512000 516000 520000 524000 528000 532000 536000 9°12'0"E 9°16'0"E 9°20'0"E 9°24'0"E Glide Num ber: N/A Activa tion ID: EMSN-048 P roduct N.: 03BU DDU SO, v1, English Budduso - Italy Flood Risk Assessment Transportation Network Vulnerability to disruption Map - Overview P roduction da te: 02/02/2018 Tempio Pausania Tempio Tempio PausTaenmiapiToempTieompio Bortigiadas Calangianus Telti Tempio Pausania San Pausania Olbia PausanPiauPsaaunsiaania Teodoro Perfugas TempiIotaly San Pausania Teodoro 0 0 Rome 0 0 Erula Berchidda Monti Olbia 0 0 4 4 0 0 San 5 5 4 4 Sa rdinia Teodoro Tula Padru Oschiri Budoni Alà dei Sardi Torpè Posada Ozieri 3000 Pattada Buddusò Lodè Nughedu Onani Siniscola N " di San 0 N ' Osidda " 0 Nicolò 0 ' 4 Bitti ° 0 0 4 Bultei ° Onifai 4 Nule Lula 0 Irgoli 4 2000 Bono Anela Orune Orosei Bottidda Benetutti Galtelli Loculi Cartographic Information Budduso 1:40.000 Full color A1, low resolution (100dpi) 0 0,5 1 2 3 4 K m 0 0 0 0 Grid: W GS 84 / U TM zone 32N m a p coordina te system 0 0 0 Ala dei Sardi 0 Tick m a rks: W GS 84 geogra phica l coordina te system 0 0 5 5 4 4 748,07 Legend Vulnerability Level Utilities Populated places V ery low Electricity grid V illa ge Low Hydrography Physiography Medium R iver Spot heights High Strea m Ca na l Points Of Interest Hospita l Q ua rry 963,62 P olice Industria l fa cilities Electricity infra structure 712,07 Educa tion Sports W ind turbines Services a rea W a ter infra structure W a ste trea tm ent infra structure 680,12 708,08 Consequences within the AOI Vulnerability Level 0 0 0 0 Transportation Network (km) Very Low Low Medium High Very High 0 0 6 6 9 9 Primary 24,37 1,42 1,04 - - 4 4 4 4 Secondary 13,78 0,01 - - - Tertiary 6,71 - - - - 673,47 Local and service 24,96 23,98 12,89 3,47 - Other 142,94 4,14 0,03 - - Bridges (Nr) 17 5 4 - - Tunnel (Nr) 3 1 - - - N " N 0 ' " 6 0 ' 3 6 ° 3 0 ° 4 0 4 Map Information The purpose of the requested m a pping is to genera te com prehensive knowledge through perform ing post-disa ster situa tion a na lysis concerning flood events tha t occurred, within Ja nua ry 18 to Ja nua ry 22, 2017, within two m a in Sa rdinia ’s rivers flow (Tirso a nd Cedrino) a nd specifica lly a ddresses four (4) sub AOIs in Sa rdinia (IT). The results refer to risk a ssessm ent products; vulnera bility, da m a ge a nd risk m a pping. Towa rds a dequa te disa ster recovery a ctivities, efficient support a nd inform ed decision m a king of the involved sta keholders, a retrospective flood m a pping (spa tia l extent of the floods), linked with the flooding event, wa s rea lized within the Orosei sub Area a ccom pa nied by risk a nd da m a ge (sector wise) a ssessm ents. For the rem a ining sub a rea s, nea r to Buddusò, Oliena a nd Otta na a gglom era tions, risk a nd vulnera bility a ssessm ent wa s a pplied. K ey user of the geospa tia l inform a tion a nd the rela ted m a p series is the Na tiona l Civil 984,8 P rotection, P residenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, the na tiona l body in Ita ly tha t dea ls with 892,66 the prediction, prevention a nd m a na gem ent of exceptiona l events. 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 9 9 4 4 Data Sources 4 Budduso 4 Inset maps based on: 969,77 The im a ges cover the selected Area of Interest, a nd consist of: P LEIADES © CNES (2017), distributed by Airbus DS., a cquired on 18 a nd 16.09.2017 a nd 09.05.2017, GSD 0.5 m , ~ 0% cloud covera ge, a ll provided under COP ER NICU S by the Europea n U nion a nd ESA, a ll rights reserved. Vector layers: Tra nsporta tion, hydrogra phy a nd Buildings Footprints © OpenStreetMa p Contributors da ta , duly upda ted/ digitized/ refined, on the ba sis of the sa tellite da ta photointerpreta tion | Ca rta dell' U so del Suolo 2008 © Sa rdegna Geoporta le (La nd U se Da ta Ba se a t 25k sca le)| BDGT10K 2006 © Sa rdegna Geoporta le (Geo-topogra phic Da ta Ba se a t 10k sca le)|DEM SAR 10m © Sa rdegna Geoporta le) | Census 2011 © ISTAT (Census da ta a t census block level). The da ta provided is subject to the term s outlined in the a rra ngem ents concerning a ccess to a uthorita tive geospa tia l reference da ta for Copernicus em ergency m a na gem ent service. Dissemination/Publication The products (m a ps) a re a va ila ble through the EMS Copernicus P orta l a t the following U R L: http://em ergency.eu/m a pping/list-of/com ponents/048. Delivery form a ts a re GeoP DF, GeoJP EG a nd vectors (ESR I GDB form a t). No restrictions on the publica tion of the m a pping a pply. Framework The products ela bora ted in the fra m ework of the current R isk a nd R ecovery m a pping a ctiva tion a re rea lised to the best of our a bility. All geogra phic inform a tion ha s lim ita tions due to sca le, resolution, da te a nd interpreta tion of the origina l da ta sources. The products 0 0 0 0 a re com plia nt with the Copernicus EMS R isk a nd R ecovery P roduct P ortfolio specifica tions. 0 0 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 Map Production The m a p shows the a ssessm ent of the vulnera bility of the tra nsporta tion network for a specific a rea (m a p index), within the Ita lia n territory. The estim a tion of the vulnera bility is N " obta ined through a n index ba sed on the tra nsporta tion ca pa city of ea ch roa d segm ent a nd N 0 ' " on the residents who live on both sides of the street. The resulting vulnera bility ha s been 2 0 ' 3 2 ° cla ssified in five ca tegories (very low, low, m edium , high, very high). 3 0 ° 4 The estim a ted geom etric a ccura cy of the im a ges is 1.25 m , from na tive positiona l a ccura cy 0 4 of the ba ckground sa tellite im a ge, com plia nt with JR C requirem ents for the present sca le ca rtogra phy. The estim a ted them a tic a ccura cy of this product is 85% or better, ba sed on interna l va lida tion procedures a nd visua l interpreta tion of recogniza ble item s on very high resolution optica l im a gery. The sta tistica l ta ble included in the m a p shows the roa d segm ents a t va rious vulnera bility levels. Contact The m a p wa s produced (under the Service Contra ct nr. 259811 of the Europea n Com m ission) on 02/02/2018 by GEOAP IK ONISIS (EL) – NOA (EL) – CIMA (IT) – TR E ALTAMIR A (ES). Na m e of the relea se inspector (qua lity control): JR C. E-m a il: em s-risk-recovery-m a [email protected] .eu http://em ergency.copernicus.eu/m a pping 9°12'0"E 9°16'0"E 9°20'0"E 9°24'0"E 512000 516000 520000 524000 528000 532000 536000.
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