T h e Ia w r e n t ia n VOL. XLIII. No. 4. LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WIS. Thursday, October 22, 1925 Phi Taus Have 100% Students No Longer Must Full Program Y.M.C.A. Membership 5,000 Attend Dedication Tread Path of Darkness Rival Teams At last, after a year of darkness in Only one fraternity on the campus, Phi Kappa Tau, thus far reports a 100 which Lawrence students and Apple­ of Events For Dedication of of Methodist ton citizens stumbled through bushes To Settle Old pcrcent membership in the recent col­ and mud puddles with fear of broken lege Y.M.C.A. campaign. Others re­ necks, the lights once again shine port close to that goal, while some Whiting Field Church Sunday forth in front of Main Hall. Feud Saturday Homecoming have not yet made a definite report. About fifteen years ago the city More than 20 members of the faculty Lawrence Loses First Conference Four Services Planned for Sunday— agreed to furnish the light in front First Homecoming Game in Two Years Mass Meeting, Parade, Lawrence-Rip­ have joined, and the freshmen at Bro­ Game to Coe—Game Featured Dr. D. O. Kinsman Chairman of this building if the college would —Game Expected to be as Ex­ on Game, Housewarming and kaw responded nobly with about 100 By But One Touchdown of General Committee supply the fixtures. This plan proved citing as Game of ’27 College Dance new members. These reports have successful until one year ago when been ascertained from William Stein­ By “ Cinky” Dedication services and recitals in the city decided not to light the cam­ The feature attraction of homecom­ Saturday will see the first homecom­ berg, ’26, treasurer, who is checking Before a crowd of 5,000 that had connection with the opening of the pus. They based their action on the ing will be the resumption of that ing game under the regime of the new up the results of the campaign, pre­ gathered to witness the Whiting Ath­ new First Methodist church are being supposition that they were furnishing age-old fued betweeu Ripon and Law­ president an»l the first to be played on dicts that the final results will show letic Field dedication, Coe College of held throughout the latter part of this light to a private institution and only rence college football teams, and this the new athletic field. In several ways one of the most sucessful “ Y” cam Iowa lowered the standard of the week, culminating in the formal dedi­ tor the use of the students. As a re­ year bids fair to return either of the this year's homecoming contrasts with paigns ever staged on the Lawrence Blue and White 6 to 0 in its first con­ cation and consecration, Sunday, Oct. sult of this great inconvenience a two schools as the victor for another the last one, which was the last one campus. Mr. Steinberg requests that ference game of the season. The game 25. Coming as it does with Homecom­ committee composed of President year.! Neither team has an edge on under the regime of 1 resident Plantz, all men who, during the recent chapel was preceded by a huge procession ing, an especially large attendance is Henry Wriston, Dr. Francis Ingler the other, and the battle that will the last one played on the old athletic exercises, expressed their intention of led by the college and the Artillery expected at the various programs. and a trustee, James A. Wood, inter­ rage may take on the aspect of that field. It was played against the same joining the “ Y” and who have not bands, formed on the playing field, Plans for these exercises are being viewed the city officials this fall. They memorable contest four years ago, opponent, Ripon. yet paid the membership fees, should which with Mr. Whiting’s kick-off at taken care of by a large general com­ had gathered accurate information, when the two schools battled to with­ Festivities start off with a big mass- report to him at once. meeting in the chapel at 7:30 Friday the start of the game, constituted the m ittee of which Dr. I). O. Kinsman is which they presented to the city, in six minutes of the final whistle be­ night. Dr. Wrist on. Coach Catlin, dedication ceremony. chairman. Other Lawrence faculty showing that, as a matter of faet, fore the Lawrentians succeeding in Captain Briese, and several others will Artist Series to The game started off with Lawrence members serving on various commit­ more citizens than students use the piercing the Ripen line and wading give short talks, which will be follow- kicking to Coe. The kick-off was run tee's, are Dr. Wilson S. Naylor, Dean campus walk at night. After care­ through to a touchdown. back to the 30 yard line, after which F. M. Ingler, Prof. John C. Lvmer, ful consideration the eitv agreed to It will mark the first homecoming Present Katheryn game in two years; at that time Rip­ FRIDAY Coe proceeded by end runs and lineDr. L. A. Youtz, and Olin A. Mead, furnish the light again. As “ light is bucks to work the ball down the field, on was also the opponent. Last year’s 1:00 P. M. Meisle October 28 registrar of the college. Dr. Otho P. our Lawrence watchword” we are and before the Catlinmen began to homecoming was postponed because of Registration of alumni. Fairfield is the author of the descrip­ now able to enjoy it in its literal realize what it was all about, had the sudden death of the late Presi­ 5:00 P. M. Patrons of the Community Artist tion of the church, appearing in the sense with the citizens of Appleton. reached their 30 yard line. Here the dent Plantz. Then too, the game w'ill Judging of nouse decorations. Series will have the opportunity to Dedication bulletin. team took a brace and gaining po- prove itself an outlet for all the ten­ 7:30 P. M. hear Miss Katheryn Meisle, leading This evening, the mammoth organ, session of the ball on downs, pushed sion of a year, the result of the 7 to Mass Meeting in Lawrence Mem­ contralto of the Chicago Civic Opera the largest in the state of Wisconsin, Green Cap Rule it back, bv the gains of Briese and 7 tie at Ripon last fall. orial Chapel. Coinj>aiiy, in a song recital at Law­ will be dedicated in a recital by Prof. With hope gone for a perfect rating rence Memorial Chapel, October 28, at Nobles to the 50 yard line before be­ Albert Riemenschneider, organist and Being Violated by SATURDAY in the Midwest conference, the Cat­ 8:20 o’clock. Miss Meisle it- purely ing forced to punt. The quarter end­ director of music, Calvary Presbyter­ 8:30 A. M. linmen will be fighting to keep a an American product having taken all ed with the ball having been see­ ian church, Cleveland, Ohio, and direc­ Freshmen Gass Registration for alums at Hos­ clean slate in the state conference and her musical training in this country. sawed back and forth in the 40 yard tor of the Baldwin-Wallace conserva­ pitality House. to carry home the state champion­ Her voice is of that rare and fortun­ center section of the field. tory, Berea, Ohio. Thirty-six Freshmen Will Be Par­ 9:00 A. M. At the beginning of the second doned For Violations Only When ship. Ripon and Lawrence now lead ate quality known as a natural con­ A double program is planned for Homecoming parade and award­ quarter, the Lawrentians, not yet ac­ Class of ’29 Enforces Rule the league with one win each, but tralto. Its flexibility and richness of Friday, Oct. 23. A reception and ing of prize for best float. customed to being on the field minus with Carroll running up scores that tone color enable Miss Meisle to ex­ twilight organ recital is arranged es­ 10:00 A M. the services of Weinkauf and Kotal, That this year’s freshman class is make her one of the strongest scoring cel in concert work. pecially for college students from Football at Whiting Field (L and still somewhat hazy from Coe’s sadly negligent in living up to the machines in the conference, Lawrence Aside from her operatic eare*r, 4:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon. A ban­ Frosh vs. Shawano High). march up the field the first quarter, green cap rule, is the conclusion will have to look to her honors to Cross Country Meet (Lawrence Miss Meisle is hailed from coast to quet will be held in the evening, at proved rather unsteady and only reached by the Student Senate follow­ keep on the top. vs. Northwetsern College of coast as an exceptional recital artist. which Dr. Henry M. Wriston will be through the good defensive work of ing a recent investigation of condi­ Ripon Boasts Vets Naperville, HI.) Her season includes engagements with the principal speaker. His subject will the wingtnen, Rteen*land and Bayer, tio n s by it» 1 ra«litions committee. F rom the games that Ri|>on h a s the Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, De­ be “ The Place of the Church in the 2:15 P. M. Nason, halfback, and all-around play­ played so far this year, it can be seen troit, Minneapolis, and Cleveland Modern Community.” The thirty-six freshmen whose Lawrence-Ripon game. ing of Briese, were they saved from that they are not up to the standard symphony orchestras.
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