register .................................................... 64 36543 Claims Court for Pietermaritzburg was 601 do.: do ..................................................... 65 36543 established as published in Government 602 do.: do ..................................................... 66 36543 Notice No. 2096 of 20 September 1985, 603 do.: do ..................................................... 67 36543 as amended by Government Notice No. 1743 of 26 June 1992, as amended by Justisie en Staatkundige Ontwikkeling, Departement van Government Notice No. 324 of 19 March 2004, as amended by Government Goewermentskennisgewings Notice No. 528 of 13 July 2012: R. 381 Debt Collectors Act (114/1998): Establishment of a Small Claims Court Regulations Relating to Debt Collectors, for the area of Camperdown ................... 3 36536 2003: Amendment ................................... 4 36515 404 do.: Establishment of a Small Claims 403 Small Claims Courts Act (61/1984): Court for the area of Mooi River ............. 4 36536 Alteration of the area for which the Small 405 do.: Establishment of Small Claims Claims Court for Pietermaritzburg was Courts for the areas of Mkobola established as published in Government kwaMhlanga, Mdutjana and Mbibana Notice No. 2096 of 20 September 1985, and withdrawal of Government Notice as amended by Government Notice No. No. 1162 of 15 August 2003 ................... 5 36536 1743 of 26 June 1992, as amended by 406 do.: Establishment of a Small Claims Government Notice No. 324 of 19 March Courts for the area of Middledrift ............ 6 36536 2004, as amended by Government 407 do.: Establishment of Small Claims Notice No. 528 of 13 July 2012: Courts for the areas of Ladybrand and Establishment of a Small Claims Court Clocolan and withdrawal of Government for the area of Camperdown ................... 3 36536 Notice No. 2860 of 29 December 1989 .. 7 36536 404 do.: Establishment of a Small Claims 414 Amendment of the Practice Rules of the Court for the area of Mooi River ............. 4 36536 Free State Provincial Division ................. 34 36543 405 do.: Establishment of Small Claims Labour, Department of Courts for the areas of Mkobola kwaMhlanga, Mdutjana and Mbibana Government Notices and withdrawal of Government Notice R. 382 Labour Relations Act, 1995: Correction
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